Crestwood will pay THREE times more for pool repairs! (click here for the Call story.)

"Instead of reducing work on our streets for these kinds of activities, we should be drawing off of this money that we've laid aside. That's what it's for," Robinson said. "Now we're suggesting that we put off our street repairs or not have adequate chairs for our (community center) when we have the money laying there that can take care of this difference that we need on this project."
Wait one second "your Honor" haven't we cut up that pie before? It seems to me this is at least the third or fourth time we have used that money for........
"Your Honor" and Board members Piclel, Foote, Duncan, and Beezley, wasn't it but a short time ago you all couldn't live without a tax increase? What happened, surly it wasn't Crestwood Court's or all the new retail brought in by the economic development commission (Oh wait, they never meet.)
Well what ever it was I for one am glad to see your off the tax wagon for at least ten minutes! By the way, I know where you can save a whole bunch of cash for ALL YOUR NEEDS, TERMINATE THE ANIMAL ADOPTION CLUB! There is at least $130,000.00 to pay for the pool repairs, and the new chairs!
What's more important, pool repairs, new chairs, street repairs, Police and Fire retention or the ANIMAL ADOPTION CLUB? You tell us because we can't afford both can we.
Tom Ford
NO. 716
As I'm sure you remember, they also dipped into "street repair" to fund Animal Control. If this keeps up we'll be back on dirt roads.
Speaking of funding...this huge windfall, (the ATT money) I hope that everyone noticed the special tax added to all Crestwood residents phone bill to recoup this money over the next four years.
I believe that all the utilities that are taxed by the City, collect that money back from us. Of course that is in addition to the taxes we pay directly to the City.
As you all comment on several post it all falls back on Animal Control. I agree Crestwood really doesn't need Animal Control, but surprisingly enough no one ever complains about the excessive amount of administrative staff that the City employs. It seems everyone needs to hire someone to hold their hand and wipe their butt. You could get rid of several administrative staff positions and combine duties and still run the City efficiently. You can't tell me that all the administrative staff stay busy for 40 hours a week. Obviously someone had to give an amount of what the pool repairs would cost and that moron apparently budgeted way under the cost, but that is right it is the mayors fault and now he gets the blame for trying to find a way to come up with getting the money to pay for pool repairs. It still floors me that Crestwood is so against a small tax increase that will improve the city and I feel the main reason why is because if we did that then the mayor may have actually succeeded at something and God forbid that happen so we better just let Crestwood fall apart. Oh and in a prior post when you all complain about police officers going out on animal patrol calls, I would much rather see the police actually doing something than sitting on a parking lot twiddling their thumbs, I don't feel it is necessary for them to get overtime for it.
"Crestwood is so against a small tax increase that will improve the city"
I don't think anyone is opposed to a tax increase if THERE IS A LOGICAL REASON for one. You complained about excess staff, then talk about a tax increase. If there is duplication of services (animal control) the people won't go for a tax increase.
"police officers going out on animal patrol calls"
Police are hired as Police Officers, not animal control. If your ex was riddling you house with bullets, would you want the Police wrassling with someones pit bull? I wouldn't.
"rather see the police actually doing something than sitting on a parking lot twiddling their thumbs"
Are you sure they wern't writing a report, or running radar? Or in their area ready to respond to a call?
The whole idea of "emergency services" (Police and Fire) is that they are always ready to respond to a call 24/7/365.
has anyone questioned why the guy who cleans the toliets at crestwood makes the same ammount as Trained police officers and firefighters?
3:25 PM blogger: Well, no i haven't, but if I did I am sure I would find out that he is a "F.O.R." (Friend Of Roy) and thus is exempt from ANY scrutiny by such lowly type's as citizens!
"His Honor" is all about running for Mayor in another tear and needs all the votes he can muster, so...........
Besides I am sure that cleaning bathrooms is a much more dangerous job than Police or Fire any day, just ask Jim Eckrige, or Roy the next time you see them.
Ridiculous? You bet, but that's quintessential Crestwood for you!
Tom Ford
He doesn't make the same as firefighters and police.
Municipal employees seldom become millionairs and often don't break a sweat. Don't even mention a tax increase until staffing, salaries and job descriptions are scutinized. I consider it the aldermen's job to verify the needs of this city and get involved with savings we can get from a factual review. Seriouisly, this is a small burb and it must learn to live within its current means. Might just have to make some serious sacrifices, just like the constituancy must. When was the last time an alderman considered the above?
Municipal employees seldom become millionaires and often don't break a sweat. Don't even mention a tax increase until staffing, salaries and job descriptions are scrutinized. I consider it the aldermen's job to verify the needs of this city and get involved with savings we can get from a factual review. Seriously, this is a small burb and it must learn to live within its current means. Might just have to make some serious sacrifices, just like the constituency must. When was the last time an alderman considered the above?
I liked your post so much I posted it again! Great job.
5:46 PM blogger: I agree completely, great job on the post and re-post!
Tom Ford
Jim Eckrich, city administrator.
Total compensation $113,454.38. Will not make a decision to eliminate a position refered to as animal control and places the decision with the BOA to hire and fire. Isn't that the job of the city administrator?
Total cost of city adminstration is $307,757 per year.
Carl Kestler, chief of fire services. $109,286.111
Dzenana Mruckovski, Director of Public works.
Amy Meyer, Parks Director
Mike Paillou, Chief of Police.
WOW where did you get those figures? No wonder Crestwood has budget issues. 3 of them have 6 figure salaries and the remaining 2 are close.
The information is available to those who are interested. Fill out a freedom of information act form and request the salary schedule for the employees. It is your money. You would be surprised at what the some of these employees where paid before the new city administrator took office.
I forgot to mention the city administrator has a six month severence package if he is dismissed for any reason other than breaking the law.
Give me a break. Noone in this city had anything to do with the Pool repairs. It was mandated by a higher authority so it had to be done. Why not just close our pool, save the money for maintenance, lifegaurds, chairs, etc and let those citizens that want to swim join the new Sunset Hills Aquatic Center. Afterall, once it is complete we will lose patrons due to a newer faacility being so close. Same thing that happened to Crestwood Mall when other Malls were built in neighboring communities.
10:47 AM Blogger: be carefully there, Alder person Duncan may very well not like your "tone!"
Tom Ford
Here's a thought, let's sell Whitecliff Park to the highest bidder!
What as a percent, of the members of the (Crestwood owned located in the City park Whitecliff) pool are citizens of Crestwood? Is the pool and park being under used by our citizens?
How much would we save in employee payroll, equipment cost, elect., water cost,etc if we did not have the Park? If the citizens are not using it, sell it.
Crestwood would save the 1.1 million dollar a year payment for the pool and $60k - $100k per year in maintenance and operational expenses.
Please remember the tennis courts will soon require maintenance as they are the same age as the pool.
Apparently city salaries here are part of the AIG mentality and where I come from this 4 mile city is simply not in the realm of this salary structure. We elect aldermen to office and then they are put in position to cut fat and what do they do, they evade the obvious, obscene salaries which to me is just as obvious as this animal control matter, maybe more so. Are municipal employees on the extinct list? Good grief, salaries, pension, medical, perks, cars, free cottages, 6 month payoff for CA, does reasonable come into play in this city? Wow, when I grow up I want to be employed by the City of Crestwood. To me the men who plow our streets are our most valued employees.
How about some salary cuts because I would never ever consider a tax increase while this salary nonsense is on our books. How about the aldermen taking off their rose colored glasses and addressing the obvious. Or, are they too busy playing nice to the few while ignoring the demoralized constituancy.
4:50 PM Blogger: Well this one sure is, "Dzenana Mruckovski, Director of Public works.
She was supposed to complete her degree in engineering (The job description calls for an engineer,) and I really do not think that has been completed as of yet.
I suggest that salary be adjusted lower until that requirement is met.
Tom Ford
This is just one more reason voters use the brake when it comes to a tax increase. Little unnoticed slips in viability in our small town with a large revenue problem. Probably lots of licensed civil engineers capable of this job. People just don't like the wool pulling that goes on. you know, when the powers that be think voters are stupid! Best we figure out if this is true and speak up, or forever rest the case. This is not a time for outlandish salaries in burbs.
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