The Call newspaper endorses Steve Nieder for Alderman, Ward four, (click here for the story !)
It seems that the Call Newspaper has taken a stand for "fiscal Conservative" over "Tax and Spend." You decide, and please show up for the election as it's the least we can do for the young Men and Women fighting for our freedom in Afghanistan !
Tom Ford
NO. 745
Tom Ford
NO. 745
From what I have seen, I too would favor Steve Nieder.
But...I am not in ward four, so I can't vote for him.
As Tom said: GO OUT AND VOTE!
how does the crestwood alderman race affect the people serving in the armed forces?
The better the Crestwood government is, the better the living conditions are for locally assigned Military people, and for the families of those serving abroad.
From letters to the call newspaper: "John has always been the calm voice of reason on the Board of Alderman conducting himself with decorum and with respect for his colleagues."
Obviously this writer was not there when the "bridge to nowhere" was being discussed.
After a rant about forest fires destroying part of Crestwood, Mr Foote jumped up waving a sheaf of papers , yelling, and shaking the papers at other aldermen. This action was the complete opposite of the quote above!
Writer of letter to Call must have had Foote mixed up with former Alderman Pat Duwe when they said "a calm voice of reason", because Mr.Foote and reason cant be used in the same sentence.
I too was amazed at that letter. I saw Mr. Foote get rather excited at some of the Prop 1 meetings last summer.
10:11 PM Blogger: I really don't know how to answer that question.
Will the ward four race affect our armed forces in any way ? Well no it won't.
However the next time you read, see or hear about one of our young men and women who have paid the ultimate sacrifice coming home for burial, I want you to thank them for securing your right to vote !
You see it's not how does it affect them, but rather how does it affect us. American service personnel have fought and died for you right, and freedom to use that ballot box, so please do not let them down !
It gas been said that "there are five boxes that secure liberty.
1. the mail box.
2. the soap box.
3. the ballot box.
4. the jury box.
5. the cartridge box.
I implore you to use them in that order."
Please cast you ballot for the candidate of your choice on April 6th. It's your right, and it's you duty !
Tom Ford
Oh come on, I'm still worried about feral cats and forest fires!
7:37 PM Blogger: Me too, but if you were to contact John Foote, I would suspect he would tell you that since "we thought about it" the threat is over !
After all, even with Susie Sutton out for health reasons have we seen any "Feral cat's ?" That woman is phenomenal in her powers, no ?
Mr. Foote wants an animal adoption agency, and a bridge to fight "canopy fires." Mr. Nieder wants "fiscal responsibility," now what do you think ?
Tom Ford
I think the only "canopy fire" we will ever see in Crestwood, is if someones BBQ grill sets their deck awning on fire.
Of course they could throw beer on it....oh wait....BAD IDEA, drink the beer, and throw the ice water on it.
Indeed, we who served in the NAVY knew exactly how to do it !
Tom Ford
Speaking of forrest fires (or canopy fires), ironically, I was watching the news a short while ago, and I saw one of our fire units in Lone Elk Park fighting the brush fire there along with units from other cities in the area. Mutual Aid is a good thing!
Also, our guys were getting good training for our park fire that some are worried about (??).
By the way, I have not been to the park lately, is the "bridge to nowhere" rebuilt yet, or what is the status on that project?
"Indeed, we who served in the NAVY knew exactly how to do it !"
For those who didn't know, every sailor gets fire fighting training in boot camp, and continuing during our time in. And for special situations like working in aviation, you get much more training.
This is because many sailors are on ships, and, if your ship burns up in the middle of the ocean, where do you go???
Right you are John, I went to Damage control school at San Diego, once for basic DC school and the second for advanced training.
Do you remember having to come out of a scuttle hole after condition zebra had been set, and when the compartment completely flooded ? Doubt I could fit in the entire hatch anymore, much less that very small hole !
DC school was a sure cure for fear of water, fire, and extreme emergency's. It was there you learned to count on each other, and place your life in the hands of your shipmate if needed.
John, those were great day's, no ?
Tom Ford
Yes they were!
I didn't do a lot of shipboard advanced stuff, but did do the aviation training. The fog/foam they used back then was supposedly made from some kind of animal products, and when it got hot it was nasty smelling.
The crew was shipmates, all depending on each other to do their job, and that kept everybody safe.
I frequent the part of the park that will be receiving the new bridge, and so far there are wooden stakes in the ground. I assume they're related to surveying/engineering.
Martha Duchild
Ms. Duchild,
Thank you very much for the bridge update!
It seems like a long time since approval, but I guess all the planning, and construction takes time.
I have been to the park several times, but I always think about taking a look just after I pass the road to the bridge.
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