Tom Ford is a "Scrooge" prototype, three public safety jobs out, dog catcher stays! (click here.)

Now that I have posted a "New photo" of myself according to Mr. Roy Hoffstetter (Who ever that is) I can thank him for my new title! You see Mr. Hoffstetter doesn't believe in, or approve of my commenting on,or watching Crestwood funds closely, or as far as I can see my very existence. That's understandable as he doesn't seem to approve of much as far as I can tell. He thinks I should be "more positive," and I agree 100%, so I am positive we needed the emergency services personnel more that the dog catcher!
Next we have the always vociferous Ms. Mary Wheat chimes in under Mr. Hoffstetter to opine that I am an insensitive wretch, and "we do not duplicate County animal control," no, ours in fact is so much better! She also Say's it's "personal" to her, and I believe it whole heartedly!
Ms. Wheat and her partners in animal control seem to see animals as human, else why would they be so extreme in their demands to retain it over emergency services? Ms. Wheat, do you realize that we could be short handed in "people help?" Does that make any difference to you at all, or would you Rather just forget that part of the equation?
You asked why we are hiring? Well that is to fill a clerical position in accounting (much more useful than animal control,) and filling an existing job.
We still need to remove $32,000+ to balance the budget, and the sane place would be animal control, but no Mr. Eckrich has offered to let the streets go for a while to save fluffy!
I would like to commend Mayor Robinson for appointing a committee to study the animal control issue and make recommendations, as it is the right thing to do. Now if they can just do it minus emotions, I will be happy!
All in all a very interesting Friday the Thirteenth to say the least. In one day I have become the town watch dog, been "swooned over" by Ms. Wheat, and relegated to the position of good old Ebeneezer Scrooge! Not bad for a mean, nasty, wretched, animal hating one eyed old fat man, no?
Tom Ford
Roy and Mary etc. Show me the money. You have not delivered on any promises to date.
Where is the 501C3 Charter?
Where is the grant money?
Where is the fund raisers?
False promises from a government sponsored business.
YOU LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Guess who gets all those "wild animal" calls when Animal Control is not at work?
The volunteers? Nope- The Crestwood Police.
Guess who deals with barking dogs when animal control isn't there?
The volunteers? Nope- The Crestwood Police.
Guess who chases down strays when animal control isn't available?
The volunteers? Nope- The Crestwood Police.
Guess who gets called when the distempered racoon goes in your shed and animal control isn't around?
The volunteers? Nope- The Crestwood Police.
Know what Missouri Department of Conservation recommends to do with wild, rabid animals? Send out Animal Control or the Police? Nope- LEAVE THEM ALONE.
Guess what the volunteers of animal control do. You think they handle calls when Ms. Sutton is away? Nope- they rely on the Crestwood Police. You think they will chase after a lost pet? No way- that's what the cops are for, right?
My point is simple, if Crestwood Animal Control is so needed, why are we allowing a Public Safety worker to go through attirition, when they are the ones handling the majority of animal calls in our city in the first place?
Here's an "FOIA" request for you, Tom. Try and get a copy of all the animal calls our Police Officers are sent to, then compare that to the calls that Ms. Sutton has gone on.
I bet the cops are doing more for animal control than she is. Let's just overlook the fact that these folks are not trained in animal control, and to the best of my knowledge- is not even part of their job description!
So- to clarify, Ms Wheat, it is not the Crestwood Animal Control working to provide you with services above and beyond those of St. Louis County, it is our Police force! Animal Control is not available at night, so our men and women in blue handle the call. Don't believe me? Call animal control at 11pm and see who answers. Nobody. Here's what you hear:
"Hi, this is Suzie with Crestwood Animal Control. I'm unable to take your call right now. If you are calling AFTER FOUR THIRTY on weekdays, or ANYTIME on weekends, PLEASE CALL THE CRESTWOOD POLICE AT (314) 729-4800"
There are 168 hours in a week. "Suzie" is available to take your animal related call between 8:30 AM and 4:30 PM, oin weekdays, which means she is there for 40 of the 168 hours. This leaves a large block of time (128 hours) where we, the citizens of Crestwood, are (GASP!) without Animal Control. And, according to her message- Just call the Police for the other 128 hours. No big deal, right? It's not as though they have anything better to do, right?
So, basically, what the city is doing- is to eliminate a Public Safety position (Police or Fire) to keep her employed and maintain our "high level" of service....for 1/4 of the week.
So, instead of saving a Public Safety job, we are willing to keep Animal Control on?
This is absolutely unreal. I would say "unbelieveable" but given the nature of things happening of late...I will just say "believeable"
10:54 Post
Well said.
I want police and fire protection first. Infrastructure (street repair, replacement and maintenance) second.
Can Roy break a tie vote that is not on a bill?
What does the Charter and City Code book say the Mayor can break tie vote on?
8:11 AM blogger: Under section 4.4 (A) of the Charter the mayor can break a tie vote. BUT it also states that he may not do so for personal reasons, or if the item conflicts with the good of the City.
That is the gray area here as it is well known that Mayor Robinson is in full support of animal control, he has said so on many occasions, and he probably should have recursed himself from this one.
Is it legal, you bet, is it right, well you decide.
Tom Ford
Since the Police do the animal control job a majority of the time, does the animal control person return the favor by taking Police calls during her duty hours?
Tom, can we do a FOIA request for six months or a year of animal control calls, and hours worked? And perhaps the Police taken animal calls?
Did I understand you to say that the C/A has done a 180 and now wants to keep animal control?
From what I remember from past city meetings, the actual cuts were to be 3 Fire, and 4 Police positions, of which there are 2 Police cuts left. Is this correct?
John, we can do a FOIA request for animal control but I fear it's a waste of everyones time as Ms. Sutton keeps no call reports.
I have asked that before and found out there are no call reports, or incident sheets filled out, and since her calls are not dispatched, no recordings.
Convent, no?
That's how the animal control volunteers get away with these outlandish claims of Ms. Sutton arriving at all hours of the day or night to save them!
Ms. Sutton is NOT a commissioned officer and thus has NO POWER to arrest, detain, question, or even request in the State Of Missouri, so she helps NO ONE at the Police Department at all (quite the contrary!)
Mr, Eckrich said he could find other methods, such as street repair to get the needed $32,000 out to balance the budget. He was reminded that HE brought the request to cut animal control before the board, so we will see where that goes.
As far a police and fire goes, I think most all of that has been done except for the two police officers and one fireman expected to leave in 2010'
So all in all, the following "leaders" apparently believe that "animal control" is much more important than we are!
Pickel, Foote, Beasley, Duncan, Robinson!
The remaining Alderman are in the camp of common sense, and deserve our thanks, and re-election.
Duchild, Schlink, Miguel, Wallach.
Tom Ford
If I'm right, the issue is not Ms. Sutton but her position, as she is retiring and the battle is to keep the position in future city budgets.
If that is the case, why wouldn't it be proper to have her now start a time card report showing her hours and what she does with them so in order to hire her replacement? That way the City would have an idea of what to tell possible future they would be doing and have a foundation to base pay on.
Sounds to me like she is way under supervised. The way the mayor is acting about her you have to wonder if there is something more "personal" than business in their relationship.
After the facts poster 10:54 on 11/13/09 stated why else would the Mayor be so out of step with the majority of citizens in Crestwood on this issue?
10:18 AM poster: I really doubt that there is anything more than a professional relationship here.
The Mayor wants votes for his third run, the "touchy, feeley" gals represent a voting block, and they have promised him ? So, that's about it!
Tom Ford
So animal control is unsupervised, and not accountable to anyone for the operation, and expenditures involved in whatever it does?
I hope the Police, Fire, and Public Works does not operate that way!
No wonder the rabid supporters are spewing all these one can dispute what is not on record!
John, no indeed, the Police, Fire, and public works have to account for their time every day!
To be exact, every Police and Fire call require a roll call as well as a "disposition," to the dispatcher on every call, or a report of the incident, and Public Works requires a "time card" to get paid.
As far as anyone knows the animal control officer is only required to show up, and do what ever she does.
Is this any way to run a City, well no, but it is what it is!
Tom Ford
Leave animal control alone. So Tom equates support of animal control with "liberals"? Well, Tom, the problem with conservative thought is that you eventually run out of someone else's ideas and labor. And last I checked, us "liberals" were taying taxes, too - yep! Just as much as you are, so methinks we have a say so, too, doncha think? Besides, making animal control a "liberal" or "conservative" issue is a bit out there, about as out of touch as conservative ideology.
I like animal control. Sure, they're not there 24/7 (as I learned a few years ago when I called about a rabid raccoon in the yard), but I think that's one of the better government bargains we get. Do we need shiny new cars and more police to have more radar traps?
And remember, we have Mr. Robinson to thank (gee, is he "liberal?") for saving Crestwood about $5 MILLION that the previous mayor Mr. Big Business Fagan was going to spend on a gigantic police station. Talk about a waste!
I'm not sure what is meant here when we say a potential "public safety" position is at stake - are you talking about inspectors to make sure our gutters are painted? Maybe more police to crack down on loud stereos? I guess it's all relative.
Instead of cutting either animal control or public safety, why not tax welfare handouts to the wealthy and big business tax breaks called TIFs? Gee, ever notice today there sure is no shortage of tax funds to pay for next week's TIF handout to some rich developer to build another pointless shopping mall?!?! Looks like the sales tax breaks for developers aren't being threatened with a cut, huh?
Yeah, I know where some people's priorities are.
Personally, I'll take a service that may help a family retrieve a lost pet than another tax handout to a wealthy developer.
But I guess that's not consistent with conservative thought.
"I'm not sure what is meant here when we say a potential "public safety" position is at stake..."
Surely you know that means Police, and Fire Fighters. Like when your child has swallowed a toy, and can't breathe, or your spouse has slashed their arm on broken glass, or your ex is firing shots through your door trying to kill you....and there is a fire on the other side of town...maybe they can send YOU the animal control person...oh's her quitting time, have to wait until tomorrow.
The plan is to cut 3 Fire Fighters, and 4 Police officers, some of which are already gone. I love my dog, but if I had to choose, I want to protect my wife and kids before my pet. BTW, I have NEVER had to call animal control, but I have had to call Police, and Fire a couple times each over the years.
Put back the Police, and Fire, and dump animal control!!!
To: 12:53 am Nov. 16th Poster.
I want to remind you that the mayor did not save the $5 million. A group called the Crestwood Citizens for Fiscal Responsibility gathered the required signatures from the citzens of Crestwood on a referendum to halt the replacement of city hall or the issue would be required, by ordinance, to be placed on a ballot for the public to vote on. Check that out Mr. Liberal
So lets say a dog bites a small child... Who do you call? crestwood animal control? no you call 911! who comes? The police. They document the incident and they contact St. Louis County for further investigation. So if the police don't use the city's "animal control" then why should the citizens???
12:53 and 6:31
So if Roy or the CCFR saved $5 million in taxes, why have we had to increase taxes, have had to cut services and employment, pass a Note "that was like a bond" issue, and now want to break the promise given to we the voters to sunset the Note "that was like a bond" after debt was paid off?
Is it time for a
oh rats, we already know what he would do, he's already done it!
12:53 AM blogger: "Leave animal control alone?" Boy that sounds like a whine to me if ever I have heard one!
We want and need Police, Fire, and Public Works, animal control is not wanted by over 90% of Crestwood residents (informal Call poll) who would be very happy with St. Louis County.
Recently the animal control trusty volunteers fanned out to gain signatures to keep animal control, know what the got 1.66666% of all registered voters in Crestwood to sign on the dotted line! (not exactly a majority.)
TIF's, TDD'S, and CID's are in my opinion corporate welfare and should NEVER be granted any more that eminent domain.
Now all that said my friend what say all you who are in favor on animal control get out your check books and pay for it! Since your paying taxes you shouldn't mind tossing in say another $2000,00 each for salary, building renovations (yes it really, really needs it)and a new SUV for Susie?
Aldermen have a fiduciary responsibility to the City and to the taxpayers in same to use our funds to insure the most efficient use of same, and the animal control is not it!
The days of "everything for everybody" as my name sake Ebeneezer Scrooge would say after the "Epiphany" are long gone, and it's time we have people on the board stand up and say so, to heck with the vote next year, get it done, and now!
Tom Ford
12:53 AM blogger: Sorry I forgot to ask you how that "HOPE AND CHANGE" was working out for you? Still have that obama sticker on your Yugo, or Pries, or whatever is popular with liberals today?
Tom Ford
"Do we need shiny new cars and more police to have more radar traps?"
Do you mean the shiny new SUV the city will have to buy if animal control is continued? Or the thousands of dollars to remodel facilities (where they only keep pets for a week before sending them to the county facility.)
I guess you like to drive over the speed limit. So we need MORE radar traps.
I noticed in the budget for the future the police department is planning for the purchase of eight more vehicles in 2011.
Eight new or replacement vehicles in 2011?
The line item referred to eight vehicles and failed to describe them as new or replacements.
I also noticed the police department is going to hire a records clerk in 2010 if the budget is approved. WE can't afford an officer but we can a records clerk. Whats up with that?
2011 budget? When was that approved?
4:07 PM blogger: The budget has not yet been approved for 2010!
On that same note, I did a FOIA form for the reports of inspections on the animal control shed, and found out that there were no code inspections done, and the structure does not comply with the ADA regulations!
To bring this building into compliance will cost the City $25-30,000.00 (City estimate) which we cannot afford at this time.
It is clear to me that we can no longer operate this shelter and be compliant with St. Louis County codes, or the National ADA code. Therefore I am going to make a formal request that it be shuttered until such time as it can be done.
The compliance rules are mandatory, and must be complied with or we risk any and all types of law suits, and penalty's for non-compliance.
A very real possibility also exists that the animal control volunteers are not insured against bites, or other harm done by animals, and again may be the source of law suits.
Common sense, and good fiscal practices demand that this shelter be closed now. So what are we going to do about it?
Tom Ford
Working with stray animals seems to me to be a hazardous job. No doubt the city EMPLOYEE is covered by insurance, but I'll bet the volunteers are not, and at best this would be taking a needless risk, and at worst (as you point out) it exposes the city to a huge risk.
Has the city code inspector been made aware of these problems, and if so, what is being done?
6:32 PM blogger: Not yet John, but I did send this to all the Aldermen, the Mayor, and the City Administrator, so we shall see what, if anything they will do.
Tom Ford
Just got the Crestwood Connections and finished reading it today. Interesting that Roy in his Mayor's Message, tries to back off from his "they shoot pets don't they' comments but not say he was sorry. At same time he still backs our Animal Control Services.
What is more interesting is in this same issue we as citizens are warned to keep our carports clean ans spiffy, and if you are a landlord in Crestwood you had better get your property inspected before re-occupancy.
Yet from what Tom has just found out, our animal control building is pile of junk. Kind of ironic, if you ask me. Guess we now know "what would Roy do".
In aslo noticed that the economic development commission canceled the meeting again. The explanation is that a quorum could not be assembled.
Apparently the economic development in Crestwood is OK.
5:00 PM blogger: I guess Mr. Forrest Miller has decided that there is nothing to develop in Crestwood, ergo, no meeting.
You may have also noticed that the Civil Service Board has been laying rather low lately also. I guess that the total re-write is on "hold" for some reason?
Day one has passed since I asked the Leaders what we are going to do about the animal control non-compliant shed, and no answer at all! Anyone willing to start a pool to guess when that may happen?
Tom Ford
I see in the Call newspaper that came today that the mayor ordered a "study" of the animal control issue to be completed in March.
He also seemed to call for a vote by the people on animal control. I think we know that the general population is about 90% against it, so maybe that would be a good thing.
Some of the other items in the paper were confusing. The cuts in Police and Fire personnel seemed different from back when they were discussed in a meeting. Can someone please give me the "straight scoop" on the total of each to be cut, and what that will leave us with in the end?
Apparently the economic development in Crestwood is OK.
5:00 PM, November 18, 2009
Good point! Why have the commission if they don't meet?
The vote at the budget work session is significant in that once again the inevitable cannot be realized by this BOA. The budget is not passed and must go to a publiuc hearing which I presume will be on November 24th at the BOA meeting.
An audio will be posted to clarify the elimination of the police and fire positions. Stay tuned to this site since the open government policy (HA! HA!) refuses to post audio of the minutes of any meetings.
"With a lack of veteran aldermanic mentors, a bullying mayor can run roughshod over a board, stretching the limits of the very charter that was carefully crafted to maintain a balance of power."
This is a quote from the iCall web site editorial regarding our mayors actions at the BOA meeting. Everyone should read this, or the one in the paper. It really makes him sound like a buffoon, and combined with the recent "who shoots animals" debacle, it looks like he has run amuck. And it reflects negatively on Crestwood.
Someone not too long ago posted a procedure the BOA could use to resolve this problem. Maybe they could repost this, or better yet send it to the BOA as a suggestion.
I found the following in the city charter:
3.10(c) RULES AND ORDER OF BUSINESS - The Board of Aldermen shall by ordinance determine its own rules and order of business....
Sounds like the BOA not the mayor sets the rules.
4.4(a) BOARD OF ALDERMEN MEETINGS - The Mayor shall preside at meetings
of the Board of Aldermen, but shall not vote on any question except in case of a tie....
So the mayor presides, but follows the rules set by the BOA. Not vice-versa.
The BOA needs to take control, and run things as the charter says to.
Couple of things.
Do you think there are 4 members of the Board who would vote to set the rules for their own meetings?
If the BOA did pass said rules for conduct of their meetings, do you think Roy could or would obey?
If Roy did not obey the Boards instructions, what would the BOA do?
"Do you think there are 4 members of the Board who would vote to set the rules for their own meetings?"
Probably are four...I'm sure there would not be eight.
"If the BOA did pass said rules for conduct of their meetings, do you think Roy could or would obey?"
"If Roy did not obey the Boards instructions, what would the BOA do?"
Consult the City Attorney. Isn't this sort of thing what the City pays him for? I am not a lawyer, but if he is in violation of the City Charter, there must be some action the BOA can take.
John, four people on that Board are in the Mayor's pocket. Look at the work session my friend! We have an obvious place to cut a huge wasted expense (animal control) and they vote no!
Ridiculous is hardly the word for it!
Audio of the "Personnel cut's is now on here, just click on the header!
Tom Ford
If the Board instructed Mayor to use Roberts Rules of order and he refused, could the BOA censure him?
The heck with the lawyer!!
6:14 PM blogger: they could but hid "buddies" would stop it by not giving a yes vote to it. I believe it takes a majority to do it, and the "gang of four" will never do that!
Tom Ford
Would you please name the "gang of four" so I will not be confused?
Secondly, is the FD now at 3 per unit?
And is the PD two short of three people per shift? Meaning two left to leave by attrition?
You are correct regarding the count left for the police department.
If animal control was removed we could save one police officer.
8:26 PM blogger: John the following is the "gang of four," plus the Mayor!
Pickel, Foote, Beasley, Duncan, Robinson!
Tom Ford
How many more great employes with years of experience do we have to lose before we realize how worthless our leaders and department heads in this city are. They do what ever they can to run them away. These men and women who are leaving have years of experience under there belts but can't take the people running the city in the ground anymore.
And if we refused to build the bridge to no where for $150k possibilities exist to maintain two other positions.
Where is the logic? A bridge the public will not be allowed to use or police and fire protection
Thanks for the PD, and 4+1 info!
I agree on the bridge...I think it can wait.
I have not met most of the dept heads, so I don't know about that, but if you are an "insider" I'll take your word for it.
Is anyone forgetting there is a human element involved here. There are peoples livelihoods on the line here. Has anyone stopped to think if the police and fire dept, want or need this additional responsibility. I think we should leave the governing up to the government. The people that we elected. This city has bigger issues than 32,000 dollars in budget deficits and an animal control debate. What about the mall? None of this would be an issue if that place were still a cash cow. Lets constructively brainstorm ways to use that massive plot of basically unused land. Another constructive thing we can do is to pay less attention to polarizing extremists like Tom Ford.
2:45 poster
Please, before you post something like that, please warn us so we can put our boots on. Thank you.
2:45 PM blogger: "polarizing extremists!" I guess asking the elected officials to do the right thing is "extreme?"
I write em as I see em, you read em as you want to, but please the next time you run out of facts save the personal comments, I am all stocked up here, with typical liberals!
Your view of what you seem to feel is small change flies in the face of reality, that being were BROKE, and it won't get any better soon.
You may have noticed that the "economic development" committee hasn't met for some time now, so I guess they must think it's still a "cash cow," no?
Maybe you can send the yearly salary for (pick someone) as a gift to the City, but I can't, ergo I want properly managed cash flow. See it's really simple.
Tom Ford
Dear poster 2:45,
You are a twit. Leave governing up to the government, you are kidding, right?
Who do you think is the human element in Crestwood, its the people, not the government.
Where have you been hiding? The mall is the issue your mind, the mayor said he would bring Crestwood back, do you think he can make the mall to return to its former major source of income for Crestwood?
Brain storming with this mayor assumes there is a brain to storm with. TIFF's and TDD's are off the table as is forcing by legal action the current mall owners to sell or tear down the mall. So what do you suggest "we" do, put a road block on Watson Road and rob those we stop?
How about this idea, find the developer who did the major work in Kirkwood on Kirkwood rd and have them give us a plan for Watson at Grant Road. Oh wait a minute, didn't a mayor of ours try that about 5 - 6 years ago? Glad we brain stormers stopped that idea, think how great the Creston Center looks along with the under used sports training business, the Yellow senior citizens home and 90% empty buildings in the back vs. what Kirkwood now looks like.
Stopping the development at that intersection was one of the major things our mayor used to get elected. My, what what a bit of brainstorming that was.
"Is anyone forgetting there is a human element involved here. There are peoples livelihoods on the line here. Has anyone stopped to think if the police and fire dept, want or need this additional responsibility."
He** NO, I'm not forgetting that!
If my child, or wife is lying on the floor turning blue, the LAST thing I want is for the Fire Fighter/Paramedic to be worried about being laid off!
That is why we are trying to get the "powers that be" to cut the luxury and fancy stuff and keep, or put back the things WE REALLY NEED.
"I think we should leave the governing up to the government."
THAT is exactly the point!
WE ARE the government!
Does the phrase: We the People of the United States, ring a bell?
4:08 PM blogger: " So what do you suggest "we" do, put a road block on Watson Road and rob those we stop?"
We are already considering that virtual "road block" on Watson Rd. It's called a " red light camera!"
Tom Ford
"Brainstorm ways to use that massive plot of basically unused land"? What would be the point of this creative exercise? The city doesn't own the property.
Martha Duchild
Martha, it's "touchy, feeley" and the liberals all love that sort of thing! Forget the fact that WE can do nothing with the "large piece of land" and focus on how good it makes than feel when they "just talk about it!"
And we wonder how Mr. Obama ever got elected? Sigh!
Tom Ford
Where was Ms. Sutton? I trust she "issued them a stern warning!" Please notice the reference to "animal control," County I guess.
"Family dog attacks 3 people in south St. Louis County
Posted on November 20, 2009 at 9:47 AM"
"(KMOV) -- A family of three in south St. Louis County is recovering after their dog attacked them.
The pet bit one of the members of the family on the stomach and bit the other two on the arm.
Animal control took the dog from its home in Sappington on San Marino Drive to test it for rabies.
Police tell News 4 they do not plan on charging the family."
Tom Ford
That is the second animal bite call in a week that suzy hasn't handled... what exactly is she doing? if she doesn't handle such calls??
Instructing the Animal control volunteers in "fleeing," what else?
Tom Ford
what would suzy do?
That was not even in Crestwood.
4:16 PM blogger: Gee, we all thought she was "omnipresent!"
Did you get the point that even without Ms. Sutton the County animal control was able to function?
Tom Ford
Crestwood Independent says:
Ms. Wheat and her partners in animal control seem to see animals as human, else why would they be so extreme in their demands to retain it over emergency services? Ms. Wheat, do you realize that we could be short handed in "people help?" Does that make any difference to you at all, or would you Rather just forget that part of the equation?
I can can not speak for Ms. Wheator any of the volunteers, but in most cases, I would actually hold animals in higher status. Most dogs I meet I like much better than most humans I meet. As a matter of fact, if Tom Ford or anyone in his family and my dog were drowning in a local lake at the same time, I would hesitate for a second to go rescue my dog first and foremost.
P.S. I am not, have never been, or given money to an organization like Peta ... I did not vote for Obama. I simply hold dogs in higher regards than most humans.
Update. I sent out the earlier posting with out catching a needed
clarification. I meant to say:
I can can not speak for Ms. Wheator any of the volunteers, but in most cases, I would actually hold animals in higher status. Most dogs I meet I like much better than most humans I meet. As a matter of fact, if Tom Ford or anyone in his family and my dog were drowning in a local lake at the same time, I would not hesitate for a second to go rescue my dog first and foremost.
" I simply hold dogs in higher regards than most humans."
That is sad...I guess you are one of those hoarders who has 50 or 60 dogs locked up in your house with you.
"...if Tom Ford or anyone in his family and my dog were drowning in a local lake at the same time, I would not hesitate for a second to go rescue my dog first and foremost."
You know, that is also sad, since most of us would try to rescue you in that situation. Too bad you are so bitter, and hateful.
JEM, " As a matter of fact, if Tom Ford or anyone in his family and my dog were drowning in a local lake at the same time, I would not hesitate for a second to go rescue my dog first and foremost."
Well you had to chances to get it right and you blew both of them. The "Ms. Wheator" part of your message was wrong both times, it's Ms. Wheat or."
So now that we all realize that in your obviously furious haste you loose track, we wonder if you really have that much hate for people. If you do, I suspect we shall see you on the news as a mass murder one of these days.
Rest assured that my family has given much of it's life to protecting you, and assuring you have the right to spew you vitriol here or anywhere else (except the President, don't try it there.)
Be advised that we shall offer up a prayer for you soul on Thanksgiving day, and thank the good Lord that we still live in a Nation where even a person such as yourself has the right to be heard!
Tom Ford
11:14 PM, November 23, 2009
Ok, you hold dogs in higher esteem than humans. Alright, it's a free country.
But, if you saw your dog and Tom Ford drowning at the same time, you would help your dog first. You sound like a really nice guy. Your mother would be proud.
Was there really any point to your caustic dribble?
6:09 PM blogger: In his / her mind there was a point, you see liberals always exit reason and go to personal attacks when they run out of facts (usually about 60 seconds.)
At any rate, I forgive whomever as it would appear the writer was an abused child.
Tom Ford
I hold pets in very high regard too. I lost my 16-year old shepherd mix last summer and it still hurts. But for God's sake and ours, we should hold human life in high regard too.
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