Crestwood first quarter financial report (click here please.)
If you notice we seem to have a few things in "brackets" which is not a Good thing in the accounting world at all. Now it's only the first quarter and it is possible that things will improve, so I will reserve judgment until next quarter.
One thing is perfectly clear though and that is spending must be reduced to the lowest possible dollar to make this budget work. You will note that the "Prop-S" funds are in there along with the "Irrevocable trust" that the Board voted to have in the general fund.
A bit more scrutiny tells me that we are a nano second away from Mr. Foot, ET AL telling us that a "TAX INCREASE" is mandatory or they will have to borrow from Royal bank again. If, and when that happens please remember the vote to retain $135,000.00 in the budget for animal control, and $750,000.00 for a " bridge to no-where" to fight a "canopy fire" in the park (I have never seen on in 41 years, and the Fire Chief said he couldn't put one out anyway) but by God we have (or will have) the bridge to get to it, maybe !
Then there is the little matter of the "Sappington House foundation" funds to the tune of $500,000.00 placed in the budget (but UN-TOUCHABLE) by anyone in Crestwood ! You see these funds are shown on our books but really belong to the Sappington House foundation. Now could an auditor please explain to me how that works ?
If you haven't seen the paper yet reference Sun Set Hills new mayor, please read it. This Gentleman is going to run the City as a business (what a novel idea,) and as such will no doubt be very successful at it, I wish ours would at least try the same thing !
Tom Ford
NO. 753
One thing is perfectly clear though and that is spending must be reduced to the lowest possible dollar to make this budget work. You will note that the "Prop-S" funds are in there along with the "Irrevocable trust" that the Board voted to have in the general fund.
A bit more scrutiny tells me that we are a nano second away from Mr. Foot, ET AL telling us that a "TAX INCREASE" is mandatory or they will have to borrow from Royal bank again. If, and when that happens please remember the vote to retain $135,000.00 in the budget for animal control, and $750,000.00 for a " bridge to no-where" to fight a "canopy fire" in the park (I have never seen on in 41 years, and the Fire Chief said he couldn't put one out anyway) but by God we have (or will have) the bridge to get to it, maybe !
Then there is the little matter of the "Sappington House foundation" funds to the tune of $500,000.00 placed in the budget (but UN-TOUCHABLE) by anyone in Crestwood ! You see these funds are shown on our books but really belong to the Sappington House foundation. Now could an auditor please explain to me how that works ?
If you haven't seen the paper yet reference Sun Set Hills new mayor, please read it. This Gentleman is going to run the City as a business (what a novel idea,) and as such will no doubt be very successful at it, I wish ours would at least try the same thing !
Tom Ford
NO. 753
The reason we do not have a Mayor like Sunset Hills is because we, the majority of voters have elected Roy, twice. We are our own worse enemy,and we are getting what we deserve. As a a group we have chosen to believe what first supporters of Roy told us about him and those who were against him. We were lied to by his supporters and by Roy himself. Now there is no organized group lead and funded by the owner of the Creston Center to kick Roy out like there was to get Roy in. So we are stuck with him.
Never forget that many who now are against Roy were his supporters at first and many of them are still in office. We got what we had coming to us and I no longer feel the lest bit sorry for what is happening to the City.
3:16 PM Blogger: Right you are, as the man said "You get the Government you deserve," and boy did we get it with Robinson, Beasley,Foot,Duncan and Pickel !
The good news is we can change it, the bad news is we well may be ruined by then !
Tom Ford
Where are the leaders of two elections ago that mislead us to vote Roy upon us? Where are the owners of the Creston Center who where so civic minded then, but have since disappeared once they knew their "priced" land was safe with Roy's election? Where are the crowds of angered citizens who flooded the Board meanings? Who claimed that the mayor in place then didn't listen to them and treated them rudely? Have they been back to see Roy in action?
We are so like sheep and have such short memories.
Roy will rule Crestwood until he is termed limited out, IF he doens't reappoint the Charter Commission with his typical smoke filled room instructions to remove the term limit part of the "new "charter.
Wait and see.
Sales Taxes: Sales tax revenues of $500,878 came in below April’s projected amount of $574,434, bringing the year-to-date total to $2,209,101 or 89 percent of the four-month projected total. As noted last month, the City will receive sales taxes from Kohl’s once the Crestwood Point TIF is formally closed. This is the second month sales tax revenues have fallen below projections, it could indicate a problem in reaching the budgeted amount.
Revenue is failing to support projections. Do you think it is time to take a serious look at operations?
I hear a rumblings of a tax increase request.
10:16 AM Blogger: Correct, it is time we looked at the wasteful spending this administration has foisted upon us !
!. Animal control: $135,000.00
2. Bridge to nowhere : $750,000.00
And these are but two of the items. Did you know that the public WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO USE THAT BRIDGE ? Well we can't, it's for "emergency services" ONLY ! What a waste !
Tom Ford
Some of these notes reek of a former alderman in ward 2, a strong advocate of a former administration. Perhaps he has a short memory. Perhaps he would like to add the debt we would have incurred with that new pie in the sky pre Robinson CITY HALL that Fagan and Greer wanted to add to our existing debt/bloc and then used it as collateral. Talk about a nightmare, well there you have it. So,Robinson or not, his supporters of past or not, change had to happen and it did. Don't blame voters and supporters, we were all as disturbed then as now. This train drain was coming down the tract long before Robinson so the past administration was not free of its shennagins, politics and pure stupidity.
2:46 PM Blogger: If your "former Alderman" comment was aimed at Tim Trueblood he has always signed EVERY post he ever made on this blog, so.....
The train was indeed coming down the track before Mayor Robinson, but to date he, nor half the Board have done anything to stop it have they ?
Robinson, Pickle, Foote, Duncan and Beasley all know what needs to be done (or they should) so why aren't they doing it ? Simple math here, VOTES, don't ruffle the feathers of (insert group) and they will vote for you !
Until the "sacred cows" are all long gone things will remain on the down wind side in Crestwood for we only have four Alderman who concern themselves with Crestwood and us, and not future votes !
Tom Ford
So Robinson is a nicer, kinder, more polite mayor than those before him? What planet are you living on, Roy's back yard?
Opps, that cant be true, Roy's neighbors are exactly "fond" him, so maybe its the owner of the new improved Creston Center stepping into again deflect attention from his support of his honor by attacking the past? kind of like Pres Ozero is doing today to deflect.
This group is no better than the last group of leaders, but they will sure tell you they are better. Just ask them. Same day different shit.
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