Monday, April 19, 2010

In response to those who feel put upon by my criticism of the Crestwood Regime ! (click here.)

I have used a video of the darling of the "progressive / liberal wing of a major party to ask you what's wrong with that ? If you remember, this was said in 2003 and I assume nothing has changed since then right ? (Ha)

May I please point out to you that decention on any form is a very patriotic thing to do, if it weren't why would Mrs. Clinton say it was ?

All that said since "All politics is local" (Tip Oneal) I invite you to click on the header and then tell me (and her) were both wrong ! Because if we ever decent into the communist / socialist party ideals we are finished as both a Nation and a free people !

This Blog is here for EVERYONE to post their comments, beliefs, wants and needs as well as my comments. You will notice that I do not remove anonymous posts that attempt to insult me, nor will I unless they are profane. However I do find it humorous when someone calls me an IDIOT to be followed by someone saying I should not post negative remarks about our Board ! Sorry, they will continue if and when needed, so if you choose to stay, thank you, if not, well thank you also.

Please click on the header to be directed to the Video !

Tom Ford

NO. 750


Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

By the way, how about our new status as one of (if not the) highest tax rates for shoppers in the Region

Yep, 9.25% sales tax !

Great job kids, no stores at Crestwood Courts, and the tax rate sure to keep shoppers out of Crestwood for some time to come !

Ah well I guess it was cheaper than a mote, or a "bridge to nowhere !"

Have you any TIF, TDD, CID projects on the horizon ? If your really quick we can top 10.25% before Christmas !

Gee whiz I am so proud of you !

Tom Ford

5:03 PM, April 19, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sales tax is probably immune from any further attack however the property tax rate is still up for grabs. Stay tuned.

10:07 PM, April 22, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Ford,
I agree with you, but if you look at the election results for Metrolink in April, you would find that Crestwood overwhelmingly voted against it. But, as you have previously stated, we are only 3.6 square miles and as such don't possess the votes necessary to drive election results in St. Louis County. In addition, most of the criticism you are laying down should be and can be contributed to previous administrations, not the 8 currently serving on the board.
Examples would be the annexation and subsequent 1/4 cent fire tax and $400K payment to Affton Fire for the residents of that area. The Police palace and subsequent Royal banks loan, resulting in Prop S, the Kohls/Crestwood Swim club debacle, and previous CA/Police Chief/Finance director issues. Many of these issues are responsible for our current "underwater" situation.

10:00 AM, April 25, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:AM Blogger: You are right about the previous administrations being more than duplicitous in this mess. Remember at one time we had ALL the "special tax monies" in the same pot as the "General fund." Well, guess what, it just happened again !

Now we have "Prop S" funds (that were to sunset as soon as the loan was paid off) intermingled with the "General fund." (try and separate those now, talk about obfuscation !)

The annexed area is in a different "fire district zone" and thus the 1/4 cent tax to pay for it. I do believe we get more than that back from those fine citizens so I have no problem with that.

Yes, TDD, TIF, CID moneys have been given to developers like candy to a kid on Halloween, it never should have happened much less the "Saddam Heusen palatial swimming pool" on the City parking lot, but they did.

Now we have a whole new batch of leaders up there who could fix several things, and prevent others (if they were willing to at least try,) such as the "point of purchase" tax program that sends almost $1,000,000.00 to Jennings and Wildwood every year because "they have no shopping centers. and they need the money !"

Yes, I agree that a lot of things can be attributed to "previous administrations" but why is the current one "rearranging the deck chairs while the ship is sinking ?"

"under water?" Well not quite yet but we are going down by the bow thanks to the "Tax and spend" mentality that was so pervasive in the past, and seems to be in vogue now.

Tom Ford

10:44 AM, April 25, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

PS: Unfortunately my Father passed four years ago, so please just call me Tom.

Or failing that one of the many and varied epithets hurled at me by my "friends" on the blog !

Tom Ford

10:50 AM, April 25, 2010  

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