Friday, May 21, 2010

Conspicuous by their absence, the FOIA forms and the meeting audio (click here.)

On May 13, 2010 I asked where the F.O.I.A. forms and the audio of the Board meetings were on the new web site. I was informed that they were not there but the designer was "working on it."

Well, here it is May 22, 2010 nine days later and still no link to those very important items ! Why is that when the City Clerk called them on 5/13/10 and told them to put them on and yet, nothing ?

Now I can change the format (template) of this blog in five minutes so why has nothing been done in nine days ? And while I am at it, who told the creators of the new site to leave them off ? (hint, it wasn't Ms. Flowers.)

I am beginning to believe we have an "issue" with "someone" not wanting the information to be given to the great un-washed, I hope not, but it sure looks that way !

"Your Honor," prove me wrong and get this done so we have a bit more "transparency" up at City Hall !

Tom Ford

NO. 759


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If anyone is interested, here is a challenge: try to find the City Charter on the new website. Once you've found it, you may be asking yourself the same question I did: why isn't the Charter in a more prominent location?

Quite frankly, the old website was far more user friendly than the new one. No matter how little (or how much) the city paid for the new design, it was too much.

Martha Duchild

5:22 PM, May 22, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

True Martha, and we still have no idea what it cost us, only a "guesstimate !"

Who is responsible for this idea ? Inquiring minds want to know !

Tom Ford

5:47 PM, May 22, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree. The website looks 1999-2000ish. And, did you catch the Times article regarding the Kohl's TIF?

""We got (this TIF) in the best interest of the city, and I'm happy we did that," said Mayor Roy Robinson."

6:09 PM, May 22, 2010  
Anonymous John said...

Ms. Duchild,

You are right!

I spent some time on several occasions looking around, and there is a lot of interesting stuff. But when I tried to find a particular thing, I couldn't.

I'll try looking for the Charter when I have a lot of spare time.

7:31 PM, May 22, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom, Tina hates you with a passion

8:35 PM, May 22, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tina is paid to do her job by the tax payers of this City, regardless of her personal feelings towards any one of them.
As all are government employees, be they working for CRESTWOOD, St. Louis County, State of Missouri or the Federal Government, they are the tax payers employees.

11:28 PM, May 22, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:35 PM Blogger: Well if that's true at least we have one person at City hall who is "passionate" about something !

I am not interested in a popularity contest up there, I am interested in how and where my money is being spent, so like me or not, I will get the answers !

Tom Ford

6:33 AM, May 23, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've talked to Tina several times, and I don't think that is the case. I'm just not sure if Tina is happy up there.

I think what is hated at city hall are nosy taxpayers who question some of our elected leaders tax and spend ways. How dare we citizens exert our constitutional right! What outrage!

12:01 PM, May 23, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

12:01 PM Blogger: GASP ! What have i done here ? I am so sorry that "Das Reich" is not accustomed to answering questions from the peasants !Roy, Jim, will you ever forgive me ?

Tom Ford

3:22 PM, May 23, 2010  

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