Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The BOA meeting of 4/13/2010. or why you can't trust our leadership !

The BOA meeting last night left me very sad. Not because the Alderman voted to continue Animal Control. but because I lost what I considered to be a friend at that meeting !

Sad but true folk's, I placed my trust in a person who I thought was a man with character above reproach, a man I could count on to tell me the TRUTH ! Alas my trust was dashed by that very man last night when he voted to keep animal control ! I said in an earlier post that this same man told me animal control would be gone by December 31, 2009 ! Well Alderman Foote, I guess the volunteers got to you with the votes needed for you to win over Mr. Nieder, and you decided to meant more to you than telling a friend the truth ! So be it.

Of the four that voted to keep animal control we can excuse Alderwoman Beasley ("a catalyst for change," remember ?) as she can be counted on to vote whichever way Alderman Foote votes ((a really empty seat there.) And we know that Alderman Pickel is in lock step with "His Honor, so we expected that vote, right ?

Now we come to the eloquence of Alderwoman Mimi Duncan WHO spent some time saying that St. Louis County animal control was worthless ! Ms. Duncan, has it ever occurred to you that Ms. Sutton is only there 40 hours per week ? Now for your math test, who is there the other 128 hours per week ? Hint, St. Louis County animal control, or our Police Department ! Madam, in the future may I suggest you make sure your brain is engaged before you put your mouth in gear !

Now who would be left to do the right thing and save some money for Crestwood ? Yep, "His Honor !" Did he do the right thing ? well in his mind he did (get the 600 votes for next year,) but in reality, he voted to keep animal control (imagine that !!) So now we will be spending a ridiculous amount of OUR money on an "animal adoption" club because five people with nothing but their own interests at heart have sold us down the river !

Please do not complain to Mr. Jim Eckrich or the other four Board members who did the right thing when pot holes appear on your street ! Just say thanks to the five self centered Alderman who voted to get Ms. Sutton a new SUV rather than fix your street ! I know you will understand !

OH, buy the way, you can forget ANY TAX INCREASES IN CRESTWOOD until these so called leaders are out of office !

Tom Ford

NO. 749


Anonymous Anonymous said...

so, he changed his mind and now you cut him out of your friend life? Maybe that isn't much of a loss for him if him speaking his mind causes this reaction from you, his "friend".

7:23 AM, April 16, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:23 AM Blogger: "So he changed his mind ?" Were it that simple, No, this time I believe it was thoroughly calculated all along !

Maybe it isn't much of a loss for him ? Your right about that as I am but a poor minion, so why would he care ?

Tom Ford

2:50 PM, April 16, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the actual problem is John Foote changes his mind with the wind.

Mr. Foote also promised to end the PROP S tax when the debt was eliminated. John then voted to retain the tax. Foote, Schlink, Wallack, Duncan, Pickel,Miguel,Beezley, and Robinson seem to be forget about commitments.

5:08 PM, April 16, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well Tom, I can remember a day when you call the mayor your friend too. Maybe you should leave character judgement up to others.

9:36 PM, April 16, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:36 PM Blogger: Yes I did ! Just as in this case he changed that perception not me, so I will continue to call them as I see them !

Tom Ford

7:36 AM, April 17, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will call them as I see them too. Tom, you're an idiot. I think it should be eliminated too but itmakes me ill to think I could have anything to agree with you about.

4:17 PM, April 17, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you appear to be a victim of mean people not doing what you want.

4:17 PM, April 17, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4:17 PM Blogger :Thank you "LIBERAL" (they are the only people on earth who hurl personal attacks when they can't refute FACTS !)

I have never been and will never be a "victim" because I have a tendency to fight back. In fact, please watch here for the ridiculous expenditures (DOG CATCHER) to be put on "front street" for all to see very soon !

I thank you for giving me a chance to see that I am now "in your head," I love it !

Happy heart burn !

Tom Ford

5:03 PM, April 17, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4:17 PM Blogger's: I guess you know that minus your name no one will ever take you seriously ! If you really believe that hooey, sign your real name, if not, well, you are what you are, a coward !

Tom Ford

5:06 PM, April 17, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I think someone has gotten under your skin. There is no need for name calling or for that matter using the names of Crestwood politicians in negative comments about their positions on subjects just because they are different from yours. Did it ever occur to you that people get elected by people that think alike? Maybe they are where they are because the majority think unlike you, that they are good people doing a good job. However just because you have a blog you can spew whatever spin you desire on those you disagree with and label them bad. Well, I ask you this, what have you done that has affected the City of Crestwood in a positive way?
And by the way, I happen to think that all the Aldermen you labeled as having forgotten their committments, are doing a stellar job.

8:15 AM, April 18, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


The problem you are facing is more than just a promise made to you that has now been broken. With the ending of the refundable trust fund by the BOA'S vote to move the $ there into the general fund, the City has returned to the policy that started our current balance issue(s). IE: No Dept. is held accountable for spending over it's budget because they can "borrow" from the General Fund without fear of that loan being required to be repaid to the General Fund.
This is what was going on before CA Greer was in place, a form of legal check kiting. It was Greer's and the BOA actions at that time that realized the refundable trust was the best accounting way to track where any surplus moneys where being spent. As well as forcing Dept Heads and the CA to be transparent in their spending.

That is now gone. Due in part to term limitations, the City government no longer has a "corporate memory" that could be used to recall why the changes were made in the first place. For that reason I do not hold the current BOA accountable, because they were not there. Except for one who was there but in a different role.

It is not a surprise to me that one of those who were against the trust fund concept was a citizen named John Foote. He felt all City money should be put into one big pot and spent with out any records as a way to prevent tax increases.
Now that he has gotten his way, watch for the General Fund to be drained, the City to borrow again from a bank and Alderman Foote to support another tax increase.

Sorry, but if we don't learn from history, we are doomed to recreate history's mistakes.


10:03 AM, April 18, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:15 AM Blogger: Well it has been said that "we get the Government we deserve" so maybe in that light your right.

I do beg to differ on the "no reason" part as American politics is to disagree, and I do disagree whole heartedly. For one thing when you take on the job of Alderman you must expect a gathering of slings and arrows, and anyone who can't take it should just resign !

I came up when a business deal was turned on the word of the person across the table from you. Now it seems like the watch word is "I will do whatever I wish" and you should have expected it !

Oh well, you voted for them, you bought your ticket and I just hope when were broke you will still think they are doing a wonderful job, because that's all we will have left !

Mr. Tim Trueblood has an excellent post (thank you Sir) right under yours that tells the real story of what very well may happen soon, I suggest you read it and try if you will to refute it !

Tom Ford

5:59 PM, April 18, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

personlly I don't think there's a single one on the board that gives a darn what his/her constituents do or don't want. Every one of them comes with their own agenda, including your highly touted Mr. Nieder. Policitians say whatever they need to to get elected, then off they go, with their own plans and so forth. None of them "keep" promises, none of them vote their hearts. They vote the way they need to to get their agenda accomplished. Period.

7:51 PM, April 18, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:51 PM April 18

I beg to differ.

Martha Duchild

10:02 AM, April 19, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too often municipalities lose sight of their initial reason for incorporating often turning into mini fifedoms. Fifedoms with officials who often forget campaign promises, divide into camps and forget money does not grow on trees. Officials who lose sight of the total picture "living within ones means." Trying to bring in the sheaves with tax increases when revenues go south. Then spending meeting time debating issues to which obvious answers are abundantly clear.

Before the Plaza and the revenue to which we became accustomed and the annexed area and dual fire department needs, we had a lovely,small, quiet and accomodating bedroom community. We still have a small lovely 4 sq mile city with 12,000 plus people but with an appetite for accounts payable which is no longer affordable. We find ourselves with the expanded city departments (City Hall, Fire, Police, Public Works) enlarged in our salad days to accomodate the resultant traffic, crime, etc.and supported by the vast revenues available. We have a sizeable park system, Animal Control, Code Inforcement Officer,a municipal pool and employee payrolls with pensions and benefits. It should come as no surprise that something has to give.

Our officials need to get on the same page and realize to stay solvent, our community needs officials and city employees and residents who face the reality of these times and adjust accordingly. I personally think we all have the spunk to do so. Paring down is the MO for success and Crestwood will need to continue this sensible approach. this then is THE AGENDA.

1:56 PM, April 19, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is a question I would like answered.

How much would our Crestwood taxes (all kinds) drop if we did not have our own fire dept and police dept?

Stop for a second before you try to shoot me, think about what I am saying. I am asking Crestwood taxes, property, sales, elect, cable. How much more money would we have in our pockets?

Now if that were to happen, how much would each house hold have to pay to a fire district? Then figure what the cost of St Louis County Police protection would be, if we are not already paying for them in our County tax rates?

With me so far? Take the current Crestwood tax bite, minus the Fire Districts/County Police(if any)bite and tell me which is lower.

That's what I want one of our elected officials to be brave enough to do. Keep all the fear and threats about poor service out of this. Those fear mongers and Fire Fighters Union have had their say long enough, I want some bottom line numbers to look at so I can make up my own mind.

3:31 PM, April 19, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

whoever you are questioning police and fire, you are on the wrong blog. They are holy here and can do NO wrong. They are to be considered ablove all other people and all other jobs.

4:21 PM, April 19, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

3:31 PM Blogger: Well the Fire district would charge a lot more that we pay now, so that's not a good idea.

County Police are famous for "giving you a deal" for the first year and when you sell off all your equipment they will really raise the rent !

Both these things can be seen on the St. Louis County web site and I encourage you to take a look.

Tom Ford

4:42 PM, April 19, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4:21 Pm Blogger: Well if you say so it must be gospel ! I for one am extremely happy with the service provided by both (as opposed to animal control) and we all owe them a big thank you.

But hey, what do they really do in comparison to Animal Control, or the Sappington House (Those are the sacred cows in Crestwood !)

Gee, your house could burn down, you could be murdered by a bugler, or have a heart attack, but all those things pale in the face of the animal adoption club or the Sappington House !

In closing please let me say your darn right the Police and Fire are held in very high esteem on this blog because minus them Even you could be in serious trouble !

Tom Ford

4:51 PM, April 19, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom, its not about the service, but the cost. Do we really know?
That is the question being asked

6:59 PM, April 19, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, there any city service besides police and fire that this blog does approve of? I have yet to see anything that passes muster other than those 2 services. Sappington house is part of our heritage and history, and you seem to hate it. Animal control seems to be an unrelenting source of rage for you,in spite of there being people who clearly support it. You hate the mayor, now you can't tolerate Mr. Foote, along with the numerous other aldermen you dislike intensely. so I ask: is there a service that exists in Crestwood, other than police/fire that you sanction? Please enlighten me. If there is, can you once in a while mention those, so that it doesn't seem like you loathe everything about your city? That is currently what you project.

7:39 PM, April 19, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:39 PM Blogger : if you have been following my thoughts you will see that I am in full support of Police, Fire, and Public Works !

Parks and recreation are nice but they are "amenities" not necessity's. City workers in other areas (minus animal adoption) are also very high on my list as they are the ones on the front lines working for us !

Tina Flowers has lost people in her very important department while "assistant's" are added to Jim Eckrich, why is that I wonder ? If you get paid over $90 K to do a job you shouldn't need an entourage, should you ?

Yo see I believe the priorities in this town are way out of wack, and I am not afraid to say so.

Tom Ford

8:14 PM, April 19, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6:59 PM Blogger: Yes I do believe we really know the costs. Pick up the phone and call the Police and Fire Chief and they will give you the numbers.

Failing that, call any of the North County Munies who have switched, and they will tell you.

Tom Ford

8:18 PM, April 19, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:35 blogger

Sappington House heritage. BULLSH....

The house was built for the Sappingtons using slaves. The house or the Sappingtons contributed nothing to Crestwood because it did not exist. The house is just a project that nobody but a special interest group thinks is important and expects the taxpayers to subsidize. Sounds similar to the Crestwood animal adoption program we subsidize.

Sappington house extracts 35-40K a year for upkeep. The foundation has 500k the city claims as an asset but cannot access. Whats up with that?

No hate here. Just sick and tired of subsidizing others pet projects with my hard earned money. Extract the funds from others who are willing and share your thoughts about the project. Perhaps that would provide a reality check for what is real when the money is extracted from there pockets instead of mine.

8:23 PM, April 19, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the 8:23 blogger:

Well then you'd better start checking where your taxes get spent. You may need to become one of those who refuses to pay taxes because someone else might benefit from them. That's SOCIALISM(gasp, shriek), isn't it? There are alot of historical landmarks in St. Louis that taxes support at least in part. Built with slave labor? So were many buildings. Let's tear them all down because people such as yourself are invested only in what your own self interest dictates.All those buildings downtown that were rehabbed using tax credis and such, get rid of 'em! The blogger is freaking out because HIS tax money might be spent to preserve historic buildings. Get over yourself.

8:40 PM, April 19, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to the 8:23 blogger--
Crestwood didn't exist when the cemetary on Sappington and on Eddie and Park were started either. Maybe we'd better dig up those people because they can'd possibly contribute to Crestwood.

8:44 PM, April 19, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look, the Fire n Police Dept should not be the one who can answer the cost vs tax question. I would think
it would be an elected person.
Again, its not a question of if we should or should not have the depts, the questions is what would our taxes be if we didnt?

9:59 PM, April 19, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Too often municipalities lose sight of their initial reason for incorporating often turning into mini fifedoms. Fifedoms with officials who often forget campaign promises, divide into camps and forget money does not grow on trees. Officials who lose sight of the total picture "living within ones means." Trying to bring in the sheaves with tax increases when revenues go south. Then spending meeting time debating issues to which obvious answers are abundantly clear."


4:46 AM, April 20, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Sappington house is part of our heritage and history..."

LOL! LOL! If that's true, Crestwood has a heritage and history of cold rolls and poor service!!!

Peace Out!

4:51 AM, April 20, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you don't really think the history of the house itself has anything to do with the food service that is contracted for the restaurant, do you? Please tell me you're not that daft.

5:45 AM, April 20, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lots of opinions on this blog, but it seems like Police and Fire are off limits. Making it hard to believe taxpayers and officials have any control or input. If C'wood went with County for Fire, probably would still have to pay Affton for the annex part of town, don't know. Who actually is running the show?

Things to consider for city expense are who then would pay pensions, benefits and over the long haul the benefit possible as a larger unit, or not. Why did Fenton go with County Police? Anyone ever visit with their city for some facts on this? Are their residents all up in arms? Are they on officer overload? Anyone ever "seriously" check out cost sharing for things like public works (vehicles, insurance, supplies, etc)? It seems like each of our somewhat small cities want to avoid any sense of communication along these lines as if tomorrow every one of us will approve a huge TIF and capitalize on yet another retail bonanza which undoubtedly will reverse reality.Contracts on a larger cost sharing scale could be beneficial. Are we too busy feeding our little fifedom and going regularly through a change of representation adjustments to a series of officials who may or may not have time,neutrality, expertise, interest and/or civility to scratch the surface of the overall needs of the city and cost saving intervention. The very good ideas and officials can often be a dartboard,victims of city politics.

Just how much crime and how many fires do we have? How bad are our streets? Do people still want to move here? Do we realize the benefits of Lindbergh School District? How much money does our police court bring in? Are landlords in the blank retail spots offering deals? Are our Industrial Parks well developed? What can we do to put all our hearts into salvaging all the benefits which brought us up to this point and sacrificing what is necessary to do so. What the heck is this deal on the Sappington House?

We are often so busy avoiding reality that we feel threatened when anyone mentions a break from tradition. Chicago style politics in our service departments cannot thrive here during these times of economic rebirth. Officials cannot read minds, contact them.

We are all dedicated to our wonderful city and its attributes. We are proud of our services and wish to preserve them. But when it comes to crunch time, we want the cards on the table.

2:34 PM, April 20, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

THANK YOU poster 2:34 pm! You have explained what I was trying to ask much better than I did.

What does it really cost out of each house hold's pocket to have our own police dept? How much would it cost out of each house holds pocket to have County police? Nix the service claims, that position is already be taken by the pro animal control people.

What does it cost our of each house hold's pocket to have our own fire dept? What would that cost be for a fire dist? Again nix on the service question, how many fire's are put out in year in Crestwood? Are we still staffed as if we had a full blown active tax producing retail area?

I don't know the answers, but I would think some elected official would ask the City's money person the question for the sake of clearing up spending arguments in the future.
How do we know the price we are currently paying is worth the service we are getting unless we know the price?

Maybe it is a good deal, heck I dont know, but I sure would think those who support the status guo could back up their position with numbers.

3:35 PM, April 20, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Just how much crime and how many fires do we have? How bad are our streets? Do people still want to move here?"

We have an abundance of ferel cats and forest fires!!! RUN! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!

3:39 PM, April 20, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can someone exlain to me this constant issue with the animal control? I have read these threads trying to get a handle, and I am completely confused. This city department seems to get blamed for literally everything wrong in Crestwood. I can't even begin to understand how one small department can have this much impact on everything in the entire city. Someone help.

4:34 PM, April 20, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

3:39 PM Blogger : I guess you know that Crestwood like Afton is a Fire District right ?

A Fire District is a political dub-division that well could be here after were long gone ! Please look up Fire District rules on the Internet, and you will see that we will have to keep fire, and Afton FPD will stay in the annexed area due to boundary lines !

St. Louis County has no Fire Department, we would be stuck with Fenton, Afton, Mrhlville FPD'S all of which will not have response time your going to be happy with.

As far as the cost per household I believe the City Administrator can tell you for both, it's a really simple calculation.

Go on line at County and you will see each Muni.'s cost for Police and fire and I know you will see we are in much better shape with our own !

Our expenses for them and Public Works are not the problems, in fact the wasteful spending when they know were broke is the problem. I give you:

Animal adoption $135.000.00

Bridge to nowhere $150,000.00

Two assistants to the C/A $100,000.00

Sappington House $35,000.00

Paying two Department heads as though they were graduate Engineers when they are not. (They were to get their degrees "very soon" over a year ago.)

TIF / TDD / Cid's to the tune of millions of dollars to run up our tax numbers to 9.25% giving us a problem trying to attract new shoppes, or keep the ones we have.

Now if we hadn't given the green light to these projects we would be in fairly good financial shape today.

As you can see, it's not Police and Fire we need to be worried about rather the ridiculous spending !

Tom Ford

4:37 PM, April 20, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4:34 PM Blogger: I will be very Happy to explain It to you. You see Animal control is the poster child of what is really wrong with "Sacred Cows in Crestwood." The unit itself is not to blame for anything, but a one person unit with a budget in 2010 of $135,000.00 ?

The problem is that St. Louis County now provides animal control (we pay for it in our County taxes,) and all our surrounding Cities use it very effectively. When times were good we could and did have our own, but now we can no longer afford that luxury but the Mayor will not hear of cutting it !

We have cut Police and Fire, Public Works but God forbid the dog catcher should go ! The reason for it's lightning rod capabilities is the complete mis trust in the mayor, and and four Alderman who refuse to do the right thing, why you say ? VOTES MY FRIEND, THAT'S WHY !

You see quite a large portion of us are against tax increases as long as we keep animal control (the last one failed by 72%) and we remain in that same mode until the right thing is done.

The loyal opposition will tell you that this is a must bur Ms. Sutton only works 40 Hours a week leaving the other 128 hours to County animal control or our Police Department who are not trained to capture animals.

I am sure you can see the reason now, if not, post again and I will go further !

Tom Ford

5:01 PM, April 20, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There seems no possible return of the large retail base that so many years fed the Crestwood tax stream. During that hay day, to protect this stream our police and fire depts were geared for the needs of that stream... That was the correct and proper thing to do.

Now that stream has dried up and is all but gone. Our population has declined from it's highest of over 16,000 to I would guess under 12,000.

So the question is, do we need an animal control officer. Do we need our own police and fire dept or at least ones at their current size?
Do we need a Parks dept or one at it's current size? Do we need public works at it's current size?
Do we need our streets and storm water problems fixed?

What projects and problems with storm water and street conditions could we repair with out an animal control officer? Measure those results with what could be done if we had no Parks dept budget.
Think about how our streets and storm water problems could be fixed if the money we spent on the Fire Dept or Police dept was spent on them.

Do we need our streets repaired? Do we have storm water problems?
Do we need an animal control officer?
Do we need the size Fire or Police dept?

Tough questions for the 9 folks we elected to deal with and I have yet to see any of them even dare to whisper a word along these lines.

7:37 PM, April 20, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent questions!

8:22 PM, April 20, 2010  
Anonymous John said...

Anyone who wants to can go to the City web site, and look at the City budget for this year. I will say that it is a bit hard to figure out if you are not familiar with these things.
However, if you have any questions, the City staff can be contacted, and are glad to meet, and answer your questions. I have done so a number of times, and have not had any problems.

11:20 PM, April 20, 2010  
Anonymous John said...

Apparently the folks who say we don't need our Fire, and Police departments, have not had any emergencies that required their services. I have had several of each over the years, and am glad that we have them!

The thing about "emergency services", is that they are there 24/7/365, and respond very quickly. But if you are not the one who needs help, you rarely see them in action.

If we had several cases of three or four houses, or a large store burn up while waiting for a remote department to get there, THEN people WOULD want our own departments. As they would if someone (maybe an ex) broke into your house and were threatening your family.

The LAST thing we should think about cutting is emergency services!

11:57 PM, April 20, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are not suggesting cutting services ONLY changing providers. Response time is a skewed statistic and can be promoted by both sides of the argument, therefore not applicable! Mr. Ford's additional argument that the County will increase the costs of services after the initial contract period is over is misleading; within the contract there is a provision for increases however they are tied to the CPI or other regulated figure. Caping the percent of future increases is contractual. And one must remember STLCO is not the only option; Sunset Hills, Kirkwood and even Webster could be contracted to provide police services.

We should approach this topic from a pure business prospective; Saint Louis City is doing the same as we speak.

9:02 AM, April 21, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if the city were to follow the advice on here, we would eliminate the Sappington House(no value to anyone), animal control, (no value and the reason anyone has a problem anywhere on earth), contract out police and fire, get rid of swim club(something about them using a parking lot and that's bad), the aquatic center(bad swimming pool). So, essentially what we'd have left is a group of houses, some businesses, and no services really at all. Nice. Glad the people on this blog aren't running the city, or I'd be running for Sunset Hills.

9:46 AM, April 21, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


What you over looking or have failed to understand is no one is saying do away with our Crestwood Fire/Police services. What is being asked is

1. Are they sized right for the current needs of the City?

2. Are they as cost effective as other services we could use?

3. Could there be enough savings in making changes to be spent on street and storm water problems, with out a loss of Fire/Police service?

I note that the knee jerk reaction to even thinking about the points listed comes at time when the USA voters are stone walled against tax increase at the State and Federal level, but on a local level did pass the Metro tax increase. So before Crestwood asks for a tax increase, dont you think these questions should be addressed by the 9 in office?

10:01 AM, April 21, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to 9:46

Close. First of all the swim club is a private entity and should not be discussed. the CITY OWNED pool has never made a dime and should be privatized; no one said to tear down the Sappington House, just have it's foundation pay for it's up keep; as far as police/fire it makes no difference in the quality of service received because of the color of the uniform. And Animal Control, that is simply stupid to finance!

So yes to all of it.

3:23 PM, April 21, 2010  
Anonymous John said...

" So before Crestwood asks for a tax increase, dont you think these questions should be addressed by the 9 in office?"


If they want an increase, they had better cover every possible situation in great detail, and even then it is not likely that a tax increase would pass.

On another subject, I believe the paper said that the Metro tax was NOT passed by the south county voters, but the total vote passed.

5:03 PM, April 21, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you, you hit the nail on the head.

Like was said in a previous blog, it always gets back to the huge defense of the Fire and Police Departments. Of course they are essential, no one wants necessarily to shut them down. The only sensible solution to diminishing revenues is looking at the total picture and customizing the budget to today's situation.

Tax increases happen when the public is impressed favorably with the need for revenue, and more importantly with having this money used as promised. If Crestwood is top heavy in the area of personnel, and the high salaries are not commensurate with the job descriptions/education/hours/experience for the size of the city, population and the costs of benefits, then in this time of unemployment we have to settle for less then the ideal but clearly satisfactory.

AB will be charging for the use of Clysdales, City Police will charge for the police at ballgames. Stuff Happens, the Times are a-changin and so the need here is to quit harping on Police and Fire and Animal Control and address all our jobs, facilities, expenses, and customize our needs to compliment our situation and be reasonably acceptable to the people who pay the bills. "Reasonable" being a flexible value due to circumstances beyond our control.

5:39 PM, April 21, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:37 PM Blogger : well said and very well thought out.

In my opinion a community is founded to provide for the welfare of the Citizens, and for no other reason.

The three main braces of any City are Police, Fire, and Public Works. Once you get past those three we have the amenities list such as Parks and recreation, animal control, and aquatic centers.

You are correct that under our current National leadership there is NO chance for the Crestwood Courts to revive it's self at all. In fact Sears announced the closing of it's Northwest Plaza store effective July 15th. just today !

We are still maintaining a champaign diet on a cheap beer budget thanks to the "sacred cows" that four Aldermen and the Mayor WILL NOT EVEN CONSIDER cutting !

We have four elected officials, Foote, Beasley, Pickel, and Duncan who voted to keep a ridiculous expense at the last BOA meeting not to mention the Mayor who broke the tie for his 30 pieces of silver (read votes !)

Were spending $150,000.00 on a bridge in Whitecliff park to span a two foot wide ditch complete with $5000.00 worth of signs to assure that the FD can get to a " canopy fire" that the Chief says we can't put out anyway !

Our problem in Crestwood is the arrogant four and their complete lack of representation of the people in their respective wards. You say you don't want it, that say were doing it anyway !

The really sad part is that ALL these above mentioned are beholding to some group in Crestwood and you will have a hard time doing anything until they are out of the picture ! Remember, elections have consequences, and this last one surly did, to the negative !

Tom Ford

6:24 PM, April 21, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

One thing I forgot to mention is the fact that BOTH Beasley and Foote (both ward four Alderman) voted in lock step to keep animal control !

May I suggest that when we can no longer do both (maintain streets, and animal control) we tell the good residents of ward four that the other three wards come first, after all they wanted animal control, we wanted the streets fixed, so ...............

Tom Ford

6:37 PM, April 21, 2010  

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