Veterans day memorial set for November 9, 2009 at 2:00 pm at City Hall. (Please click here!)

You are cordially invited to attend the Veterans day wreath laying starting at 2:00 PM at the memorial site, next to the front door of Crestwood City Hall. We all owe a great debt of gratitude to all United States Military Veterans who have insured our freedom since 1776!
This year we are again engaged in a shooting war in the Middle East, and our young men and women are once again in harms way to keep all of us safe and secure, and this will be a way to show your gratitude for their sacrifice.
Please invite any and all Veterans that you know (especially Crestwood Veterans,) and we will be happy to recognize their service!
Folks, Chief Mike Paillou and the City would like to make this a very memorable occasion, and one that will continue far into the future, but we need your help and attendance to insure that will happen, so please attend if at all possible!
UPDATE: The memorial ceremony went very well indeed. The Mayor and Judge Berry both did a great job with their presentations. Mayor Robinson and Gold Star Mother May Chasteen (her son was a marine who lost his life in May, 1967, Republic of Viet Nam) placed the wreath at the marker. A Lindberg elementary School District principal sang the Star Spangled Banner, and a Marine Color Guard presented the Colors. This has been heralded as the "first annual Crestwood veterans day ceremony" and we will be improving on it every year from now on.
Chanel 5 TV was in attendance, as well as Mr. Bill Milligan, official photographer from the SunCrest Call, so I am sure you will see photo's and a TV blurb (tonight?) shortly. When the Call posts them I will place them here for your viewing pleasure.
In all it was a day that made us proud of Crestwood, our armed forces, and our veterans, because you see, "Freedom Isn't Free, and all gave some while some gave all!" May God bless our young men and women in harms way today, and may they ALL return to their families very soon!
Tom Ford
NO. 690
Is there some reason that the Crestwood Veterans day observance is not actually on Veterans day?
I just looked and there is nothing on the city web site that I could find at all. Should all the veterans have chipped in and bought an ad, and billed it to the city?
Does this fall under WWRD...schedule a salute to Veterans and not tell anyone? And not have it on Veterans day?
Please let us know if this is a confirmed time and day and I will certainly try to come!
Thank You.
John, yes there is a reason and that is City Hall will be closed on Wednesday. It was decided that it should be moved up so as to allow for the use of the indoor facilities in case of rain.
Well, this just came together this week through no fault of anyone, so there was no time to advertise at all. Chief Mike Piellou has done a wonderful job of putting this together on very short notice, and I applaud him for it.
The Mayor has been asked to give the opening address ( he just was notified of the plans this week also,) as well as assist in any way he can, and has graciously accepted.
The date and time is confirmed, and so far all is on track. I will be asking for volunteers for next years observance which we will start planning after the first of the year so as to make it a grand celebration from now on.
Tom Ford
Something to ponder from President John F. Kennedy.
"Terror is not a new weapon. Throughout history it has been used by those who could not prevail, either by persuasion or example. But inevitably they fail, either because men are not afraid to die for a life worth living, or because the terrorists themselves came to realize that free men cannot be frightened by threats, and that aggression would meet its own response. And it is in the light of that history that every nation today should know, be he friend or foe, that the United States has both the will and the weapons to join free men in standing up to their responsibilities."
John F. Kennedy
Would that we had a President like that again! I served under him in the Cuban missile Chris's, the Laos Chris's, and then his "replacement" during Viet Nam. President John F. Kennedy was a man we could all look up to, not like today!
Tom Ford
I will praying that the Mayor does our city and our vets. well in his comments.
Thanks for the confirmation!
It might be a good idea to put something on the city web site. Hopefully people will get the word.
Barring broken legs, I'll be there with bells on...oh wait, the bells are in the shop. I'll wear something veteran like.
Atta boy John, I look forward to seeing you again!
Tom Ford
Take the family to Out Back Steak House and show your appreciation for what they do for veterans.
Tom Ford
What our "leaders" think of our service men and women, disgusting!
Ms. Cindy Williams wrote a piece for the Washington Times, denouncing the pay raise(s) coming service members' way this year citing that she stated 13% wage increase was more than they deserve.
A young airman from Hill AFB responds to her article below.
"Ms Williams: I just had the pleasure of reading your column, "Our GIs earn enough" and I am a bit confused. Frankly, I'm wondering where this vaunted overpayment is going, because as far as I can tell, it disappears every month between DFAS (The Defense Finance and Accounting Service) and my bank account. Checking my latest earnings statement I see that I make $1,117.80 before taxes per month After taxes, I take home $874.20. When I run that through the calculator, I come up with an annual salary of $13,413.60 before taxes, and $10,490.40, after.
I work in the Air Force Network Control Center where I am part of the team responsible for a 5,000 host computer network I am involved with infrastructure segments, specifically with Cisco Systems equipment. A quick check under jobs for Network Technicians in the Washington , D.C. Area reveals a position in my career field, requiring three years experience with my job. Amazingly, this job does NOT pay $13,413.60 a year. No, this job is being offered at $70,000 to $80,000 per annum... I'm sure you can draw the obvious conclusions.
Given the tenor of your column, I would assume that you NEVER had the pleasure of serving your country in the armed forces. Before you take it upon yourself to once more castigate congressional and DOD leadership for attempting to get the families in the military's lowest pay brackets off of WIC and food stamps, I suggest that you join a group of deploying soldiers headed for AFGHANISTAN; I leave the choice of service branch up to you. Whatever choice you make, though, opt for the SIX month rotation: it will guarantee you the longest possible time away from your family and friends, thus giving you full "deployment experience."
As your group prepares to board the plane, make sure to note the spouses and children who are saying good-bye to their loved ones. Also take care to note that several families are still unsure of how they'll be able to make ends meet while the primary breadwinner is gone obviously they've been squandering the "vast" piles of cash the government has been giving them.
Try to deploy over a major holiday; Christmas and Thanksgiving are perennial favorites.. And when you're actually over there, sitting in a foxhole, shivering against the cold desert night; and the flight sergeant tells you that there aren't enough people on shift to relieve you for chow, remember this: trade whatever MRE (meal-ready- to-eat) you manage to get for the tuna noodle casserole or cheese tortellini, and add Tabasco to everything. This gives some flavor.
Talk to your loved ones as often as you are permitted; it won't nearly be long enough or often enough, but take what you can get and be thankful for it. You may have picked up on the fact that I disagree with most of the points you present in your opened piece.
But, tomorrow from KABUL, I will defend to the death your right to say it.
You see, I am an American fighting man, a guarantor of your First Amendment rights and every other right you cherish. On a daily basis, my brother and sister soldiers worldwide ensure that you and people like you can thumb your collective nose at us, all on a salary that is nothing short of pitiful and under conditions that would make most people cringe. We hemorrhage our best and brightest into the private sector because we can't offer the stability and pay of civilian companies.
And you, Ms. Williams, have the gall to say that we make more than we deserve?
A1C Michael Bragg
(From a good friend.)
Tom Ford
Man Tom I LOVE your blog, You make me proud to be a vet God Bless you.
Just got back from the Veterans ceremony. I thought it was great, especially considering that there was a very short notice. It was a great turnout.
The USMC Color Guard was nice...hope we can get them for next year.
John, your on the committee for next year my friend (you just volunteered!) We will have them back as well as a much bigger event with more speakers, and a military display.
I an going to invite the second ranger WW-2 rein actors to set up on the parking lot, as well as a Marine or Army Black Hawk Helo to be displayed.
Tom Ford
Aye, Aye, Sir!
Carry on.
Dear Brave Veterans;
We will always remember your outstanding Courage
and Commitment to Freedom.
We THANK All Veterans for their Service to this great
Today at Crestwood's Veterans Day Ceremony,
"It Made you Proud to be an American!"
We want to Thank everyone, that made it such a SPECIAL Day!
The Chasteen Family
And to think all of this was done and is now being planned with out the help or insperation of our "bring back Crestwood" Mayor.
It is again the people of Crestwood who lead the way.
7:09 AM blogger: Well not exactly my friend. It is no secret here that the Mayor and I cross swords on a regular basis, but in this case he was a true motivating force in getting this done!
Credit where credit is due, and in this case he was, and is willing to help all he can, and he will be on board for a better tribute next year.
Tom Ford
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