The agenda for April 13, 2010 is now posted ( click here.)
Now that the dust and debris have settled from the hard fought Ward four election, and we have a victor in Mr. John Foote it is time to return to the business of the City.
"The silly season" (elections) are over and we are still in the same poor financial condition we were in prior to the election. Now what could the Aldermen do to show the citizenry the good faith they expect from our elected officials ?
Well, I for one would recommend cut's where they can be made, and one of them that stands out like a sore thumb is Animal Control ! The 2010 budget has at least $130,000.00 in it for renovations, salary, and a vehicle for the Animal Control officer !
That's right a lot of our tax money for a DUPLICATE SERVICE that we really do not need as evidenced by the fact that while Ms. Sutton was Ill there were NO reported attacks by Feral cat's, wild animal's, or Wildebeest's in Crestwood !
In an email to Alderman Foote in November, 2009 I asked him directly what could be done to reduce this cost, and he told me that Animal Control would be gone by the end of December. 2009. Well so far that hasn't happened due to committee meetings, postponing the decision till after the election (how convenient Mr. Pickel) and the usual lame excuses produced when they don't want to answer a question.
Well Mr. Foote, I congratulate you on your victory Sir, and this (April 13, 2010) will be a perfect chance for you to show your leadership by voting to remove (as you said you would) this DUPLICATION of County services so those funds can be put to much better use right here in Crestwood !
I eagerly anticipate your vote on this April 13, 2010.
Tom Ford
NO. 747
I don't disagree with your comments but I know that in Crestwood there are 2 positions on the subject of Animal control. Perhaps there are ways to make the issue of costs vs need(or want) pallatable for both sides. EX: Work out an agreement with County that they can take any animal picked up in Crestwood to our shelter and have the volunteers care for the animal until the owner picks it up. Or perhaps share our service with Sunset Hills. Our make it a revenue generating operation by allowing Crestwood residents to leave their dog or cat for a fee while on vacation. What I am saying is that there may be ways to keep animal control and eliminate spending city tax money.
8:17 AM Blogger: I said the exact same thing when this first came up. I believe we could offer the use of the Crestwood shelter to County,along with the shelter Ms. Sutton would be available to be hired by them to remain in Crestwood, and bring with her the Animal Control volunteers.
County would benefit from a shelter in South County, the active volunteers and Ms. Sutton's knowledge, so it's a win, win for both of us.
Tom Ford
Those ideas sound good to me too.
I don't object to our own animal control, but I do object to the use of taxpayers money to support it to the tune of $130,000 minimum for next year. This does NOT include the city's liability for injury to volunteers, and cost to bring the facility up to codes.
And, don't forget the use of our Police Officers during the "off hours", especially since the Police force was cut recently.
We already pay for County animal control...why not use it? It seems to be doing the job for almost all the other cities.
Well, I was at the BOA meeting, and guess what...we will be paying for animal control for????
The board was 4 to 4, and the Mayor voted NO. (This was a vote to stop having A. C.)
By doing nothing, it stays.
So, for 40 hours a week we have "animal control".
And for 128 hours a week, our Police Officers are animal control!
(Plus any other time the regular Animal Control Officer is away.
How about instead of battling over yes or no for animal control the Aldermen look at ways to find common ground on this issue but dissecting the service and eliminating what we can to cut fluff out of this department. Reduced hours, more volunteer support, train the volunteers to take over some of the service we now pay for. The deadlock amongst our elected officials is obvious and I seriously doubt we are going to come to any resolution without compromise. Find ways to cut our costs.
How about a recall drive!
"I seriously doubt we are going to come to any resolution without compromise"
No need to compromise now!
Read my post above. The Aldermen tied, and the Mayor ruled in favor of our own Animal Control.
Now that they "won", look for a brand new car, remodeling the facilities, and buying all kinds of things. The record keeping was kind of loose before, so who knows what to expect.
I would like to hope that the public works director will set up some kind of organised record keeping like the other departments, so the City will be able to see what the money is spent on.
3:46 PM Blogger: John, he had better because I will be up at City hall on 1 May with a fresh FOIA form to see Ms. Sutton's reports ! I will also be requesting the mileage, gas cost's, and maintenance reports EVERY month as well !
Tom Ford
3:45 PM Blogger: Recall petition ? Excellent idea, count me in !
Tom Ford
While you are doing FOIA's, you may want to request info from the PD so we can see what the 128 hours a month on Animal Control duty is costing the City.
I think that the $130,000 may pale in comparison to what it will cost for the Police to do Animal Control most of the time.
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