Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Mayor retracts his "Crestwood Court's" statement. (click here for the audio.)

Well after all the blustering and promises his Honor is sort of forced to retract his statements and admit the C/C is a dead issue for now! To bad as he was on a roll for a while there, it's just that the OWNERS have a different plan (Darn them anyway!)

Tom Ford

NO. 715


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’s funny every time someone asks about the mall the mayor or someone always wants to quote the economy. So as I was driving on Lindbergh the other day through Kirkwood I noticed a few new stores.

Now it’s not on a grand scale but the cities around us have no problems bringing new business into their city. Like where the old Vickers used to be next to Bob Evans. There’s a new strip mall with a burger joint. My family and I couldn’t even get into the parking lot because it was so full. Just a little bit further down the road you will find a new Mexican restaurant and new strip mall where the old shell gas station once stood.

Now I know they’re not full yet but they are getting there. Also there’s a new Dunkin Doughnut shop which is under construction, which is next to a new chili’s or something. So as I drive up and down Watson, I wonder what the problem here is in Crestwood. Anyone….

7:17 PM, January 20, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7: 17 PM blogger: Well, let me count the reason's.

Highest tax rates for business in the area.

A Really lame economic development commission.

A sign commission that won't allow one.

A Planning and Zoning commission that wants only "certain businesses."

A total lack of knowledge of what a business needs and wants at City Hall.

In short a community that is not "flexible" (unless it's for a private pool.) Need we go on?

Tom Ford

7:42 PM, January 20, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like someone needs to go before the board and get a reply to the last note. This will not notchange without a nudge. Are the only people in this city who give a darn the animal people or the tax increase people? No wonder we are standing still. Bet you could get some action if someone suggested a merge.

8:17 PM, January 24, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that people exist who want to make a difference but the Mayor has succeeded at making them feel less than worthy.

The BOA has failed to pull the noose and take the control the charter states they have because the mayor continues to be a bully.

10:16 PM, January 24, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:16 PM blogger: why would anyone feel "less that worthy" when they were around "His Honor?"

We really need fewer "yes"men, and facilitators on the Board and a couple more who will tell him exactly what he can, and cannot do as Mayor!

While I am at it, we need a City Attorney who will not back the Mayor no matter what he wants to do, and have the backbone to tell him when he is wrong!

Tom Ford

7:47 PM, January 29, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say let's disolve the city, Bring in St. Louis County Police, Use St. Louis county animal control, Increase our property taxes to that of st. Louis County, let the citzens in the annexed area pay their own Affton fire protection taxes and roll our sales taxes back to those charged in St. Louis county. That would put all this discussion to rest.

10:14 AM, January 31, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:14 AM Blogger: Why toss out the baby with the bath water? What is needed is a person with the backbone to make the needed cut's, and stop the foolish emotional spending.

If a special interest group wants a service the rest of us do not, they should pay for it themselves (Chief Mike and I did, we paid for the Memorial wreath used on Veterans Day.)

The time is past when we can toss around money like it grows on the Mayors farm! I challenge every Alder person to forget about their re-election, forget about who will be mad, and do what's needed to help our failing City budget by removing animal adoption (that's $51.000 plus to defray the $70K we need to operate the pool for our kids.)

Too harsh you say? well folks the ship is going down, the Caption and the mates are re-arranging the deck chairs when they should be shoring up the hole!

When do I see someone on this Ad Hoc committee understand that? This is very predictable, the two women will vote to keep animal adoption, and the two men will vote to remove it, so why delay any further?

Ya, i know, someone will not ;like my "tone" whatever that means, but there it is with the bark still on it!

Tom Ford

11:10 AM, January 31, 2010  

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