Saturday, April 03, 2010

A very interesting remark was made under the "League of Women Voter's" post below.

A blogger has raised the question of Candidate Nieder's attendance record. A very fair question indeed, but one that bares a bit of scrutiny. Both Mr. Nieder and Mr. Foote have been absent from the BOA meetings during their terms, but both for completely different reasons.

Mr. Nieder's absence has no doubt been un-avoidable due to his job. Mr. Foote's absence has been due to Medical issues he has suffered. I fully understand his (Mr. Foote's) absence, as well as Mr. Nieder's.

Now, that said I have a very legitimate concern (even though I am in ward two,) and that is, will Mr. Foote be able to serve out the term he is seeking ? You see, I consider Mr. Foote a friend, as I do Mr. Nieder, but will this be a case of Mr. Foote (for medical reasons) not be able to complete his full term as Alderman from ward four ?

In case you don't know what would happen, if Mr. Foote were to have to resign, Mayor Roy Robinson will be within his powers to "appoint" Mr. Foote's replacement ! And replace him he will (with a "ringer" who will do his bidding.)

Those of you who follow Crestwood Politics have read the reports of the Mayor shouting down citizens and Alderman, know as well as I do that this will be a full blown disaster for Crestwood ! I ask you do we need the "Kingdom Of Roy" assisted by a "Roy Boy," or will you do the right thing, and insure that cannot happen ?

Ward Four, the choice is yours on April 6,2010, will you vote for "tax and spend," or will you vote for "Fiscal Responsibility ?

Tom Ford

NO. 746


Anonymous Anonymous said...

(Vote for ) 1
STEVE M. NIEDER . . . . . . . . 363 43.89
JOHN FOOTE . . . . . . . . . . 463 55.99
WRITE-IN. . . . . . . . . . . 1 .12

10:00 PM, April 06, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No matter who won, I thank both candidates for their dedication to Crestwood and for taking the interest in serving the citizens of their community. All of Crestwoods' Elected officials and employees are to be commended for their efforts during these difficult economic times. We will see the benefits of everyone's hard work and diligence but it will take time and additional sacrifices will have to be made by all.

7:43 AM, April 07, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8:54 AM, April 07, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

&:43 AM Blogger : I agree, congratulations to both Mr. Foote and Mr. Nieder who both did a very fine job on the campaign trail.

Now, on with the business of the City.

Tom Ford

5:02 PM, April 07, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"All of Crestwoods' Elected officials and employees are to be commended for their efforts during these difficult economic times."

Are you serious???

8:46 PM, April 07, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to chuckle when I see idiotic posts like yours. It never ceases to amaze me that there are individuals like you in every community and on every information site like this who don't have a clue about anything. I am sure the poster of the comment you chose to take exception with feels in their mind that the elected officials and employees of the city are doing the best they can with what they have and is simply offering some support for their efforts. Nothing more. I too believe our city staff and elected officials are doing a good job and have full confidence they will continue to do better.

8:05 AM, April 08, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


And you're serious too?

No offense sir, but you have taken the award for the most idiotic post. And further more, you know absolutely nothing about me.

If you think this city is all about saving money, think again.

1. Employee raises for the past several years.
2. The purchase of ten police cars a few years ago, with more on the way...
3. The building of the bridge to nowhere ... after all, we have a lot of forest fires!
4. The insistence to keep animal control, although few municipalities in the county have it - they let St. Louis County handle it.

I'm sure if I dig more, I can find more waste.

Crestwood is surviving, basically without the mall. Ask yourself, where in the world did all the money go to when the mall was thriving and our commercial thoroughfare was full?

I'll admit, some elected officials are trying to save some money, but their efforts are hampered by other geniuses on the board and our stellar mayor.

So continue to chuckle oh pompous one.

7:54 PM, April 09, 2010  

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