Sunday, February 28, 2010

Back to animal adoption: click below to see that other communities have cut their budget, why not us ?

Well as we agonize over where to get the next few Penny's for our NEEDED (and not duplicated) services the AD HOC committee still has no real recommendations on animal adoption. You can parade wittinesses till the cow,s come home, but the end result is we can (and will) get along just fine without animal adoption!

My Lord I know I am beating a dead horse here, but I see no reason to allow this to die, and thus spend monies that can far better be used elsewhere !

What say you "committee," have you any report in our future, or do you plan to run the rope out on this needless waste until "His Honor" get's the 700 votes he needs from this group to be re-elected ?

I for one am disgusted by the lack of leadership on this simple matter, and come TAX INCREASE TIME I will not forget it (and neither will many others, remember the last 72% loss ?)

Tom Ford

NO. 731


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I swear on my kids that I just heard your own son say you are a "psycho idiot" just yesterday. What do you think about that?

8:10 PM, February 28, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

do you have a plan in mind for where the money would go? I understand you're upset with it being spent, but I have never seen anything offered that isn't vague, such as"better spent elsewhere". Where?

8:23 PM, February 28, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

is there nothing else you can find to talk about?

10:44 PM, February 28, 2010  
Anonymous John said...

The money could be utilized to restore the cut backs in the Police and Fire departments.

It could be used to restore the cut backs in road maintenance.

These are much more useful, than a duplication of a County service.

If you remember, the City Administration recommended cutting out animal control. If the BOA decides to retain it, the money will have to come from cuts in other services.

7:24 AM, March 01, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have seen it in print that Crestwood has the correct number of police and fire for a community this size. Why would we spend money on that service if it's already the correct size and number for what we need? Is that the only thing that the money could go for? Only police/fire?

7:38 AM, March 01, 2010  
Anonymous John said...

Where in print?

Street repair.

Reduce debt.

Lower taxes.

5:46 PM, March 01, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:38 am poster

Where did you observe in print that Crestwood had the proper size fire dept. and police dept.?

5:47 PM, March 01, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:10 PM blogger: Well first I would say the I have gotten into your liberal head (your out of facts so you try personal insults.)

Next I would say neither of my son's would have anything to do with a liberal, so Give us your name or we will be forced to believe you didn't (other than the voices in your head?), and third I would hope you haven't contributed to the gene pool as were all stocked up with illogical people now!

8:23 PM blogger: Yes I do have a plan in mind. How about using that $130,000 + in the budget for a raise for OUR EMPLOYEES ? We have 97 or so and that would be an extra $1340.00 or so per year !

10:44 PM blogger: No there isn't, as this is a subject that MUST be decided before the next election so the Board can't weasel out of their responsibilities to US !

By the way I heard from a Crestwood resident that "a white SUV with Crestwood on the side, and driven by a female" stopped at their House not long ago asking that animal adoption be retained, and to call their Alderman. The resident didn't know who was operating the vehicle, but should our gasoline and vehicles be used for such a purpose ?

Tom Ford

6:42 PM, March 01, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to comment on the subject if you may. I am not taking sides on this issue, just trying to talk or debate if you will. I have seen several posts stating that animal control is a duplicate service and we shouldn't pay for it any more. We also pay taxes to St. Louis county for police,roads, and pools. Not that I would want to eliminate any of these from Crestwood. And no I am not comparing our police department to animal control, but if this is your basis for elimination, who's to say that won't be the next topic of discussion. I am not defending nor condemning animal control, but one has to ask has this gone beyond rational and become personal with Ms. Sutton. Crestwood has many parks that I have never been in. Should we then push to close them because the major of the residents don't use them. Is it not arrogant and un-neighborly to assume that since a small group of residents uses a park we should shutter it. I will end this post with the hope that this will encourage positive and productive discussion.

5:20 PM, March 02, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Duplicate service is not the determination. This position has grown into an adoption agency funded by the tax payers. I do not want to continue to subsidize the adoption agency. Although a noble gesture please use your own money for the cause.
Police, fire and infrastructure first and always. Spend the money to replace the streets.

7:27 PM, March 02, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay. So if they were to euthanize the animals that were picked up then the position shouldn't be eliminated? Again, not taking sides, just debating.

3:24 PM, March 03, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

3:24 PM Blogger: First let me say that Ms. Sutton or no Ms. Sutton we can no longer afford the LUXURY of having a "hobby adoption group" on the public dole (we taxpayers pay for this remember ?)

I think you may well confuse animal adoption and the use of parks, or no use of parks.
You see I have not used White Cliff park for at least 28 years, but I don't see the need to remove it, as others do.

That said, animal adoption is only there for 40 hours of a 168 hour week. Who do we call for the other 128 hours ? Well we call St. Louis County Animal Control, that's who.

I believe Ms. Sutton is my age, and as such is eligible for a nice retirement program and Social Security. So let me propose she retires, and makes herself available to the citizens when, and if they want her to came.

This solves both sides of the issue, and would surly agreeable to most everyone in town. Our problem is that we cannot afford a budget of $130,000.00 for her salary, a new car, and shack repairs in the business climate of 2010, so we all get what we need and nothing more !

Your thought's ?

Tom Ford

5:45 PM, March 03, 2010  
Anonymous John said...

With all the discussion about Animal Control, I don't think anyone has said anything bad about Ms. Sutton. I have never met her, but I am sure she is a fine person.

However, Animal Control is a service we (the taxpayers of Crestwood) can not afford at the present time. Especially since we have the County service.

Parks, on the other hand, are a physical asset owned by the City. I suppose they "could" by sold to a developer to build a mall, or apartments (or maybe a casino) but no developers are buying now, as evidenced by our empty mall, and other shopping areas. BUT, parks are an amenity that improves the City, and should be kept for all to use. I don't use the parks real often, but I still like them to be there.

9:32 PM, March 03, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps animal control is viewed by some as an amenity that improves the city. Also, not used by all but valued by others. I think the reference of "dog lady" and "animal adoption" instead of Ms. Sutton or Animal Control Officer is a little disrespectful. Perhaps next we will be referring to the police as pigs, the janitors as toilet boys, and any other derogatory name we can come up with. And now you refer to her age. The point I'm trying to make is they are our employees. All of them. And although we can't get fired for referring to them inappropriately, we shouldn't because its wrong morally. As I stated before, I'm not on either side of this issue. If you (Mr.Ford) wrote you were in favor of keeping animal control I would post differently in order to further debate. There will always be something else the city could spend or put in reserve with the $130,000. But, with the amount of sales tax lost due to business closure and the sunset of prop S approaching how much will this roughly 1% of the city's 2010 budget really impact things? How many streets that have been deferred will be able to be done? Is this the answer to all our financial woes. Finally, not confused about animal control and park use, just making a comparison. You also never answered my question. If they were to euthanize the animals instead of adopting them. Since your repeatedly refer to them as "hobby adoption group" it appears that is more of the issue.

10:36 PM, March 03, 2010  
Anonymous John said...

"If they were to euthanize the animals instead of adopting them"

They do euthanize some of them, adopt some of them, and send some of them to County animal control after a number of days.

It is still a redundant service.

"I think the reference of "dog lady" and "animal adoption" instead of Ms. Sutton or Animal Control Officer is a little disrespectful"

I agree on the first one. The second is what she says she does. The third is her name. The fourth is her title. I have not seen the first one used on here.

What about the name "psycho idiot". Did you use that one?

6:05 AM, March 04, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not the same person that posted that. Difficult to tell since some of us post under the same title.

4:14 PM, March 04, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least one more street is replaced. The new street gives the impression to the potential home buyer that Crestwood maintains the infrastructure. The home buyer/owner uses the street every day. We need to scrutinize the housing stock and infrastructure supporting it. After all the housing structure is the other important component in a successful city.

5:23 PM, March 04, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

there are other things in a successful city in addition to streets and houses. Services and ammenities, stability, etc. This blog seems, after I looked through a few threads, to want all services but streets, police and fire gone. I was under the impression the debts will be paid in full very soon, so why the rush to shut the city down? Shouldn't we be looking ahead, using forward thinking, and maintaining our services and amentites so that people will still want to come here and stay after they do? Police and fire alone offers about the same thing as Wellston.

10:48 AM, March 05, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:40 AM Blogger: Come now, have you ever been to Wellston ? I have and I really don't see any comparison !

Why the "rush ?" There is no rush to tear down Crestwood, only an urgency to look into fiscal responsibility to save Crestwood !

You see our valued employees haven't seen a decent raise for some time now, yet we continue to pay outrageous sums of money (that could be used for a raise) to maintain "animal control."

I have lived on a park for over 40 years now and I have yet to see a feral cat, rabid skunk, raccoon, or bat ! I have read the reports by Ms. Sutton who states she sees them all over Crestwood though.

Now as to "age" in your former Post. What is wrong with my saying that Ms. Sutton is my age ? Am I to believe it's some sort of "sexist, Neanderthal" statement ? Face it she is my age and what's wrong with that ? I pointed it out to show that she (and I) will not be living under a bridge if her position is cut, period. You know hard decisions are in fact just that "hard decisions," and sometimes they do involve people, but it's business, never personal. If anyone on this blog should complain it should be me what with the personal attacks on me and my family, but I know it comes with the territory, so....

Tom Ford

5:18 PM, March 05, 2010  

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