"Hey this isn't Crestwood, you said it was the Crestwood independent !" Well this is posted for one glaring reason my friends (and detractors,) and that is to show the Mayor and the BOA just how the tough decisions are made!
There will be a crescendo of hoots and hollers when it comes to "pet programs and projects" at the state lever, but our Governor knows we can't fund everything (and he brave enough to say so !) Now as I have said below we are in the same boat in Crestwood, things must be reduced to insure that Crestwood survives this onslaught coming out of Washington that has caused this deep rescission (depression ?) right ?
Well that said, when do we see the type of leadership that our Governor is showing at the State level ? Your Honor, when will you take the lead brought forth by Mr. Jim Eckrich (recommended animal adoption be eliminated,) and show us you and the board are serious about "fiscal responsibility ?
I never thought I would live to see the day when a Democrat Governor would recommend cutting any program, but I was wrong ! Jay, I congratulate you, and if you have any time left please come to Crestwood and show our Mayor and his Board how to do it !
Tom Ford
NO. 732
There will be a crescendo of hoots and hollers when it comes to "pet programs and projects" at the state lever, but our Governor knows we can't fund everything (and he brave enough to say so !) Now as I have said below we are in the same boat in Crestwood, things must be reduced to insure that Crestwood survives this onslaught coming out of Washington that has caused this deep rescission (depression ?) right ?
Well that said, when do we see the type of leadership that our Governor is showing at the State level ? Your Honor, when will you take the lead brought forth by Mr. Jim Eckrich (recommended animal adoption be eliminated,) and show us you and the board are serious about "fiscal responsibility ?
I never thought I would live to see the day when a Democrat Governor would recommend cutting any program, but I was wrong ! Jay, I congratulate you, and if you have any time left please come to Crestwood and show our Mayor and his Board how to do it !
Tom Ford
NO. 732
this obsession with animal control is becoming a little scary. There is NO other issue here in Crestwood that is worthy of your attention? This is getting so monotonous that I will no longer be reading your blog. It's the same topic, introduced again and again, with no let up. Even entries not about that always seem to come back to Suzie and animal control. Get help. Your obsession is creepy.
Well, there is always the
swim club
the MALL
Creston Center
you could write about
why havent you?
refer to my statement, "even entries not about that always seem to come back to Suzie and animal control." I could bring up any subject on in the world, and within 3 responses, we would be back to animal control. It is an over riding topic that, as I stated, is getting weird.
What's weird is you say you will no longer read this blog but within 2 hours you are back on it again posting.
Have we added another department to the city? Mr. Ford keeps referring to the animal adoption agency. Is this a branch of animal control? So should we eliminate the adoption agency or control. Or are they the same and you feel some need to call it something different for your own amusement? Golly Gee I'm so confused.
What is really strange is that other topics are suggessted and the blogger brings the animal control topic up again.
What the saying?
The pot calling the kettle black.
4:28 PM blogger: well if you listen to all three parts of the presentation to the Ad Hoc committee appointed for animal control, a speaker admits that the group puts up stray animals for adoption, ergo "animal adoption group."
Hey, I didn't say it, they did.
4:28 PM blogger: " Golly Gee I'm so confused." I can see that my friend, you see this is about one small segment of spending that our fearless leaders can't seem to control!
Unfortunately for Ms. Sutton and the friends of animal control are in the middle of a tug of war over expenses. You see this is about what can and should be cut for the budget's sake.
We are supposed to have a balanced budget in Crestwood (Charter requirement,) but we don't have it as they borrow from one fund to prop up the next to the tune of $600,000.00 this year!
Now come a simple cut (as requested by Mr. Jim Eckrich,) animal control and what do we see, an Ad Hoc committee waisting more time and money to do what is necessary!
Sorry but the day's of everything for everybody are long gone (as we will be if they don't make some decisions.)
Gentle poster, (golly gee) does that help you?
Tom Ford
Since Crestwood has assumed the responsibility for collecting delinquent past due waste expense invoices, how much is now past due? How many Crestwood residents belong to Whitecliff Pool? Company cars, cell phones, ratio of employees, police vehicles, white shirts vs # residents and sq miles,salary comparisons vs city stats ... and cost of city attorney !!!! Purchasing Power, etc. Clue: Have you been following the unfortunate cuts going on everywhere? Pay attention, raise your expectations. Start asking those running for office if they have guts. Serious questions, be sure they go in with eyes wide open and have the time and the vision a town down on its luck needs to face a changed future.
Point: When the complete bottom line has undergone the same scrutiny as animal control but with less angst and antagonism and with more discetion and concern and it has been inconclusively proved that a very bright light has been shown in all crevices of city government, then all this contention about this service should be put up on the dais in the hands of paid elected officials, who volunteered to run for their position and should prove to us they have the guts and ability to take this to another level. They should remember they represent the taxpayers and they are essentially the "boss."
Citizen boards should make time to attend meetings or quit. They need to present info and ideas for consideration, not waste our time lallygagging. City employees need to completely stay out of city politics. This is oil and vinegar.
Galleria is in Chapter 11, so chances are Crestwood Court isn't going to be able to put us back on the map. It is reality check time. We must do the best we can with what we've got. This is not to say lots of good ideas and minds are not at work on this, it simply means stop kicking the wrong things to the curb.and remember the idea of a tax increase does not sit well nowdays for many reasons.
Okay pick this apart and then go to it with your ideas. This is not the city of no.
10:00 PM Blogger: Bravo my friend, that was extremely well stated to say the least.
I agree, as I have said all along if you (C/A, BOA, Mayor) can't, or aren't willing to make the cut's where we can (animal control is one for sure,) then how, or why can we trust you to do anything else right ?
Elections and votes be damed, show me a person with the knowledge and courage to REALLY MANAGE, and I will show you a person who will be re-elected as often as the Charter permits !
We have some very good minds on the BOA as we speak (Duchild, Miguel, Schlink, Wallach) And then we have what I call the "AXIS OF TAX'S, Pickle, Beasley, Duncan, Foote backed up by the C/A, and the Mayor.
When was the last time anyone asked why the Prop "S" did not sunset as PROMISED when the debt was paid off ? How about Prop "1" that was to be our salvation as we were doomed if it didn't pass ( it lost by 72%, remember?)
Crestwood has far to many "tax and spend people on that Dias who for what ever reason will continue to spend, spend, spend ! Don't believe me ? Well ask where the $200,000.00 (projected) Kohl's retirement money is going, to help balance the budget ? Nope, ask for your selves please !
When we have a group that thinks more of a dilapidated shack that does not meet code, or meet the ADA act (animal shelter) and will cost over $130,000.00 to bring up to specifications than they do of their citizens (police, Fire reductions) were in serious trouble !
Your right, ASK before you vote this time. Who will you entrust with the key's to the kingdom, a tax and spender, or a fiscally responsible Representative who will watch out for OUR money ?
You tell me !
Tom Ford
Here's an idea, since a completely private committee formed for the sole purpose of supporting a recent tax increase was surprisingly/questionably able to utilize the city newsletter and the reverse 911 announcement line to sponsor their private endeavor of pushing a tax increase via a tax enlightenment meeting /// how about promoting in same manner the candidate forum to be held on Tuesday, March 30 at 7 P.M. at the community room at Crestwood Court. Enter through the mall entrance closest to Fletcher's Kitchen and Tap and follow the signs. Candidates running for the Board of Aldermen have been invited. (this info is in the TIMES Friday edition 2/5)
So, get the word out, Make sure your wards candidates are going to attend, get your questions ready, take a carful of neighbors to the forum, make this forum an opportunity for enlightgenment. Clarify the facts of any of your personal discontent with city government, thank them for any good works if they are running again, and let them know the meaning of the word "represent." Otherwise if you can't pencil in this date and make this forum meaningful with your attendance, then representative gov't goes by the wayside.
Don't understand why this can't be held a city hall or the community center, does anyone know?
Okay bloggers, what do you think? are you ready to make this an event?
9:07 PM Blogger: You bet I am ready! This (if done correctly, AND fairly) is an excellent way to find out exactly what your candidate really believes in !
And your right in that if the City was willing to back Alderman Foot's presentations of prop "1" tax plan, they darn sure should advertise this as well.
I will be reminding ALL of Crestwood about this starting five days prior to the event.
Tom Ford
Just a bit of parody you all may (or may may)enjoy.
Tom Ford
Then does this mean there will be a reverse 911 and a notice in bulletin?
4:46 PM Blogger: Heck no, that is only for a "Mayor approved" event !
Do you really believe he (the Mayor) would approve of anything Mr. Nieder is involved in ? You see "His Honor" was shot down many a time by Mr. Nieder (who also does not believe in tax increases,) ER GO, no notice from City Hall.
Tom Ford
Neider does not belive in alot of different things. Like treating his neighbors with courtesy. The neighborhood can't stand him! At what point is it so bad that you would rather pay higher taxes and have Mr. Foote as your Aldermen then my idiot neighbor? Don't like higher taxes but John Foote is at least a nice guy. That goes a long way in my book in this CHEAP city. Mr. Foote is intelligent and I trust him!
It has been my observation that when Steve Nieder is in a room, the only person allowed to have an opinion is Steve. I can't imagine anyone voting for him.
At this point however that is not my concern, in fact it's quite different. My concern stems from the fact that Mr. Foote has had health concerns in the recent past that could preclude him from completing his term.
That said, I pray that such is not the case, but what if it were ? Well, were that to happen the seat would be filled by Mayor Robinson who would surly place one of his people in it thus preventing any realistic chance for this City to escape "The Kingdom of Roy !"
In my opinion Mr. Nieder has changed since the last couple of months when he was on the Board, and I fully believe he would make a fine Representative for ward four (as would Mr. Foote.)
I am in ward Two where we have one Alderman who will respond to you (Mr. Schlink) and one who NEVER HAS (Mr. Piclel.) I say this because while I have no dog in the Ward four race, I do wish to see open and honest Government at ALL levels, and I fear that if Mr. Foote is forced to resign for health reasons that will be a thing of the past.
Please remember that during a BOA meeting "His Honor" said, "It's not Robert's rules of order, it's Robinson's rules of order," and I believe he really meant it !
Tom Ford
7:09 PM
"CHEAP city"??? That's a laugh.
Compare sales tax and utility tax rates to other munis in the county. The only thing that is reasonable is our property taxes ... and the boa has tried to increase them. And Mr. Foote was an enthusiastic supporter of Prop S and Prop 1.
And as far as cheap, the city bought ten new police cars a few years ago. And it has 3 fire trucks. Add to that animal control - very few cities in the county have.
The question I have is this - Crestwood Plaza for the most part is dead. And the city is still surviving. What in the heck did it do with all the money when Crestwood Plaza was thriving?
Thats a very good question. An audit for 2005 and 2004 was unable to match the records appropriately and present a product to the BOA with confidence about the numbers. In other words we will never really know the facts because of the extremely poor record keeping and acccountability of the three previous adminstrations. The BOA had to accept an estimate and begin to scrutinize each fiscal transaction beginning with the 2006 budget.
If the scrutiny does not continue accountability will decline as already demonstrated by the BOA spending more than received for the last two years. This type of action is the cause of our present difficulties. Spending is the problem not revenue.
7:09: Would your not being able to stand him stem from an incident where a brother of a former alderman had a couple of dogs running loose and Mr. Nieder asked him to leash them?
If it is I think he was right in his comments.
Steve Nieder has a very good understanding of income vs. expenditures - what the city takes in versus what it can spend.
John Foote has worked for tax increases.
Since only 1 ward has 2 candidates running for same seat, will they be the only one at candidate forum? I think all aldermen should be present and be pressed to candidly answer the same questions presented. Good opportunity to get a good feel of how stable the future of our city is by providing us with the stance of our ward aldermen and how they represent us. Our city has a lot on the table during these times and if aldermanic divide threatens our city, then we need to see it for ourselves. Now really is a good time to lay cards on the table and see just how represented we are. Shortages of revenue are national and statewide; municipal and countywide. It is a day of reckoning. Most of us are leaner and meaner now and facing all sorts of cuts in our lives. When we are totally convinced our officials realize this must become the city MO, then we can put the city's priorities on the table and stop knit picking trying to save this and save that, etc. Hey, "these times they are a changing." Sadly this includes Lindbergh School District. Unless we know how to get blood out of turnips, it really is time to knuckle down. If we don't consider alternatives, and get creative/realistic we sink. Among this are salaries, purchasing, personnel, cars, phones, overtime and putting the size of our time in perspective. We are what we are. Deal with it.
Play up this forum, get the people out, keep the questions coming, make them sensible and polite and use the reverse 911 system to alert residents. Otherwise what's the use!!!!
How about having each of our grade schools make it a project and make a poster for the meeting and ask Schnucks, Aldi's, Shop and Save, Walgreens, etc if they would place it in their window? Civic opportunity.
3:03 PM Blogger; The only contest this April will be in ward four, the remaining Wards are un-opposed.
Now, I agree very much with what you are saying but Helen (The mayor's secretary) said today that Crestwood has nothing to do with this, it's all the league of Women Voters and the Chamber of Commerce.
I think we should ALL call these two groups and request that ALL Alderman be present.
"How about having each of our grade schools make it a project and make a poster for the meeting and ask Schnucks, Aldi's, Shop and Save, Walgreens, etc if they would place it in their window? Civic opportunity." Darn good idea my friend and the kids can pick up some extra credit (and knowledge along the way.
Tom Ford
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