"Robinson's rules of order!" Click here for the audio!

After (or before) you hear this please read the excellent editorial by Mr. Mike Anthony of the SunCrest Call. This audio is from the BOA work session, and is an exchange between Alderman Jerry Miguel, and Mayor Robinson.
Please see the link to the Call on the right side, click on it and go to opinions.
Seems to me as though once again Mr. Anthony has nailed it. Thanks Mike!
Tom Ford
NO. 693
Listening to this makes me wish what the mayor was, speechless.
You can say what you want about the Mayor. Only thing I can say is that at least he is not Tim Trueblood!
11:37 PM blogger: Did you notice that Mr. Trueblood has the courage and conviction to sign his name?
If your going to make a nasty remark, at least have the same fortitude as he does!
Tom Ford
To add a little gas to this fire, about 5 years ago when I was still representing Ward Two, I moved the BOA run its meeting using Roberts Rules of Order. The motion was seconded and passed.
To the best of my knowledge this motion has never been overturned. Which means the mayor is acting in direct violation of an order of the Board when he refuses to follow Roberts Rules.
Tim, I think you should run again in ward two my friend! I for one have had enough of Mr. Piclel (The Mayor wants it, he wants it too, boy what leadership!)
Next year we re-elect Jeff Schlink, and the following year we elect you!
Tom Ford
If you can give a time range, or some event that was happening on the board about that time, I'll look through the minutes for the period, and see what I can find.
I attended the BOA meeting when they approved the motion meeting to follow Roberts Rules of Order. I have never seen the Mayor comply.
Anonymous 10:29pm,
Can you estimate when that was, so we can see if it is in the minutes for that meeting?
do you really think the mayor is going to obey now after you find out when he as instructed to follow Robers Rules?
He hasn't for the past 3 plus years, why should he start now?
good luck!
"Alderman Trueblood moved that the Board of Aldermen act according to the Roberts Rules of Order. Alderman Duwe seconded the motion. On voice vote motion carried and was declared passed."
Then he needs to be called out on it ... just as Alderman Miguel called out the mayor regarding his statements concerning animal control.
OK, great, where is the brave enough alderman to remind him of his violation and his refusal to obey a legal instruction of the BOA? You can bet if Trueblood was still on the Board he would.
If I remember correctly, Trueblood was made fun on on this very blog for even attempting to hold Roy to RRO (roberts rules of order). Maybe Trueblood should have been supported by those now that see the true person Roy was and is, a self centered bully who has a low IQ.
6:17 PM blogger" Your right, those were the day's when I felt you could Trust Roy to do the right thing. All that changed a while back, and if you read above I said I think Tim should run again to replace Piclel (another Roy, only a timid one.)
I was wrong, and I have told Tim that as well, so now we need to move on to get this corrected, and soon!
"We the people" should be running this town, not some third rate ward healer who bows to every special interest group who tells him they have a vote for him, so what now?
Tom Ford
OK...here is an excerpt from the BOA minutes for June 14, 2005.
Mayor Robinson was present at roll call.
"Alderman Trueblood moved that the Board of Aldermen act according to the Roberts Rules of Order. Alderman Duwe seconded the motion. On voice vote motion carried and was declared passed."
So someone needs to call the Mayor on this ASAP.
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