Dog catcher panel told "feral cat" population could rise (click her for the story!)

In today's addition of the Call (see above) the panel studying the need for the animal adoption officer was told by Ms' Sutton and a local Veterinarian that with out Ms. Sutton's "constant surveillance" the Feral cat population could rise, as well as illness in Crestwood, Really?
The Veterinarian who came to testify for Ms. Sutton works for the Yorkshire Animal Clinic (AND WHAT'S THAT GOT TO DO WITH IT?) Well, I have the Vet bills from 2009, and guess what? we paid the same Yorkshire Animal Clinic $2,182.00 for their services in 2009!
I can see a reason for coming before the committee to testify, and I wonder if the committee was told that the wittiness's firm are the Veterinarian's for Ms. Sutton's group?
I also read that Ms. Sutton sees animals on the loose when she returns home in Kirkwood as well. This is interesting as while not a "trained animal observer," I never see animals running loose in Kirkwood, and I am over there quite often for business.
Ms. Sutton testified that "City police provide animal-control services after-hours and on the weekends. Sutton, however, said she remains on-call for emergencies 24 hours a day, seven days a week." Interesting as the Police officers I have talked to all told me that after 4:30 PM, animal control is nowhere to be found, and on weekends it is "non existent" and County is called (Ask your Police officers.)
Folks, the bottom line is the service while nice is an amenity that we cannot afford at this time. There will come a time in the future when things are back on track that we can revisit this service, but for now we must cut where we can (and this is one area we can.)
Every year the Board and the Mayor come at us with another tax increase proposal, but they never cut anything to show us fiscal responsibility! This is one area where they can show us they are serious, and I urge them to do it!
Tom Ford
NO. 726
Thank God Crestwood has had Ms Sutton on guard for us the last several years! WITHOUT her 40 hour a work week, we would be up to our armpits in feral cats.
Her training with Marlin Perkins as a back up to Jim on the tv show Wild Kingdom has allowed her to train the feral population only be seen in our City Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m to 4:00 p.m. Without this training feral cats would be running over our fair city at 4:01 p.m until Ms Sutton clocked back in the next day.
The best part of her service is she has even training the "could increase in population" in feral cats to never be a problem on week ends.
What a public servant we have and what a shame if we didn't have to pay for her but instead could use her pay to hire another police officer.
I could honestly care less if animal control stays or goes. I just feel the police should have no part, whatsoever, in taking animal control calls unless its a bite or something. The realty is that without the PD picking up the slack, crestwood animal control would not be kept around. 40% is sutton, and 60% is the police. seems like an absurd waste of time and resources.
Where in Crestwood is this "feral cat infestation"?
I have lived here for a long time, and I have only seen four cats, and they belong to my neighbors. Of course I have seen those multiple times, but they always go back home.
There are a number of dogs in the area (including one at my house), and they are all in a fenced yard, or on a leash, and don't bark very much. Maybe once every other year, one gets loose, and is quickly rounded up by the owner.
If there were feral cats around, I would think the dogs would let us know.
I have seen all the usual wild animals in the trees, and on the gound, and have never seen one acting "strangely", or trying to bother us, and we just leave them alone.
According to the Missouri Department of Conservation, wild animals should be left alone, even if you think they are "acting strangely".
" I just feel the police should have no part, whatsoever, in taking animal control calls unless its a bite or something. The realty is that without the PD picking up the slack, crestwood animal control would not be kept around. 40% is sutton, and 60% is the police. seems like an absurd waste of time and resources."
"I live in Kirkwood.... as I'm driving home, I begin to see dogs running in the park. I have cats that run on my property that I think have been dumped. It's a very different situation."
How do these animals know where the city line is?
If Kirkwood is so bad, why would anyone live there?
I have a question that no one seems to have addressed: If animal control is gone, and someone down the street has a dog they put out every morning at 4am, and it barks constantly, and the owners refuse to stop from barking, what will happen? As things are now, the police might be called, and from there I am unsure. I assume that call would be referred on to animal control. I know she goes out on these calls, because I've seen her in my neighborhood.With her gone, won't the police have to physically go to these calls rather than simply refer them on? This seems to me to have the potential to increase police work rather than reduce it. The police can't ignore a citizen call for disturbing the peace, can they?
First of all, she won't come at 4am.
I would think you have a disturbing the peace situation where the Police would contact the person to resolve the problem, and make them deal with the dog.
If the problem persisted, you or the Police would contact county animal control to deal with the dog, and probably remove it.
6:19 AM Blogger: As John said you will not see Ms. Sutton until at least 8:30 AM (if then.)
Second this is a peace disturbance call, and Ms. Sutton cannot write a LEGAL summand so the police would have to be there anyway.
Third, the County officers would indeed respond after the police were there to remove the animal if needed.
The norm is for the police to respond, advise the resident that their in violation, and tell them if it continues they are subject to a summons and having the dog removed. If it continues, they get a summons and County is called.
You may not know this, buy this is exactly what happens now (even with Ms. Sutton on the pay roll.
Tom Ford
John,My goodness, I had never thought about the likely hood of, "Gasp," Kirkwood animals crossing the border in mass to attack us!
I am going to Denny Dennis sporting goods today to buy up some more ammunition in case Susie needs help!
Oh wait, she is "Omni present," and will be everywhere at once, so she can do it all alone (sort of like Santa Claus.) Come to think of it, our tax funding of the animal adoption unit is just like Santa Claus, no?
Good point John, I guess the Kirkwood animals "know their place" and wouldn't dare cross the border (would they?)
Tom Ford
"If the problem persisted, you or the Police would contact county animal control to deal with the dog, and probably remove it."
If a dog that sent more than 1 person to the hospital cannot be "removed", as you said in that other thread, how can they take one just for barking? This blog is confusing.
10:00 AM blogger; Perhaps you are confusing the fact that the dog that sent the people to the hospital would be returned (if not rabid) to it's rightful owner with "removed" for barking.
The barking dog would also be returned to it's rightful owner after they paid a fine for the nuisance charge, and pick up. Get it now?
Tom Ford
this, then, brings me back to my original point: if St. Louis County doesn't do nuisance calls, then wouldn't be police here in Crestwood be the ones who have to take the calls with no one to refer them to?
"this, then, brings me back to my original point: if St. Louis County doesn't do nuisance calls, then wouldn't be police here in Crestwood be the ones who have to take the calls with no one to refer them to?"
3:17 PM, February 11, 2010
The police here in Crestwood do them now, so yes they would. They would also refer the calls to County just as they do when Susie is off (31.25% of the time!)
You really don't believe that "available 24/7/365" comment she made do you? She works 40 hours a week (or less) and the rest of the time it's up to the Police, and County to handle the calls.
In fact if it's a vicious animal call it's still up to the Police and County to nab the animal. She will give you a trap and tell you that if you catch the animal to call the Police!
Ms. Sutton is my age, and you can bet that neither one of us will be in a tree getting your pet cat (or a feral one either) out of said tree for you, that's going to the Police or fire rescue, trust me.
So there you have it, we have a very expensive animal adoption club here in Crestwood under the guise of Animal Control that I believe we can no longer afford, what say you?
Tom Ford
"SEATTLE -- King County will close its animal shelters by January 31, 2010 and end offering animal control services to cities within the county by June 30, 2010, according to a new legislation adopted by the King County Council on Monday.
County officials said for the past three years, the cost of providing animal care has exceeded revenue from pet licenses and other pet-related fees by $2 million each year. And without another solution in sight, officials said closing the shelters is the only practical option. " (King County radio station, KOMO
Other city / County officials get it, why not Crestwood? "Your Honor" and members of the BOA, will we see some real fiscal responsibility in the near future, or will you continue to hide behind the "Ad Hoc committee?"
Tom Ford
Anonymous 3:17 PM, February 11, 2010
From St Louis County animal control:
However, a representative from county animal control, Becky Smail, told the committee last week the county does offer limited trapping services in response to calls pertaining to bites and animals inside residences.
"Our response is based on priority," Smail said. "If the police need our assistance we're going to get there as soon as possible. If there's an attack and the citizens need us we're going to get there as soon as possible."
You will find that many things are exaggerated by the Crestwood animal control supporters. If you do a little research on St Louis County Animal Control, and the Missouri Department of Conservation websites, you will get a more realistic picture.
This reminds me when the railroads went from steam to diesel. The RR Unions realized that position of Fireman on a train was no longer needed, but fought like crazy to keep the job open. Kind of like the Crestwood Animal Control office, dont need it, have another service we already pay for, but gee it feels good to say we have one. Except we have to pay for both services.
6:33 PM blogger: Yes and sadly the Arthur Miller play, "Death of a Salesman" when Willy Lohman said, "But they loved me in Philadelphia!"
Susie, were both the same age, time to retire, sit on your Kirkwood porch and watch the animals over there! I intend to do the same here in Crestwood.
it's time for the younger guy's to climb the ladders, no?
Tom Ford
"Except we have to pay for both services."
A very good reason to drop it!
IF we continue on the path this city is on be prepared for a tax increase request sponsored again by John Foote.
John Foote has expressed the need for more money for three years. HE has participated on the ways and means comittee for three years and has never requested a spending reduction.
I am sitting on mine!
11:27 I thought Mr. Foote would do better than that, but he has not, We need a new alderman who will stop the spending.
John, we all are with the exception of "His Honor" and certain Board members (we all know who they are.)
The perpetual "Tax and spend" crowd here in Crestwood is the problem, not the Department heads or Jim Eckrich, trust me!
These people must be voted out of office, and their minions told that those day's are over!
Tom Ford
I differ with your assesment of Jim Eckrich. Jim has had the opportunity to save money instead of spending every dime generated. Jim reversed his vote on the bridge to no where and has not put any funds away for a rainy day. Yes he takes directions from the BOA but he also has the ability to recommend and as such never recomends placing additional funds in a savings account. Instead Jim has recommended two deficit budgets.
Ultimately the BOA decides so lets tilt the board to a fiscaly conservative slant.
Oh!!! Last but not least I want my Prop S tax elimated as promised. The debt the bail out money was used for is eliminated in MArch of 2010.
4:57 PM, February 12, 2010
Jim'm original recommendation to the BOA called for the elimination of Animal Control. As I recall, the BOA and Mayor had him redo the budget with it back in.
I am not an expert on how the City finances work, but I think Jim controls the day to day stuff, but the BOA has final say on spending. If they vote to keep something, it stays.
Jim Eckrich retained animal control in the budget and presented the option to disband the animal control dept. to the BOA as a cost savings approach.
6:57 PM Blogger: Jim Eckrich is no doubt catching flack form "His Honor" to do exactly what he is told!
On one hand he keeps it in the budget (per Roy,) and on the other he recommends it to be cut (per common sense!) Well he now knows (I hope) that you only get burned if you do not make a decision (reference needed cut's) and stick to it.
Jim, when (and if) you read this, go to Roy's office and tell him that the vote's he hopes to get from the special interest animal adoption group have evaporated, SO MAKE THE CUT!
Tom Ford
"Dog catcher panel told "feral cat" population could rise" The key word here is COULD. Just like the Whipperwill population COULD rise. Of course you have to define rise, if there is just one Whipperwill then if you have another one that makes a "rise".
Fear tactics is all this is in order to keep a job open that we don't need.
Same fear tactic was used to sell the bridge to no where in White Cliff park.
$150,000 evaporates and we are asked for more tax money.
7:53 AM blogger: Well we had to do that don't you know, otherwise we would have made the employees who worked on the grant feel bad!
This sort of mentality by some on the Board is exactly what our problem has been, and is! Sorry but any person in this economy with a job should be thrilled to death to be working!
I am positive that among the 10.2% of the un-employed in Missouri there are a few who can fill out grant forms, and would be thrilled to do it (used or not!)
Face it folks, we have zero leadership at the top! This is a City that needs people who understand business, and will make the tough decisions needed to revive our town, not the tax and spend leadership we now have!
Tom Ford
I am disappointed at the attempts here to smear the good name of alderman Foote. There are seven other people who serve on this Board and not one of them but all of them make the decisions. This sounds more like an attempt by you Mr. Ford and your Kool-Aid drinking supporters to grow votes for Mr. Footes' opponent in the upcoming election. I for one am not buying it and I hope others that read your blog see through this charade. By the way what have you done for Crestwood lately other than hide behind your computer and promote negativism.
We have bigger fish to fry here in Crestwood and yes I raise my hand for a Tax Increase if the funds derived are earmarked for those things that require attention. Ex: Streets, Police and Fire. We will soon need a new Fire truck and within several years major street renovations if something isn't done soon.
And although I have agreed with some of your positions, I do not see a positive side to criticizing specific alderman by name. It only entices those who support that person to be more supportive of those they feel have served their position well.
"Mr. Foote has served his position well"
What does the statement mean to you?
Mr. Foote has, for three years, stated he wants more of your money, the city cannot survive, and supported the last tax increase proposal with incorrect information.
He is never specific or measurable with what he wants with more money.
One rule of advertising is repeat until they believe. Well the citizens did not believe and defeated the tax increase proposal.
What say you?
5:30 PM Blogger: Well, I see nothing on this blog that besmirches Alderman Foote's good name! In fact quite the opposite, as I have said "he is a man beyond reproach," so get it right!
I did say that he is a fan of tax increases, and he has demonstrated that he is by backing an increase several times!
You raise your hand to a tax increase? Well, what about PROP. S? (That was trumpeted by the usual cheer leader's) and was to "sunset" when the loans were paid off! Well the loan's are paid off, but as usual, no sun set!!
What have I done for Crestwood? Well I PAID FOR THIS SITE so you too could spew your venom here, and I will continue to do so. Now, what have you done for Crestwood? Were you one of the "cheer leaders" for the last (failed by 72%) tax increase?
Sorry but I call them as I see them, and if that's not pretty to you, well, that's unfortunate!
Tom Ford
AMEN Tom. The 5:30 pm comment was way off base. I have not witnessed any name calling or attack on the integrity of John Foote.
It was clearly stated what his actions have been regarding taxes and spending. Actions speak louder than words.
" Mr. Ford and your Kool-Aid drinking supporters"
Dagnabbit Tom, I told you we shouldn't be drinking that darn KoolAid at our secret meetings! I knew that would get us in trouble.
Kool Aid? I thought we were drinking Jim Beam.
We were promised new streets when the last sales tax was passed. The first two years we saw new streets built but then came the Aqua Center. Since the aqua center was opened we have continued to remove money for street building to pay for Aqua Center Debt.
Street repair, and maintenance was also mentioned as a source of funds for animal control, and the bridge to nowhere.
I guess they will be able to lay off Public Works people since they will not be needed anymore.
I look forward to the day that our city returns to a position of stability but in the meantime we are what we are and must continue make the necessary adjustments to our budget to bring the city to a break even point. Spend no more than what we bring in. It is simple enough to temporarily discontinue services that are absolutely not necessary with the promise to restore them if and when it is economically feasable.
Now if our board would just make the tough decisions and stop worrying about how those decisions will affect their political futures we might just make it through this mess without as much as a tax increase.
My only concern is that while we sit still other entities are proposing future tax increases that will make it impossible in the future to get anything passed here in Crestwood.
John said...
" Mr. Ford and your Kool-Aid drinking supporters"
Dagnabbit Tom, I told you we shouldn't be drinking that darn KoolAid at our secret meetings! I knew that would get us in trouble.
6:15 AM, February 16, 2010
Well yes John, from now on we shall drink nothing but the finest single malt Scotch, or Bourbon!
No need to explain what that is to our detractors as I am sure it would be like "casting pearls before swine."
Ah well, what you see here is the quintessential progressive, liberal response to removing a duplicate service that they want just so they can play on our money!
Sorry progressive / liberals, those day's are over!
Tom Ford
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