Mr. Anthony of the Call may well have hit on why business is slow in Crestwood (click here for the article)
Take a look at the various tax rates in our neighboring Cities and I think you will see why all the TIF, TDD, CID programs that have been awarded in Crestwood were not the best way to go.
Slap another 1/2 cent tax for metro link on the rate we charge and before you know it, it's real money. I hope our BOA will take a close look a`t this and vote down the next big "give away" before no one comes to Crestwood to shop !
Tom Ford
NO. 761
Slap another 1/2 cent tax for metro link on the rate we charge and before you know it, it's real money. I hope our BOA will take a close look a`t this and vote down the next big "give away" before no one comes to Crestwood to shop !
Tom Ford
NO. 761
did you see this article in the post??
4:18 PM Blogger: Well I have now ! Just great our employees are stuck with higher rates for health insurance while the "privileged" ride for nothing !
Mr. Eckrich, I call upon YOU to take the lead in this. Park your City car, cut where you can (animal adoption, new cars,) and show some leadership to our valued employees !
To think that "a few" get all the perks while the rest must pay in this economy is despicable, reprehensible, and a violation of the trust the employees have placed in you and this Community !
Tom Ford
Are you serious? I believe Mr. Eckrich presented a budget to the Board that didn't include animal control for the 2010 year. I am not sure if he can just eliminate a position that would directly conflict with some of our city codes. Personally I prefer that those decision be made by our board members and not one individual. I would assume that those members are making decisions based on what their ward constituents want. If it's not I would imagine they would not get reelected. Better that a decision on eliminating employees be handled with a committee(board) than an individual. And what is the difference in our tax rate today compared to 5,10,15,20 years ago? I would tend to be a little more upset with previous administration when the mall was booming and now have little reserve to show for it. Looks to me that the belt has been tightened while still trying to maintain as many services as they can.
to the 8:40 poster, you need to understand the main tennant of this blog: the ONLY services this city is to provide is police and fire. Oh, and Tina Flowers, she's okay too. Everyone else should be eliminated. And don't disagree, either, because you'll get called names and be told how silly you are for understanding how much THEY understand. Just sign off and let them be. Much easier.
8:40 PM Blogger: In a word, YES!
9:25 PM Blogger: I believe you haven't read this Blog very well as I have championed the cause of ALL City employees.
However in a case where DUPLICATE services are provided, that DUPLICATE service can and should be eliminated !
Besides, you post "anonymously" so how can we take you seriously ? If you have the courage of your convictions, sign your post, or just keep complaining in the dark knowing no one is paying any attention.
Tom Ford
Apparently no one is listening since you haven't answered my question. Or perhaps you can't, or the rate may not have increased hardly at all in the last 20 years. Perhaps like most I prefer to keep my anonymity. Tell you what like one of our previous aldermen I will sign my anonymous post with a pen name. Zorro. You don't seem to have a problem taking those that agree with you seriously when they have anonymous above their post. Your not a hypocrite are you Tom?
Damnit! I wanted to be Zorro!
11:27 AM Blogger; No I am not a hypocrite, heck I'm not even a hermaphrodite so post away.
Are we both talking about the same tax rate ? I am not referring to the property tax rate, but rather the sales tax rate.
The sales tax rate has increased several time during the 41 years I have lived here. If it continues we will soon catch up to Chicago !
Tom Ford
11:31 AM Blogger: You can be Poncho his trusted side kick. There how's that ?
Tom Ford
Does anyone know when the health insurance committee is meeting again? It is time to stand up and support those who support us!
Good Lord. Do you even know what a hermaphrodite is?
11:12 PM Blogger: Why yes I do, if you remember we employed one during the reign of the last C/A.
But that said, you need to lighten up a bit and enjoy life. It seems to me that your getting wrapped to tight for this, or any other Blog. But then again that's what a liberal is all about, isn't it ?
Tom Ford
9:19 PM Blogger: I will ask about the time and date Tuesday and report it here.
Tom Ford
I have not commented here before, and what makes you think I am a liberal? Because I questioned whether you knew what a word meant? I don't think it's me who's wrapped too tight.
8:31 AM Blogger: Well if you haven't commented here before I profoundly apologize ! Your comment read like a Liberal who has attempted to "dog" me on another thread.
In any case, welcome to the Frey, post away, and may I suggest the Nome DE plume "not a liberal" for you ?
Tom Ford
I was referring to our property tax. Still haven't seen you post it.
thank you for the welcome. You'll note I didn't say I wasn't a liberal...I was just interested in why you assumed I was.
The last property tax increase was 4 years ago for the retirement of the $3 million debt for the renovation of city hall.
The property tax nearly doubled the taxes payed to Crestwood and what do we have? Maybe the two sets of plans created by a company that is no longer in business.
The mayor and the aldermen promised to retire the Prop S tax when the debt was payed off. We know the rest of the story.
10:01 AM Blogger: AKA Zorro, here is the tax rate from 1999 to 2009 per your request.
By the way I was speaking of sales tax rates which are among the highest in the County.
Tom Ford
10:54 AM Blogger: As I said, I thought you were the writer on the previous thread, he / she was a flaming liberal.
Should I now launch into the "Tail Gunner" Joe McCarthy questioning such as "are you now, or have you ever been a liberal ?"
Just kidding, welcome aboard,whatever side your on. I may or may not agree but I will defend to the death your right to state your point ! (Unless it's vulgar, profane, or too far out of line for a family Blog.)
Tom Ford
I will keep the rules in mind. I have seen alot on here about disgareeing with the owner of the blog, I assume that is that frowned upon? If so, I will mind what I say or not post at all.
2:06 PM Blogger: I am indeed the owner of the Blog, and in spite of what some post here I do accept all post's that abide by the simple guide lines.
I fear that some when they run out of facts sink into personal attacks which I will only tolerate if they use their real name (never happens.)
So pay no mind to those who have lost a battle here in the past, we all want your input, so post away !
Tom Ford
well thank you! I have read over several threads. I have to say it doesn't read to me like"they" lost all the battles!
Anyway, thank you for the welcome.
So I think this is what St.Louis county has to say about property tax for the last ten years
crestwood .42(2009) .25(1999) +.17
glendale .49(2009) .57(1999) -.08
kirkwood .62(2009) .42(1999) +.20
sunset hills .54(2009) .06(1999) +.48
webster .86(2009) 1.63(1999) -.77
crestwoods property tax rate is still the lowest in comparison to surrounding communities. Not sure how much the others have to pay for fire service as crestwood is included. Just food for thought. I think are pennies are getting stretched pretty far. So, which of these communities comes closest to ours in comparison? Size,services,population, etc.
8:38 PM Blogger: Humm, well that's why everyone has their own opinion, no?
Tom Ford
10:15 PM Blogger: AKA Zorro. The fire district taxes are on the same list I put on the Blog earlier.
Fenton Fire is 1.1 aggregate and Afton fire is 1.0 aggregate, and so on. Just look under the Muni. you wish to compare for all the tax rates.
I agree that Crestwood has lower PROPERTY TAX RATES, but our sales tax is getting beyond what people want to pay.
Tom Ford
Do we have to accept the waste of money? I refer to the $3.5 million wasted on the proposition to build a new city hall. The citizens of Crestwood where stuck with an extra
.17 to .22 tax rate to keep the city solvent and receive nothing for it.
I believe Tom is referring in part to actions similar to the new city hall failure. Another interesting failure is building the $750,000 bridge to no where. We could use a portion of the $750,00 to pay for the health insurance increases for the city employees. Until the BOA can plan better for future expenses I will not vote for a tax increase. The well is dry.
Rocket Man
Why is the city website down sinc Fridat?
7:44 AM Blogger: I have no idea but I hope they are fixing it !
By the way, I was wrong on the price, I understand it cost closer to $7,000.00 than the $4,500.00 I thought it did !
Wow what a deal, and to think that if it's under $10,000.00 the BOA never sees it !
Now WHO was responsible for his remarkable expenditure when the man is "poor mouthing" us ?
Tom Ford
The same man the installed the electronic display on Sappington Road.
How much content can you read when you are paying attention to safely driving 35 mph?
The sign was at least another $10K.
the sign wasn't paid for by the city.
6:37 PM Blogger: Well the sign actually cost $27,600.00 !
6:55 PM blogger: well the TDD "paid for" the sign, but since we (and allot of others) pay every time we shop up there. it really was paid for by "us !"
Tom Ford
Maybe the TDD could pay for the new increase to the health insurance. A family is now paying over $800.00 dollars a month. The city will finance everything else except raises and health insurnace.
That might not mean a lot to many but when it's been over seven years of really no raises, it hurts.
10:25 AM Blogger: I get it believe me which is why I continue to blast the idiocy of spending on everything but the right things !
A bridge to nowhere ($750,000.00) that the public cannot use just because Alderman Foote is worried about a "canopy fire" which has never happened, and which no one in The entire county can put out anyway.
Keeping a $135,000.00 expense for an animal adoption club as a line item in the budget.
The Sappingtom house foundation not being made to use the $500,000.00 they have squirreled away in our budget that no one can touch.
The salaries given to employees who have been promoted but haven't completed their degrees, and on and on.
Alas not enough residents know about these travesties or there would be enough for an employee raise, and health care provisions ! But no, "His Honor" and the four dwarfs on the board who consistently vote with him want their silly perks, employees be damed !
Yes I get it and like you I am disgusted !
Tom Ford
Mr Ford, Sounds like Crestwood needs that amazing Tax Avenger Aaron Hilmer. He has done so much to improve our fire district and has never met a Tax increase he liked accept for the one he issued after he ran props 1&2 on the ballot which are now in civil court waiting to be determend if both are constitutional. In these times when everyone wants somehting for nothing, I find it hard to to watch a wonderful community like Crestwood struggle with loosing the mall and other businesses while trying to hold a taxrate down. Sometimes we have to ask ourselves whats best for the future of the community. Though I dont like taxes. I consider it an investment in the community to pay some.
well said retnav!
10:25 The reality is, the citizens and the board don't care about the city employees or their families. The employees are too afraid of losing their jobs to speak up. It is such a sad situation.
I think residents and the BOA care about employees. Many share the pain as they have the same disturbing fears. Since you can't get blood out of a turnip, the belt just has to get tighter to preserve what we have and prepare for a stable future. The handwriting is pretty much on the wall and it has nothing to do with penalizing employees. The process is bound to be bruising. Our city is not alone in this dilemma, everyone cannot be pleased. If you have ideas, contributions or genuine concerns, go before the BOA 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month and speak. If you take a back seat and know only heresay and innuendo and gossip, you are not going the whole mile. You owe it to yourself to get on board and find a way ato contribute in some small way to the future of YOUR city. Others have done this in very rewarding ways which virtually changed the future of our city in very constructive ways.
8:33 AM Blogger: Well this may shock you but I was for the Prop S tax to retire our debt, and I said so many a time.
However since then the City fathers have fibbed about the need for it (still) and have kept it in spite of all the promises to "sunset it. "
Now to me TAX is a very dirty word as every cent we give them in tax increase monies seems to be spent on frivolous or duplicate items such as dog catchers and bridges to fight "canopy fires" that have no chance of us extinguishing at all !
I am not against paying my share, or paying more for legitimate needs but I will not support a regime that lies to me, and uses the money for VOTES, and special interest groups.
Tom Ford
RETNAV 2001. Welcome aboard ! We have quite a few "old salt's" on this forum, and were happy to have you in the ship's company.
Fair wind and following seas my friend !
Tom Ford
From a city employee's point of view, I can tell you that we (your city employees) have been cut farther than just to "the bone". EVERY SINGLE YEAR, OUR HEALTH INSURANCE HAS GONE HIGHER AND HIGHER. Yet, every single year, we are faced with the same news on the first of each new year, "No raises this year, folks!"
How many years can the city employees take a drop in pay? How many years before your employees start dropping off like flies? How many years until the city mirrors that of a dirt-bag north county municipality? One where the employees do not care? One where employees are not hired because of their expertise, but rather because they will put up with junk benefits, and lousy pay?
Here's a news break to the residents of this town: We, your employees, actually CARE about you. We answer your calls as Police and Firemen. We repave your city streets and clean up the graffiti left by your kids. We are the ones who take PRIDE in our jobs, and are proud to work for Crestwood. We are the ones who came here because of promises made by our administrators that Crestwood is a family friendly place to work.
I do not live in Crestwood. I live in another part of town. Why? The city does not pay me enough to live in Crestwood. Sad.
Instead, I live in one of those "other" communities. Close by, but not in town. Want a wake up call? I PAY MORE TAXES THAN YOU.
Here's another wake up call:
EVERYONE PAYS MORE TAXES THAN YOU. Webster, kirkwood, Sunset Hills, Shrewsbury.....all higher- WAY higher. Want to know why your employees are on the verge of not caring? Because the city is so used to the mall taking up the slack. The mall is the reason that Crestwood's taxes are 400% LOWER than surrounding cities. Here's yet another wake up call: THE MALL HAS DIED.
You can all bicker and fight a bitch and moan about local politics, and who is right and who is wrong, and why you will not support a tax raise yadda yadda yadda, but the reality is your employees are ready to QUIT.
8 years without a raise? And our citizens complain of living on a fixed income. Guess what? The government allows for cost of living adjustments. WE DO NOT GET COST OF LIVING RAISES. We are subject to your whim.
Here's another wake up call: The Prop S tax will retire very soon. YOU will go back to paying roughly 21 cents per 100 dollar assessed. What happens to the city then? Will you all vote no on a tax raise, even though our city is dying? Will you blame it on the current administration? Will you all close your eyes at the problem, and pretend that your employees need to live within their means? How many years can you work where you are faced with a 50% raise in healthcare and no pay adjustment? One year, maybe two?
The reality is that you will likely NOT see any city employees at the BOA meeting, Why? Because we are afraid to lose the only job we have. Yes, we are AFRAID TO SPEAK UP. We are afraid that we will be then next on the chopping block. We are afraid our families will be forced to leave our homes when we lose our job for speaking up. Yes, WE ARE AFRAID (and close) TO LOSING OUR HOMES because the city will not support us, although we support the city- day in and day out.
We clean your parks, trim the trees, arrest the bad guys and save your lives when you are sick. If the city continues to not give us cost of living raises (at bare minimum) then you, the citizens are in for a big surprise. Eventually, the good, caring employees will LEAVE, and you will see cheap, ill-trained replacements. You may not see it right away, but you will feel it in a few years.
I really do apologize for going off on this blog, and also for my anonymous post, but I am one of MANY employees who is fed up with the way things are.
6:39 PM Blogger: Your post cut's right to the heart of the mess this City is in my friend !
This will not go un-noticed as I am going to forward it to "His Honor," The BOA and Jim Eckrich for their reading pleasure !
I have said it before, and now again, this is a travesty of the first waters to allow our employees to languish when the "special interest" gang get's to keep God knows what !
Never apologize for saying what you feel and what you mean on this Blog as I agree with every statement you made. Now how do we get these so called representatives out of office ASAP ?
Tom Ford
the 6:39 poster, the city employee who's venting about being underpaid...I am glad you spoke up. I also want to let you know that there are many residents who very much appreciate you and all you do. We are not all drooling idiots who can't see a good thing right under our noses. But please be aware that this is probably not the safest place on earth to vent. Mr. Ford has shown huge support for Tina Flowers, all police and all fire. Everyone else is subject to random tirades when they say or do something he doesn't like. Even Mr. Echrich has been called names here. And he wants Ms. Sutton fired tomorrow or even quicker if he can manage it. Not all city employees who work hard and are good at their jobs are "supported" here. Just keep it in mind.
8:10 AM Blogger: " Mr. Ford has shown huge support for Tina Flowers, all police and all fire. Everyone else is subject to random tirades when they say or do something he doesn't like. Even Mr. Eckrich has been called names here. And he wants Ms. Sutton fired tomorrow or even quicker if he can manage it. "
Amazing to say the least, Mr. Ford wants 'fiscal responsibility" in Crestwood, and if that means no DUPLICATE SERVICES, so be it !
"Even Mr. Eckrich ?" Well he is a big boy and can fend for himself, no ? If he orchestrates needless spending you bet I will be on his case, and so should you !
Now as to our employee who vented, I disagree with your assessment that this is the wrong place to do it. Where else will they get a SAFE forum to get it off their chest besides here ?
Your right about the fact that Police, Fire, Public works are very high priorities for me, and they will remain that way. We need protection, snow plows, street repair, park maintenance and the like, we do not need a DUPLICATE DOG CATCHER !
Now since you are allowed to post here with immunity may I suggest you return the favor and let the employees do it also ?
Tom Ford
8:33 AM, June 03, 2010
Anonymous Anonymous said...
well said retnav!
10:25 The reality is, the citizens and the board don't care about the city employees or their families. The employees are too afraid of losing their jobs to speak up. It is such a sad situation.
11:52 AM, June 03, 2010
Are you two serious? I mean really?
Have you forgotten about the cost of living raises that city employees got, especially in an economy where a lot of workers got no raises at all???
Have you forgotten the fight to keep animal control? Job was preserved and soon she will be getting a new vehicle.
Do you see all the metal on the city hall's parking lot?
Have you ever heard some of our aldermen going on and on and on about our wonderful city employees (which makes me wonder if some of our aldermen truly realize who they represent?)
But, 9:44 poster, the job you referred to was the animal control position, and this blog has lost all perspective on that position. Many things on here are correct, but Mr. Ford has lost all grasp of reality on that one. He is literally unable to stop his compulsive rants about shuttering the shelter and firing Ms. Sutton. And, as a side note, I have been told through various grapvines that Ms Sutton's "new" vehicle will be a cast off from the police, who seem to have vehicles coming out their ears. But since they're police, having so many vehicles they don't drive them all is okay, not a wast of tax payer money, just so you know.
Just a thought about the number of cars the Police Dept has.
I do not know nor do I pretend to know what the correct number of police cars is for Crestwood. But I know the Police Board does meet in public meetings at City Hall. I suggest in order to get to the bottom of this question you go to a Police Board meeting and ask the questions.
As to the position of Animal Control Officer, it is my understanding that with the current officer getting close to retirement, the question is should the City replace her?
I believe due to reductions of the income coming into the City, along with our history of voting against tax increases, the position should be eliminated when current officer retires. We have the service we are already paying for ready to step in when that happens. Make arrangements now, be a little proactive for once.
10:41 AM Blogger: I feel "compelled" to tell you that Ms. Sutton's animal adoption club is a drain on the City coffers, and we don't need her !
Now if you and the "girls" think we do then YOU PAY FOR IT as I am tired of the "club" wasting my money !
Tom Ford
"Girls"... Hmmm. Seems that you feel there are no men who support the retention of the position? There are many men who might be surprised to hear that.
1:30 PM Blogger: Well you surprise them at your next "fluffy" meeting, just be sure to have the EMT crew close !
Tom Ford
I think I'll jump into the fray here, if no one minds. Since I was recently assumed to be a dreaded liberal, I will call myself Liberal? The question mark is neither an admission nor a denial.
From time to time I read the transcripts of the board meetings, and I seem to recall someone, don't know who, spoke at a meeting months ago and stated something that really stuck: the person said that, if we're going to shut down animal control based on the fact that st louis county already taxes us for it, then by that theory alone, shouldn't we also turn over our police to st louis county, as we are also taxed for that? That makes complete sense to me. It doesn't seem to me that you can claim duplicate service for one thing and not for another. And, as was pointed out about animal control, I'm sure the st louis county police would be more than happy to take over services for us.
6:45 PM Blogger: You are right, St. Louis County Police would be thrilled to take over in Crestwood !
What you do not understand is the fact that our taxes will sky rocket after the first year to pay for it ! County will give us a great quote for the first year and then when we have sold off all our equipment they will raise the rent astronomically !
You will have officers who neither know the community nor care about it for your Police, and you will see response time go to 20-30 minutes from the 2 minute time we enjoy now, ( I have seen it happen more than once.)
Now as to "animal Control," who do you think responds to the animal call when Ms. Sutton is off (she only works 40 hours a week which leaves 128 hours we are not "protected.") You bet, St. Louis County which we pay for now.
So as you can see (I hope) that old argument is at best a "straw dog" brought up by the "Friends of ?" for reasons yet to be determined.
Sorry but I do not buy it !
Tom Ford
Friends of.. what? I do not know what you mean by that. I will say, though this is not an issue I feel strongly about, that I called st louis county recently about a problem I had on a saturday, and after 5 hours of trying to get someone I gave up. They are understaffed and over worked too, and cannot deliver any sort of decent service either, which you say is the main argument for keeping the police here. I really think you are talking out of your backside on this, but then again, I realize you don't care what I think. Just putting in my 2 cents.
"Friends of.. what?"
Friends of animal control.
This is the group of volunteers, and supporters of Crestwood Animal Control.
Normally when you call for animal control outside normal hours, they send our police to handle it. I don't feel this is a good thing. They are not trained for animal control, but have had lots of training for Police work. Their time should not be wasted on animal calls, unless a person is in danger.
Right now, we cannot afford instant service 24/7 for animal control.
We do however need instant service for Police, and Fire. we have already cut them to the bone, and should not cut any more. I'll bet that those wanting to cut more have never had to call for a Police or Fire emergency. I have, and I want to keep both with no more cuts!
It seems the city employees have short memories.
The police received two raises. one raise was a result of using the salary of an officer who quit/retired so the remainder of his salary was split up in the police dept. This action took place in 2008. Jan 2009 they police depart as well as the other employees including Jim Ekrich received a 2% increase.
The police therefore received two raises in less than one year. Is that fair to the rest of the employees. I think not. You have King Roy, Debbie Beezely, John Foote and Greg Roby to thank for that.
The asssitant to Jim Ekrich received an additional raise last year.
The managers of the public works and the parks and recreation deparments received significant raises in 2009.
The employees have received a raise every of the last 5 years. 2010 was the exception.
I do not want to hear any more whining about poor compensation. I will post the pay structure for the last 4 years as proof if you request it. Just ask for it here and it will happen.
Enough with the poor me from the employees. If you are so valuable go to work at the place that will pay for the value you think you are worth. That is the beauty of free market capitalism. No one has imprisoned you. You are not invaluable and someone will be glad to step into your shoes and may well do a better job. Welcome to the business world.
None of us are entitled to anything other than life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. If you are not happy here go somewhere else.
Hope that sets a few things straight. S
9:17 P.M.
The only thing you are doing is trying to muddy the water. The employees have received about 2 or 3 percent raise since 2004. That's it pal, and I know because it's my pay check, I see it every two weeks. You must be one of these old timers that have been retired for the last 20-30 years living in the east end still living off your pension from AB.
Don't worry many have left, 2 Kirkwood, 2 Des Peres, 2 Webster, 1 Mehlville, retirements that haven't been replaced from every department within the city. You hardly have a street crew anymore, plus one mechanic for every vehicle in this town. It’s a joke and so are you. You don’t care want the human touch is as long as you can save $100 dollars a year or so on your personal property tax.
Don't confuse the raises of administration with the folks who are trying to get by on less and less every year. Administration personnel have had plenty of extras but nothing has come to the common employee, except no raises and higher health insurance. A family now will pay $802.00 a month out of pocket if they want to keep a low deductable, while you will enjoy a property tax of .21 cents when prop S retires.
You don’t want the services that Crestwood provides then you move your sorry butt to South County or somewhere else. If you elect to stay then pay your part like other cities in our region. Better yet put your money where your mouth is and gather the troops and dissolve the city.
7:48 PM Blogger: Well well, I see your resorting to nasty remarks already (happens when you run out of facts.)
That's fine, but your wrong as usual my friend, I do know where of I speak when it comes to police (I have two sons in it now,) and I have done it myself.
Now I am sure you didn't call County for Police, and since they have no fire Dept. you didn't call for that, so what was it ? Was there a "Feral cat" on your property ?
It's easy to say that County didn't respond to your cries for help, but what was the "emergency," a hang nail ?
Your also wrong when you say I don't care what you say as were ALL interested in your particular insight, and really want to read more !
Tom Ford
The employees have been hit with rising healthcare costs every year. Any "1% or 2% raise" has been eaten up by the skyrocketing health insurance from $168 a paycheck for a family to now over $800 a month.
To you it may not mean much, but to our family it means no extra curricular activities for our children, no vacations, no cable, no private school, and not being able to save for retirement. We are running out of things to cut, soon we will have to choose between paying the utilities or the mortgage. At this point we can no longer afford to pay for healthcare through the city for our children. Is this the life you want to support for those support you?
I understand that is it hard times for the city, but bad decisions on the city's part are hurting innocent families. We have taken the cut, but we can no longer continue to take the brunt of this. It may be easy for you to say to go find your happiness elsewhere.. but the reality many have given at least a decade of service to your community, and they deserve your respect and appreciation for that.
I hope you sleep well at night. Because I can not, I am scared, I am worried for our family. That fear will remain as long as their continue to be heartless people like you who remain the voice for city of Crestwood.
Seems we have a rougue city employee, or at least someone who wants others to believe that's who he/she is. I wonder, how does this employee feel about animal control?
7:49 AM Blogger:I wish I had some answers for you, but I don't. As you probably know my son is a Crestwood employee, and while we never discuss Crestwood politics at all I understand your, and his plight.
Things in any business (let alone Crestwood) will be tough until the leadership shows the courage to drop the special interest funding so very prevalent here in Crestwood.
Simply put, we can no longer afford the "luxury items," such as the Sappington House, the animal control expenses, or the pool at White Cliff until things change.
If it were me, I would drop animal control, give the Sappington house expense back to the foundation, and privatize the pool at White Cliff.
Things in Crestwood will only change if and when we get a majority on the Board that is worried more about Crestwood than votes, and feeling good ! Please hang in there with us until we can make that happen, we do appreciate you, believe me !
Tom Ford
Health care is not an entitlement. I particpate in the same system and are not happy about it. The system was not put together by the tax payer. Stop asking for the tax payer to make you happy. I experience the same inequaties in the work place. I do not ask you to make me happy. The only options you are entitled to are LIFE, LIBERTY, and the
Again I state if you do not like your job in Crestwood and believe you can do better elsewhere please place your skill set in the job market and sell yourself to the entity you believe will make you happy. In America you are free to seek employment any where you believe the compensation is equivalent to your skill.
IF you are not satisfied with the actions of the management your gripe is with them not the tax payer. ASK the parks and recreation director, the city administrator, the public works director why they are treated better than you. Ask the city administrator why he gave his assistant an additional raise last year.
Ask the BOA and mayor why the continue to spend money on duplicate services, a bridge that was need required and never officialy condemmed by any one but Jim Eckrich.
I agree the money is being spent on the wrong things but the management is the entity to be angry with not the tax payer.
" The employees have received about 2 or 3 percent raise since 2004. That's it pal..."
"You must be one of these old timers that have been retired for the last 20-30 years living in the east end still living off your pension from AB."
" move your sorry butt to South County or somewhere else."
Boy, it seems like there are some really hostile people working for the City! I have not come accross these though. All those I have dealt with or talked too were very nice, normal people.
To address the above quotes:
1st: That's about what I have had.
2nd: I don't live in the east end, nor did I retire from AB. You would probably call me an "old timer", and I have not been retired for 30 years. But I do "live off my pension". Isn't that what you will do when you retire?
3rd: Why should I move out of town? Do you live in Crestwood? If not, why? Do you vote? I I have some control over who is running the City. You should too.
Here is some irony: I am retired from a federal government agency. So I pay you, and you pay me. And, I also pay me, and if you live in Crestwood, you also pay yourself!
"The employees have been hit with rising healthcare costs every year. Any "1% or 2% raise" has been eaten up by the skyrocketing health insurance from $168 a paycheck for a family to now over $800 a month.
To you it may not mean much, but to our family it means no extra curricular activities for our children, no vacations, no cable, no private school, and not being able to save for retirement. We are running out of things to cut, soon we will have to choose between paying the utilities or the mortgage."
Do you really think that none of the residents of Crestwood have experienced those same problems?
Me and my family certainly have!
We have the same insurance through a different government agency. We have the same expenses you do. Who do I complain to? Obama?
"Is this the life you want to support for those support you?"
That is a snide remark!
If I had the choice, I would like to see everyone get a million a year! Including me.
You could say there are really some really hostile residents also.
"Health care is not an entitlement."
"Again I state if you do not like your job in Crestwood and believe you can do better elsewhere please place your skill set in the job market and sell yourself to the entity you believe will make you happy. In America you are free to seek employment any where you believe the compensation is equivalent to your skill."
Mr. or Mrs. resident if you have had a job since 2004 and worked for your company that has only taken money away from you without a cost of living or raise or whatever type of compensation you received, well then your company is horrible just like Crestwood. However, if you have gotten some type of compensation then why don't you be a little more receptive to people here that are struggling. The basic employee doesn't make a high salary with a take home car or any other extra benefits like the department heads. People have left and placed their skills out there in the market. A sergeant from the police department has left to be patrolmen. A Lieutenant from the fire department left to an out lining fire department because the benefits were better and many more have left. Those who have been here 5, 10, 15 years plus shouldn’t be looking. This was their home and they had to leave because of benefits and attitude towards employees.
We do realize that everyone has gone through some rough spots with their employers, but the employee's have been asked to carry this load since 2004 with a 1% to 2% pay increase, which means most of us have only received a little more than a $1000 in compensation since 2004. Then when you add the rising hearth care cost that has been anywhere from $100.00 to $300.00 a month since 2004 it hurts. The fact is you live in a really great area with extra’s other cities only dream of in their community, and it takes people to run it. To patrol and fix your streets, to maintain your parks, to put out your barbeque fires. It takes people who care, so don’t punish them because you’re not happy with the administration.
Perhaps you’re right it’s not your fault and the blame lies with the administration, but you as residents can make this a great place for all. This is a blog with information and it might not be right all the time, but there is a problem. So don’t blame the economy or the employees. It started long ago.
Thanks for the suggestion of the million bucks but a percent or two a year would be just fine, especially when there was a 27% health care increase to employees.
12:46 PM Blogger: Please do not confuse the unhappiness of the Citizens with "punishment" of the City employees.
Those of us who post here are very disappointed and disgusted with some of our leadership, and we say so (at least I am, and do.)
Crestwood is fast becoming a "senior community" and those of us who are in that category rail at paying any new taxes for anything. NOW I WON'T TELL YOU THAT IT'S RIGHT, BUT IT IS WHAT IT IS.
One quick way to build the business base is to forgo some of the ridiculous regulations placed on a business when they do move in here. Regulations such as the "sign Ordnance" which will not allow for "tree lawn temporary signs" And the ever present "Bartlett pear tree" regulation which blocks the view of a business from the street.
I have served on the P & Z board and I have felt sorry for people who have applied for a CUP only to be told "their's wasn't the right sort of business !" The Salvation Army thrift store was one of them until the BOA voted to give them a license, but it was too late.
So you see our main problem is with the people who for some reason think we live in Ladue, not Crestwood. The "voter malaise" is alive and well in this community, and I have tried to make it go away (and I will continue to) but it may take some time.
I understand the lack of a raise more than most as I have not had one in 12 years but my support (truck drivers, counter sales) have, and I do not begrudge them one bit! Now if we could only make Mr. Eckrich see and understand that, it's possible that these foolish raises to "assistants" would go away, and there would be funds to at least help defray health care costs !
I realize that this is no consolation my friend but I made 27% (Obama economy) last year myself, so "welcome aboard !"
Tom Ford
"Perhaps you’re right it’s not your fault and the blame lies with the administration, but you as residents can make this a great place for all."
Finally a voice of reason.
We as residents/voters/taxpayers have very little control over the day to day operation of the city. Yes we can make an appointment, and speak to whomever we want in the administration, without fear of being fired, but that does not mean they will do what we want, or ask.
All the city employees I have talked to from street repair, to city administrator, have all been nice, friendly, informative, and have answered any questions I asked.
But, I know nothing about running a city. If I was put in charge, it would probably go down the tube in a week. I would never try to do the job of Police, Fire, Secretary, Auto Mechanic, or Street Repair. They are beyond my capabilities.
As I see it, my job as "Crestwood Citizen", is to find out as much as I can about the issues that affect the residents, employees, visitors, and businesses in OUR city. Communicate my feelings, and ideas to my Aldermen, and urge them to vote the way I think they should.
Also, prior to election, I attend any meetings, discussions, etc. by the candidates, and decide who will do the best job for our City.
On election day, my wife and I ALWAYS SHOW UP AND VOTE! Every qualified voter in our city should VOTE EVERY TIME. Especially city employees who live in the city!
So, "we" don't have as much power to change as you might think. If I went into a City Administration office, and yelled at them or pounded on their desk, I would wind up out on my ear, or a resident of the greybar hotel just like anyone else. (That is NOT the way to deal with problems!)
Personally, I always vote, learn as much as I can about the candidates, volunteer on a city committee, attend BOA meetings, communicate with the Aldermen, talk to city employees when possible, and try to change things for the better.
We are ALL IN THIS TOGETHER, in our different ways!
" The goverment employee does not produce any income."
The ticket is not a product that is purchased and sold for profit.
The ticket is a tax. Pure and simple.
For those who ask the tax payer for more money because of health care increases please consider the following.
The health care legislation raised taxes on investing and capital gains and raised the cost of hiring by making health care more expensive to provide for employees. The planned increase in marginal income tax rates and capital gains taxes at the end of this year will further reduce the incentive for investors to risk their capital on new ventures. The large increases in government spending over the past year and a half further crowd out private sector investment. The taxes are not paid by the corporations. The taxes are paid by you and me in the form of higher costs of goods, lower wages, high benefit costs, etc.
Congress should stop pursuing new measures to “spread the wealth around” and instead enact policies that facilitate investment and wealth creation. This would spark job creation and a robust recovery that benefits all Americans. Specific measures Congress should consider include:
Freezing spending and rescinding unspent stimulus funds;
Reforming business regulations, such as repealing Section 404 of the Sarbanes–Oxley Act in order to reduce excessive auditing costs;
Reforming the tort system to lower costs and uncertainty facing businesses;
Removing barriers to domestic energy production in Alaska and the Colorado oil shale;
Repealing the job-killing Davis–Bacon Act;
Passing the pending free-trade agreements with South Korea, Colombia, and Panama; and
Reducing taxes on companies’ foreign earnings if they repatriate those earnings to the United States.
Steve Nieder
To Mr. Neider I ask: the City of Crestwood is going to get Crestwood to do mistake...get Congress to do this how?
Mr. Nieder:
The next time you copy and paste from someone else's work (The Heritage Foundation), it would be both ethical and kind to cite the source, otherwise placing your name below the copy/paste effort creates the inference that those were your words and thoughts.
Just sayin'
Thanks for catching the omission.
Your are correct and I should have reviewed before posting to insure everything was there. It will not occur again.
I attended the BOA meeting last night, as expected no one asked how much the insurance increases are going cost the employee. Although, Mr. Miguel seemed very concerned about how much it was going to cost the city.
I see this as proof that the BOA just doesn't care about the city employees.
Yet, 8:13 am poster, if they hadn't been concerned about what this would cost the city, you would have railed against them for that. There seems to be no winning for the aldermen, no matter what they do.
You just do not get it?
Please realize that a large chunk of the economic freedom you are screaming for was/is being taken away from you under the present Obama administration. This approach trickles down to your pocket book since the tax payer has to pay for the new medical plan, bail out the banking, auto and insurance giants and support the illegal aliens in this country. It is your money that is confiscated and used for political gains. The spending will not stop until you run out of my money. I shutter at the thought of the tax burden my son will have to bear.
For the first time in history there is more government employment (I pay for them) than private employment. The government sector has experienced inceased compensation and the private sector declining compensation.
I hear your complaints but I do not see any solutions offered.
I anxiously await your reply.
"I attended the BOA meeting last night, as expected no one asked how much the insurance increases are going cost the employee."
Well, why didn't you?
I was there too, and they described how the employee committee went over all the details of the plan, and after much discussion, approved it. there was no one from the attendees who asked questions, or made comments. I am not an employee, so I don't know all the info on the plan, and there was nothing I could ask.
Mr Miguel discussed many tiny details of the financial theory, and lost me from the start. From the looks of the other BOA members, I wasn't the only one.
"I see this as proof that the BOA just doesn't care about the city employees."
I don't. It looks to me like the employees don't want to speak up and tell them how they feel about it. If you had brought out the details from the employee point of view, you probably would have got some discussion going, and even I might have commented.
Contrary to popular belief, all the residents are not against the employees! All those I have talked to, or dealt with seem like fine people to me, and they should be rewarded for their work for the City. But unfortunately me and my family are probably worse off than most of the employees, so there is not much I can do personally.
See my other post that talks about my feeling on the City politics, and my reponsibilities.
As a Crestwood resident and homeowner, guess what? EVERY SINGLE YEAR, MY HEALTH INSURANCE HAS GONE HIGHER AND HIGHER TOO!
Raises? Congratulations Crestwood employee. At least you've had some cost of living raises in the past couple of years. I know many folks in my neighborhood that have been unemployed for a year or more. They'd just like a paycheck!
I pay taxes. I do everything I can to shop in Crestwood. I appreciate city employees.
Due to the economy and the recession and the stock market crash, the value of our houses has moderated-some have gone down. Jobs are scarce. Retail is very sluggish. IN OTHER WORDS, THIS HAS AFFECTED EVERYONE - NOT JUST CRESTWOOD CITY EMPLOYEES!!!
You don't like it here? LEAVE! I know it sounds harsh, and I even apologize, but damn, some of us who live in this town are struggling too. I'm beginning to feel that this city is being run for its employees and not for its citizens.
AMEN to the 12:00 am poster.
AS long as Foote, Duncan, Pickel, Beezely are aldermen and Robinson is the mayor we work for the employees.
You can thank John Foote for that attitude.
Well I have studied th future tax increases that will take effect 1/2/11 and it's going to be a very rough year for all of us !
The Bush tax cuts will sunset 12/31/10 and then we will have new tax rates like 35-39% on income, your health care "employer share" will be taxed at 35% as part of your income, and the State and local taxes are set to raise also.
Now if you need evidence please note that durable goods inventories have risen (get it now at a lower tax rate) as well as 401K's being "moved" to tax free bonds, and executives taking their bonus now rather than deferring them till 2011.
All this combined will cause a "double dip" rescission and the very real possibility of hyper inflation by the second quarter of 2011 !
I guarantee you that we will all be lucky to have job's next year the way Mr. Obama is ruining this economy, so if your old enough to remember Jimmy Carter just view his machinations as a democrat on training wheels compared to Obama !
God save this Nation !
Tom Ford
you better start seeing about some land in Canada! Quick!
Please help me to understand the comment:
you better start seeing about some land in Canada! Quick!
well, he is clearly of the opinion that his own country is on its way to complete ruination, and it will be beyod saving or help.
8:27 AM Blogger: I fully understand the reasoning behind the concern that "his own Country is on it's way to complete ruination."
Look at the National debt (90% of GDP) as of now, and expected to go to 104% BY 2015 ! horrendous tax increases set to start in 2011, obama spending and printing money Willy nilly, and if all that wasn't enough, NO BORDERS secured !
The nation is in the hands of Communist's and Progressive liberals who care nothing about it or us ! We have but one chance to peacefully change this, and that is the November elections !
Trust me, if you think things are bad now just wait till 2011 ! All the signs are in place now for a very real double dip recession, and hyper inflation, and if they aren't changed very soon, well it's over as we knew it !
Tom Ford
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