Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Feral cat issue in New Jersey, could hunters be allowed to shoot them? (click here for the story.)

Well at least Crestwood (?) isn't the only place on the planet with a "feral cat" problem. In New jersey the law makers have apparently had it with people getting a cat and then turning them loose in the wilds.

Perhaps the right methods haven't been applied in New jersey, maybe they need an animal adoption program on a very large scale ? In the spirit of helping our fellow Americans I propose that we do a "lend lease" type deal in which we offer to have Ms. Sutton and the animal control volunteers move to New Jersey, set up shop, and solve their problems. This will have the added advantage of trimming our cash strapped budget, allowing her work to continue, AND GIVING MR. PICKEL AND THOSE BRAVE ALDERPERSONS WHO VOTED TO TABLE THIS VOTE UNTIL AFTER THE ELECTIONS (who are we trying to save here Chris, Alderman Foote?) a chance to hold their heads up in public again !

All in all it's a win/win situation for Crestwood, New Jersey, and the cat population soon th be decimated unless we send help soon !

Tom Ford

NO. 736


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Send Ms. Sutton to New Jersey, sounds like they could use her there more than we do here.

3:09 PM, March 13, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what an insenstive jerk.

2:36 PM, March 14, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what are you thinking, saying something like that now?? Have you no sense of decency at all???

3:25 PM, March 14, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with those two posts. Really low blow, sir, uncalled for.

3:50 PM, March 14, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Watzammmatta you don't want to move to New Jersey?

3:59 PM, March 14, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The verbal assaults, the ugly things said about the volunteers and Suzie and animal control, that's one thing. But to kick someone in the hospital fighting to be alive, that's another story. It's cold hearted, viscious, and as the other poster said, uncalled for. You should be ashamed, and everyone else should be grateful your colors have at last been shown.

4:05 PM, March 14, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...


I have heard of no Hospital admissions as of today, and had I it would have been posted as I always do. So if we do in fact have a person who is "fighting to stay alive," tell us and we will ALL send a card or go and visit them !

Your turn !

Tom Ford

4:47 PM, March 14, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Suzie Sutton. She can't have visitors. She is very, very ill.

5:23 PM, March 14, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:23PM Blogger: Well thank you for telling us ! It seems that ALL of you are a bit "over the top" accusing me of being "insensitive" when I, or anyone outside of your group knew nothing about this !

That's OK though, we will send her a card if you would be kind enough to tell us what Hospital she is in, and what her illness is.

I really believe you (and everyone else) knows that I do not hammer anyone who cannot defend themselves, so when she comes out of this malady (and she will) we will re-visit this.

Tom Ford

5:45 PM, March 14, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Insensitive jerk?

I was taught that you are what you call other people.

I have not found Tom to be insensitive.

What hospital is Ms. Sutton in? What happened?

Please let us know. This is personal not professional.

8:59 PM, March 14, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Well Ms. Wheat, or Ms. Watson can you give us the Hospital Ms. Sutton is in ?

If you would be so kind I will make it a main thread with the information so Ms. Sutton can receive cards and flowers.

Thank you in advance.

Tom Ford

4:27 PM, March 15, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

I can hardly believe this myself, but it seems that Ms. Susie Sutton was admitted to St. Clair Hospital on March the 9th. and was released on March 13th. ! (verified by the Hospital.)

Now we have the "time line" of the post's that said she was "fighting for her life," and "very, very sick" and could have no visitors on the 14th. of March as well !

I did not ask what the illness may have been, but I find it hard to believe she was "fighting for her life" on the 9th. and walked out on the 13th. !

It was that same time line in which my detractors said I was "insensitive," and "what are you thinking, saying something like that now" remember ?

Well the truth be known, both posts were AFTER Ms. Sutton had her "miraculous recovery from death's door" and is at home doing whatever she does at home !

We have seen this "revisionist history" in the papers when the "frozen dog" was rescued by her (it turned out that a resident captured it and not Ms. Sutton.)

Now we see it here on the blog. Ladies, please just STOP telling us these prevarications as it only serves to make you (and by extension Crestwood) look foolish !

PS: Save the cards, letters, and flowers for the next round as I am happy to report that the reports of Ms. Sutton's pending demise are greatly exaggerated !

Tom Ford

6:25 PM, March 15, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

she has not been released from the hospital. Don't have any idea who you were talking to.

6:27 PM, March 15, 2010  
Anonymous John said...

I think that the "animal control crowd" is just trying to stir the pot.

No real info, but anything anyone else says is wrong. Their credibility level has hit a new low.

8:21 PM, March 15, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please anonymous poster tell me what the real story is since you seem to know. I would to support her recovery.
What hospital is MS. Sutton in now?

Thanks in advance for your assistance.

8:42 PM, March 15, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why is it that anyone who knows Ms. Sutton is the "animal control crowd"? Is no one allowed to simply know her?

8:47 PM, March 15, 2010  
Anonymous John said...

To: Anonymous 8:47 PM,

OK. You are officially promoted to "Person Who Knows Ms. Sutton".

And removed from the "animal control crowd".

Now, why would you say: "But to kick someone in the hospital fighting to be alive" When none of us knew, or know anything about it? And still don't. Is this a joke? Are you tying to put someone down?

When other City employees have been ill, or in the hospital, someone posted the basic info, and most everyone wished them well, a speedy recovery, and some probably sent cards. Like Tom said in an earlier post.

Instead, we have hatefull posts like above. Are all Ms. Sutton's "friends" like that?

10:40 PM, March 15, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why doesn't someone answer my request for more information about MS. Sutton and what hospital she is in and the state of her recovery?

7:18 AM, March 16, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been told I need to come on here and read the posts and set the record straight. So I will: Suzie is in the hospital fighting a massive infection. She had surgery on her kidneys and is out of ICU. She is not now nor has she ever been at St. Clare, and she has not been released.I cannot imagine where that information came from. She is too weak to receive visitors other than her kids and a few people helping her from work. She has trouble answering the phone. I cannot speak to the posts on here, so I won't. Details are sketchy because we are not blood relatives, information is coming from her sons, so it's delayed. That is all the informatiuon I have at this time. She should not have visitors due to the fact that she is so weak.Cards are welcome, I am told.

Mary Wheat

10:27 AM, March 16, 2010  
Anonymous John said...


Some real information. Thank you very much Ms. Wheat for having the common decency to let us know what the real story is!

I and many others on here wish Ms. Sutton a speedy, and complete recovery from her illness. And we feel for her family members during these difficult times. We have all had family members in the hospital, (and many of us have been patients too) and know how stressfull that can be.

Best wishes for a fast recovery!!

12:18 PM, March 16, 2010  
Anonymous John said...

Most of us who post on here are Citizens of Crestwood. Some are probably employees of Crestwood. In either case we are like one big family. we all support Crestwood either financially, professionally, and personally.
If any of the employees of Crestwood are sick, injured, or in other difficulties, most people at least feel sorry for them, and offer support in some way.


There needs to be some kind of communication! How would the average resident know if someone is ill, or injured??
A blog like this is one way. The City web site is another (but it is usually lacking in accurate information), and I'm sure there are other ways.

What is really despicable, is when, knowing that no information was put out, "some people" would say things like:

"what an insenstive jerk"

"what are you thinking, saying something like that now?? Have you no sense of decency at all???"

"The verbal assaults, the ugly things said about the volunteers and Suzie and animal control, that's one thing. But to kick someone in the hospital fighting to be alive, that's another story. It's cold hearted, viscious, and as the other poster said, uncalled for. You should be ashamed, and everyone else should be grateful your colors have at last been shown."

Speaking of showing colors....these people throw this stuff out under cover of anonymity, ridiculing those of us who were asking for information on what was happening with Ms. Sutton.

I think a new low has been reached!

12:50 PM, March 16, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish for a Ms. Sutton a speedy and full recovery.
My question is, with her off due to illness, who stands between the citizens of Crestwood and the hord of wild animals and feral cats at our door step? Who is our defense against the crazed dogs waiting to chew the very flesh from our childern's bones as the dash from their bus stop to their homes? Who will protect us from those that would turn their unwanted pets lose in Crestwood once thy learn of MS. Suttons absence?
The answer is the very same people who do it now when Ms Sutton has clocked out for the day, our POLICE OFFICERS!

5:23 PM, March 16, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

speaking of new lows...the 5:23 post about sums it up

5:56 PM, March 16, 2010  
Anonymous John said...

Police Officers are not Animal Control Officers. They should not be made to do it.
Have it covered by St Louis County Animal Control. For now, and from now on.

6:25 PM, March 16, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is so "low" bout asking the question of what do we do when Ms. Sutton is off duty?
Do the Feral cats and mad dogs know she is off duty and knowing as much, do not bother the good people of Crestwood?
Answer the question without your personal feelings towards MS Sutton entering into the equation.
Then answer the question, "do we need an animal control officer"?

10:22 PM, March 16, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you 10:22 pm poster.

Once again the issue is clouded with other non-related questions and you brought the focus back.

Those questions are valid but far to logical for the emotional vote in this city and country. Thus we have Obama has president. How is the hope and change doing for you?

6:39 AM, March 17, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6:39 AM Blogger: Hope and change ? Well if we follow Washington's lead we will have no hope, or change left in out pockets !

May I recommend that you take a look at the site "Conservatives of America" posted on the right side of the blog under links. I do believe this is a very good place to start taking back our Country !

God Bless America, and Crestwood !

Tom Ford

5:48 PM, March 17, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

not a Republican blog, eh?

6:40 PM, March 17, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6:40 PM Blogger: It's MY blog, and it goes where I think (conservative,) and what I believe in (less Government,) so if your offended, don't read it !

If your a democRAT, and your not happy, start your own Blog my friend, it's simple, not too expensive, and who knows, you may just get a reader !

Tom Ford

7:00 PM, March 17, 2010  

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