Take home cars for employees during a hard recession ? Click here please !
The BOA has told us that "we have cut to the bare bone" and yet there are still Crestwood Employees who have "take home cars" on our nickel ! Now I, like everyone else likes a perk or two every now and then, but when I am driving a vehicle that just turned 212,000 miles I have a hard time understanding them !
Mr. Eckrich have you no vehicle of your own to drive, and who else is using our gas and insurance while we, the great un-washed scrimp and save to buy a new set of spark plugs ?
Give us all a break and DO NOT even think of asking for a tax increase until you get your house in order, and that means parking your "perk" and canceling the Dog Catchers new SUV !
Tom Ford
NO. 760
Mr. Eckrich have you no vehicle of your own to drive, and who else is using our gas and insurance while we, the great un-washed scrimp and save to buy a new set of spark plugs ?
Give us all a break and DO NOT even think of asking for a tax increase until you get your house in order, and that means parking your "perk" and canceling the Dog Catchers new SUV !
Tom Ford
NO. 760
Do the employees who have a city car report them as income to the State and Federal Government? The IRS treats mileage to the office and home as personal and not work related. Do they drive the car on weeks ends for personal use?
I believe the cars the city gives their employees to use should be left on the City Hall parking lot on week ends. And after their work day is done. Does the patrol officer get to take his squad car home after their shift? Then why does the police chief get to?
I believe that it is not the citizens of Crestwood's fault that the police chief does not live in Crestwood or close by, but for us to provide him a car to get to the station and take care of the insurance, gas, tire's etc is crazy. The number of square miles in Crestwood is less than the miles he drives to City Hall and back home.
Crazy talk if you ask me.
These are all sensible comments, but those who post them should consider making this clear to the BOA, their alderman, the local papers. Exchanging ideas does not necessarily promote action. This city is not in a position at this time to be overly generous. City employees know the cupboard is bare, but they have a job!!! Right now they should consider this a plus. Jobs are scarce. Company cars are a big expense and a perk we can no longer afford. Consideration of this fact is a fact that should be on the table. Residents can get edgy about things like this. Times are changing.
The police chief has always been required to live within the city limits. I guess Roy gave his boy a pass. I believe he lives around Hillsboro.
11:37 AM Blogger: The Police Chief, and the Fire Chief are the only two who should have a car.
They both are charged with "arriving" at the scene of a serious ? So I can understand the need for a fully equipped City vehicle.
The dog catcher, the City Administrator, and who ever else has one DO NOT need one PERIOD !
Think back, was it really that long ago that Greer was motoring about town in a BMW ? I thought Roy was going to fix that ?
Tom Ford
with what the police chief makes in salary why doesn't he live in Crestwood like the fire chief and his assistant?
so now you are going to try to dictate where Crestwood city employees live?? Have you no lives of yoru own?
The animal control officer only uses the city vehicle while on duty not to travel to and from home and work. I'm also pretty sure the Police Chief drives in to work in his personal vehicle. I believe the only employees that drive city vehicles home are the city administrator and the fire dept(who both live in crestwood). I would imagine that Mr. Eckrich just like previous city admins. where offered a salary along with a city vehicle.
How could the police chief drive to and from home in his personal car when he wrecked his squad car going home after diner and "drinks" with the mayor when he hit a "deer"?
Nicely cover up if I ever saw one.
Explain what is special about the cars provided the Fire and Police chief that they have to drive then to the scene of a fire or a "serious"?
When was the last time either were needed at such a scene?
Hogwash if you ask me.
the city administrator does not live in Crestwood as far as I know. He lives in Fenton.
I would think it reasonable that the Fire and/or Police Chief, (or their second in command) would be expected to respond to a major incident with a vehicle, and equipment. I expect this is spelled out in their operational procedures.
This is just like any company, where the bigger the problem, the higher up the chain of command it goes.
I know at least some of the employees who use city cars drop them off at City Hall or wherever at the end of the day. There may be more that should also do that.
Again, when was the last time these concerns went to the higher powers at city hall. We get no action from a blog. Crestwood is a small burb and small burbs in no way resemble big burbs and their opersations. I don't want my taxes raised so we can maintain a fleet of perks. If these folks lose their wheels are they going to rush out to get a new job that does not exist. Time we considered all of the economical facts. These small communities with their little individual kingdoms and politics need to get real.
I know for a fact that both the Fire Chief and his assistant respond any hrs of the day and night to fire calls in Crestwood and to mutual aid areas. Sometimes when it is a mutul aid fire, they are the first Chiefs to show up on the scene. They also have some equipment that keeps track of their employees in a fire, that is in their vehicles. If you have a problem with the Fire Chief and the Assistant Chief having their city cars at their residences, I would think you would go ask them why they have them. They would be glad to show you what they carry and that the employees are safer with them on the scene. At night and on the weekends, they switch off who has the "duty" and is the first one to respond to a serious incident.
Thank you for the detailed description on how the fire dept. operates. I had a vague idea, but it is always good to hear from someone who really knows.
10:02 PM Blogger: Well if she only uses it "on duty" and seeing as how Crestwood is only three square miles why does she need a new SUV ?
Cut it from the budget please !
12:45 PM Blogger: I send the results of the blog comments on a regular basis. That said the only responses I ever get are from the usual Alderman,
Foote (used to, not now.)
The rest couldn't care less about responding, or don't feel the need !
Tom Ford
As previously discussed, the animal control position has not been eliminated. Therefore, if the city mechanic determines that that vehicle needs to be replaced or is beyond repair I would imaging it should be replaced. However, Crestwood is only three square miles so she should just walk to the calls. We can start doing that with all departments. Police, Fire, and Public Works. After all why would we want to invest in the infrastructure of our city.
Getting Roy re- elected is the only important infrastructure he wants to invest in.
However, Crestwood is only three square miles so she should just walk to the calls. We can start doing that with all departments. Police, Fire, and Public Works. After all why would we want to invest in the infrastructure of our city.
That's why the response time is quick. We are such a small city. As far as walking, it might do some of the employees good to get a little exercise. But then again, what would happen to the used car lot at city hall?
I agree! There should be no further money spent in the city anywhere, for any reason. The fire department can go on foot and carry buckets. The police can jog or ride bikes. But only their own personal bikes, since we are not getting them any.
Oh my! A little bit of pointed humor?
If we sell some of the cars on the used car lot, we could buy a lot of buckets!!! As for me, I'm still terrified of Crestwood being run over by feral cats!
And we're gonna need a lot of buckets! I forgot about the forest fires!
but, just like the bikes, the firemen must bring their own buckets from home. No city funds will be used.
9:24 PM Blogger: Well I saw her in the vehicle not long ago so we may assume it indeed runs.
I have her recap reports and she spends a lot of time in the office so I expect the vehicle has "low mileage."
Again if the vehicle is old and tired, run it until the wheels fall of and then, and only then, look for a USED replacement.
A dog has no idea if they are in a new vehicle or an old one, so who are we appeasing here ?
Tom Ford
12:03 PM Blogger: "Let not your heart be troubled." Susie is on the job, and because she is there are no feral cats in Crestwood !
Ever wonder where they go when she clocks in ? My goodness can we assume that Sunset Hills, or Kirkwood have the blight when she is "on duty ?"
Oh wait, "they shoot cats" don't they.
Tom Ford
Could it be that the sarcasm on this blog is employee inspired? Well ho ho ho - I'll be sure to donate some buckets. Now that I realize ya'all are just exercizing a flair of misplaced comedy, I realize that the city's economic decline is funnier that heck. Any resemblance to reality is the joke. Bliss reigns.
Tom 5:56
When I was a teenager I had an old stick that you had to push with your foot to pop the clutch. It did really matter to me what I had to do or what it looked like because I had a set of wheels. Then a little thing called adulthood happen and I no long use a vehicle in that condition. I maintain my cars and when necessary I replace them. Before they have 200,000 miles and when they still have a bit of trade-in value. I personal don't want to see city employees driving around on the rims of 20 year old vehicles. The performance of a vehicle that mainly drives short distances like in a city that is 3 sq miles is very hard on the engines. I'm not saying the should have new cars every year, but if needs to be replaced then replace it. Perhaps you should grind your axe on something else since animal control obviously isn't going anywhere yet. 4 yes 4 no and the tiebreaker yes. Move On. You start this post about the city admin and can't resist to take a shot at animal control. I think that 95% of your complaints have no merit, no fact, and no sense of intelligence but what makes it even worse is that every discussion has to revert back to animal control. Nothing is going to change for this budget year so can we just move on. Jan 1 2011 will be her soon enough and then you can have at it again. But I digress.
I forget how many police cars the city bought - 7 or 10 - a couple of years ago.
The c/a is rolling around in a 07 Escape. The animal control's vehicle is a 98 Explorer (I think that's the year) in reasonable shape.
I think we should buy even more cars for the city. Why we don't have 100 police cars is beyond me. And although we have one animal control person, I think we should get her at least 5 cars - one for every day of the work week.
All Crestwood has become is a playground for its employees.
But I digest.
If we have learned anything about economics in a downturn, it is that the cost of gov't must be re-configured. Just like companies, corporations, schools, hospitals, etc. etc., municipalities are not exempt from the chop chop. A paycheck, help with medical insurance, paid vacations, some pensions are now envied by the many who find themselves out of a job.
To think voters do not care nor appreciate city employees is ludicrous. To realize cities can no longer afford all the bells and whistles of the past, an abundance of worker bees and "company" cars beyond Fire and Police Chief - is merely a fact of life. Reality is that effective change is an inevitalbe fact of life now.
Many out here in 91 muncipalities are hovering over our city gov't as we watch officials deal with economics while maintaining the city in a way to which we have all become accustomed. A real juggling act.
So while we admit to the need for reductions in every aspect of gov't, we need to appreciate our employees, elected officials and of course those of us who pay the salaries and vote in the options that should benefit all of us. When politics gets in the way of trust and priorities becoms invisible, tax payers lose faith. Those oblivious to all this, sadly, are often the first to get up in arms.
"It is the way it is" Roy is the duly elected Mayor, some taxpayers care deeply about animal control and maintaining Whitecliff Pool, even though they don't use it, is essential. Others are convinced that all cuts have not been made as they contend with economics in their personal lives.
Nothing wrong with opinions, and yes, our officials need to be their own person and consider all facts before voting. On the other hand, it would be fitting if residents in this town would turn out on election day and drive home pertinent points in better majorities.
I don't see the relevance of Nazis, Socialists, Communists, Liberals, buckets, and walk to work and the roles they play in the rhetoric and performance of our fine city.
10:15 PM Blogger: What would you like to "move on" to ? Shall we discuss the stylish interior of the Mayors office, or how about the front steps ?
When I place a main thread on here it is to completely wring out a "spending" problem as I see it. Now animal control, new cars, and the waste of gas and oil is a problem to me, ergo the thread.
One quick way to insure that wasteful spending will never stop is to say nothing, "just let it go, or move on." Well you may do that if you wish but I will not until my tax dollars are spent a bit more wisely.
It's all fairly simple, run this City like the business it is and stop spending on "amenities" we cannot afford, and I will have nothing to say, will I.
Tom Ford
I observed the code inforcment officer/Sappington House Manager driving a newer Ford Crown Vic.
Steve Nieder
Donnybrook tonight included conversation regarding the negativity surrounding county employees who have county cars and the fact that some candidates are for discontinuing this practice. No doubt this will become a talking point statewide and city of St. Louis. Cars, maintenance, fuel, etc. are an issue to be contended with.
When the public reads about our sales tax, it certainly isn't going to grow our city. Whew!
Anyone know how much we ended up paying THF for the old Crestwood Pool site, the one assessed far less than THF expected?
I would say to you Mr. Neider"So What". Do we now have individuals driving our streets spying on our employees to see what kind of vehicles they are driving? Perhaps her regular vehicle was in the shop. Whatever the situation, there may be a reasonable or rational reason for her use of another city vehicle. Let's not try to make it something it's not.
9:36 PM Blogger: Indeed we do know what THF gave for the Swim Club, $850,000.00 (plus) for the new pool. (money from the 1% extra tax)
We gave the pool part of the City parking lot for a dollar for the swim meets, and so it goes on.
What you may not know is that every time you shopped in that center you paid 1% extra for the "pool," that you can't use.
Neat A ?
Tom Ford
9:36 PM May 27
Not sure whom you meant in the "we", but it is the shoppers who pay the extra TDD tax at Kohl's who are funding the TDD so that it can reimburse THF for approved expenses.
THF paid $850K for a piece of property assessed at $16K. When THF was informed by the TDD counsel that their purchase was not reimbursable under TDD statutes, THF (after producing some very interesting affidavits that, when compared against the contracts, deeds, and title transfers require a suspension of disbelief) convinced the TDD board that the $850K was actually payment for the non-reimbursable property AND a reimbursable piece of property. The TDD board ultimately decided to reimburse THF $295K.
So, part of the TDD tax shoppers are paying at Kohl's will go to reimburse THF $295K for a piece of property that was not described in the contract with the owners of the swim club.
Martha Duchild
I will clarify. The Crown Vic was a city owned vehicle that was driven on my block.
Well at least Marcus Tulius Cicero knew what to do. Now to have the BOA read it !
What have we learned in 2065 years?
"The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed lest Rome become bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance."
- Marcus Tulius Cicero -
55 BC
Evidently not too much!
Tom Ford
Were there any tax implications on the Old Pool property, either profit or loss?
To 7:17 PM May 30
Email from Mayor Brasfield to BOA dated January 8, 2001:
"We have consistently said that the city will not condemn the properties and that the parties must reach a settlement themselves."
The parties to which he refers are Rosebrook Realty (owners of the swim club properties) and THF Realty.
From BOA minutes dated February 13, 2001:
"Alderman Robertson stated that it was his understanding that one of the problems with the voluntary sale of this property is there is a huge tax issue involved and that may make it impossible for the parties to make a deal. He stated that he believed under the Internal Revenue Code if property is condemned, there is a provision for involuntary conversion of property that allows you not to have to recognize gain and for a period of time you can go out and get replacement property using proceeds for condemnation without taking a tax hit ...He stated that they may have parties that can't make a deal voluntarily, but if the city changes the dynamics, it may make some things possible."
The city blighted the property, Rosebrook got $850K from THF for the property, and used the money to buid the pool at its current location (making sure to give up some of the property to the city in exchange for parking and water access).
Martha Duchild
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