Thursday, April 08, 2010

Mike Anthony of the CALL hit's a home run with this one (click Here.)

Once again we See "His Honor" shout down one of OUR ELECTED Alderman in cahoot's with his world class weather vain Mr. Chris Pickel ! Alderman Wallach had the floor, Alderman Pickel jumped in and started talking in total violation of ROBERT'S RULES OF ORDER, and "His Honor' naturally backed him (Pickel.)

Enter Alderman Duchild who pointed out rather nicely (point of order) that Mr. Piclel did not have the floor and was immediately attacked by "His Honor !" According to King Roy he saw nothing wrong with the order at all ! Humm, makes you wonder what color the sky is in his world that he could have even considered saying that .

Someone posted earlier that our "leaders" all have advanced degrees, and that's what they wanted, so they would vote for Alderman Foote. At this point I am wondering if all those "advanced degrees" came together in a sort of harmonic convergence to create perfect imbecility ? If that be the case then I must say my Father was right all along when he said, "You would have to go to school to get that stupid, you couldn't do that by yourself !"

Mr. Anthony is right on target here, we have the Aldermen (Schlink, Wallach, Duchild and Miguel) who wish to do it right and then we have the remainder including "His Honor" who for what ever reason adhere to the spoken word of "His Honor" as if he were the second coming, why is that ?

Kid's, you were ALL elected to do the will of the people, (you know, "we the people") and not the Kings bidding, get it ?

Oh, and in closing if that's a show of "advanced degrees," I will take my 104 degree fever any day, at least when it broke I became lucid again !

Tom Ford

NO. 748


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Mayor is too stupid to understand Roberts Rules of Order, that is why he will not obey the BOA's instructions to run THEIR meetings using them...he CANT!
Can you say stupid does as stupid is?

6:50 PM, April 10, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6:50 PM Blogger:The Mayor is too stupid to understand Roberts Rules of Order."

I don't know about the stupid part, but I guess you know that "arrogance" plays a very close kin to stupidity, right ?

I think it's arrogance and nothing more than arrogance, after all didn't he say "I make the rules here ? Yep, he sure did !

Tom Ford

7:52 PM, April 10, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many meetings has Schlink missed?

9:52 PM, April 10, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:52 PM Blogger: I haven't been keeping track so I have no idea !

However if you could get Pickel to miss a few, we might well be better off !

Tom Ford

7:00 PM, April 12, 2010  

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