Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The meeting of the "Economic Development Commission last night! (audio / video is up, click here!)

Well for one and one half hours the E.D.C. met, discussed, listened, and came up with nothing as usual! This was a very important meeting for Crestwood as they haven't met since August, 2009! Back then we heard from Alderman Foote that we were very fortunate to have Mr. Forrest Miller as the Chairman of the committee due to his vast experience in business, remember?

Well here we are some six months later and Chairman Miller is absent from his own meeting? Wow, I feel very fortunate, how about you? There were a couple of things of interest though, that being a presentation to the committee on the need to move forward with Crestwood Court's. When it was pointed out that we don't own that center, a gentleman stated that we must resort to "emanate domain" if needed! Gee whiz, are we to believe that seizing the property is a good idea? I doubt that very seriously!

Interestingly enough six out of the eight Alderman were in attendance to listen to the report's. I am told that three of them were together, and that doesn't surprise me as the three (Pickel, Foote, and Beasley, "The axis of taxes" have voted with "His Honor" since their election.)

So what did we get for our heat, lights, and time ? Well nothing as three of the basic Tennant's of a good meeting were violated (action plan, date for the next meeting, and goals expected.) Other than that , it was a wonderful excursion into "total mediocrity!"

PS: Hey, Mr. Miller, when do you all start "developing the economics ?"

Tom Ford

NO. 728


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe the agenda is set for John B to reach into the pockets of Crestwood and receive money to assemble a plan for Crestwood. If you don't believe he was selling the economic development commission stay tuned.

I bet the farm that the city administrator called the meeting and set the stage. Mr. Eckridge is the one who asked John to give his sales speach while the axis of three
(Foote, Pickle,Beezley) attended. Be careful the rest of you on the BOA.

Please be aware that Fenton just took a big step forward with development of the 5 million square feet of space available at the former Chrysler plant by obtaining a grant from the Federal government to study the environmental issues. Fenton is moving forward and where is our economic development comission? Sitting on its hands doing nothing. You can bet the owners of Crestwood Courts are observing these events and evaluating future strategies.

7:54 PM, February 18, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sorry I forget to give the complete name of the gentlemen who gave the sales speach. His name is
John Brancaglione.

8:18 PM, February 18, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:54 PM Blogger: Interesting that you say Mr. Eckrich called the meeting. That would explain Mr. Miller's absence from the first meeting since August, 2009!

Since we know that the "axis of taxes" (Pickle, Foote, and Beasley) were somewhat joined at the hip at this meeting, do you think there is something between PGAV and the Board to attempt to blight and push for "emanate domain" on the the Crestwood Court's for ?

Extremely interesting, let's look into this a bit further!

Tom Ford

8:24 PM, February 18, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Up-date in the Meeting, I am told by a very reliable source that the Alderman were told to be there!

Interesting to say the least, who is running the ship, the "commission" (And Mr. Eckrich,who are not elected) or the Board ?

Tom Ford

6:22 PM, February 19, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Economic development meeting audio (part two.)

Tom Ford

8:02 AM, February 21, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Economic development meeting (part three)

Tom Ford

8:04 AM, February 21, 2010  

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