Fourth Ward Alderwoman D. Beezley coughs and hacks her way through a meeting!

Ms. Beezley. I commend your spirit and your tenacious will to attend ALL the BOA meetings you possibly can, but do you really think you should have attended the last one?(you has to have your ordnance read by someone else.)
You see, you were seated next to Fourth Ward Alderman Mr. John Foote who has undergone a kidney transplant in the not to distant past (and cannot afford to become ill,) as well as Alderman Jerry Miguel of the Third Ward. I understand that you feel that "I am not contagious," but what if you in fact are? I think if these malady's plague you in the future you may wish to consider a surgical mask to prevent infecting your fellow Alderpersons.
Ms. Beezley we can ill afford to have three Alderpersons out at this juncture, so may I suggest you re-think your participation while you are so obviously ill?
Tom Ford
NO. 713
Yes indeed. Mr. Foote received a kidney transplant two years ago and of course the immune system is suppressed so that the kidney is not rejected as quickly. Mr. Foote certainly cannot afford to become ill.
Mr. Foote also recently suffered with a round of cancer.
I wonder about his health long term. What about the three year term as alderman Mr. Foote is campaigning for.
If Mr. Foote decides he is unable to serve, WWRD(What Would Roy DO). Why
Roy would appoint another alder person with views similar to his.
Mr. Foote's long term ability to serve another three year term (due yo health issues) is a concern.
If he were to resign the Mayor would be able to appoint his replacement, and that would be a DISASTER!
At any rate it's certainly something to consider this coming April.
Tom Ford
You would probably criticize her if she didnt show up.
10:32 AM blogger: Tell you what, she stays home for the next two years and I will sing her praises!
When she is there she contributes nothing what so ever, so?
Tom Ford
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