Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Tuesday night BOA meeting, and why it's necessary to ask questions with a F.O.I.A. form! (click here for Ms. Wagner's audio!)

From time to time little anomalies creep into the purchasing of item's, ad's and general things that we the taxpayer don't understand. Such an item cropped up not long ago when a FULL PAGE AD showed up on the back cover of the South County Times.

As citizens who believe in OPEN AND TRANSPARENT GOVERNMENT, a couple of us decided to ask why we were doing this, what it cost, and if we were paying for it. To be sure a simple request, but then we found the City telling us the had nothing to do with it (contrary to the page which said "sponsored by the City of Crestwood.")

Well, that didn't set well with us so a Freedom Of Information Act Form was filed to see to whom the bill was sent. It turned out that the Bill was sent to the City of Crestwood, C /O Ms. Connie Melching. Mr. Jim Eckrige said that the bill was to be paid by others, and I questioned why we have our name on it as if the "others" did not pay it we would be responsible for it, a very fair question, no?

Now we fast forward to Tuesday night's Board meeting where Ms. Carol Wagner become upset at the very thought of anyone filing a FOIA request for PUBLIC INFORMATION! How dare anyone question the validity of the bill, or what went on? Well, Ms. Wagner probably because the bill had the Cities name on it, and it was sent to the city, NOT YOUR GROUP!

I am also told that your up-set with the "wasted time" of our City employees in filling the request. Good for you, but that didn't seem to be an issue when the bill was sent to the City, and the Police secretary had to spend her time sorting out the responses did it.

I for one am amazed that as Chairman of the Civil service board you didn't seem to know that this type of second party billing was in direct violation of the City purchasing policy, and as such never should have been done in the first place! Why do I doubt that I could have anyone at City Hall order me a new Shotgun on the City account, and wait for me to bring in the check? Doesn't sound right when you look at it that way does it Ms. Wagner.

I really have a very simple solution to your dilemma Mam, and that is for your excellent group to start a 501 C-3 (Ms. Wheat can advise on those,) or register as a not for profit group with the State, or any other benevolent entity you can hook up with and all the questions will be moot, as you will be placing the order, and making the payment minus the City.

I can assure you that anytime anyone uses the City purchasing power, and purchase order numbers, some of us will question it to the hilt, and well we should! I can only wonder why the City Administrator, and the Board did not do it before we did.

In closing Ms. Wagner may I remind you that every citizen of Crestwood is a tax payer, we, as well as you, foot the bill for everything that goes on at City Hall, and we ALL have not only the right to question, we have the responsibility!

Tom Ford

NO. 687


Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Oh, and I forgot to mention that I will be filing a FOIA form to see who paid for the last three years of these ad's on Friday morning, as well as to whom they were billed to.

Thanks for reminding me!

Tom Ford

6:19 PM, October 28, 2009  
Anonymous John said...

Good work Tom!

I am not a lawyer, but shouldn't using "sponsored by the City of Crestwood." imply this was sponsored/approved/paid for by the City? Wouldn't the use of this statement require approval by the BOA? Or the C/A? Or the Mayor?

Can anyone use the City Name, and the offices as a mail drop?

Wouldn't this constitute fraud?

Could someone tell me who, and what these people are?

Connie Melching

Carol Wagner

7:33 PM, October 28, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

MS. Wagner, Ah yes. I seem to recall her writing that a new gang was in town, a gang that wore white hats when Roy was first elected. A gang that lead by Mr. Roy would end the practices that she now her self does.

Can you say corruption! I can and I see it how it has spread from Roy to the City Lawyer, to the Police Chief, to attempting to allow the Fire Fighter Union to control our elections, to groups of citizens that Roy supports or appoints who feel they are above the law.

And the stonewalling that goes on now with "the head guy in a white hat, Roy", is beyond belief. The fact that a FOIA has to be filled to find out how OUR taxes are being spent I fear is just the tip of the dirty iceberg that now resides in our City Hall!

7:22 AM, October 29, 2009  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:334 PM blogger: John the "who and what" as follows.

Connie Melching: Police secretary, and a woman above reproach who does her job extremely well. She was no doubt told to order the ad, and function as the collecting point by ?

Carol Wagner: I believe she first came on the Crestwood scene when the Annex took place. She was a supporter of then Mayor Fagan, and naturally switched allegiance the nano second Roy was elected.

Ms. Wagner has been a close friend of Char Braun, and others who considered themselves a part of the important class in Crestwood for some time now. Ms. Wagner was appointed to the chairman ship of the "rearranged civil service board" by Mayor Robinson a while ago when he removed ALL the very capable board when their terms expired for, (in my opinion no good reason) in order to get a more Favorable group under his control.

There is constant jockeying for the important invitations to the right parties, and special events that "put you out there" in Crestwood as well as any other town, and that seems to be very important to their group.

All that said, Ms. Wagner and Ms. Braun have done some very good things for Crestwood, and I for one appreciate their service to the community. The only problem is you have to do it their way, or else, and never ask why, or how!

Tom Ford

5:15 PM, October 29, 2009  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Not long ago I read a joke... It said all the politicians running for president are promising change to the American people. We send them billions and billions of tax dollars and they send us the change.
Funny? Not really; there is too much truth in it to be funny.

But that got me to thinking... They all promise change.

A restoration that would take us back in time to a place where things ran better, smoother and life was more enjoyable.

Change? That, in truth, is what they have been giving us all along.

We used to have a strong dollar...
Politicians changed that.

Marriage used to be sacred...

Politicians have changed that.

We used to be respected around the world... Politicians changed that.

We used to have a strong manufacturing economy... Politicians changed that.

We used to have lower tax structures... Politicians changed that.

We used to enjoy more freedoms... Politicians changed that.

We used to be a large exporter of American-made goods... Politicians changed that.

We used to teach patriotism in schools... Politicians changed that.

We used to educate children in schools... Politicians changed that.

We used to enforce LEGAL citizenship... Politicians changed that.

We used to have affordable food & gas prices...between inflationary hiccups and oil company shenanigans

Politicians changed that, too... and one could go on and on with this list.

What hasn't been changed, politicians are promising to change that as well, if you will elect them.

When, oh when, is America going to sit back with open eyes and look at what we once were and where we have come and say "enough is enough"?

The trouble is, America 's youthful voters today don't know of the great America that existed forty and fifty years ago.
They see the world as if it has always existed as it is now.

When will we wake up? Tomorrow may be too late. When will America realize... Politicians are what is wrong with America ? This goes for BOTH parties... Republicans and Democrats, there is no difference anymore... they all do only what they can to be re-elected, not what is best for the citizens!

What is needed is for the Constitution to be amended to limit all Senators and Representatives to TWO terms in office like the President.

Oh, by the way, no big pension either, social security just like the rest of us. How do they rate bigger and better entitlements than the people THEY WORK FOR? WHICH IS US!!

Being a politician shouldn't be a person's life work but rather a call to public service then back to being an honest hard-working citizen,as it was originally intended.

Politicians are no more than housekeepers and janitors... unfortunately they act like they own the building.


Tom Ford

6:52 PM, October 29, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I listened to the audio, and looked at the invoice as I was listening. Clearly, the entity billed was Make a Difference Day -Crestwood, with the City of Crestwood and Connie Melching listed on the invoice, along with the city's address.

Who is legally responsible for that invoice? Make a Difference Day, or the City of Crestwood? If the city had nothing to do with it, why did its name and address appear on the invoice? There are guidelines in the city's purchasing policy which address expenditures in various amounts, and it appears that these guidelines were not followed.

The rules and guidelines are there for a reason. No one disputes the worthiness of Make a Difference Day; however, since the city's name is being used, all involved need to make sure that the city's policies are adhered to.

Martha Duchild

11:16 PM, November 02, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


9:07 AM, November 03, 2009  

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