Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Excellent OP-ED by Mr. Mike Anthony of the CALL. (click here to read it.)

In his weekly editorial Mr, Anthony opines that the voter turn out in April may be slight due to the lack of races (especially Crestwood with only one contested seat.)

The very unfortunate thing here is that he is 100% correct! Crestwood is known for a light turn out anyway, and this is not going to help one bit.

May I please remind all of you that there will be underlying issues in this election that may well impact the way life in Crestwood (as we now know it) will continue in the next few years. How can that be you say? Well let's look at the existing Board for a minute here.

We are spending money like the Mayor has a "money tree" on his farm, we have people on the Board who seem to be more interested in Governing by emotions rather than hard dollar facts, and we cannot even seem to put a "work session" together to decide employee regulations for campaign work.

I live in Ward two, I will be there to vote for Mr. Schlink, opposed or not, and I pray that you too will also get out and vote in your Ward, contested or not. Please remember that we have people from Crestwood (who gave their lives) to insure that we have the right to vote, so please, please do not let them down, use it!

So that said, we have one contested race, and that's ward four. Both candidates are equal to the job, and both are dedicated to their constituents, and the City of Crestwood! How do you know whom to vote for? Well I suggest that a Ward Four debate on the issues your most interested in be arranged.

I call on Messrs. Foote and Nieder to make that happen, it's the American way, tried and true, and it's the best way to really get to know who is best for the position as you get to see their body language and reaction's to questions, not to mention sincerity, and honesty.

Tom Ford

NO. 718


Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

70 years old.
Today, if Dorothy were to encounter people with no brains, no hearts, and no courage -
She wouldn't be in Oz -
She'd be
at a Crestwood Board meeting!"

Great job on the "work session" to reconcile the Civil Service, and the Fire Fighters understanding of the rules! (Thanks to Aldermen Miguel, and Duchild for being willing to do their job.)as the rest were not!

UH, Mr. Golterman (of Lewis, Rice and Fingerish) shouldn't you be responsible for seeing that this get's fixed? In a word, YES!!!

Tom Ford

6:41 PM, January 27, 2010  
Anonymous John said...


I agree on the voting comment. We always vote, even if there is only one item, or an unopposed race. I think, if you don't care enough to vote, you shouldn't complain about the results.

6:16 AM, January 28, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom, you are a sellout! You use to hate this paper. What happened? No wonder your own son can't stand having anything to do with you.

9:48 PM, February 04, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:48 PM blogger" Gee whiz that's strange as they are both here quite often!

Sorry to disappoint you.

Tom Ford

4:52 PM, February 05, 2010  

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