Friday, November 27, 2009

Alderman Jeff Schlink proposes "Robert''s rules of order" (click here for the audio.)

An excellent move by Alderman Schlink to "tone down" the meetings through an ordnance requiring the use of Robert's rules of order was proposed at the last BOA meeting. I know this has been voted on before, but it was never put into the form of an ordnance, so now it can be.

In my opinion this ordnance must be voted on if we are to have any civility at all at the meetings. I am surprised that the Mayor seems to think it's a good idea, and I thank him for that declaration.

Good job Mr. Schlink, now if the "usual gang of four" will just wake up,(notice the nay vote?) we have a chance here!

Tom Ford

NO. 696


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hooray for you Alderman Schlink. Once again, the mayor has to add his two cents.

9:08 PM, November 27, 2009  
Anonymous John said...

Thank you Mr Schlink!

9:21 PM, November 27, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way to go Alderman Schlink, glad I voted for you.
Now to the rest of the Board, will you vote in support of this, or does the Mayor control you?

9:43 AM, November 28, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just listened to this, and the Mayor admits he is not well versed in Roberts Rules of Order, even thought since 2007 he has been instructed to run the BOA meeting using them. If fact he wants a specialist in effect to be present to ensure that Roberts Rules of Order are followed because there are so many rules.
What a crock! Either the Mayor is too stupid to learn them or he wants to place "his" expert on RROO so he can bend them to his desires.
I suggest that all BOA members get copy of RROO and learn them for themselves and become their own experts, or else it will become the wild west once again with Roy bulling the show.

12:37 PM, November 28, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

IF the president of the board would perform the job as described he/she is the moderator of the rules.

9:46 PM, December 04, 2009  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:46 PM blogger: Ah yes, IF! Well he doesn't unless it's the wishes of the Mayor, so.... (world class weather vane!)

Puts me in mind of the old saw, "If a frog had wings he wouldn't bump his tail!"

Tom Ford

8:11 AM, December 05, 2009  
Anonymous John said...

"IF the president of the board would perform the job as described he/she is the moderator of the rules."

Could someone please direct me to where I can find this rule?
As I read the City charter, it says that the President of the BOA "...shall preside at meetings of the BOA in the absence of the Mayor...".

12:25 AM, December 13, 2009  
Anonymous John said...

With regard to the Mayor's demand for a "Parlimentarian", at the BOA question is: What? The Mayor IS the parlimentarian.

As per the charter: The Mayor shall preside at meetings of the Board of Aldermen, but shall not vote on any question except in case of a tie. The Mayor shall neither preside over the Board's deliberations nor vote....

Preside: to exercise guidance, direction, or control.

Now this sounds to me like if the BOA votes to use Roberts Rules in the meetings, the Mayor is responsible for learning the rules, and conducting the meetings accordingly.

1:00 AM, December 13, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree the Mayor should conduct the meeting keeping RROO as a guide. However, this is assuming this official is up for it. Competancy level of a candidate is important when determining ones vote on election day. Same goes for aldermen, grown people should act like grown people. Civility is paramount to the business of running a small city. Paramount also is the fact that politics is not beneficial and adds to disruption which prevents progress and goodwill. Grandstanding is not an attribute. It is certainly okay to disagree, make points, mention discrepancies,ask questions for clarification, in a cogent, and polite and non confrontational manner.

Also, it is a good idea not to become a city official if one has not the time for the job. When constituants notice that their officials do not take the time after a meeting to address a constituant question, do not return e-mails or phone calls and are noticeably antsy on the dias, then intent and dedication come into play. Present times in this city require attention and time. One has to wonder why while trying to "discover Crestwood" people want to limit or cancel board meetings.

3:42 PM, December 22, 2009  

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