No need for animal control now! Congress debates a tax credit to pet owners (click Here!)

Excellent news for pet owners out of Washington DC! If this bill should pass (and what doesn't) you will have a $3500.00 tax credit to take care of "Fluffy. This means that no matter how often your pet "goes to jail" in the County you will be able to afford the gas to retrieve it!
Of course you could always keep an eye on your pet and be a responsible pet owner and forget the gas bill, but that might be too much to ask, no?
Memo to the Board Of Alderman: OK people let's get to the vote on this, remove it, and you can move on to much more pressing things, like what your going to do on "make a difference day."
By the way, reference that I have the bill from the Times for the ad, and the letter to Ms. Wagner advising her that it is in, and to pick it up for payment. I do hope it Get's paid as the bill is in the Cities name (you and I,) and I really don't wish to pay out $1407.00 FOR AN AD I DIDN'T ORDER.
Tom Ford
NO. 682
$3500 tax credit for pets??? I could keep my dog in bones (or steaks) for years!!!
But seriously, how in God's green earth does the fed think they are going to pay for this? I understand the desire to stimulate the economy. But programs like this and cash for clunkers are ridiculous.
7:12 PM blogger: These fools are liberals, they don't care how "we" will pay for it, they just operate on the "it feels good theory" (much the same as the animal control volunteers.)
To a liberal, paying for it is secondary as long as they can feel good about what they have done!
As Dame Margret Thatcher said, " The problem with liberals is that sooner or later, they run out of other peoples money."
Tom Ford
hurry up 2010 and 2012, hope you get here in time before all our liberty is gone along with our income.
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