"Economic Development? Commission" (click here for the audio.)

Well, OK now that the commission has been "validated" by Alderman Foote, when can we expect some "development?" I was just wondering as the Mall people, (as the mayor has said) were responsible for the Art wing, and not the commission.
I am reminded that the commission has canceled most of it's meetings for whatever reason for some time now, and I find it hard to believe that all this expertise exists especially if they are not meeting.
May I remind Alderman Foote that we all live in Missouri? A little less patting on the back, and a little more action if you please!
Tom Ford
NO. 697
Brand new Month coming up Mr. Miller, what are we going to develop this December, a roll of film, or do you have a plan?
Tom Ford
I liken this to the development of a cake. The ingredients are available but the chef is absent without leave.
Where is the economic developmet commission? A member from ward 1 is missing.
Nobody in Ward One supports the mayor so he cant find any one to appoint.
10:05 PM blogger: Well Ms. Mimi Duncan has done a fine job of supporting whatever the Mayor wants so far, so there may be others.
Tom Ford
It looks like this committee desperately needs someone with time, heart, drive,ability, incentive, creativity,leadership skills, sincerity, motivation and spirit to lead it up. Lackluster boards that meet only occasionally don't usually get a solid grip on a goal.
Wish we could transfer some of the spirit of the Animal Control enthusiasts to this committee because it is exactly what the Dr. ordered. The retailers we do have need to be embraced and coddled. turning around the image of forsaken city. You know, "the little engine that could. Big jobs take big hearts, big ideas and persistance. Coupon idea is only a start. Get some driven people on this board who can make lemonaid out of lemons.
2:05 PM blogger: I agree completely, if we could get that enthusiasm on this board we may actually see results!
Why not contact Mr. Miller and suggest he find someone with business sense and give it a try.
So far concerning this board all I see is the old Texas saying, "All hat and no cows!" But then again you have that sort of thing when it's "a mutual adoration society," (listen to the recording.)
Tom Ford
Wouldn't you think one of the 8 Aldermen, or all, or the Mayor would re cognize the fact that there is no notable progress on this board, no enthusiasm and that they need some prodding. Isn't there an aldermanic rep? The water is at the door. What ever happened to that Salvation Army store that was going in several years back? St Vincent De Paul is starting some of these kinds of stores. Nowdays they bring in traffic. Granted no tax $'s, but traffic. I never see any full page ads in the TIMES of a composite ad of a bunch of retail outlets. Kirkwood & Webster do this.
Aldermanic Reps should light the fire of the boards they represent. They elected to run for office and this is part of the package. Board members should not accept the board positions unless they are willing to represent their city with their ideas and time. If this does not happen, the whole thing is a farce. Crestwood needs a dose of citizen participation as well as a dose of officials who inspire this kind of participation.
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