"Friends of animal control" open a store at Crestwood Courts!

That's right folks, the "Friends of animal control" have opened a shop for three weekends only in Crestwood Courts next to the Post Office, weekends only from now until 12/20/09.
I am happy to tell you they have also gained their 501-C3 status from the State, and the IRS, so they are tax exempt, and you MAY have a deduction for contributions (ask your tax adviser.)
I for one wish to congratulate this group for their efforts to save animal control in Crestwood, and I very much applaud their efforts to date.
Now, since the group is moving forward, and will soon have the funding they need to continue with animal control, is it too much to ask that the City remove it from the budget for 2010? All along animal control volunteers have said they would pay their way, and I am willing to allow them to make good on their remarks!
Memo to Mr. Jim Eckrich and the Board, please cut the City portion of this expense and give the Bills to "Friends of animals," and let's move on.
Tom Ford
NO. 701
I saw that shop at the mall today.
I agree that if they want to hire, and pay ALL the expenses for their own personal animal control...fine. But there is a majority of the Citizens of Crestwood that DO NOT want to fund a redundant service that we can not afford.
I also think that our Police department SHOULD NOT do any animal control activities, except in cases of extreme emergency. They have much more important things to do.
Well this is very interesting.
N.J. Animal Control Officer Mauled
A Burlington County animal control officer is hospitalized with serious bite wounds after being mauled by two pit bulls.
Willingboro animal control officer Michelle Hamilton is in stable condition at Cooper University Hospital with 32 bite wounds to her back, shoulders and legs.
The incident happened at about 12:20 p.m. Wednesday at a home on Pickwick Lane in Willingboro.
According to officials, the 62-year-old Hamilton responded to the home following a call about two loose dogs.
When Hamilton arrived at the home, she saw a male dog go around the side of the home. When no one answered the door, she tried to secure the male dog in a yard where a female dog also lived.
"There was a hole in the fence that as she went around the side of the house to take a peek, he was already at the hole, charged through the hole and attacked her," Lt. Joseph Dey of the Willingboro Police Department explained.
Hamilton covered up her neck and head and tried to fend off the dogs with an extension stick.
Hamilton sent a text message to her co-worker Peg Steele describing the attack.
"She was the word 'ragdoll, he shook me like a ragdoll and then she (other dog) jumped in,'" Steele explained.
Lt. Dey said the two dogs were shot and killed by arriving officers after coming at them in an "aggressive manner."
Eyewitness News has learned that it is the third time since 2005 that officers have responded to the home for reports about the dogs.
The dogs' owner, Kevin Frink, contends it was the first time his dogs have ever bitten someone. Frink believes the officers did not have to gun down his dogs.
"They became the judge, the jury and prosecutor at that moment," Frink said.
It was not immediately known if any charges would be filed.
Think about that one UN-trained volunteers!
Tom Ford
John, I do believe the majority of Crestwood sides with your thinking.
Now if the elected officials would only wake up and do the right thing (cut it from the budget,) all would be just fine.
Tom Ford
Humm, it seems the ways and means committee has put $2500.00 into the 2010 budget for animal control!
They seem to have acted arbitrarily as this has not been voted on. Please ask Messrs. Foote, Robinson, and Ms. Beasley why this was done, and if it's legal to include this with public funds.
Tom Ford
Reviewing the referred to section I ask why the Crestwood Ways & Means committee is authorizing/alloting $2500 of taxpayer money from the Park & Storm Water fund to be paid to the Friends of Animals association.
Refer to the revenue part of the Park & Stormwater fund that expects a $5000 contribution from the Friends of Animals associtation. The taxpayer donation of $2500 addresses half of the expected revenue.
I wonder??????????
These recent developments are absurd!
It seems the "vocal minority" has rammed through things that are supposedly under study by an appointed group, scheduled to present their opinion several months from now.
I saw the "friends of animals" items in the 2010 budget...what are those? It looks like they are taking money from one area, and puting it into another. And, what exactly is "friends of animals"? a City department?
Is there a feasible way for the MAJORITY of citizens opposed to the redundant expense of animal control to cause this to be put on the ballot to be VOTED on, not slipped under the counter?
The Charter has the answer to the question of how.
Good for the animal control supporters. At least they are doing something useful rather than sitting around waiting for someone to make a mistake and pounce on it. What have you done for Crestwood lately? Nothing.
How can this subsidy be skewed as doing something for Crestwood?
Please explain how the subsidy.
I will explain it.
A subsidy implies the business is not viable because the market will not sustain it. Take animal control off life support (tax payers money) and observe how well the survice survives.
This action would allow on more police officer to be employed. That is doing something for Crestwood.
3:02 PM blogger: Trust me, animal control exists over the objections of the every day Crestwood voter because it represents a voting block for the Mayor!
The Civil Service commission met today at 3:00 PM to discuss among other things "layoff policies!" We can and probably will lay off employees, but we will keep a (so called) "animal control" service that has been proven to be duplicated, period!
Why? See above and know that this group is a "hobby group" very much dependent on our tax dollars to survive, as much as the mayor is dependent on them to continue in office!
Tom Ford
"The Charter has the answer to the question of how."
Found it. Thank you.
do you think you can get enough people to sign up like the Charter allows us to do?
I could not stand Charter so I went to Dish Network. This is supposed to be about the city not what type of cable tv you subscribe to!
do you think you can get enough people to sign up like the Charter allows us to do?"
I would like to think so, but realistically, it would be hard to do. Judging by the turnout at most elections, not a lot of people seem to be interested.
If all else fails, it could be tried. Need to do more research though.
"Take animal control off life support (tax payers money) and observe how well the survice survives."
You are absolutely correct!
I cannot believe anyone would want animal control duplication (and WE pay for both) instead of more Police, and Fire protection.
I wonder if these "supporters" have nothing to do, and like to play with the kitty's and puppies as a hobby, and have US pay for it?
Do we really need Ms. Sutton? Note the part where she states she is "suffering from Post Traumatic stress syndrome!"
Ms Sutton this is an insult to every first responder in Crestwood, not to mention our combat troops! You owe this City an apology Madam!
"Please send along to the volunteers.
For those of you who haven’t heard, on Monday I investigated a report that there were excessive pet numbers at a home on Crestwood Manor Dr. I was familiar with the address as I had been there almost ten years ago and at that time, had found around 60 cats. The informant this time was the same person who had reported this hoarder before.
I took along a police officer when I approached the house as we did’t have a warrant and I needed to gain entry to justify “probable cause” (so the services of the Humane Society Field Services could be enlisted.) We did’t need to gain entry, as it turned out, because the ammonia smell of cat urine was unmistakable on the front porch before the front door was even opened. But the resident did let us inside and we found such deplorable conditions that an Order to Vacate was issued because the house was declared unfit for human habitation. There were piles of cat feces everywhere—on every piece of furniture in the house and piled in every corner, and the floors and carpet were covered in feces. Every single piece of furniture was shredded by cat claws and dead animals were found inside several of the couches. There were dead animals in the freezer. Many of the animals appeared to be sick. Crestwood is filing state charges for animal abuse against the husband and wife. (They were handcuffed and sat in individual police cars for many hours.) They will get court ordered help for “hoarding”—now considered to be a serious mental illness. If there is another such occasion where they are found with excessive numbers, they will be charged with a felony and sent to prison.
The Humane Society started at around 11 o’clock, and called in reinforcements several times—five or six trucks—were still there when I left at around 5:30 pm. They were unable to catch a few of the cats and left that job to me. A Siamese was caught this morning and delivered to Dr. Diesel without ever going into the shelter. Dr. Diesel recommended euthanasia because the cat was not handle-able at all. I talked with Annie, the gal from the HSM who headed up their crew, and she told me that none of the animals were socialized to humans, none were spayed or neutered and many were very ill. All were euthanized.
I’m pretty sure that I’m suffering from post traumatic stress syndrome—(seriously!)—altho I’m told that is to be expected. This is only the fourth hoarder situation I’ve encountered in my years at Crestwood. Annie said they’d had four of them in the past 48 hours! What a life, eh? What a job! Can you believe that I fight to keep this job? And I can’t resist saying—“Why does Crestwood doesn’t need an Animal Control?”
And so, onward and upward, I do have another bad situation—it never ends for us, does it? This time it’s an abandoned cat over on Attucks. Because winter is fast approaching, I will have to try live trapping. Am trying to make some arrangements with someone who lives across the street to check on the trap, but so far, no response from her. Trapping at this time of the year is very dangerous as the cat can freeze to death quickly when the stress of capture is combined with freezing temperatures. Wish me luck."
Tom Ford
Where did Sutton post this pity note?
If she cant handle the heat, get out of the kitchen.
If all the years she has worked in Crestwood this was only the 4th time she encountered this type of problem? And who did she bring along, one of our Police officers Then she had to call HSM to finish the job! Where in any of this report do we read were Sutton's presence was needed? What a waste ou our money.
"—“Why does Crestwood doesn’t need an Animal Control?” "
Notice that she bailed at quitting time, and left HSM, and our PD to handle the situation.
Other cities that use County seem to deal with similar problems..or do they just come in with automatic weapons and blow everything away.
She said these people had the same problem before....wasn't this house checked up on periodically to insure compliance with the law?
If she is suffering from PTSD, she should not be working.
10:29 PM blogger: "Where did Sutton post this pity note?"
I am guessing it was to her "volunteer staff" members. Now you just watch, this is a possible set up for a "disability" retirement where we have to pay for her "care" for the rest of her life!
I am sick and tired of this foolishness, Is there no-one in that City hall who has the courage to do the right thing here? this is ridiculous, and a slap in the face to those who may have a reason to suffer PTSD!
Mayor Robinson, most of Crestwood is against this "hobby group" being funded with taxpayer money, so show some leadership and end it!
Tom Ford
I suggest that the best way to end this insanity of paying for two Animal Control systems is found ARTICLE XIII Section 13.7 of the Charter, CHARTER AMENDMENTS.
By getting 10% of the qualified voters to sign a petition calling for the Charter to do away with the position of Animal Control Officer, the BOA has to call for an election with in 60 days for the voters to pass of fail the Amendment.
To avoid the expense of a special election, time the vote for the APRIL 2010 Alderman elections.
What is interesting to me is I cannot find in the Charter a time limit for when the petitions once taken our must be returned! So just the taking out of the papers could be enough to get action by the BOA on this matter before it goes to the voters. Plus, it becomes an election issue in the April Alderman elections.
Just have to wonder if there are enough troops left in Crestwood who read this blog who would be willing to go around for the signatures?
What are "excessive pet numbers ?" I thought the max. allowed was three dogs or cats per household, correct?
Last night an "informant" advised me that we have people in town with more than that in their homes.
Breaking the law? Well maybe, but I am told someone issued a "special permit" to these homes. Now what good is an ordnance if someone is going to issue special permit's to their buddies?
This in itself seems to negate the long prison sentence for the hapless couple who were "evicted" from their home.
I am also wondering if these "special homes" will be required to receive counseling for their "legal ?" pet hording practices?
Tom Ford
I took a look at the animal control code, and it says the MAX number of dogs, or cats is five. (And only under three special conditions.) There is a $10 fee.
They have to be investigated by the animal control officer, and granted permission by the animal control board.
The normal number is three max.
I doubt people are going to jump through all these hoops for a few extras. And if you are a "friend of animals" well...who knows.
John, these people are the "essence" of animal control, so no problem my friend!
It's the old "do as I say, not as I do" deal!"
This entire "hobby group is a drain on the coffers of Crestwood, and must be abolished!
Tom Ford
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