News and views of the City Of Crestwood, for and by the citizens of Crestwood! "Most of the news, with none of the paper"
"The heart of the wise inclines to the right but the heart of the fool to the left." Eccleiastes 10:2
"Sic Semper Tyrannis"
In case you didn't get the PD today this was on the front page (not the photo, the story.) I see some definite similarities, and some very different methods of management.
Please click on the header, read the story and then tell us what you think about the two men's methods.
Our Boy Roy would die to have a strong Mayor form of government; and don't be surprised if he tries to slip that authority in - in bits and pieces. But then, if we did not have a strong BOA form, I would think Roy would have never been elected - and neither would a few of the past Mayors.
Got a bad situation in Shrewsbury. City Administrator does not like the new Mayor, so he is quitting and the outgoing Mayor (his buddy) had a secret meeting and gave him $135,000 going away gift. He was going to quit, so residents are furious about this. Read Kirkwood Webster TIMES.
Municipalities have a hard enough time with finances, but mostly it is the leadership and the politics. Crestwood has a terrible history of this with both Mayors and Aldermen and city administrators who walked a way with the store (look this up). Royalty I presume. How do you think we got that miserable private pool perfect example of gov't run amok. These little burbs become launcing pads and private ATM cards for politicians while the city sinks. And then we wonder how did this happen! Then when the day of judgement comes, ... time for a tax increase. I don't think so!
If residents don't get aboard and pay attention, this is what happens. They better open their eyes.
It is still amazing to me that when somebody is asked to back up their post by someone who signs their name, the anonymous poster still doesn't have the spine to respond. Oh well Tim Trueblood
Believe me you pompous jerk, I WISH I could sign my name but I fear losing my job that I covet, working for the city I love! You are an arrogant S.O.B who is considered lower than pond scum around City Hall and the Community Center. Don't worry though, someday I will get to say what I want, but for now when I see you I have to walk the other way. Take your pick, I could be any number of different employees. There are MANY that share the same feelings that I do. Sorry Tom, I could not help it.
Come on tell me, and you don't even have to use your name to spread your filthy lies. You made the claim, now back it up, or can you? Don't need your name, it means nothing to anyone, just back up your claim that Aldermen for Crestwood, of which I was one, walked off with the store. IE enriched them selves while being Alderman at the expense of the City.
After all if what you say is true about me in your post, who would fire you for using your name now?
Best wishes for a happy (soon?) retirement, yours very truly
It doesn't bother me to thought of as a pompous jerk or pond scum by the anonymous poster. I am sure in 13 years as an Alderman I rubbed some or a lot of people the wrong way. They are completely within their rights to express how they feel, anonymous or not. I accept that as part of public service.
Where I draw the line however, is any implication of my having enriched my self at the expense of the city and to be specific, the citizens of Ward Two due to my position as Alderman. Before or after my time in office. I can not and will not allow that charge to be made and sit out there without responding to it.
If the anonymous poster knows of ANY elected official, past or present that is doing what they claim, it is up to them, no, it is their duty to report it to the legal system and the newspapers. If what the poster stated is true and they do not do this, then they are just as guilty themselves.
So I wait for the charge "that we walked way with the store" to be supported or dropped. Tim Still pond scum Trueblood
Thanks for taking the high road with your responses!
Some of your comments ddon't make sense:
"Crestwood has a terrible history of this with both Mayors and Aldermen and city administrators who walked a way with the store"
"I WISH I could sign my name but I fear losing my job that I covet, working for the city I love!"
" There are MANY that share the same feelings that I do."
So, you are charging the former, and current Mayors, Aldermen, and City Administrators with stealing money, or property from the City?
You can't say anything about these crimes because you would be fired? By who? I didn't think the Mayor or Aldermen could fire city employees. Even the City Administrator has to follow strict guidelines, and can't fire people without cause.
You and 'many' love the City, and enjoy working for it. That is good!
Aren't you and the other City employees committing a crime (or at least negligence) by not reporting these crimes that have been going on for a long time?
Are you SURE all these many other City employees want to be lumped in to this group?
I, and I'm sure others find all the cussing, and name calling offensive. Can't you express your thoughts, and feelings without that?
My last name is English, I am 12 generation from John Trueblood who came from Lincoln England in 1679 to what is now Elizabethtown NC. There were Quakers they were fleeing the heavy hand of the Church of England at the time.
However, having said that I am about 1/4 Native American on my mothers side. Her maiden name was Williams, go figure that.
12:32 PM Blogger: I really don't know who that is posting all the negative remarks, but if I were to guess it's a person from White Cliff Park Pool, or Public works (same thing.)
Like the other Blogger said I don't appreciate the language, or the accusations at all.
In fact, from now on any and all persons posting on the Blog ANY accusations about anyone will either sign their name or be removed as soon as I see the post !
And by the way, there have been no such people on the Board, or in the Mayor's chair that have done any "profiting" from their positions ! (Unless you want to count the BMW plus expenses the old C/A got in a hornswaggle of the Board) in the 41 years I have lived here !
Mis-guided decision's, yes, nefarious activities, NO !
Be careful with the BMW talk Tom. You may alienate your new buddy Tim who had a little something to do with that scenario. That's not an accusation, that's the truth.
Our new and improved website allows you to go back and review past budgets. Review the cost of our Mayor in 2006, vs 2010.
2006 $12654 2010 $16343.
The major increases are 2006 2010 Travel $1197 $2000
member ship fees 60 300
cell phone 0 420
books 0 100
public relations 1959 4000
printing 0 390
office supplies 390 300
Does the major have to turn in receipts for his cell phone bill, membership fees, travel expense, books, printing, and public relations? If so where can we view them, I would like to know what books he is reading, where he has to travel for the city, who he calls on our cell phone and what public relations is he doing for us to the tune of $4000 a year? This while we hold open the position of Animal Control officer and reduce our firefighters from 27 to 24, and our police from 40 to 35. At the same time our Administration Dept has expanded from 6 in 2004 to 11 in 2010. Just something for you to think about.
11:01 PM Blogger: Good question my friend ! On the old City web site you used to be able to print out a freedom of information act (or FOIA form.) It's conveniently missing from the new site.
You can however go to City hall and ask Tina Flowers for the form, fill it out and she will give you whatever information you want to see.
8:36 AM Blogger: For the same ridiculous reason that we seem to need a "animal adoption club."
It would appear that these are "needed" on order to save Crestwood from "feral cat's" and in the case of "His Honor" to insure "constant contact" so things can really get screwed up !
What the heck, it's only (our) money he is wasting so do you really believe he and the "four Amigos" on his side of the Board really care ?
None of you will put the mayor in his place. You are sheep and have gotten exactly what you deserve. What you thought was corruption was actually progression and what you thought was a correction is actually corruption. And you voted for it twice! Btw...any city employees that have ever been exposed to Mr. Trueblood or that era of Aldermen know him as being a well intention community oriented servant. Nothing else.
RE: Recall, several things to keep in mind. Re-read the most current version of the Charter so you get it right the first time. Never forget, once you decide to throw him out, it is either total victory or total defeat, no compromise! Keep in mind that Roy may be able to revisit the current Charter with a review committee. Fight it will all your might or start the recall before he can form the committee. Demand from Roy NOW all copies of receipts for any thing he turns in as City business. Demand his cell phone call record, check it out for miss use. No half way measures will work
Our Boy Roy would die to have a strong Mayor form of government; and don't be surprised if he tries to slip that authority in - in bits and pieces. But then, if we did not have a strong BOA form, I would think Roy would have never been elected - and neither would a few of the past Mayors.
Got a bad situation in Shrewsbury. City Administrator does not like the new Mayor, so he is quitting and the outgoing Mayor (his buddy) had a secret meeting and gave him $135,000 going away gift. He was going to quit, so residents are furious about this. Read Kirkwood Webster TIMES.
Municipalities have a hard enough time with finances, but mostly it is the leadership and the politics. Crestwood has a terrible history of this with both Mayors and Aldermen and city administrators who walked a way with the store (look this up). Royalty I presume. How do you think we got that miserable private pool perfect example of gov't run amok. These little burbs become launcing pads and private ATM cards for politicians while the city sinks. And then we wonder how did this happen! Then when the day of judgement comes, ... time for a tax increase. I don't think so!
If residents don't get aboard and pay attention, this is what happens. They better open their eyes.
Name the mayors and aldermen who have walked away with the store. And while you are at it, what did they walk away with?
It is still amazing to me that when somebody is asked to back up their post by someone who signs their name, the anonymous poster still doesn't have the spine to respond.
Oh well
Believe me you pompous jerk, I WISH I could sign my name but I fear losing my job that I covet, working for the city I love! You are an arrogant S.O.B who is considered lower than pond scum around City Hall and the Community Center. Don't worry though, someday I will get to say what I want, but for now when I see you I have to walk the other way. Take your pick, I could be any number of different employees. There are MANY that share the same feelings that I do. Sorry Tom, I could not help it.
Dear Anonymous,
Pretty brave aren't you?
So what part of the "store" did I walk off with?
Come on tell me, and you don't even have to use your name to spread your filthy lies. You made the claim, now back it up, or can you?
Don't need your name, it means nothing to anyone, just back up your claim that Aldermen for Crestwood, of which I was one, walked off with the store. IE enriched them selves while being Alderman at the expense of the City.
After all if what you say is true about me in your post, who would fire you for using your name now?
Best wishes for a happy (soon?) retirement,
yours very truly
Tim (pond scum)
sounds more like SG again. nobody i know loves the city
It doesn't bother me to thought of as a pompous jerk or pond scum by the anonymous poster. I am sure in 13 years as an Alderman I rubbed some or a lot of people the wrong way. They are completely within their rights to express how they feel, anonymous or not. I accept that as part of public service.
Where I draw the line however, is any implication of my having enriched my self at the expense of the city and to be specific, the citizens of Ward Two due to my position as Alderman. Before or after my time in office.
I can not and will not allow that charge to be made and sit out there without responding to it.
If the anonymous poster knows of ANY elected official, past or present that is doing what they claim, it is up to them, no, it is their duty to report it to the legal system and the newspapers.
If what the poster stated is true and they do not do this, then they are just as guilty themselves.
So I wait for the charge "that we walked way with the store" to be supported or dropped.
Still pond scum
totally off subject, but I once knew a man with Trueblood as a last name who was about 3/4 Native American. Is that your heritage?
Thanks for taking the high road with your responses!
Some of your comments ddon't make sense:
"Crestwood has a terrible history of this with both Mayors and Aldermen and city administrators who walked a way with the store"
"I WISH I could sign my name but I fear losing my job that I covet, working for the city I love!"
" There are MANY that share the same feelings that I do."
So, you are charging the former, and current Mayors, Aldermen, and City Administrators with stealing money, or property from the City?
You can't say anything about these crimes because you would be fired? By who? I didn't think the Mayor or Aldermen could fire city employees. Even the City Administrator has to follow strict guidelines, and can't fire people without cause.
You and 'many' love the City, and enjoy working for it. That is good!
Aren't you and the other City employees committing a crime (or at least negligence) by not reporting these crimes that have been going on for a long time?
Are you SURE all these many other City employees want to be lumped in to this group?
I, and I'm sure others find all the cussing, and name calling offensive. Can't you express your thoughts, and feelings without that?
My last name is English, I am 12 generation from John Trueblood who came from Lincoln England in 1679 to what is now Elizabethtown NC. There were Quakers they were fleeing the heavy hand of the Church of England at the time.
However, having said that I am about 1/4 Native American on my mothers side. Her maiden name was Williams, go figure that.
offensive to many
Looks like Crestwood has an employee who knows the beans but is afraid to spill them.
Do you know who they may be Tom? they seemed to know you.
12:32 PM Blogger: I really don't know who that is posting all the negative remarks, but if I were to guess it's a person from White Cliff Park Pool, or Public works (same thing.)
Like the other Blogger said I don't appreciate the language, or the accusations at all.
In fact, from now on any and all persons posting on the Blog ANY accusations about anyone will either sign their name or be removed as soon as I see the post !
And by the way, there have been no such people on the Board, or in the Mayor's chair that have done any "profiting" from their positions ! (Unless you want to count the BMW plus expenses the old C/A got in a hornswaggle of the Board) in the 41 years I have lived here !
Mis-guided decision's, yes, nefarious activities, NO !
Tom Ford
Be careful with the BMW talk Tom. You may alienate your new buddy Tim who had a little something to do with that scenario. That's not an accusation, that's the truth.
Our new and improved website allows you to go back and review past budgets.
Review the cost of our Mayor in 2006, vs 2010.
2006 $12654
2010 $16343.
The major increases are
2006 2010
Travel $1197 $2000
fees 60 300
phone 0 420
books 0 100
relations 1959 4000
printing 0 390
supplies 390 300
Does the major have to turn in receipts for his cell phone bill, membership fees, travel expense, books, printing, and public relations? If so where can we view them, I would like to know what books he is reading, where he has to travel for the city, who he calls on our cell phone and what public relations is he doing for us to the tune of $4000 a year?
This while we hold open the position of Animal Control officer and reduce our firefighters from 27 to 24, and our police from 40 to 35.
At the same time our Administration Dept has expanded from 6 in 2004 to 11 in 2010.
Just something for you to think about.
11:01 PM Blogger: Good question my friend ! On the old City web site you used to be able to print out a freedom of information act (or FOIA form.) It's conveniently missing from the new site.
You can however go to City hall and ask Tina Flowers for the form, fill it out and she will give you whatever information you want to see.
Tom Ford
Why should a part-time, for ceremonial purpose only, need a budget at all?
8:36 AM Blogger: For the same ridiculous reason that we seem to need a "animal adoption club."
It would appear that these are "needed" on order to save Crestwood from "feral cat's" and in the case of "His Honor" to insure "constant contact" so things can really get screwed up !
What the heck, it's only (our) money he is wasting so do you really believe he and the "four Amigos" on his side of the Board really care ?
Tom Ford
We, the citizens of Crestwood need to find a way to put the Mayor in his proper place. Obviously the BOA refuses to do so.
None of you will put the mayor in his place. You are sheep and have gotten exactly what you deserve. What you thought was corruption was actually progression and what you thought was a correction is actually corruption. And you voted for it twice!
Btw...any city employees that have ever been exposed to Mr. Trueblood or that era of Aldermen know him as being a well intention community oriented servant. Nothing else.
1:17 PM Blogger: Well not all of us that's for sure. What say you to a recall petition to get his attention ?
Tom Ford
I would put my john hancock on that
a petition for what?
5:25 PM Blogger: I did say Recall remember ? However we can also use "censure" if you wish.
Roy is not a bad person, just a bit to Arrogant for his own good when it comes to being Mayor.
Tom Ford
Please do not forget about the code enforcement officer collecting two paychecks and receving free room and board from the city.
The maintenance we have to pay for Sappington House while the Sappington House Foundation will not spend its $500k endowment.
RE: Recall, several things to keep in mind.
Re-read the most current version of the Charter so you get it right the first time.
Never forget, once you decide to throw him out, it is either total victory or total defeat, no compromise!
Keep in mind that Roy may be able to revisit the current Charter with a review committee. Fight it will all your might or start the recall before he can form the committee.
Demand from Roy NOW all copies of receipts for any thing he turns in as City business. Demand his cell phone call record, check it out for miss use.
No half way measures will work
to the 9:34 entry, who is miss use?
Miss Use? Used to work for the Mayor.
No half way measures will work
9:34 PM, May 11, 2010
That is true. 110% or nothing.
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