When will we have a board President ?

I am not at all sure that we are allowed to say anything, but you all know me by now, so here goes.
If ever in the life of the City we needed someone to LEAD the Board it is now ! Some say we should just give it to Mimi Duncan. But why would we give it to a person who apparently does not understand what our problems are ?
We have three tried and true Board members ( Duchild,Miguel and Schlnk ) who are financial wizards, and one of them MUST be chosen to lead the Board ! We do not have the luxury of being "politically correct" here, were failing by the day and we must have someone who will "tell the truth" when it comes to our financial condition !
I admonish the Board to choose wisely when it comes to a Board President ! This is not the time for "buddies, Cronies, or yes people !" It is the time for serious reflection and serious people !
Tom Ford
NO. 755
The subject of president of the aldermen is missing from the 5-11-2010 meeting agenda. Is someone planning to bring it up under old business?
Not if Roy can help it!
I just came from the BOA meeting.
It is on the agenda I have.
Ms. Duncan removed herself from consideration.
Mr Wallach was elected.
The Crestwood Memorial Committee was reactivated with three members, plus Mr Foote as the BOA Member.
Thanks John.
Good for Mr. Wallach ! I inadvertently left him off my list (old timers I guess) but he is a good choice !
Tom Ford
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