From the Call. Please note the part where "His Honor" states "I don't care about the Civil Service Rules !" (click here for the story.)

Please click on the header for the story as reported by the Call. I am amazed that any public official would have the nerve to say "I don't care about the Civil Service Rules," much less at a recorded meeting !
"Your Honor" I do not believe your the type of person that we, or any other City needs at the helm if you feel that way, (and you said it twice so you must !) You seem to be no better than the person you fired (C/A.) Remember, he too cast aside the CSR'S, and now your doing it ?
I do not presume to speak for our employees, but I will tell you that I for one am completely disgusted with your lack of leadership, and total disdain for our fine employees, you should be ashamed to the point of resignation !
Tom Ford
NO. 769
I gotta say, I thought Roy would be rough around the edges ... but Holy Smokes ... I had no idea he would be this rough-at least that's my opinion. The folks that want to keep animal control and push a tax increase (THE COMING STORM!!!)seem to think he's ok.
But then again, why should we care about civil service rules?
Aren't we being overrun by feral cats and forest fires?
I've have an old horse and was wondering if when he finally dies if you would like to beat it?
You still have the old horse here? What about the fires and cats? Don't you want to protect your poor horse? After all, we are pro-animal control in Crestwood, aren't we?
Speaking of beating a dead horse, does our favorite alderman from Ward 4 still yell about tax increases, the coming storm, and the wonderful work of every one of our employees?
same boring old whining, different thread. I am officially off this blog. It was interesting for a while, but this is ridiculous. Rant, rant, rant, always about the same tired things. I am moving on. Life's too short to do this over and over and over.
10:27 Pls don't leave. We need a different perspective, new ways to look at things. A new tone.
For one thing, this business with the Civil Service and Union and Charter always trying to shift the sands to suit a current administration defeats its purpose and is usually political and not necessarily good for the electorate. Check our the politics associated with legal expenses. The deeper you dig, the less animal control will keep you awake nights. It is a sticky wicket when employees anywhere involve themselves with politics. Never is this more obvious than in municipal gov't in a tiny city with split ideas, no matter what they are.
Obviously we are all prone to protect our own ideas. This blog is galvanized on Animal Control and the Robinson Saga, which followed the Fagan Saga, etc. etc. It is amazing the city still stands when you consider the fables of the past 10 years and some of the antics of the BOA and city administrators. Most of the time you vote in Crestwood, you are voting for a "side" not a candidate. So get the whole story before you vote.
Maybe the old subjects will tire and expire and we can pontificate on some major substance of consequence. Sarcasm is not going to strengthen the city, only good ideas. Yesterday's good ideas, by the way, are not always today's good ideas. If our officials are playing "follow the leader" and it is proving to be detremental then it is time to reconsider our loyalties. Politicians depend on bad memories about past mistakes, but it is unlikely financial distress of recent magnitude will fade away. As for employees, the times are changing and things like pensions, perks, salaries, responsibilities, time off, insurance, job descriptions, etc. are being revisited in every area of our economy. Our board seems to consist of those dedicated to the city in one of two ways, living in the past and accepting the future.
As long as all the outcomes are dependent upon getting around a mayor or his team of 4, to get a breath of fresh air, we need to have this type of blog to stir up the dust.
People in Ward 4 seldom have surprises. They just wonder which member of the private swim club behind city hall will run for office in order to protect their private domain. A long story and one weighted with politics.
So hang in there and support the candidates who realize their positions do not lead to the white House, whose egos do not interfere with logic and whose dreams match yours.
but there is no "good idea" on this blog. It is only the party line of "hate animal control", "hate Sappington House", and "Hate the mayor". Those subjects are so tired and weary I can no longer stand to read another syllable. I agree with the one who just left. Enough. There are many in Crestwood who actually support the Sapp. House and animal control, as well as many other things, I'm sure, that this blog doesn't approve of. Even if we had billions of dollars spilling out of our pockets, they would still find reasons to hate the same tired things. I too have had enough hate for one lifetime.
You are just tired of seeing criticism of things you may support. It's called politics. All of us see it. We all have positions are things we wish to see enacted - yet they aren't. That's the nature of politics. Don't want to play, get out of the sandbox.
9:31pm June 30th
Yes, I still have that old horse. However, I am considering selling her in the hope I will have enough money to donate it. I'm hoping they will allow me to purchase two statues of a cat to be placed on either side of the new bridge. Along with a plaque in honor of "Anonymous said...". Or your name which ever you prefer.
10:27 PM Blogger: One last whine for you !
A new, updated, Dr. Seuss book.
I do not like this Uncle Sam,
I do not like his health care scam.
I do not like these dirty crooks,
or how they lie and cook the books.
I do not like when Congress steals,
I do not like their secret deals.
I do not like this speaker, Nan,
I do not like this 'YES WE CAN.'
I do not like this spending spree,
I'm smart, I know that nothing's free.
I do not like your smug replies,
when I complain about your lies.
I do not like this kind of hope.
I do not like it, nope, nope, nope!
Tom Ford
4:38 PM, July 01, 2010
Ha! LOL! Sounds good. You gave me a good chuckle. Happy 4th!
St. Louis County axes cars for department heads
CLAYTON - The free ride is over for department directors in St. Louis County government.
On Thursday afternoon, County Executive Charlie A. Dooley sent a memo to his 13 department heads informing them that he was taking away their take-home cars, a practice that started in the county 40 years ago...
Hmmmmm, food for thought! Is probably a pronounced perk in our waning budget. Cars, insurance, gas, maintenance. Time we challenge our BOA to consider eliminating employee cars. Time to realize the city has to do what it has to do. These kind of jobs are not a dime a dozen and their salaries are realistic. This is not an assault on employees, but a way to save their jobs and realistic benefits.
Note to Mr. Jim Eckrich : Since your not a first responder don't you think you should park yours (along with others who aren't either) as well ?
I think so, and I bet more than half the City is with me on that.
Tom Ford
Mr. Eckrich is the only employee that is not a first responder that has a city vehicle. In my opinion his is doing a much better job than several of our previous city administrators. Having said that I think it would be impressive if he decided not to use that vehicle. At the same time it seems a little difficult to ask someone that is doing better than his predecessors to not use they same thing they were all giving.
9:37 PM Blogger: Right you are my friend, HE is the one who should relinquish it until things are better.
This would go a very long way toward restoring faith in our leadership. Now as for the BOA and "His Honor" well four of them have it as we speak, the rest, well no chance in my opinion !
Tom Ford
If you have not already done so, read on the opinion page of POST DISPATCH, Monday, July 5, 2010, the column entitled "STILL BURNING" Our view: Fighting (occasional) fires for fun and profit.
The glaring truth in this writing is staggering and especially pertinent to city officials and residents of any of our 91 municipalities.
Borrow Monday's paper or pull it up on the computer. It is a good kick to get started on a merging truth about how residents of suburban fire districts are getting hosed because of voter apathy which these fire district boards or unions depend on to drive their excessive points home at the polls with support from candidates they support.
Do you have any idea what Crestwood pays for fire protection since we are part of 2 districts, and how many fires are on the books as compared with our st. louis city firemen whose jobs far outreach a 4 sq. mile town with 2 departments?
Status quos all change over time. The time has come to get real and to make sure our officials are not being dictated to.
Send you copy of this column to your alderman. Apathy is getting us nowhere. Get interested. This town and its employees belong to you.
One can certainly rever their fire departments, of course, but power plays and bang for the buck is food for thought as we struggle for the bottom line inclusive of the Fire Department.
When we can no longer afford the dictates of this kind of situation and we end up with a tax increasde, you need to know why and what you could have done. By then no one wins for we would have to turn it over to the county.
I'll read it.
I'll never forget overhearing a fire union official bragging about how his guys will soon get 6 figures.
Pull up the article, cut and paste it to an e-mail and send it to allyour friends in municipalities; send it to your alderman and your mayor. Let your voice be heard. Be part of a citizen action group. Seriously, this is how to reverse a trend that is starting right beneath our eyes; one that our officials need to get a handle on asap. Your participation can be a a catalyst for putting the brakes on unrealistic demands visited on small burbs by organized employees. The power of our payroll belongs to the taxpayers.
Pull up the article, cut and paste it to an e-mail and send it to allyour friends in municipalities; send it to your alderman and your mayor. Let your voice be heard. Be part of a citizen action group. Seriously, this is how to reverse a trend that is starting right beneath our eyes; one that our officials need to get a handle on asap. Your participation can be a a catalyst for putting the brakes on unrealistic demands visited on small burbs by organized employees. The power of our payroll belongs to the taxpayers.
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11:44 Am Blogger: Sorry but I did say a while back that ANY personal insults or accusations would have to be signed by the poster.
That's very interesting indeed if true, and I will allow it only if you are willing to sign your real name when and if you wish to post it again.
Tom Ford
We could un-annex ward 3. Return them to unincorporated St. Louis county and that would save the city several hundred grand we have to pay to the Affton fire district. Although, since we now pay less than 40 cents per every hundred, what would we have to complain about. Oh yeah, we can complain that we have police, fire, public works, and parks for less than any other city. Find me a fire district anywhere that residents are paying less than 40 cents. And that is just for fire.
Well ... there are a few folks in the annexed part of ward 3 that would love to return to the county.
What would we have to complain about?
Well, let's see -
1. You didn't mention high utility taxes.
2. You didn't mention high sales taxes either.
3. You didn't mention that they've tried to raise our property taxes in 05 and 08 (they were successful in 06 with Prop S)
4. Rude police officers
5. Increasing influence of the fire union
6. Lack of economic development
7. A bully mayor who makes outlandish statements
Other than that, nothing to complain about.
correction to my last blog post:
Well ... there are QUITE a few folks in the annexed part of ward 3 that would love to return to the county.
Your list 1-7 applies to all of us. And during this time, the annexed ward of the city had aldermanic representation with input on all 7 items. Now they have 2 aldermen from annexed area. Considering this means they were/are able to input their and their constituant concerns. At the time, the winners were the annexed people not the city. How did it even happen?Don't think original folks realized the extent of the Fire Dept issue or the lack of any revenue.
So, throwing rocks at YOUR city really makes no sense. Clearly all your information was visable. Isn't it sorta nonsensible to say "lots of people in the annexed section would like to return to the county"? Could you please advise the advantages, if any, of the annexation for both sides? Thanks
No response to the previous note. Interesting. Apparently most posters are from the annexed area. "Many would like to return to county." Okay. blogger that's pretty strong language, but if your comment is true, perhaps you should get going on it.Or answer the question, how does the annexation benefit the orginal part of the city? That is where the conversation seemed to end.
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