Ms. Mary Wheat testifying to the animal control "ad hoc" committee.(please click here for the audio)

A few points to consider.
What three pools? She did not name the 3!!!! Public Pools supported buy our tax money. Please name them.
Ms. Wheat seems to forget the police officers, firemen, and other civil service employees we have lost and not replaced.
I assume that Ms. Wheat thinks these people are less important to our safety, property value, and desire to live and buy property here.
I will assure you that when I purchased a home in Crestwood the service??? of dog catcher was not on my check list for reasons to buy the house. No value added to my house.
Ms. Wheat admits in the testimony that the dog catcher is a tax payer funded adoption agency. In my opinion the dog catcher is an added expense which we cannot afford to have at this time.
One point I will give to Ms. Wheat and her group is the fact that the word duplicate appears to be redundant here as St. Louis County has us beat hands down, consider these facts.
St. Louis County: 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. (8736 hours, period.)
Crestwood" 7 1/2 to 8 hours a day, 5 days per week, 351 days per year. (2000 hours maybe.)
So you see Ms. Wheat your correct Crestwood Animal Control is not a "duplicate service," it's a much lesser, and much more expensive service for Crestwood than St. Louis County now provides (and we pay taxes for.)
Folks, I will soon have the cost of Vet. bills, and food that we pay out every year so that these animals can be "adopted." That's yet another expense we really do not need. You will be told that the "adopting family" pays those expenses, but that's not nearly always the case now is it? So when they don't pay, Crestwood Citizens do, and with monies much better earmarked for Police and Fire, no?
Tom Ford
NO, 720
As you wish.
The 3 pools St. Louis County runs that our taxes go to support are St. Vincent's, Kennedy, and Veteran's Memorial Park.
The City of Crestwood pays no veterinary bills, as those are paid out of a fund set up for that purpose. Most of the food is donated, so very little of that is paid for. Some cleaning supplies are purchased by the city.
What you would prefer when buying a house is just that: what you would prefer. There are differing opinions out there, and many people don't wish to live in a city that offers police and fire and nothing else. Again, it's a matter of opinion.
3:50 PM blogger: Thank you, but i wanted the three pools (in Crestwood) she said were paid for by Crestwood tax dollars.
As to the vet bill's, I will wait for the FOIA form to be completed as I am told by those who should know differently, but we shall see.
I should have the report by Tuesday at the latest, and I will publish it right here for all of us to read.
Tom Ford
What was said was that "our taxes support 3 St. Louis County swimming pools." It's right there on the audio. It was not stated that the pools are in Crestwood. It was stated that the taxes Crestwood residents pay goes to support those pools.
4:53 PM blogger: It sounded to me that she said CRESTWOOD TAX'S, IE the moneys sent to Crestwood by St. Louis County. But that is not worth parsing, is it.
If that's the case, We also pay taxes to St. Louis County for animal control, no? That being the case we really do not need to spend more for an "animal Adoption agency," as she admitted on the audio, do we?. No we do not during these trying times.
I am sure all of the volunteers enjoy working with animals, and I thank you for it. That said, we cannot afford such a luxury at this time now can we?
By all accounts there are over 88% of Crestwood residents are for the removal of animal control from the budget, and if need be, I suggest we place it on the April ballot for confirmation.
Please realize that PEOPLE are more important than animal's, and it is PEOPLE our limited resources must be available to save, not animals.
I am truly sorry if that offends you in any way, but it's the truth and I believe you know it.
Tom Ford
"Parsing"? Interesting use of that word;have never once seen it used like that. And actually, you insist others be very precise when you pick what they say apart, so I think perhaps it would be only fair for you to do the same. The fact is the fact, and that is not what was stated.
88%? That's an awfully specific figure. What poll or data base did you pull 88% from?
Extract And Parse Complex Files And Save It To Any Database.
parse (pärs)
v. parsed, pars·ing, pars·es
v. tr.
To break (a sentence) down into its component parts of speech with an explanation of the form, function, and syntactical relationship of each part.
("Regional colloquium," I grew up in North Eastern Ohio.)
Now as to the 88%, I am giving you a break here as the SunCrest Call did a poll and found over 90% against keeping animal control (look it up!)
Tom Ford
Did look it up, thanks. Not really a huge percentage of Crestwood voted, actually. I have doubts that 88% of the residents really logged on and voted. As a matter of fact, wasn't it somewhere in this very blog that it was said that only 39 people voted? Seems to me I recall reading that; perhaps I am mistaken.
Let's see here, over 9000 registered voters in Crestwood. Animal control had less than 700 total signatures on their petition, that leaves 8300 (+ or -) who did not sign!
Do the math and I believe you will see that the Call was more accurate than you give them credit for. By the way, you had all kind of time to get those signatures so please do not try to hand us that old saw!
Face it, the majority do not want their tax money spent this way, and if you doubt me, ask to put it on the April ballot!
you are absolutely right. I think, though, that if you look closely, you will see that 700 is a few more than 39. But of course you are right on everything else.
It was nice of you, by the way, to wish Mr. Ekrich well. I too wish him a speedy recovery.
Dear Ms. Anonymous,
The one pool in Crestwood costs the taxpayers over ONE million dollars a year before the $70K operational expenses. The debt we are servicing is the killing factor. One option is close the pool and save the $70k or eliminate the pet adoption agency and use the $50k to keep the pool open.
At least 70% of voters on the last tax increase proposal denied the request for additional funds. We have right sized the police force, fire protection, parks and recreation and public works. Administration and the pet adoption agency have not been adjusted.
Although the pet adoption agency is a noble cause and I admire those that participate please find your own funding and stop using my tax money to subsidize your efforts.
Crestwood would have to have a contract with St. Louis County Police and Fire. You do not pay for duplicate service. Also, the only reason Crestwood became a municipality was to provide police and fire service... NOT for Pet adoptions...
Just a question please. What ever happened to Ms. Linda Watson of the animal adoption group?
We hear from Ms. Wheat, but never Ms. Watson,(you used to write to the papers) why is that?
Ms. Watson, I invite your comment's please (and please sign your name so we know your in good health.)
Tom Ford
Tom Ford
"The City of Crestwood pays no veterinary bills, as those are paid out of a fund set up for that purpose"
Isn't this fund part of the City budget?
If not paid by the City, who pays them?
"Most of the food is donated, so very little of that is paid for. Some cleaning supplies are purchased by the city"
Who, or where are these financial records kept?
Is Public Works responsible for these records?
"...many people don't wish to live in a city that offers police and fire and nothing else."
So "many" families moving to this area will choose Crestwood rather than Kirkwood, Sunset, Webster, etc, solely because they don't have their own animal control, even though they are covered by the County service?
That is hard to you have a source for this fact?
And if this is true, should we assume that if Crestwood disbands "our own" animal control, all these families will relocate to another City that has it?
"Crestwood Independent said...
3:50 PM blogger: Thank you, but i wanted the three pools (in Crestwood) she said were paid for by Crestwood tax dollars.
As to the vet bill's, I will wait for the FOIA form to be completed as I am told by those who should know differently, but we shall see.
I should have the report by Tuesday at the latest, and I will publish it right here for all of us to read."
Tom Ford
Well folks I am not going to have the information before 2/5/10 (thanks to Mr. Eckrich's replacement. Mr. Douglas brewer!) Or so I was informed today via email. (A FOIA request is supposed to be back in 72 hours maximum, but Mr. Douglas will take 240 Hours to complete.)
Now why would that be Doug?
Tom Ford
I was just informed that the animal adoption meeting is on for tonight (City web site said it was Tomorrow!)
This from a fellow blogger:
"I just found out from Evan (Call reporter), that the meeting is actually tonight, even though it was posted on the City web site as tomorrow. (in fact, right now it is posted as both days) .
Is this part of some conspiracy? It seems like all things related to animal control are missing, posted wrong, or something."
Darn good question, no? Hold the meeting when the loyal opposition won't be there, Who done it? We will never know, but as far as I am concerned this is but another nail in the "tax increase" coffin!
Tom Ford
Don't see a conspiracy here. It was on the website and this meeting date was established at the last meeting, along with the time.
anonymous 2:52,
At the last meeting the chairwoman set the next meeting "tentatively" for Feb 2 depending on the speakers availability.
As of yesterday (Monday) the City web site had the meeting on the calendar for Wed Feb 3. At some time today it was changed to tonight. Actually it appears to be scheduled for both days.
When this committee was first set up there was a selection for it on the left, but the info was posted under "Animal Control Board". At some later date, the info was being posted under the proper heading of "Animal Control Study Committee".
The City web site is supposed to have all the info citizens need about meetings, and contact info, services offered, and all sorts of things. I don't know who has the responsibility for the accuracy, and timeliness of the information, but it needs to be improved.
"anonymous 2:52,"
Sorry, should be anonymous
8:52 PM, February 02, 2010
I'm a Crestwood resident, and to be quite honest, I've been rather mixed on this issue personally.
I do have some things to say about this, however.
"I will assure you that when I purchased a home in Crestwood the service??? of dog catcher was not on my check list for reasons to buy the house. No value added to my house."
You're making the position out to be much smaller than it is, putting your own twisted version of what the job is. The position isn't "dog catcher", I believe, and correct me if I'm wrong, but it is "Animal Control Officer". An Animal Control Officer does a lot more than merely catch dogs.
Picture this: you're a new family, with a kid, dog and cat. One summer evening, you see a rabid animal, we'll say a squirrel, in your back yard. Would you want an infected animal staying in the area, with your pets and children? Or would you want that diseased animal taken away, and the situation handled by a professional? If I am to understand thing correctly, STL County does not deal with this situation, while Crestwood does.
Take the same setting, but instead of a rabid animal, your cat gets out. Would you really want to drive 20-45 minutes to pick up your cat, only to find out it may be in one of two places? (Ladue and Florisant I believe)
If Crestwood has any sense, they are trying to get younger people to move in. Just because it wasn't something you looked for when you purchased your home does not mean it isn't something a loving parent would want to research before buying a home, especially in these sorts of times. I see this service as something that would do nothing but draw people TO Crestwood, and in no way would turn them away. While I have no children, I would not have a problem at all with paying to have situations like the two described averted.
I find your skewed perspective of what the position "Animal Control Officer" is actually kind of showing of your character. Because you don't see value in the position, you degrade it and diminish it, not seeing or caring what a position really is. You sound like one of the people in my neighborhood that have lived in their home since it was built, ignorant to many things.
But, my perspective is only based on the few blog posts I've bothered to read from you. Forgive me if I'm just terribly, terribly wrong.
11:46 Am Feb. 4
No need to characterize those who have lived in their homes since they were built as "ignorant to many things." This description can apply equally to a new homeowner, so the reference adds nothing to your argument.
I have lived in this area for 45 years, and have never seen a "rabid" animal. There have been opposums in my backyard, foxes walking up the middle of the street, raccoons coming out of the sewers, etc. What did I do about this? I enjoyed a chance to see these animals at close range, and watched as they passed through. A recent edition of the Missouri Conservationist had an article about wild coyotes in neighborhoods. Their advice? As with most things in nature, leave them alone.
If not having our own Animal Control was such a threat to our health and safety, how do you explain the health and safety of the other municipalities who rely on County Animal Control?
I love nature and animals as much as anyone else, but I am also practical. Crestwood's resources are limited, and as it is, the Animal Control service does not pay for itself. If the dedicated volunteers at the Crestwood shelter want to set up something on their own, that's great. There are also plenty of other shelters in the area that could use their help and dedication.
Martha Duchild
11:46 AM blogger: Welcome to the forum my friend! I see by your rather emotional letter that you seem to be firmly in the animal adoption column.
Well I have just obtained the dollar and cent's version of this little or big deal (your choice) and it is clear that this is a money loosing proposition to ALL of us who pay taxes in Crestwood.
Total revenues by animal control for 2009 were; $13,211.00
Total expenses for animal control for 2009 were $61,071.00
Her vehicle cost was $3332.00 for a total cost of the officer and the vehicle of $54,570.00, all in the bottom line cost of animal control column.
Now a business runs on a P&L statement, and ALL labor goes right to the bottom line as a cost (not a benefit,) ergo this duplicated service cost this City $47,860.00 in 2009 or a net loss of 21.632% on our investment!
Try taking that to the grocery store or bank and see what you come home with. Animal control is a perk, an extra if you will that we have gotten used to (I guess,) but in this economic climate it is no longer a service we can afford.
We must save where we can, and as that service is at best ancillary to the City, and since St. Louis County will (and for the most part has )done the job it must be canceled.
Now I hope you can see this from a business stand point as the City must be run like a business or fail! Crestwood was formed to provide for Police, Fire, and street maintenance. Along the way we added a swimming pool, parks, and animal control.
Now, we have reduced Police, Fire, and public works, shall we next cancel the pool, close the park, or do we transfer animal control to St. Louis County? Seems like a simple answer to me.
Tom Ford
I am not characterizing everyone who has lived in their homes for 45 years as ignorant. Based on my own experiences, several people in MY NEIGHBORHOOD I would characterize them as ignorant. Casting everyone with such an apparent title would be such itself.
You yourself may not have seen anything, but I remember several years back, I think it was around the time bird flu hit the area, I was seeing birds that had the disease on the ground, and even had a specific incident of one on my porch. Now I don't know about you, but if I had a child living in my home, and had the possibility of my child going outside to play, and encountering an animal like this, I would want the possibility of it being removed by my city.
And you've made my words bigger then they were intended. I didn't imply it was a constant threat, or that this was a day to day problem. I made it out to be something it was; a possibility. And as for the other places relying on the service, they don't really rely on it. They can't rely on a service that isn't offered.
And yes, if the shelter is shut down I hope they do continue doing their work at another facility. I get the sense that some members are taking this much too seriously. I tend to lean towards this service because it gives Crestwood just a little more unique, is a potential selling point the target home buyers Crestwood should be shooting for, and is just a nice thing to have. But if the shelter were to be shut down, while I think it is potentially lost resources, it isn't the end of the world. People will just have to take a drive to get their animals, and deal a hurt animal in their backyard themselves, and that won't end the world. It'd just be nice.
And @ Mr. Ford:
I do not consider myself firmly in any column. I see potential advantages to both keeping the service and eliminating the service.
Based on your statistics:
"Total expenses for animal control for 2009 were $61,071.00"
$61,071 spent? Ok. You mentioned there were roughly 9,000 people in Crestwood. That means that each person on average is paying $6.78 to maintain the service in tax money.
I'll even add $51,238.00 for the salary of the officer.
That means that in tax money people are paying $12.48 a year at most for this service. We'll even say the average household is 4 people. That's $49.92 dollars a year for a family of 4. Are we in such sad shape where we will pay $60 a month for basic cable TV, which is $720 a year, but can't pay $4.16 a month for a service that could potentially benefit Crestwood? I don't see that as a major expense by any means.
Taking $4 to the grocery store a month might be enough for you, but it certainly isn't enough for me.
But at the same time, I do feel that, if the money is put into the correct places, that money could be put somewhere that might be a little better. But for an amount that small, is it really needed to eliminate a program that has been around as long as this service has? I'm not sure. If I were to see a plan as to what the money that goes to Animal control currently would later on be going to, it would make me feel much better.
6:13 PM blogger: Actually there are over 12,000 plus in Crestwood, 9000 (or so, registered voters.) therefore your cost per person may well be less!
However, my main point is that I DO NOT WISH TO FUND AN ANIMAL ADOPTION GROUP WITH TAX MONEY! At least 90% of the resident's I have spoken with do not either.
We must face the fact that the animal control officer is not capable of making `any on the spot diagnosis on any animal, period! At best she can collect it (if she is even there) and send it off to the ST. LOUIS COUNTY ANIMAL LAB FOR A DIAGNOSIS!
With every post I read from her supporter's Ms. Sutton is elevated just a bit more until we are lead to believe she has magical powers that allow her to see into the animal from afar.
I am sure she is very good at what she does, but I also know that she is but human being (like me) that should not be afforded the cult status granted by her followers.
I am a hunter, fisherman and conservationist, (member of three groups such as Safari club, Int. Ducks unlimited, and Pheasants forever) who do a great deal for our animal / bird population.
I have two kennels (fenced in) in my yard where I kept bird dog's for over 35 years, so I know where of speak I think.
The simple fact of the matter is OUR TAX money can (and should) be better spent elsewhere, Consequently I believe that those who want the service should write a check to Crestwood and make up that $47,000.00 shortfall, and let this City move forward with what it really needs!
Tom Ford
Not at all sure that keeping dogs caged in your yard and belonging to clubs qualifies you to comment on an animal control officer's job....any animal control officer...or his/her abilities or skills either, for that matter. Many might even question what kind of person keeps his dogs caged outside...
This is going to be my last comment in this.
There are so many holes in your argument, it's amusing. 90% of the people you have spoken to? How many have you spoken to? Are you really claiming to speak for the majority of the residents of Crestwood?
People tend to associate with people with like minds. More than likely, I would be inclined to think you spoke to people that had the same political beliefs as you, which would easily give you your 90%. And unless you are going to claim you have spoken personally with the majority of Crestwood, I find it almost impossible you've really gotten a true 90%.
Unless a shelter can conduct blood work on an animal to determine whether or not it has any diseases or anything, they would send it there. If the officer has other animals in the shelter, of course the officer is going to make sure the new animal has any diseases; not doing would would make her irresponsible. What is being done is what any shelter without the ability to do blood work would do, which is also most shelters, as I can't see most shelters having high quality lab equipment sitting around.
You're also just saying that you are not willing to put forth $12.48 a year for the well being of the animals in your neighborhood. Seems to me to be kinda shallow. See, I can generalize about things too.
One thing I do agree with you about is the cult status; she should not be considered such. I don't really know much about that, but I find it unlikely that she is being idolized as a cult leader.
I asked numerous questions, almost none of which were answered by you.
Since this is my last post, let me recap for you.
"Are we in such sad shape where we will pay $60 a month for basic cable TV, which is $720 a year, but can't pay $4.16 a month for a service that could potentially benefit Crestwood?"
"Would you want an infected animal staying in the area, with your pets and children? Or would you want that diseased animal taken away, and the situation handled by a professional?"
"Would you really want to drive 20-45 minutes to pick up your cat, only to find out it may be in one of two places?"
"But for an amount that small, is it really needed to eliminate a program that has been around as long as this service has? "
I also am curious as to what you would spend the money currently going to the shelter on.
"If I were to see a plan as to what the money that goes to Animal control currently would later on be going to, it would make me feel much better."
Is there a such plan? Do you know where this money would go? Or are you arguing this because it has become a personal vendetta for some reason?
This is my final post. If you feel you want to actually answer my questions or counter them in any way, be my guest. I don't have high hopes for that though. People driven by primal emotions tend to ignore any sort of logic.
8:30 PM blogger: You have never had a hunting do have you! They stay outdoors with the proper care!
Tom Ford
8;21 Blogger: Glad to see this is "My last post" as you seem to not be interested in reality!
Go for your "touchy, feely" ideas my friend, and when your street is not as you want it remember, you bought your ticket!
By the way, where is your donation check?
Tom Ford
As a possible new residents to Crestwood we were told to visit this blog to aid in our understanding of the political issues in the city we are considering.
We don't care about animal adoption in a city and are only considering Crestwood because of the school district and what we are told is excellent police and fire services controlled by the city not the county.
Is this correct?
The schools here are excellent. The Lindbergh schools are consistently very highly rated.
Our police and fire are fantastic.
This blog is NOT the place to get a feel for how residents feel about anything outside the opinions of those who write it. Unless you also compulsively hate the mayor, the animal shelter, etc. If you do, you'll fit right in here.
"considering Crestwood because of the school district and what we are told is excellent police and fire services controlled by the city"
You are correct. I considered the same things when I was looking for a place to live years ago.
Unfortunately, some people are OK with reducing the size of our Police, and Fire Departments, and cutting back on street repair in order to fund an animal control service. Especially when animal control is available from St Louis County which services most communities around us, and we are already paying for it.
If you do choose Crestwood, WELCOME!
The animal control issue is a hot topic. A relatively constructive debate overall until it gets preachy. How about if we also entertain this kind of intense debate over other issues which affect new residents and those who have lived here 45 years. Possibly we could feret out enough funds to solidify the bottom line and then go on to resolve priorities. Since so many facts and figures have been posted,how about going a step further.
1. Salaries
2. Personnel
3. Perks
4. Autos and insurance and mileage
5. Cost to pay Affton Fire District for the annexed section of the city, in other words 2 fire departments
6. Invoices from city attorney
7. Sappington House Cottage
8. Private Pool using our city parking lot
9. Lateral Sewer fees/usage???
10. Purchasing
If someone with the idea to shutter Whitecliff, or say combine our fire, police, public works, animal control etc. with another city, or un-annex part of the city or CUT SALARIES and consolidate jobs ..... the uprising would no doubt be just as emotional as this animal control issue. Intensifying just one issue in a time of city need and pounding it to death only satisfies some. Then there are the rest of us who want all options on the table.
So,how 'bout we go the extra mile and delve into answers to the above top 10 while we are at it.
There is more to running a city than inventing new ordinances.
P.S. How about a review of our court cost vs revenues???
Here are answers to some questions:
"Would you want an infected animal staying in the area, with your pets and children? Or would you want that diseased animal taken away, and the situation handled by a professional?"
From Missouri dept. of conservation.
Rabies identification is possible only if the suspected animal, and particularly its head, has been handled in the proper way.
The raccoon, opossum, ground hog and muskrat in Missouri are seldom rabid. The Missouri Division of Health Central Laboratory has never isolated rabies from a bird, fox squirrel, gray or ground squirrel, chipmunk or field mouse, wild rat, rabbit.
The most susceptible animal is the fox. The skunk is the second most susceptible.
Of all the "rabid animal" stories. Foxes, and skunks have not been mentioned.
(Note that you cannot diagnose rabies visually.)
Requests for tests on animals which were "acting strangely", but where no bites were involved will receive low priority.
"But for an amount that small, is it really needed to eliminate a program that has been around as long as this service has? "
Yes, and reinstate the Police and Firefighters that were eliminated.
Who you gonna call when your house is ablaze? Animal Control?
"Would you really want to drive 20-45 minutes to pick up your cat, only to find out it may be in one of two places?"
I have a dog, and I drive that far to the Vet.
The County is going to open a new animal shelter near Overland, and combine the others into it. (That was on the news.)
"Is there a such plan? Do you know where this money would go? Or are you arguing this because it has become a personal vendetta for some reason?"
They cut Police, and Fire, and street repairs, and are still operating in the hole. This is after shuffling money around.
I have never met the Animal Control Officer, nor any of the radical supporters, or volunteers.
anonymous 10:06pm
I'm game for beating some of those items around.
Maybe Tom could start a new thread for general City budget items. It may get lost in this long thread.
10:06 PM blogger: Good point, I will post a thread this weekend to see if dome of your points draw any fire.
Now who will file the FOIA Form this time?
Tom Ford
From the prospective new resident.
Thanks for a few interesting comments.
Why are the streets in such poor condition? My wife expressed concern about the street leading to the house we are considering. After looking at the budget online (nice option but wish I could download the document and it was searchable)I notice you spend more on your pool than than your streets. Whats up with that?
As to salaries of the employees. Where is that information available and what is FOIA?
6:51 PM blogger: Well the streets do need a complete face lift, but the Mayor and the Board have not seen fit to do it yet.
"notice you spend more on your pool than than your streets. Whats up with that?"
Interesting, no? We seem to have these "sacred Cows" that will not go away, and that is certainly one of them.
A "FOIA form" is a "freedom of information act form" which MUST be returned to you in 72 hours, and it can be for anything you wish to know (Taxpayer funded that is.)
All that said, I have lived in the same house in Crestwood for over 40 years! I like Crestwood, and the Lindberg school district is second to none!
I have two son's who graduated from Lindberg, one is Chief of Police in Bel Nor, MO. and the other is an officer right here in Crestwood (a College Graduate.)
In 40 plus years i have seen the good, bad and the ugly come and go here (politically speaking,) but I guarantee you there is no finer community in St. Louis County to live and raise a family (Crime is next to zero thanks to the Police Department, and the Fire and Paramedics are first class!)
I hope you will join us, get involved and make Crestwood even a better place than it is now!
Tom Ford
at last!!! Something positive here!! Like a breath of fresh air
Thanks for the information.
We will continue to consider the residence in Crestwood but do want to explore Kirkwood to determine why people are willing to support the government with higher property taxes and what appears to be several thriving business districts.
Recent stories about the killing at city hall causes concern.
If you are interested we will let you know the decision as we have an objective to purchase by April of this year.
10:24 PM blogger: We would indeed like to hear from you concerning your decision.
Kirkwood is also a very fine community, BUT their tax base is way up there compared to Crestwood.
You would also be missing the education provided by Lindberg School's as well. Please remember that if you like the shop's there, you can live here, and STILL go there when you wish (for a lot less in taxes!)
The City Hall shooting was a tragedy perpetrated by a lone deranged man who Kirkwood had tried to work with in the past. What happed there was HIS doing (I lost two friends in that incident) and not the community, so I would take that out of the equation.
Whatever you decide I welcome you to the area, and I hope to see you and your family living in, and enjoying Crestwood as I have.
Tom Ford
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