Our City Administrator Mr. Jim Eckrich is on extended medical leave!

Mr. Eckrige became ill last Tuesday and did not attend the Board Of Alderman meeting Tuesday night. At this time we have no further knowledge of what, or how serious the illness may be, but we wish him well.
Please join me in a silent prayer for Jim and his family as he is one of the finest Gentleman I know, and a first class Crestwood employee.
Get well soon sir, we look forward to your speedy return!
Tom Ford
NO. 721
Best wishes for a speedy recovery!
Get healthy soon.
At this time we do not know the illness suffered by Mr. Eckrich, nor do we know how long he will be out. I pray that it is a simple illness, and that he will be back with us very soon.
What I do know is that in his absence Mr. Douglas Brewer has been appointed by ? to take over for him!
Unless I miss my guess that appointment should have been made by the BOA per the charter. Mr. Golterman (the C/A) seems to have sanctioned it, but my question is why have a charter if your going to ignore it?
I had no idea that Mr. Obamas group had infiltrated Crestwood!
Tom Ford
Ignore the Charter: Roy the Mayor
Ignore the Constitution:Obama the President.
Has a ring to to it.
sour puss
" Anonymous said...
sour puss"
3:19 PM, February 02, 2010
That's interesting, are you saying we should ignore the Charter and the Constitution while were at it?
Or just the part's you don't like?
Tom Ford
What side of your small leftist brain did that reply come from?
Sour Puss has a problem with reality when are confronted with it.
"Sour Puss has a problem with reality when are confronted with it."
Outcome based education, or just the new "progressive" lexicon?
By the way, to whom do you refer, or do you know?
Tom Ford
How long with Jim be out on sick leave? Any good news on his health/
3:14 PM blogger: I believe they are still in the test mode right now, but if, and when I hear, I will put it up for all of us.
I pray that it's simple and he will be back very soon.
Tom Ford
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