This came from a friend who owns a Body Shop." Is CHARACTER GONE IN AMERICA TODAY ?"
"I chose to engage yesterday. "
"Customer comes in to have a mirror replaced and we start talking while I am flipping things around. A Saturday morning so I have time to goof around. I took her as a more 'wannabe' liberal than 'died in the wool', the conversation ranged from hybrid cars and clean diesel technology (that has all been shelved by the white house) to the new law in Arizona to the Cubs being such losers that they were able to lose an 'assumption of risk' case when a fan got beaned by a foul ball - losing a case in total defiance of hundreds of years of precedence and undermining a bedrock doctrine of law that now allows people to not be responsible for themselves (huge grin ... I love picking on Cubs fans - not the old ones, the new ones ...). On health care I told her 'News flash - you are going to die. Nobody knows when, but you might as well start getting ready now because you can spend all of your money and all of everyone's money on whatever anyone can dream up and that will NEVER change. Get used to the idea and make peace with your Maker'.
I cannot call her a confirmed liberal because she was willing to listen in between spewing the typical liberal mantras. She wants to buy a new hybrid. I told her it was fine unless she was doing it to be fashionably 'green' which hybrids are not - they are in fact equally if not more abusive of the environment than traditional gasoline powered cars and there are better 'green' options to consider. I told her to go on the INTERNET and check where nickle is mined in Canada and see what an environmental disaster it is and then to ponder how green hybrids might be if we do as the fashionable green crowd seems to want in their knee-jerk manner, to shift tens of millions of car drivers over to hybrid or electrics today and multiply that disaster ten or twenty or an hundred fold before she wanted to be so fashionable. Shift the disaster elsewhere when we need to generate power which is going to be predominantly coal fired since we can't build a new nuclear reactor because it is not fashionably green any more ... I told her to check out the clean (and VERY quiet) diesels or some of the other excellent high mileage cars. I asked if she was ready to consider a Carree closer to home that might not pay as well so she wouldn't have to be so reliant upon fossil fuels or do her shopping at the local store instead of driving to the mega outlets to save a few pennies (if that). Not a true tree hugger (or is this a true tree hugger), her convictions were only skin deep and she was not ready to go to any extra expense to be green, and she really did not want an 'econobox' and wanted something with much more 'luxury'.
Fine with me, just don't bust my chops for driving my cowboy Cadillac (suburban) because you are no greener (I drive less than 2 miles and often bike) and she needed to remember that her car is made from much of the byproducts of refining gasoline - her car is mostly plastic which not only uses the crude completely by finding additional uses for byproducts of refined oil, but also saves crude by making the car lighter and stronger and safer, and that hybrids were in many regards a step back from what we are making today ...
About half way thru it gets really interesting when I bring up the fact that I am a single issue voter, and it may surprise as to which it is - the Second Amendment. She asks which one that is (oddly, a question that gets over an 80% correct rate when asked of people on the street ... not only that, but the vast majority can quote one or both lines of it ... hmmm, is this a typical liberal?). I tell her 'keep and bear arms' and she grimaces to reflect an off the scale reaction but without giving her a chance to respond I explain that it doesn't really have anything to do with the guns but it has to do with character, and that I believe as did the Founding Fathers that the Citizens of the country are all Noble enough and have the character necessary that I don't have to give their gun ownership a second thought - it is quite a thought that they felt you were worthy of being considered of Noble birthright.
I tried to explain that the Constitution is a radical document because for the very first time in history it finds Nobility in EVERY Citizen and that she herself is assumed to be of Noble character on par with any aristocracy or emperor that exists or has ever existed, as is every other Citizen who manages to call this country their own.
Well she responds with "There is no character in this country any more."
Blink, blink, ...
Shocked, I managed to say that I felt sorry for her seeing her country that way because I feel that I am awash in a sea of extraordinary character and wouldn't have it any other way.
She asks why I am so paranoid that I need a gun strapped to my hip. I replied that I am not afraid. She says "Sure, because you have a gun."
I asked then why she didn't get one so she wasn't so afraid. She said they are only for killing people. I said, no, they are only a tool - it is up to your character as to whether it is used for good or evil. I set down my screw diver and said pretend this is a gun - if we watch it long enough will violence ever happen? Of course not - it is an inanimate object. It takes your character to animate it. It is the same for baseball bats, hockey sticks, hammers, knives, wrenches, axes, or any tool - they can do nothing without you. I for one, trust that you will not put any of these things to use in an evil manner, but should you choose to not behave so, I have a ready response if that becomes necessary. You see we are surrounded by evil and hiding from it or pretending it does not exist does not change that fact.
She asked what I felt when I saw someone with a gun on their hip. I said I feel 'simpatico ... my kinda people and that I would probably ask if that is a .45'.
I switched to the law in Arizona and she spouted off again, so I asked if she knew that it was nothing more than codification of a Federal law at a State level so that Arizona could do something about the costs it was incurring due to illegals and the violence that has been wrought upon them across that region. She slowed. I told her of some friends of mine that retired there - lifelong liberal anti-gunners here, they had their LEO son come and teach them how to use their new firearms ... I asked if she preferred to instead be a safe haven like some of the California cities that have chosen to act in total violation of that very same Federal law and aid and abet criminals just because they were illegals, and I asked why she thought it was that no one from the white house to the media would say any of this. She was quiet and asked for proof - I gave it to her.
I comment that the biggest problem I see is the extreme hatred and vitriol (am I even using that word correctly ...) that is conjured by the far left, and that it should be un allowable in our system and yet we have a media and a left that play with hatred as a political tool with abandon which I personally find despicable, irresponsible and intolerable.
Suddenly she brings up Rush Limbaugh and really gets herself going - apparently she hates him. I look up at her (still working on her car at this point) with what must have been a somewhat confused look on my face and ask; "If you hate him so much why don't you just change the station?" I add, that while I think much of my thinking falls to the right (far right), I don't think I have ever listened to him on the radio at all, and I really don't think that anyone needs his help me think thru these issues. Again, I think we all have the character to decide these things on our own, which she again 'poo-poo's'.
I tell her that I am most distressed to hear that she finds no character in this country and hope that sentiment is not widespread because I think it is the only thing standing between us and the abyss. She has no comment other than a look that says she may well feel we have been in the abyss for a long time already ... (I guess George did it ...)
Then I go on to say that the media and the democrats are chewing on the own leg when they are attacking the only grassroots movement that we have seen in 25 years - a very large portion of the tea party movement, something like 40%, is disgruntled democrats and by villainizing them they are casting them aside and painting them as liberal lunatics on the far right when they are in fact made up in substantial portion of people in their own base. Again, toying with hatred being used a s a political tool - it should be intolerable.
At the end of the hour long battle I was spent (the mirror was the wrong one so I had to do it all twice and will see here again Tuesday when the right one comes in ...), but I guess the thing that stuck with me most and that was the most shocking thing that I took away from it all, was that she sees no character. Is that widespread? Is that really the source of liberal views?
Might have been a total waste of time but I need to figure this whole mess out better. In the end I feel sorry for liberals. On a micro level this individual seemed afraid of but able to sweep her fears under the carpet for the moment and is ready to listen to anyone who says they can fix it for her. Are they really unable to find any character in anyone? Are they really afraid of the world around them, or is it some kind of transference - a fault or failing of their own that they can only see in the world outside of themselves? But if they are really afraid of the world around them and everyone in it, when they gain power then how can they possibly lead us to anything but the destruction of the world they fear and that we hold so dear?
God help us.
Whatever personality that can lead us out of this, they need to appear on the horizon today. I have been looking around and I just can't seem to see them, ...
I guess I just thought you guys here might find it all interesting. I find it disappointing."
I think "Bodyman" has this one nailed. Now if we could spread some of that "Character" in City Hall, wow !
Tom Ford
NO. 758
"Customer comes in to have a mirror replaced and we start talking while I am flipping things around. A Saturday morning so I have time to goof around. I took her as a more 'wannabe' liberal than 'died in the wool', the conversation ranged from hybrid cars and clean diesel technology (that has all been shelved by the white house) to the new law in Arizona to the Cubs being such losers that they were able to lose an 'assumption of risk' case when a fan got beaned by a foul ball - losing a case in total defiance of hundreds of years of precedence and undermining a bedrock doctrine of law that now allows people to not be responsible for themselves (huge grin ... I love picking on Cubs fans - not the old ones, the new ones ...). On health care I told her 'News flash - you are going to die. Nobody knows when, but you might as well start getting ready now because you can spend all of your money and all of everyone's money on whatever anyone can dream up and that will NEVER change. Get used to the idea and make peace with your Maker'.
I cannot call her a confirmed liberal because she was willing to listen in between spewing the typical liberal mantras. She wants to buy a new hybrid. I told her it was fine unless she was doing it to be fashionably 'green' which hybrids are not - they are in fact equally if not more abusive of the environment than traditional gasoline powered cars and there are better 'green' options to consider. I told her to go on the INTERNET and check where nickle is mined in Canada and see what an environmental disaster it is and then to ponder how green hybrids might be if we do as the fashionable green crowd seems to want in their knee-jerk manner, to shift tens of millions of car drivers over to hybrid or electrics today and multiply that disaster ten or twenty or an hundred fold before she wanted to be so fashionable. Shift the disaster elsewhere when we need to generate power which is going to be predominantly coal fired since we can't build a new nuclear reactor because it is not fashionably green any more ... I told her to check out the clean (and VERY quiet) diesels or some of the other excellent high mileage cars. I asked if she was ready to consider a Carree closer to home that might not pay as well so she wouldn't have to be so reliant upon fossil fuels or do her shopping at the local store instead of driving to the mega outlets to save a few pennies (if that). Not a true tree hugger (or is this a true tree hugger), her convictions were only skin deep and she was not ready to go to any extra expense to be green, and she really did not want an 'econobox' and wanted something with much more 'luxury'.
Fine with me, just don't bust my chops for driving my cowboy Cadillac (suburban) because you are no greener (I drive less than 2 miles and often bike) and she needed to remember that her car is made from much of the byproducts of refining gasoline - her car is mostly plastic which not only uses the crude completely by finding additional uses for byproducts of refined oil, but also saves crude by making the car lighter and stronger and safer, and that hybrids were in many regards a step back from what we are making today ...
About half way thru it gets really interesting when I bring up the fact that I am a single issue voter, and it may surprise as to which it is - the Second Amendment. She asks which one that is (oddly, a question that gets over an 80% correct rate when asked of people on the street ... not only that, but the vast majority can quote one or both lines of it ... hmmm, is this a typical liberal?). I tell her 'keep and bear arms' and she grimaces to reflect an off the scale reaction but without giving her a chance to respond I explain that it doesn't really have anything to do with the guns but it has to do with character, and that I believe as did the Founding Fathers that the Citizens of the country are all Noble enough and have the character necessary that I don't have to give their gun ownership a second thought - it is quite a thought that they felt you were worthy of being considered of Noble birthright.
I tried to explain that the Constitution is a radical document because for the very first time in history it finds Nobility in EVERY Citizen and that she herself is assumed to be of Noble character on par with any aristocracy or emperor that exists or has ever existed, as is every other Citizen who manages to call this country their own.
Well she responds with "There is no character in this country any more."
Blink, blink, ...
Shocked, I managed to say that I felt sorry for her seeing her country that way because I feel that I am awash in a sea of extraordinary character and wouldn't have it any other way.
She asks why I am so paranoid that I need a gun strapped to my hip. I replied that I am not afraid. She says "Sure, because you have a gun."
I asked then why she didn't get one so she wasn't so afraid. She said they are only for killing people. I said, no, they are only a tool - it is up to your character as to whether it is used for good or evil. I set down my screw diver and said pretend this is a gun - if we watch it long enough will violence ever happen? Of course not - it is an inanimate object. It takes your character to animate it. It is the same for baseball bats, hockey sticks, hammers, knives, wrenches, axes, or any tool - they can do nothing without you. I for one, trust that you will not put any of these things to use in an evil manner, but should you choose to not behave so, I have a ready response if that becomes necessary. You see we are surrounded by evil and hiding from it or pretending it does not exist does not change that fact.
She asked what I felt when I saw someone with a gun on their hip. I said I feel 'simpatico ... my kinda people and that I would probably ask if that is a .45'.
I switched to the law in Arizona and she spouted off again, so I asked if she knew that it was nothing more than codification of a Federal law at a State level so that Arizona could do something about the costs it was incurring due to illegals and the violence that has been wrought upon them across that region. She slowed. I told her of some friends of mine that retired there - lifelong liberal anti-gunners here, they had their LEO son come and teach them how to use their new firearms ... I asked if she preferred to instead be a safe haven like some of the California cities that have chosen to act in total violation of that very same Federal law and aid and abet criminals just because they were illegals, and I asked why she thought it was that no one from the white house to the media would say any of this. She was quiet and asked for proof - I gave it to her.
I comment that the biggest problem I see is the extreme hatred and vitriol (am I even using that word correctly ...) that is conjured by the far left, and that it should be un allowable in our system and yet we have a media and a left that play with hatred as a political tool with abandon which I personally find despicable, irresponsible and intolerable.
Suddenly she brings up Rush Limbaugh and really gets herself going - apparently she hates him. I look up at her (still working on her car at this point) with what must have been a somewhat confused look on my face and ask; "If you hate him so much why don't you just change the station?" I add, that while I think much of my thinking falls to the right (far right), I don't think I have ever listened to him on the radio at all, and I really don't think that anyone needs his help me think thru these issues. Again, I think we all have the character to decide these things on our own, which she again 'poo-poo's'.
I tell her that I am most distressed to hear that she finds no character in this country and hope that sentiment is not widespread because I think it is the only thing standing between us and the abyss. She has no comment other than a look that says she may well feel we have been in the abyss for a long time already ... (I guess George did it ...)
Then I go on to say that the media and the democrats are chewing on the own leg when they are attacking the only grassroots movement that we have seen in 25 years - a very large portion of the tea party movement, something like 40%, is disgruntled democrats and by villainizing them they are casting them aside and painting them as liberal lunatics on the far right when they are in fact made up in substantial portion of people in their own base. Again, toying with hatred being used a s a political tool - it should be intolerable.
At the end of the hour long battle I was spent (the mirror was the wrong one so I had to do it all twice and will see here again Tuesday when the right one comes in ...), but I guess the thing that stuck with me most and that was the most shocking thing that I took away from it all, was that she sees no character. Is that widespread? Is that really the source of liberal views?
Might have been a total waste of time but I need to figure this whole mess out better. In the end I feel sorry for liberals. On a micro level this individual seemed afraid of but able to sweep her fears under the carpet for the moment and is ready to listen to anyone who says they can fix it for her. Are they really unable to find any character in anyone? Are they really afraid of the world around them, or is it some kind of transference - a fault or failing of their own that they can only see in the world outside of themselves? But if they are really afraid of the world around them and everyone in it, when they gain power then how can they possibly lead us to anything but the destruction of the world they fear and that we hold so dear?
God help us.
Whatever personality that can lead us out of this, they need to appear on the horizon today. I have been looking around and I just can't seem to see them, ...
I guess I just thought you guys here might find it all interesting. I find it disappointing."
I think "Bodyman" has this one nailed. Now if we could spread some of that "Character" in City Hall, wow !
Tom Ford
NO. 758
well I for one applaud the body shop guy. Anyone who can truly live in delusional world of his own creation like that has my vote. There are many times where I wish I could join him.
5:47 PM Blogger: Delusional world ? Just how do you figure that ?
I hate to say it but I really believe you have "joined" something and it's not him !
Tom Ford
"Hatred and vitriol on the left"?? Really, now. So all those clips of Tea baggers showing posters of a duly elected president drawn as Hitler aren't the right? All the shouts of "kill him" and "terrorist" during Palin/McCain speeches in '08 were, again, not the right? "Toying with hatred should be intolerable". He's right, it should be.
6:53 PM Blogger: I guess you forgot the "how to book and movie on how to assassinate George W. Bush, or the George Sorros diatribe right ?
Or would you remember the "Bush lied and people died" Lie told by the left when in fact they had voted for the war ?
Face it, you will never hear that sort of drivel from "Tea Party" members or true right wing Americans.
Oh, and as to the level of hatred, how about the SEIU thugs attacking a Black Man (Kenneth Gladney) at a Russ Caranahan meeting last August ?
Tom Ford
pray tell, why are you shouting?
7:30 We are shouting because it is clear that you on the liberal side either can not or choose not to hear what some one who doesn't agree with you says. Especially if what they say exposes the liberal lie.
Can you hear us now?
See ya in November.
The Right is also very well versed with not hearing what the other side thinks, hence the 8 years of misery under Bush/Cheney. There is anger on both sides, there is extreme disagreement on both sides. Yes, we will see you in November. Last November we saw you too. The pendulum will swing. But overall, the Right has proven to be petulant children about dealing with losing elections. We'll see if that trend continues. Notice I am not shouting.
Oh, and a hate crime wouldn't really apply in that instance. Hate crimes, as I'm sure you know, have to be proven to be exclusively about the race, religion or sexual orientation of the victim. One of the men who assaulted him, if I remember correctly, was also black, and being peeved about the flyers he was handing out does not qualify as a hate crime.It may qualify him as a horrible person, and a jerk and all that, but it's not a hate crime.
Still, see you in November, Ms. Left Winger.
Then we will see who is "petulant".
Want to hear hate from the left listen to Ed Schultz or if you can stomach it, watch his show on MNSBC.
Talk about hate mongering screaming, he acts as if any one who disagrees with the left is a Nazi.
One more thing, tell me what this President has done that has made your life better that it was in the past?
Okay, then,tell me what Bush did,or his daddy before him that made your life better? Or mine? Or anyone's? Billions spent on wars, health care and wall street in ruins, the surplus Clinton left squandered, and the list goes on. Maybe we can agree that no president of late has done a great job. as for ed schultz, never heard of him. And so, Ms. right winger, (your assumption of Ms. amuses me)let us examine the right's "spokespeople", shall we,since you brought up this Schultz person? Michele Bachman, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh...all spewing guns, homophobia and immigration. Everyone in this country's family at one point was an immigrant, unless you're full blood Native American.Even they weren't "from" here. Many, many immigrants were very unwelcome 100,200 years ago, but now their decendants stand screaming that immigrants are taking all our jobs and we should close our borders, blah blah blah. Our ancestors took their jobs. That's what this country is founded on. Immigrants welcomed, room made for them, their contributions accepted. So go ahead and "reload" as your leader Ms. Palin says you're doing. The Right has done nothing good for this country in the last 20 years either. Unless young people coming home maimed and in body bags from road side bombs from the "weapons of mass destruction" wars is a good thing in your opinion. What no WMD? Maybe Bush DID lie...and for the record, some of his own people have now admitted the intelligence was doctored.
I believe that the Republicans only had 8 years out ot the last 20-30, right???
2:52 PM Blogger: you are correct but a left wing "progressive / liberal will never admit that it was, and is the left destroying this Nation.
Would anyone have ever believed that America would be turning socialist prior to obama ? I see now that the IMF has told Greece (Obamas model for socialism) that they must privatize health care before they get their bail out loan.
Humm, it seems that obama thinks he knows better than what's starring him in the face, right ?
Freud once said that the true definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over and expecting a different result ! In obamas case I would say it is Narcissism that has caused this idiocy at least !
Tom Ford
since 1981 there have been 3 Republicans and 1 Democrat, excluding Obama. Hmmm.
7:25 dude or dudet,
tale a deep breath and try to focus. The question was
" tell me what this President has done that has made your life better than it was in the past?"
Instead of giving answer to a question that could show some positive side of your mind set, you go into bringing up the past, like you were still in it.
So, assuming you understand the question, give me an answer that shows how much your life has improved in the last two yrs?
If things were so rotten then, give me what has become so much better with the wave of "hope and change"?
nothing in my life has changed much one way or the other. I have a decent job, have always had health care, I own a home, and am generally happy. This is the case no matter who is president.
So maybe you need to tell me how this president has destroyed your life, and how the Republicans before him fulfilled you and made your life complete and perfect. My guess is that you have the same basic story I do. Yet you portray everything as personal , as though the man came to your house, walked into your kitchen and attacked you and your family in some way. My guess is that your life hasn't changed too terribly much in the last 15 months either.
as for living in the past, it was the 2:52 poster that started the "last 20-30" years, not me. I merely pointed out that, since 1981, there has been 3 Rep. presidents and only 1 Dem. Do the math, dude/dudette.
I was not talking about the President being Democrat or Replican. I was referring to the House and Senate. The President does not "make" the rules (unless you are Obama)
How about this one - look at the "recommendations" that are being made to Greece to stablize their economy. Look them up. The USA is being led down the wrong path. We will end up like them soon - broke
1. has signed into law a "health care" plan that will take away my freedom.
2. has lied about closing our prison in Cuba once he was elected.
3. since he has been in office we as a nation have had 4 attacks or attempted attacks of which none were stopped by his administrations actions.
4. has not acted as commander in chief to protect our southern boarders but has attacked those states that have on their own.
5. the unemployment rate has increased in the private sector to a point where after 18 months in office more people are out of work now than when he took over.
6. has borrowed so much money to fund his programs that their is no reasonable way to repay.
How about those for starters and I did it without once defending or attacking former administrations, can you do the same?
Now dude/dudette, when he starts to spread the wealth around a bit like he has promised, do you think you will still have all that you have now?
Still waiting for your list of how things are better for you with the current man in office.
you said nothing about the House or the Senate. What you said was, "Tell me what this president has done that has made your life better than it was in the past". Somehow Greece got into it too. Your condescending manner doesn't change what you actually asked. And while we're on the subject, you never answered my question: How has this president destroyed YOUR life, and how did all the years of Republican presidents enhance it? And I still urge you to do the math: in the last 29 years there has been 9 1/2 years of Democrats. You aren't happy with the progression of the country? Look at the party that's been mainly in control for 3 decades.
I must now ask: has the health care reform affected YOU? Not a general, sweeping national statement, but YOU? And, has the prison in Cuba affected you? Do you have relatives there? How does the closing or not closing of the prison change your life? Again, not national, grand statements, but I asked about YOUR life, as you asked me. These are a few of the issues you mentioned, but not as a personal toll on your life. And I did answer you. I said my life hasn't changed one way or the other.
The health care reform will help my children and hopefully their children, with the ability to stay on parents' plans longer. I realize you don't give a rat's patoot about mine or anyone's kids, since "spreading it around" is an evil concept, but it matters to me.
Lets put the foot on the other shoe, tell me how the history of the past 29 years of GOP domination effected you negatively?
After all in one of your posts you bragged about have the good life, must have happen due to the GOP, Presidents, Senate and House.
Oh and by the way I am not the blogger who brought up Greece, so back off on the name calling.
Still waiting for a list of how things are better for you now, that you can give credit to Democrat plans.
7:33, You really think spreading it around is a good idea? You really believe that the health care plan just signed by this President, is going to make your kids future better?
You really believe this plan allows every body to keep their GROWN kids on a health plan? You think that is a great idea?
Question: who is going to pay for all of this "great stuff"? Oh, I know the answer, we are by "spreading it around."
to the 9:09 poster:
I have not called you a name, so you'll have to be more specific about what name you were called.
And,again for those who are having problems with the whole reading thing, I will state again: I have not had huge changes in my life based on who is or is not president. My issues are not of a particularly personal nature. My own issues are more of a general concern. But posters on here kept insisting I list very specific things, so I stated health care was a concern in my life. Notice when asked the same thing, after a few requests, answers I get are things like the prison in Cuba and patrolling the border. Again, general, not specific to them personally. So, why ask me to get specific, which i have done, but refuse to get specific as well?
How's this work for ya.
I specifically do not believe this President or his party are protecting me and my family from those who would kill us because we are not followers of Islam, which is unlike President Bush.
I specifically do not like fact that he signed the health care bill which will cost me a leg and an arm for poorer service.
I specifically do not like being lied to by anyone including this President.
Is that personal enough for you?
POSTER 7:26 AM, May 19, 2010
The post of 2:52 PM, May 18, 2010 and the post of 10:33 PM, May 18, 2010 and the "duplicate" 10:35 post are the only ones I have posted.
President Obama has been raised in the "community organizer" mode for some time now. His paster (Rev. Jeremiah Wright) by all appearances has hated America for at least 20 years that we know of.
Mr. Obama has sought the friendship of known socialists and Communists (Ayres, ET AL) since becoming a politician. He has openly stated his favor for "spreading the wealth," and "To each according to his needs, from each according to his means." (Carl Marx.)
Knowing all that, and knowing that a Communist is nothing but a socialist in a hurry, can we draw any other conclusion other than Mr. Obama is in fact a Communist ?
I really don't think we can, nor should we as he is out to destroy the America we know and love and replace it with a socialist / Communist state !
Tom Ford
Good Lord. The mind bends....
A long dicussion like this is almost impossible to follow when everyone uses the same name.
What if each person were to use a number: 1, 2, 3, etc. then we could follow your thoughts, and you still remain anonymous.
I agree with some of the things mentioned, and disagree with others. Most things done by the "government" please half, or less of the people. We have lots of problems to fix, and can not possibly make everyone happy, since everyone thinks a different thing is the most important.
Read this dear left wing supporters.
You have to wonder after reading this if we can expect any unionized police protect those who disagree with the guy in the White House and his supporters.
Dear fellow freedom loving Citizens,
follow these links to see the connection between the IBPO and the
It's all there for you to read.
6:52 PM Blogger: You disagree I take it, well put forth your reasoning as to why he is not a Communist !
Tom Ford
I must say this dart game had little to do with Crestwood Independent but it sure took the heat off Roy and I'm sure President Obama isn't losing sleep over it. The litany is old,tired and spread thick by a sad mentality. A new civil war born of the pureness of bubahood. Limp teabags and friends who may one day be the ones sitting in the back of the bus.
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
11:20 PM Blogger: Sorry I had to remove your comment but I did say any personal attacks would have to be signed by the attacker.
Tom Ford
10:26 PM Blogger: Now that I have defended your inane remarks I can only say i trust you too will be a bit more "tolerant."
"Old, tired, spread thick ?" Well fiend you had best get used to it because "we he people" are fed up with Barrack Husein Obama and his Communist ways, and we will be voting his minions out come November !
I am amused by your lack of willingness to hear he other side, but that's what good little liberals do, isn't it ? Now you get one free insult here and you have had it so if you wish to hurl insults, sign your name or "pop goes the liberal !"
Tom Ford
10:26 AM Blogger: I forgot a Quote by George Bernard Shaw that fits here nicely.
"Socialism is the same as Communism, only better English."
Enjoy my friend !
Tom Ford
RE: govt. Employees, follow these links
be afraid, be very afraid for our nation and lour liberties.
It's all there for you to read.
okay, so let's put it out there: there has been alot of "I hate liberals" here, so now I ask: if you had a magic wand and could put anyone you choose into the White House, who would it be? I want to hear the alternative since you hate the current president so much. No fair just naming qualities...give a name of an actual person you would ideally see as president.
1:36 PM Blogger: Now were getting somewhere. If you are asking me I have three choices in mind.
1. Fred Thompson: Was a great Senator, is for smaller Government, and has the pulse of the Nation. Would put our enemies on notice that were through bowing and pleading !
2. Sarah Palin: Will Govern to the will of the people, has no agenda other than a free America, a smaller government, National defense and closing the borders, and is not a woman to be scoffed at.
3. Mitt Romney: Wonderful experience in leadership, small Government guy, Conservative to the core, and again listens to the People !
There are numerous men and women who would do a great job but we will never see them because they will not submit their families to the media frenzy that is sure to follow.
Any president is remembered by the people he surrounds himself with, and Barrack Husein Obama will be no different. Mr. Obama has as his "staff" avowed Communist's, known appeasers, tax cheats, socialist's and whatever else he can find to disrupt our Republic.
At last count there were 37 un-elected, Czars in the White House who answer to Obama only and are thus un-accountable to US ! Does anyone really think that's a good idea ?
"Hope and Change" as turned into "despair, and Stagnation," and it has only taken a bit over a year to do it.
Tom Ford
Tolerance is as tolerance does. At this point we don't know for sure whether or not only certain authors can hurl insults and others cannot. What are the ground rules? Are liberal thinkers forbidden altogether? Is there no middle ground?
4:28 PM Blogger: Hurl away as long as you sign your real name as I, and others do do !
If you do not have the courage of your convictions to do that, find another blog such a "Move on. org," or the Huffington post.
I am sure you understand, no ?
Tom Ford
This is a great song for you all to hear.
Tom Ford
Mitt And Fred I get. I heartily disagree they'd be good presidents, but I get them as choices; or at least I understand why you would list them. Sarah Palin I don't get. She is a complete idiot who has no clue about anything unless it's been fed to her prior to her speaking. She is an embarrassment. All that stuff with her during the election wasn't "gotcha journalism", as she preferred to say, but instead absolute ignorance on her part. The other two might be do-able. 4th graders can tell you what they read on a reggular basis, and she simply could not. She needs to go back to Alaska. You betcha(wink).
I dont hate liberals, I just hate what they want to do to our country
I think it is an insult to include Palin on the same list as Romney and Thompson. I don't judge the fact that she has become somewhat of an opportunist but to represent America as a President is somewhat of a stretch.
6:16 PM Blogger: I have no doubt that you would disagree after all the "everything for everybody" concept would be gone, wouldn't it.
As to Sarah Palin, well she is intelligent, classy, no-nonsense, and she can draw a crowd, a democRAT these day's can't draw fleas.
In case it has escaped you Obama is not running the show. He can't speak without a tele-prompter to tell him what to say, and you can bet the real people telling him what to do have their hand up his skirt as any good puppet master would.
Great presidents surround themselves with specialists in their field, and Obama has done that if you count the Communist's, socialist's and people who hate America. 32 Czars ! for what? WW2 was won with fewer people in the White House than that for goodness sake.
Obama will go down in the history books as the person who attempted to ruin America as sure as I am sitting here, we all know it, so now what do we do about it ?
As for me, I will work for any (R or D) candidate who is conservative, and will stand up for this nation, not a Communist sympathizer, and a progressive liberal who will ruin it given half a chance !
No if that doesn't explain my position, I don't know what will.
Tom Ford
since there seems to be a trend of using polictician's middle names, I will start by saying that Sarah Louise Heath Palin is no more qualified for office than I am. Maybe even less so. She has been haunted by ethics charges, she quit her term 18 months early as governor to escape these charges, and I will dispute her intelligence any day of the week. And drawing crowds? Please. So does the Klan. Big deal.It means nothing and says nothing about her character, her message's content, or her ability, all of which are sorely lacking.
Willard Mitt Romney flip flops on the issues so much I can't tell if he's a person or a pancake. He's pro-choice, he's pro-life, no wait. He's for mandated insurance, no he's not, yes he is.
Freddie Dalton Thompson is way too conservative for my taste, but if he's your cup of tea, then fine. I preferred him on "Law and Order".
So why do we keep using the president's middle name? Traditionally conservatives use his middle name to remind everyone that he has (GASP) Muslim roots. So that must mean he's a terrorist, right, since all Muslims are? Oh no wait...he's a comunist. No, a socialist. No, a terrorist. No, wait. Confused, I guess. I know!! He's a Communist socialst Muslim terrorist! THAT must be it.
`4:58 PM Blogger: I think you may have nailed it with your last statement. I don't think he is a terrorist though, It wouldn't work for him as he needs the cover, but the rest sure do !
If you can honestly say you can't see what his evil, Communist agenda for America is, I pity you.
"All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing !"
Tom Ford
Save your pity. You need for yourself.
7:55 PM Blogger: First of all, that's not anywhere near a complete sentence, and second, sorry to see your out of ammunition already !
Tom Ford
Not a complete sentence? This from the person who think's all word's that end in S must have an apostrophe? You may also save your grammar lesson's for someone who care's.
I have plenty of ammunition, and have stated some of it. But it's honestly like trying to tell a paranoid delusional that the voices aren't real. You see evil everywhere, even where clear thinking people see that it isn't. You flip flop back and forth. Socialist, communist, then back again. The arguement would be well said if the readers were able to engage without screaming "He's a communist", as if that offers some sort of validation for the paranoia. Even as deeply as I loathed Bush and his administration, even I never felt he was evil. Incredibly greedy and inalterably stupid, but evil? No. I am amazed at what you all can talk yourselves into, and I see first hand what lousy losers you and your lot are.
So, because you didn't hate but only loathed the Bush administration, we are supposed to feel ok about the thug you support that is currently in the White House?
Sorry, it doesn't work that way, Obama has evil plans for this nation.
Obama is evil, yeah, sure, whatever. As I said, I can't make the voices in your head go away. Just fold a new tin foil hat to keep them from sucking out your brain waves and invest in a throw-away cell phone so "they" can't tap your phones. Oh, never mind, wrong administration for the phone tapping thing. Sorry.
And yes, it apparently does work that way, as that is what you yourself are doing. Raving about evil lurking everywhere trying to get you, then periodically using all caps to shout "He's a communist", and "It's a liberal Lie"? It reminds me of people in psych wards who only speak every few hours, and then only to shout something only they understand. And from this you want your arguement taken seriously? Good luck with that. Maybe you need a new hat.
I have seen on here a few times that all are welcome, but I have to say, they aren't and probably won't be. So please at least be honest and make more accurate statements. All are NOT welcome here. Conservativs who agree with you are welcome here. Have the intestinal fortitude to admit it and stand by it instead of trying to make it sound like you are reaching out and welcoming everyone. This is simply not the case. So, that said, I am over and out. Good luck with your random shouting. You betcha!
Liberals are welcome here if they keep to the issues at hand instead of doing what poster 7:26 does and that is resort to person attack on those who do not agree with them.
It like this, liberals are upset with the GOP Senators for not going along with a law the Dems want passed. Never once asking themselves if the roles were reversed would they vote without compromise for a GOP bill? Heck no they wouldnt, yet that is what they want the GOP and when they don't they start the name calling.As poster 7:26 did. Reason? They have a shortage of workable ideas that can face the full light of disagreement?
You tell me, I'm too busy getting measured for my new tin foil hat.
&:46 PM Blogger: Thanks for rising to the bait ! You have proved beyond anything I could say what a liberal really is !
As far as my grammar is concerned, well I didn't make it to College, but I assume you did. So that said I have an excuse, do you ? I bet you just allowed your fingers to override your thoughts in your trumped up rage, right ?
Your welcome here as long as you behave yourself. We will all listen to why you believe your 42% approval rating president is so wonderful, but be advised you will have to take some slings and arrows as most of us are in that 68% disapproval club.
Just to show you there are no hard feelings, these are for you !
use them in good health.
Tom Ford
7:46 PM Blogger: Here is an article that shows you what your President has done for us. Please do not blame this on Bush as he was a piker compared to Obama !
U.S. debt reaches level at which economic growth begins to slow
By Walter Alarkon - 05/26/10 12:25 PM ET
"The level of U.S. debt has reached a point at which economic growth traditionally begins to slow, a bipartisan fiscal commission making recommendations to the White House and Congress was told Wednesday.
The gross U.S. debt is approaching a level equivalent to 90 percent of the country's gross domestic product, the level at which growth has historically declined, said Carmen Reinhart, a University of Maryland economist.
When gross debt hits 90 percent of GDP, Reinhart told the commission during a hearing in the Capitol, growth "deteriorates markedly." Median growth rates fall by 1 percent, and average growth rates fall "considerably more," she said.
Reinhart said the commission shouldn't wait to put in place a plan to rein in deficits.
"I have no positive news to give," she said. "Fiscal austerity is something nobody wants, but it is a fact.
Gross debt is at 89 percent and will reach 90 percent by the end of the year, said Sen. Kent Conrad (D-N.D.), a member of the commission.
Another commission member, Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas), described the situation: "Essentially, the needle is hitting the red zone in respect to economic growth.”
Gross debt, unlike the public debt measure used by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and other economic forecasters, includes the money the government owes to all entities it supports, such as mortgage firms Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, Reinhart said. The CBO expects public debt to grow from 63 percent this year to 90 percent in 2020, largely because of rising healthcare costs.
The bipartisan fiscal commission, which was created by President Barack Obama and contains lawmakers from both parties, is tasked with producing a plan to rein in debt by December 1. Leaders in both the House and Senate have said the commission's proposals would receive votes on the floor later that month.
Reinhart cautioned policymakers against seeing the strengthening of the dollar as a sign that investors can wait for the United States to show how it will deal with the debt."
"I am concerned about complacency," she said. "I am concerned that because the dollar has renewed its role as a reserve currency, we may wait too long."
90% of GDP ! Were doomed thanks to liberal / progressive thinking, or is it in fact Communist thinking ?
Tom Ford
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