Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Ward four candidates forum by the League of Women Voters, (click here for the story.)

If you couldn't make it to the meeting last night to view the Ward four Candidates in action, click on the header for the report by the Call.

Tom Ford

NO. 744


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, Is Mr. Neider challenging Mr. Foote's Character, Education and Experience. That could be very dangerous and is walking a fine line. I have been looking at past aldermanic board meeting minutes online and in doing so noticed that Mr. Neider was not present(Absent) for 10 board meetings. That does not sound like a man of action to me. How can you represent the citizens if you aren't there to represent us. If you have other interests that take prescidence over your elected responsibilities then maybe you shouldn't have run for office. Note: Mr. Neider was absent slightly less than all the other Aldermen put together.

9:42 AM, April 03, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:42 AM Blogger: Take a close look at what Mr. Nieder really said, not what you think he said.

"As we move toward the April 6 election we will be asked for an outline of the plans for how to rebuild Crestwood Court, fill empty business buildings along the Watson Road corridor, replace the aging streets, maintain the quality of the housing stock and all the rest," Nieder said. "But what will determine who gets elected won't be a specific set of policies, but something much simpler: a recognition that character is more important than personality, that education is not the same as judgment and that expertise without common sense is dangerous. Actions speak louder than words. Unlike my opponent, I am a man of action, not words."

I don't see ANY challenge to Mr. Foote at all, rather a summation of his beliefs.

And while your on the subject of "Absence" we all know Mr. Foote has been out for a few himself. In Mr. Foote's case it was a serious operation that forced his absence.

That very same "serious operation" is a concern to me, as I firmly believe that his age and health may well preclude his completing his full three years in office.

If that were to happen (and their is a better chance than not) we would see Mayor Robinson "appoint" a crony to replace Mr. Foote, and that WILL BE a disaster for Crestwood.

Tom Ford

11:06 AM, April 03, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

education is indeed not the same as judgement. One usually comes as an outcropping of the other. I want the people who run this city to be well educated. Mr. Nieder isn't. Period.

9:30 PM, April 04, 2010  
Anonymous John said...

"I want the people who run this city to be well educated. .... Period."

Well, this is a new, and interesting concept. Advanced degrees required to be aldermen, mayor, city administrator, and what else?

This is surely a new low in elitism, the great unwashed peons ruled by the "upper class 'educated' rulers".

I would venture a guess that a large majority of the citizens, and city workers, and our Military members protecting our rights, are, "unfortunately", members of your "lower class".

Have you checked the curriculum vitae of all our current people running the city? Perhaps some of them are unqualified.

What a dweeb.

11:06 PM, April 04, 2010  
Anonymous John said...

"No person shall be elected or appointed to the Board of Aldermen who is not at least
twenty-one (21) years of age, a citizen of the United States, an inhabitant and a qualified
voter of the City for at least one (1) year, and a resident of the respective ward for at least
ninety (90) days."
Except for the ward residence requirement, these are the same for the Mayor.

So, as per the City Charter, a person running the City, and legally elected, does not even need a High School Diploma!

4:19 AM, April 05, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

most of the other aldermen have master's degrees, or BA's at the least. The men and women running my city, my state and my country need to be well qualified. They are making financial decisions that will affect, sometimes, every aspect of my daily life, my taxes, etc. It is not "elitism" to want the people making those important decisions to have more than a high school diploma. It is practical and, given the state of our struggling city, important. The fact that you became so defensive is interesting, though. The chip on your shoulder must be getting heavy. Not everyone with a college education is an elitist pig. Many educated people killed themselves getting those degrees.

5:58 AM, April 05, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is the problem? Mr Nieder has no criminal record yet you treat him as such. What did/does he represent that creates so much controversy? Does he have that much influence? Perhaps we are not talking about the same person. Is this NEIDER the same person as NIEDER currently running for office?

6:23 AM, April 05, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really all the poster said was that education was a big deal him him/her. The over the top reaction and accusations of elitism is way over done. Everyone has standards they want to see before they vote. I for one would never go see and doctor or dentist unless they were of the "elite upper class" of people who went to college, and I doubt anyone on here would. You wouldn't vote for a president who hadn't gone to college. Attacking those who feel it's important says alot more about the attackers than it does anyone else. Mr. Nieder doesn't need a criminal record. That poster simply stated that he doesn't meet that standard for their own values for voting. Your being way too defensive.

7:14 AM, April 05, 2010  
Anonymous John said...

"Everyone has standards they want to see before they vote"

That is fine. Nothing wrong with that.

"I for one would never go see and doctor or dentist unless they ..... went to college"

Nor would I. Of course they could not call themselves that unless they had.

On the other hand, if you are in an accident, or fall suddenly ill, and call 911, the Paramedic/EMT who responds, and most likely saves your life, will not have an "advanced degree", but will have LOTS of specialized training, and experience.

12:20 PM, April 05, 2010  
Anonymous John said...

"Attacking those...."

"Your being way too defensive."

I, for one, am not attacking anyone, or being defensive. This is a discussion board. You have your opinions, and I have mine. We are discussing our feelings on various issues.

I did NOT use the term " elitist pig", someone else did. I did use the term dweeb, which is defined as: "...being derived from the social differences and attitudes ...... often said to describe the typical Ivy-league grads from Harvard, Yale, etc" I think that was descriptive of the comments. If you feel insulted by that, I will retract it.

12:48 PM, April 05, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:58 am, What advanced degrees would you say are needed to run Crestwood ? If, as you say Mr. Nieder is not educated enough how would you square that statement with the fact that he did an excellent job during the years he was in office ?

I am sorry but EXPERIENCE, EXPERIENCE, EXPERIENCE is what's needed here along with some assurance that the Mayor will not get away with his verbal shenanigans. If you vote for Nieder these things will be assured.

5:09 PM, April 05, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Well I see that the banter is alive and well here, and I appreciate that very much.

I am going to stay out of the Nieder / Foote part of this diatribe, but I would point out that While educated at varied Universities, many of our Department heads have the wrong degree for their job.

Or City Administrator is an engineer, not a "Public Administration" major at all. Our City Engineer, isn't, and on and on. My point is that we all know that they do a great job in their post with the City, so where does the "education" need come into play here anyway ?

My Father died at age 100. He never made it past the sixth grade in school, yet he ran a very successful business in Cleveland, Ohio. How can that be you say ? Well he had a quality that is seldom seen or used these days, and that was good old fashioned "COMMON SENSE !

Now that said, I will take experience and common sense over a higher education any day of the week. Why, well the person with the common sense has been there, they have made the mistakes, and they have learned from them !

If education is a really big thing for you, I suggest you look to Washington, D.C. where the "educated" ones have led us into bankruptcy, and socialism. If you happy with that, well I can't help you, but if your not, well...

In any case please get out of the house and VOTE tomorrow, you owe it to Crestwood and the candidates who have worked so hard to gain your trust !

Tom Ford

5:31 PM, April 05, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

running a business and running a whole city are two different things. My grandparents weren't educated either and were successful. But quite frankly, there's a huge difference between a company or a business and a city. Kudos to your dad, and to everyone else who made it with little education. To my grandpa too. That is wonderful. That doesn't mean I want him running my city and making decisions I have to live with/pay for. As for the socialism comment, whatever. I see no signs of socialism in this country yet. I see no signs of anything in Mr. Nieder I want as alderman, either. You're right on the last point, though, it is our duty to vote, and, as I can only speak for myself, I will be there to vote.

7:30 PM, April 05, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:30 PM Blogger: I disagree, running a business and running a city (which is a business funded by us ) is exactly the same ! The difference in a city is that when they make a poor decision (extending prop-S for instance) we pay for it. Were Crestwood a business, IT would pay for it.

I struck me that you see no signs of socialism in the Country yet. Pray tell what would you call taking over two car companies, dictating to bank's what and to whom they will lend,seizing 1/6th of the Nations economy by taking over health care ?

The basic rights of this Nation are in serious jeopardy, and you see no socialism ? I will give you the benefit of the doubt and say you probably meant Communism, although a Communist is but a socialist in a hurry !

Tom Ford

7:32 PM, April 06, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"most of the other aldermen have master's degrees, or BA's at the least"


11:40 PM, April 06, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes, really. Look it up.

5:55 AM, April 07, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Socialism is a word that is thrown around like crazy, but it simply doesn't apply here. The car companies were bailed out. You would have preferred they fail, costing thousands of jobs? The health care system was out of control, destroyed by corporate greed and profits that were off the charts. Coverage was being denied, lives ruined by medical bills. The government shouldn't haev stepped in and controlled this nightmare when the free market wasn't fixing it? Yet we can go to war in countries we don't belong in, and that's okay? Your priorities are very odd.

7:27 AM, April 07, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:27 AM Blogger: "Cost thousands of jobs?" Well have you looked at the REAL un-employment numbers (up wards of 18.5%) that include the people off the rolls no longer looking ?

"Let them fail?" You bet let them fail, why because then the inflated union contracts would have been re-negated, and the company would have emerged from chapter 11 in much better shape to compete.

Both of those statements you made tell me you are a "progressive " (read liberal) who has bathed in the "Progressive" cool aid and are espousing the party line period !

Big Government is the "wolf bait" of the "Progressive / liberal" and always has been. You feel that everything can be solved by just a little more of my money, yet you say I have "odd priorities."

Well I guess your right on that score, my priorities are the United State Of America, first and foremost, and I abhor any and all who would tear it down for socialist / communist ideals !

Tom Ford

5:50 PM, April 07, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

love of country or love of your own wallet? Perhaps I am progresive, "read liberal". Actually I guess I am. Perhaps you are a right winger whose love of "God and Country" really translates into extreme wingnuts who would send hundreds off to die in the middle east but won't ante up a single penny for people right in your town who can't afford health care. You approve trillions of dollars spent on a decade long war that has accomplished little, but would sooner hang before looking after fellow citizens. I have had very little to say in Crestwood, and this forum isn't for me. I am unable to understand the mindset on this blog. Thank you for having me here, I was told I might find it interesting. I guess that was true.

7:16 PM, April 07, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:16 PM Blogger: " Perhaps you are a right winger whose love of "God and Country" really translates into extreme wing nuts who would send hundreds off to die in the middle east but won't ante up a single penny for people right in your town who can't afford health care."

"Wing nuts ?" Are you out of facts so quickly ? I have never seen a "Progressive / liberal toss out personal insults unless they are out of "FACTS" to use.

And while we are at it, what do you mean this blog is not for me ? Are you to be defeated so quickly ? If that's the case, I suggest you may well be on the wrong side, and your conscience will not allow you to post what you really believe as your into the "save the planet mentality !"

If your willing to do it, I will make this banter a "main post" where you can (and I hope you do) make your views known. If not, well I must assume that your out of ammo, and are going to find a more "friendly environment !"

Tom Ford

7:36 PM, April 07, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:55 AM

I've attended quite a few meetings. If most of these folks have BAs or Master's Degrees, I shudder to think about some of our schools.

8:50 PM, April 07, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

45% of my paycheck goes to taxes. ANy other demands you believe to be entitled to? Get in line. Hold your breath.

10:39 PM, April 07, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yet, had the big companies, such as the auto makers, been allowed to fail, there would have been an outcry right here on this very blog. There would have been ranting about terrible liberal democrats, out of touch, allowing these hard working Americans to lose their jobs, how could they, etc etc. But because that didn't happen, they stepped in to save them comapnies and the jobs, that's wrong too. There IS no ability to discuss or banter, because no matter what is said, if it's not in agreement with your personal views, it's wrong. Not different, but wrong. At one time, I noticed a few threads ago(before you moved), you told someone that you refused to have political banter on here and invited them to email you personally.Now it's a good idea and you're going to make it a main topic? Somone asked what you do for your community, and your only answer was that you pay for this blog. That's IT?? So, yes, you've "defeated me". I couldn't even exit the conversation without an attack. Now we'll see who answers this: Jekyll or Hyde.

7:16 AM, April 08, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:16 AM Blogger: " Someone asked what you do for your community, and your only answer was that you pay for this blog. That's IT?? So, yes, you've "defeated me". I couldn't even exit the conversation without an attack. Now we'll see who answers this: Jekyll or Hyde."

A bit of a chip on your shoulder my friend ? I do believe that you in fact called me a "wing nut" without provocation, and had I called you a "moon bat" you would be incensed.

What do I do for Crestwood, well let's see, I have lived here for forty one years, paid taxes, coached Khory league baseball, was the Commander of the VFW post, raised two sons (both police officers,) served on City Boards, and yes paid for this blog where ALL our comment's are welcome providing they are not profane !

Now as to why I said please email me on National Politics I found that several readers weren't interested, but I believe all that has changed.

My views on allowing failure are very simple, we just do not have the funds (without printing more money) to bail out any Corporations, nor should we ! I see no-one waiting in the wings to save me, so if they mis-manage, they fail, simple, no ?

My personal views come from many years in the business world that have taught me to believe in my-self, not the Federal Government !
I can see no reason to hand out funds to ANYONE who will not work at all, nor do I see the need for socialized medicine when it "re-distributes" my hard earned dollars to illegals, fourth generation welfare seekers, or the lazy who WILL NOT take any work at all.

I am all for a helping hand up and out of poverty, but I am dead set against "something for nothing !"

I am sorry to tell you this but this administration has set a course for bankruptcy, business failure, more welfare, and allowing up to 15 million illegals to just come in and collect social security, Medicare, Medicaid, and free rent (as long as they vote the right way.)

In case you missed it yesterday the report came out on AP that right now in 2010 47% of Americans pay NO INCOME TAX ! So unless your in that magic bracket, your take home pay is going to be far less that it was.

There, you see, you were answered in a calm manor here as we do not resort to the "Jekyll Hyde" personalities you spoke of.

Please consider remaining unless you don't believe that your views will gain an audience on this Blog.

For what it's Worth I think you will find most folks on this Blog will read, and enjoy your post's, many (like myself) will not agree, but that's what a Blog is all about anyway !

Tom Ford

1:25 PM, April 08, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Legitimate points. But how do you determine who deserves a helping hand? The single mother working 2 jobs and still can't pay rent? The out of work auto worker who can't pay his mortgage because unemployment isn't enough? The man disabled by disease or an accident who can't physically work? Maybe the family bankrupted by their 6 year old's cancer because the insurance company capped them and now they either pay for treatment or let her die? What determines "lazy" and those who "won't work"? Who decides this? Is there a committee? Maybe....a "death panel" kind of group that chooses who's worthy of help and who isn't? Are you on this committee? If not, then how do you decide who gets help? Who is deserving? Or, do we do what we've been doing: if you qualify, you get help. And, of course no one's going to bail you out. YOU don't employ 8,000 people who need that work to feed their families!Those huge companies do.

5:24 PM, April 08, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:24 PM Blogger: Well for starters let's say we need documented proof that the person has looked for work (and not just in their field.)

Next the single Mother with two children surly has a family member she can have watch the children, or get them off the school bus. Right now there are many training programs that she could take advantage of to find a better job. In her case, assistance for a maximum of two years, period ! By the way, where is the MAN ? why is he not required to pitch in ?

The person with potentially fatal diseases will be treated by a hospital (they cannot turn them away,) and they will be treated in the ER (as they now are FREE) if they cannot pay.

Who decides ? well for one thing who decides now if I am eligible for a job ? For one thing I would have to take a drug test prior to employment, right ? Why not require EVERY welfare recipient to have to come into an office to pick up the check, and submit to a drug test every time they do ? No pass, no check !

If you remember old FDR was a darling of the Progressives in the 30's, and he had WORK programs (CCC, WPA, ETC.) to put people to work. There a many job openings available to those who will work, unfortunately, there are also few takers as everyone wants a job in a conditioned space, minus any hard work !

There are many ways to help our fellow man (I paid for some gasoline yesterday for a man to get home.) but welfare is not a blessing, it is rather a demeaning process that consumes it's hapless victim's !

Tom Ford

6:42 PM, April 08, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you're making quite an assumption that the single mother has family around to help out. And the man helping out? You stated your kids are in law enforcement. I bet they can tell you about "deadbeat" dads til the cows come home. I don't think any responsible father can get inside the head of a man who abandons his children. But it happens by the thousands every year. That doesn't matter..what about her and the kids that need food and shelter?

Using the ER as a doctor because they can't turn you away is one of the problems with health care. People who don't have insurance have to go to the ER for every day issues that you and I use our primary doctors for. The ER isn't meant to be used as that. This drives up costs, and other costs attached to it spiral up, and so on. Sending someone to the ER for something that isn't an emergency is part of the problem. Plus, ER's do not handle things like chemo and on-going treatment of chronic conditions. Hence the name emergency room, not regular doctor or specialist.

I personally have no problem asking welfare recipients to take drug tests. My understanding is that unemployed people are supposed to show proof of job hunting now. It is a broken system all around, to be sure. But cutting all these programs because you you have a problem with others benefitting from you in any way will hurt who it always hurts: innocent people who really need the help, like children, the elderly and the disabled. What do you have in mind to fix the system we have without leaving scores of genuinely needy people to starve?

7:01 PM, April 08, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:01 PM Blogger : I make no assumption at all, in fact I have seen that segment of life and I guarantee you that there is always someone to help.

Health care is free to those who truly need it right now, it's called Medicare, and Medicaid where the truly needy need pay nothing for their care.

The system is broken for very good reason and that is we keep tossing more money at it for no reason other than to feel good.

Stop the fraud, abuse (calling an ambulance for a headache,) and the sheer waste (frivolous law suits) and things would be better in no time.

You say that I don't want to contribute, and I wonder where you get that from ? To contribute is to do just that, not shout "look what I did," but to contribute, and I do my friend, I do.

Now, what we need is a way to put people back to work so I have a proposal for you. What would you say to having EVERY welfare recipient working for their respective State's cleaning trash off the highway, mowing the median, working in what ever capacity they are qualified to do to earn that check ?

State and local budgets are broke, the welfare recipient needs the check, and they also need to get their self respect back. This solves both problems in one fell swoop, and the ones who excel WILL be hired full time as the openings come up.

You see in my way of thinking being compassionate is to help a human being when they are down, not to keep them down there, so I propose a WPA program to do just that.

If your old enough to remember Look, and Life Magazines you will remember cover shot's of African American, Caucasian, Hispanic, and whom ever else coming out of Church AS A FAMILY ! Do you know when all that disappeared ? Well 1964 when Lyndon Banes Johnson (D) pushed through the "Great Society." Since that day it was More profitable to be a "dead beat dad" than to stay in the family mode.

That alone, that "social experiment" has been the cause of considerable pain, suffering, anguish, and ruination for the family unit as we knew it.

In closing, please take a look at this cartoon shot in 1948 and tell me if you see any similarities ?

Tom Ford

3:10 PM, April 09, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Well I guess my worthy opponent in the debate has decided to leave the forum.

I regret this as I believe he / she added some insight into the mind of a "progressive / liberal," and as such helped to remind all of us exactly what they stand for.

Fair thee well oh Nobel debater, I hope to see you again, and soon.

Tom Ford

8:37 PM, April 12, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have not left, I have been very busy. I also have not had very much to say. Although, I will ask now, when you referred to all the races coming out of church as one that there was no racial tension in the 1960's? You make it sound as though Johnson caused the racial tension in 1964. I beg to differ.

11:05 AM, April 13, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

11:05 AM Blogger: Welcome back friend ! I agree the racial tension of the 60's was not caused by Johnson, rather by other Democrats such as George Wallace, Senator AL Gore sr., and just about all the other southern democrat's in office at that time.

If you remember it was the Republican Party that pushed through the legislation to insure civil rights back then over the loud objections of the Democrat's.

Johnson's less than brilliant move was to make it move lucrative for a family to live apart (welfare, food stamps, ADC.) than to stay together.

Case in point I have a friend who's wife came down with Lupus, and was forced to go to a nursing home for care. In order for him to take care of the children and pay the nursing home care he was told to divorce her, make her indigent, and then Medicaid would step in to help !

What I said earlier was that this social experiment has ruined the American nuclear family, and it has ! Look at the percentage of out of wed lock babies growing every year, the African American single mothers, the Caucasian single mothers, and the people who refuse to work because it's more profitable to have 99 weeks of un-employment, food stamps, and free health care.

Look at those figures and tell me where the "Great SOCIETY" HAS LEAD US BESIDES TO MORE SOCIALISM !

As we speak Mr. Obama has managed to worsen the stew (if that's possible) with his health care, taxes, wealth re-distribution, and soon to be added Cap and Trade Tax !

If you doubt me just wait till you have to buy a new furnace or air conditioner and see what the Government has done to vastly inflate the price of comfort ! Check up on cap and trade and you will find you will have to get a license to sell your home after it's been inspected for the latest in appliances (at your expense !)

That said, how's that hope and change working out for you ?

Tom Ford

3:59 PM, April 13, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Heavens, where to even start? First, I see it as a huge stretch, and I mean huge, to blame a political party for the changing values in this country. Way too many factors play into that, such as the glorification of celebrities. Look back at Madonna in the 80's and the outrage and horror as she strutted around in her underwear. Now it is commonplace and accepted. The Black community, which I know a good deal about, by the way, has fallen victim to this celebrity worship.Take a good look at a ganster rap video and get back to me on what you see.

The racial tension in this country goes back the arrival of the first slave ship. No one region is to blame, and certainly not one party. Remember, some of the worst race riots this country has ever seen weren't in the south, and the first "ghettos" sprang up in the north. There were many political influences and societal influences, and to attribute racial tensions to the Democrats so over-simplistic it would be ridiculous.

Perhaps, had the Republican party not effectively blocked health care reform under Clinton, that nightmare wouldn't have happened to your friend. Health care reform isn't a fix all, or a magic spell that will cure all of our ills.The system HAD to be fixed,though, to be rebalanced; rebooted, if you will. If it had stayed on the course it was on, there would have been untold loss of life and suffering as more and more people were told they weren't eligible for coverage. If you don't see that, then your head is way too far in the sand.

Hope and change is all we have. Hope for the future, hope for our children, and their children. The last president we had laid waste to so many fundamental things in our country I was devastated watching him do it. One, just one tiny example is him reversing decades and decades of foreign policy with his pre-emptive invading of foreign countries. Then to add further insult, he didn't pay for his wars, and made a rather large budget surplus simply disappear. Kind of flies in the face of small government conservative Republican values, doesn't it? That is just one of hundreds of things he did "to" this country, not for it. So...hope and change? Yes, I'll take it. Sure beats the heck out of the alternative.

5:00 PM, April 13, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:00 PM Blogger: I see, it's all George W, Bush's fault right ? I see you do not try to refute the fact that the Democrat party was totally behind segregation unlike the Republican's who voted for DE-serration in the 60's.

"First, I see it as a huge stretch, and I mean huge, to blame a political party for the changing values in this country. Way too many factors play into that, such as the glorification of celebrities. Look back at Madonna in the 80's and the outrage and horror as she strutted around in her underwear. Now it is commonplace and accepted. The Black community, which I know a good deal about, by the way, has fallen victim to this celebrity worship.Take a good look at a ganster rap video and get back to me on what you see.'

I have seen and heard the music, videos, and Hip Hop culture you speak of as well as the "glorification of so called celebrities" in all walks of life, and to me it's disgusting, so we agree on that point.

What we are apart on is the fact that the dumbing down of America is a major part of the Obama administration, even more so than under Bush, and that's pathetic !

Just two day's ago a Science Czar from this administration told a group of high school kids that "We can't always be the leader, it's OK to be number two !" Now what the heck is that ?

As a Nation we are loosing our values, our identity, and our moral compass and I see nothing put forth by the Obama administration to stop it ! In fact we have a President who is "bowing" to foreign leaders and apologizing to them for our very existence, Rubbish !

This administration will (if left unchecked) be the ruination of America as we know it, and if your honest with yourself, you know it too !

Tom Ford

6:01 PM, April 13, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you can't honestly believe a man who's been in office for just over a year can change the entire climate of a country in 15 months?? What kind of miracle have you been expecting? He's the president, not the second coming. He stated over and over it would probably take his whole term to even begin to see a change. Think of our economy as a huge ocean liner. You don't just stop and whirl around because the republicans demand it. It's a gigantic, unwieldy, ugly job. Expecting it to take 6 months or a year is the same as saying," I hoe you fail, and I await it eagerly". Oh, wait, the Republican mouthpieces have already said that. My bad.

6:34 PM, April 13, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6:34 PM Blogger: By himself, no ! But with his willing accomplices in Congress and the Senate he has wrought untold grief on our Nation !

We have lost more freedom in the past few months that ever before in our history, and it's all due to our Democrat so called leadership !

I am sure that you believe, and I won't knock you for it, but when you wake up some day to a regime that will tell you everything you MUST do, and WHEN to do it, remember this comment !

Are you familiar with the Saul Alinsky method of "change ?" If not, I suggest you read up on it as "Saul" is a Communist / Socialist who believes that the end justifies the means, and so does Obama !

Look around and tell me that the job losses, the upside down housing, the failure of businesses, the failing economy, and yes the general malaise can be anything but a path to Communism !

And then, once you have, please be honest and tell me what else besides the "Alinsky plan" is being put in play here ? My God, are you really willing to allow this great Nation to sink into this abyss under these Communists ? What about your children or grand children, is Communism what you want for them, or do you want to see them excel, you can't have both !

Tom Ford

8:01 PM, April 13, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People People People

Please do not confuse conservative with Republican or Democrat.

Both parties speak what they think the people want to hear. After all the policitian wants to be relected and will cater to all of the lobby groups to accomplish it.

Indeed Obama is wicked and needs to be nutralized.

8:53 PM, April 13, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

unbelievable. Tell me. Do you wax on about the virtues of W? I am curious of this as a comparison. I truly believe that W will go down in the books as possibly the worst president ever, even surpassng Grant for raging incompetence. So i am interested in whether you feel he was superior in leadership.

9:28 PM, April 13, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:28 PM Blogger: Thanks for the attempted diversion, but we are not talking about Bush here, but rather Obama !

Obama has been in office for 15 Months now and it's past time for you to accept the fact that HE IS THE PERSON IN CHARGE NOW, NOT BUSH!

All these poor, liberal / Progressive decisions now belong to him, so stay with the thread !

Obama is a very evil man, you know it, and I really do know it, so please stay on topic if you can please !

Tom Ford

7:58 PM, April 14, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

woo! Snippy, aren't we. well, snap at someone else. I read your new post. Sorry your hated animal control department is still around. That seems to take up an enormous section of your thoughts.

Anyone who can't see that what the Bush administration left is directly tied to the current administration is living in some sort of dream world. I was attempting to get some perspective from you by asking that, but biting my head off was your best effort. Obama is not evil. You are filled with delusion and looking at things as Glenn and Rush has told you to. As I said snap at someone else. Our little debate is over. I'm sure there is someone else out for you to be nasty to; I simply don't have the time. Goodbye.

8:28 PM, April 14, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss." The Who

9:47 PM, April 14, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:28 PM Blogger: I have never hated animal control per SE just the spending on a duplicate service that over 90% of Crestwood doesn't want !

Obama has been there for 15 Months now so whatever made you think that this devastation of the economy is anyones but his ?

What has Obama done for us, well Stimulus bail out (failed) health care (tax now, start in 4 years) brought on the worst joblessness in 60 years (and can't fix it.)

ALL those things are on Obamas watch, none were started by Bush or Even FDR !

I don't doubt our little debate is over, your out of truth and are now resorting to your made up facts brought to you daily by George Sorros, Obamas White House, and move on . org !

Some day you too will see what's happening to America, you will see the lingering unemployment, the closed businesses, the socialist health care that denied you care because of your age, and when you do, I pray it's not to late !

Until then please enjoy the meager scraps the regime allows you to have (why you could go to an OBAMA rally and faint,) and know that Even you will be protected by our military (until Obama shuts them down !)

Tom Ford

"Remember, friends don't let friends vote socialist !"

5:06 PM, April 15, 2010  

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