"King Roy" breaks the tie on animal control (click here for the Call story.)

That's right folks we can't afford to fix a street in Crestwood, nor can we afford to give employees a raise or keep qualified Police and Fire, but we can afford a $135,000.00 addition to the 2010 budget in the form of "animal control !"
The Call story has "His Honors" exact wording when he stuck us with this ridiculous expenditure, but I am wondering if at some point he said, "Let them eat cake !" We are truly in the "Kingdom of Roy" here in Crestwood !
Folks you really can't make this up can you ? The wasteful spending in this "Fiefdom" is further out of sight than Apollo 13, and there is no chance to rein it in as long as "His Honor" controls the "Tax and spend four" on the Board ! To think Goldman Sachs is in trouble on a National scale amazes me as we seem to have the "sell short" mentality right here in little old Crestwood !
Well I keep saying that "election's have consequences" and this last one was a doozie !
Tom Ford
NO. 751
are you referring the electin on April 6th? I hope you're not saying that Mr. Nieder would have "fixed" Crestwood.
He would have voted against this wasteful expenditure.
By the way, the animal control officer was supposedly sick. I saw her today traveling in the animal control suv. How is she doing ... anyone know?
Very sad, and an insult to the Police and Fire department.
8:24 PM Blogger: Why yes I am referring to that very same election, why do you ask ?
I never said Mr. Nieder would have fixed anything, but I am positive he would have voted against that ridiculous expenditure period !
Mr. Nieder has never shown himself to be a tax and spend, or wish washy person quite unlike the four "Roy boy's and girl's on that Dias now !
Well you had your chance and you lost it, now you will have to live with it, my only regret is that the rest of us will have to also !
By the way could you use any of that Prop-S refund you got ? Oh wait, they lied about that also didn't they !
Tom Ford
You need a new hobby Tom.
Mr. Nieder has never shown himself to be a tax and spend, or wish washy person quite unlike the four "Roy boy's and girl's on that Dias now !
Hmm. No, maybe he's not "tax and spend", but he talks out of both sides of his mouth, he's rude, disrespectful, and overbearing.
6:31 PM Blogger: To whom is he "rude, disrespectful, and overbearing ?" The only time anyone has ever seen him fight back is when "His Honor" tries to pull one of his fast ones !
I expect and respect that in a man and an Alderman as we see what happens when "His Honor bullies his way through the rest, haven't we.
In this age of "political correctness" most have lost sight of what it means to be an American, and a person who is willing to stand up, put his name on the line, and fight for us !
Mr. Nieder is just such a person, he post's here (with his name, as I do) because we both believe in what we say and do, unlike the legion of "Anonymous" posters who attempt to "hit and run !
You see, cowards and "get along" types are with us all the time like bad weather, but the real men like Nieder, Schlink, Duchild, Wallach and Miguel are rare and we should ALL applaud them !
Now, what were you saying ?
Tom Ford
I was saying that Mr. Nieder is rude, disrespectful, and overbearing. I thought I was fairly clear on that.Your words of praise don't change what I have observed. I am glad you feel that way about him. I don't. So, that's what I was saying.
8:42 PM Blogger: Amazing, I had no intention of "changing" anything my friend.
I sated facts, nothing more, nothing less.
You seem to be a "go along to get along" type person by your comments, but I am not ! You see we need a person who will tell the BOA when they are wrong, not a "world class weather vain" such as Chris Pickel, and I believe you know it !
Tom Ford
What I know is not everyone is a cookie cutter of you and your opinions. You feel strongly about certain issues, and that's just fine. But that doesn't have to mean that everyone else on earth feels that way too. For example, you dislike animal control and the support of Sappington House. There are many who disagree. Cities, states, countries, whatever, don't get run on the opinion of one person. Those are called dictatorships, and they're frowned on here. You feel you are right, but others feel you are wrong in many of your rantings.The city of Crestwood doesn't get to be dictated by you or any other one person.
7:42 AM Blogger; OK I get it now my friend. When I say it, it's a "rant," when you say it , it's gospel right ?
At any rate how do you figure that I wield so much power as to be a "dictator ?" I post my convictions, you get to refute them, simple, straight forward, and easy for you to do, no ?
If your blood pressure wont stand it why bother reading my writings ? Or is it the "moth to flame" syndrome rearing it's head here ? In any case I really do appreciate your input, I may not follow it, but I appreciate it.
Tom Ford
it's just in the presentation, I think. It is always presented as "it's a fact and you know it", indicating that obviously you're correct and anyone who has a different opinion is clearly an idiot. The fact, if we are to use that word, is that it's just an opinion, and certainly not the only one. And if you'll go back and skim the many previous threads, I think you might see a pattern. No one refutes your opinions without getting told they're wrong and you're right. Your blog? Yes. Absolutely your right. But don't stand on the everyone here has the right to say what they think without any problem. You tell people on here who disagree with you that they're idiots on a regular basis.
The city of Crestwood doesn't get to be dictated by you or any other one person.
Ahem, tell that to the mayor!
10:46 AM Blogger: Well one thing I have learned flying aircraft is that "you can't make a good landing from a bad approach."
This may well be true in my writing, not because I wish to appear "holier than thou" but because after looking at all sides of a problem I say what's on my mind.
I have never been one to mince words when it comes to my Country, my community, or my belief in God. At my age I would seriously doubt that is going to change in the future.
I see in Crestwood a community with great potential being slowly but surly spent out of existence, and it's Citizens being told "everything for everybody," and it can't happen, there is no money for it.
The day's of the plaza are gone, for all I know the Federal Government may well have ruined the chance for all business to prosper, and that angers me.
On our Board we have those who would pop a tax increase on us in a nano second for ? It's not the lack of funds coming in, it's the spending on amenities we really do not need such as:
1. Animal Control
2. Sappington House
3. Aquatic center.
These were great when we had money to burn, but now when were in trouble, we MUST cut them until we can again afford them (if ever.)
If you look at the demographics of Crestwood you will find that the senior Citizens are fast becoming the biggest group, and quite a few of us don't understand the reckless spending going on.
I really don't think the Board is out to harm us on purpose, but I do believe at least four are very misguided in their efforts when it comes to fiscal responsibility.
So now you have some insight into my line of thinking and why I write as I do, with passion and a desire to see things improve.
Tom Ford
If the shoe fits, wear it!
I tend to agree with 10:46 April 24
The world has its share of so-called idiots, liberals and people who do not view arrogance and ridicule as a virtue.
A good blog should be comfortable not a dart board for those who subscribe to personal viewpoints.
10:08 PM Blogger: "A good blog should be comfortable not a dart board for those who subscribe to personal viewpoints."
ANY blog will tend to lean toward the vies of the writers, no ? I simply give you my view of the regime and you get to make your comment's.
What's not comfortable about that ? Unless of course a person feels that it's their way only.
In your mind what should we be discussing, recipes, quilting, skeet shooting ?
This blog is about Crestwood, and the news coming out of City Hall, it gives everyone a chance to see what's really going on with their hard earned tax money. When a person is in public office they must accept decention, or leave that office, so since were into clichés, "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen." (not you, the politicians.)
Tom Ford
To say the mayor is "King Roy" may be a little over the top. He may not be the "be all" and I may not agree with his "dressing down" of some aldermen but I am convinced that he loves Crestwood and wants to maintain current services for its citizens. How he goes about things could use some work but his heart bleeds Crestwood. He would give you the shirt off his back and the last dollar in his pocket. He is the Mayor but just like any other human being, including you, he has strengths and weakneses. Unfortunately, you and others only focus on his shortcomings and don't give him credit for the good he has done.
Please consider this.
The vote on the proposition about animal control was to eliminate the department of one. Since the vote ended with a tie for the second time, no change would occur. The the department remains and the mayor, the lobbying group and his loyal aldermen supporters win the debate.
A vote by the mayor was not required but since the man is so arrogant and states he makes the decisions a vote is cast. What a show and waste of a vote.
9:38 AM Blogger: I would agree that he loves Crestwood as do I (or we wouldn't have been here 41 Years.)
As a person, Roy is a man with whom I would gladly drink a beer with any day. I do believe he would give you the "shirt off his back," (remember I voted for him and supported him right through the second election.)
That is when things began to change, and not for the best. The BOARD OF ALDERMAN MEETING is just that, so why can't he allow each of the Alderman to speak without the comment's, cracks, and cut offs he has become famous for ?
If you read "Robert's rules of order" you will see that when the tie occurred it was not necessary to "break" it as it would have passed anyway, but no, more remarks were needed.
These are the things that differentiate Roy and I, not his personality, witt, and manor, but the berating of the BOA,and yes Citizens who come before it.
A very good example would be when an Alderman mentioned "Robert's rules of order," and Roy said "No, it's Robinson's rules of order !" That very same bullying tactic is what caused the "Kingdom of Roy." After all what else would you call it, a dictatorship ?
I have the ability to separate the Man and the Politician completely, so as I said, I enjoy Roy's company, just not his method of governing, so if you would like to join Roy and I for that beer, I will buy ! (just don't bring up politics.)
Tom Ford
9:47 am
I agree whole heartedly. I believe the Mayor should have refused to vote on the issue and urged the 8 members of the board to continue discussion amongst themselves until one side or the other had the majority. After all that is why we elected them. To make decisions and to work together for the betterment of Crestwood.
I agree with you both too. The mayor should have told the aldermen to work out something. Correct me if I'm wrong, but this mayor has broken more tie votes than any mayor we have had?
9:38 Roy loves being Roy and being mayor of Crestwood, that's.
"L'etat, c'est moi!"
That's pretty funny, Tom! Thanks for injecting that bit of humor into the blog. (Unfortunately for the eight aldermen, there are some parallels here)
Martha Duchild
Thank you Martha, now for the ones she mentioned here on the Board (you know who you are,) it's time to go to the Library or the INTERNET and find out what she said .
Tom Ford
Louis the 14th, I believe, said "i am the state".
Is it possible the mayor studied the works of Louie the 14th?
Steve Nieder
I would have to disagree with you on the personal merits of the Mayor. I have know him for over 15 years and he is arrogant and ego driven. He will look you in the eye and lie his posturer off. Just my opinion.
8:20 AM Blogger: True enough as (I have seen that side of him first hand,) however I am still going to separate the Politician from the man.
I haven't seen him do that when he is away from City hall. And I expect him to do it at City Hall after all he is a politician, remember ? Aldermen who wish to "tell it like it is" are shouted down, belittled, and generally disrespected, the "holy four" are not. Crestwood Politics plain and simple !
I have a flyer from him in 1994 here where he speaks of being "taxed to the hilt," some day I will scan it and put it on line for all to read.
I think I will still have that Beer with him though as since he will be away from City Hall, he will be fun.
Tom Ford
I feel like I am kicking a dead horse; Roy does not change. He can not turn off the politician. He is what he is; even worst when he has a few.
8:22 AM Blogger: OK, you have known him a lot longer than I have so I will "fagetaboutit!"
Tom Ford
WOW, who would have ever guessed that Mrs. Roy read and posted on this blog?
Thanks Mrs. Robinson for the post of 8:22 on 4/27!
Come now, let's leave the wives, families, and pet's out of our discussions in the future please.
Tom Ford
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