Friday, May 28, 2010

Ladies and Gentlemen, it's Memorial Day weekend.

While you enjoy friends and family please take a moment to remember all our young Men and Women who gave so much to guarantee you the freedom to do it.

If you see a vet, thank them for their service, and whatever you do please work to preserve the freedom they fought so hard for.

Tom Ford

NO. #762


Anonymous John said...

I thank all of our VETERANS for their service to our Great Country!!

A Vet.

2:08 PM, May 29, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

John, I personally thank you for your service.

Tom Ford

5:06 PM, May 29, 2010  
Anonymous John said...

And I thank you too Tom!

Now liberty call, liberty call. All hands lay down to the patio, and party.


12:45 AM, May 30, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

The oath of office to enter the military, Remember it never expires !

"Upon entering the United States Armed Forces, federal law requires everyone to swear the oath of enlistment. But when we swear the oath, just what are we obligated to – and for how long?"
The Oath of Enlistment in its current form:
"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."


Very interesting, No ?

Tom Ford

4:31 PM, May 30, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish that man could find a better approach to negotiating differences so that the killing would stop.

Steve Nieder

9:35 PM, May 30, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

A Poem For Memorial Day
Bury Me With Soldiers

I've played a lot of roles in life;

I've met a lot of men.

I've done some things I'd like to think

I wouldn't do again.

And though I'm young, I'm old enough

To know that someday I will die,

And think about what lies beyond,

Beside whom I should lie.

Perhaps it doesn't matter much;

Still, if I had my choice,

I'd want a grave 'mongst soldiers when

At last death quells my voice.

I'm sick of the hypocrisy

Of lectures by the wise.

I'll take the man, with all his flaws,

Who goes, though scared, and dies.

The troops I know were commonplace:

They didn't want the war;

They fought because their fathers, and

Their fathers, had before.

They cursed and killed and wept - God


They're easy to deride-

But bury me with men like these;

They faced the guns and died.

It's funny, when you think of it,

The way we got along.

We'd come from different worlds

To live in one where no one belongs.

I didn't even like them all;

I'm sure they'd all agree.

Yet I would give my life for them,I hope;

I know some did for me.

So bury me with soldiers, please

Though much maligned they be.

Yes, bury me with soldiers, for

I miss their company.

We'll not soon see their like again;

We've had our fill of war.

But bury me with men like them

Till someone else does more.

Rev. Charles R. Fink

(Formerly Sgt. in the 199th Lt. Infantry Brigade

Vietnam 3/69-3/70)

Tom Ford

4:43 PM, May 31, 2010  
Blogger retnav2001 said...

Thanks again Tom for your service and respect for others before you.

8:37 AM, June 03, 2010  

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