Saturday, June 12, 2010

Have you ever wondered how our "accounting department" comes up with the budget that allows for keeping "duplicate services ?" (click here.)

Please click on the header to be directed to a "budget planning session" just prior to the new budget for 2010 !

I can't wait to see the "mid course correction" meeting they will soon have to schedule as revenue s mighty low !

Tom Ford

NO. 765


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I certainly hope the ma and pa accounting method is not used.

The city budget is still out of sync with the size of the current business activity.

The sales tax revenue collected is about 200K below projections.

The rate of decline for collections is once again increasing.

Dangerous signals for a city with little or no reserves or inclinations to eliminate expenses.

I hope the BOA is not hoping to throw out a lifeline (tax increase) and expect approval. The Lindbergh School District is already crying they require another $8 million dollars to increase the quality of education.

7:33 AM, June 13, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All the more reason to carefully scrutinize the financial stance our candidates for office tend to take. They keep telling us they have cut to the bone. Some believe not quite. Time for a reality check. With a 4/4 split on everything, Crestwood has a Mexican standoff until the Mayor chimes in. We also have a mix of elderly, young and middle aged. Somewhere there has to be some middle ground.

7:40 PM, June 13, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The middle ground does not prevail. The mayor is leading the charge. Although the charter clearly states the BOA is supposed to make the decisions the mayor controls direction with the split you referred too. The mayor is in love with being the tie break vote.

9:56 PM, June 14, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well then the Mayor will have to take the consequences of his actions which don't seem impressive enough to support a tax increase or make obvious cuts to help eliminate a tax increase. As the city hangs over a cliff, it all looks like a board game.

12:04 PM, June 16, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about this for spending money.

It seems earlier this year we spent $70k to seal asphalt cracks to numerous to be effective. Then Crestwood public works removed the asphalt of several of the streets sealed and applied new asphalt.

Why, do you ask, are the cracks sealed and then remove the surface and and sealing compound a few weeks later?

Good question. Could some one please explain the justification of the director of public works for this action and waste of money?

10:13 PM, June 16, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Naturally, the city shouldn't do anything to be proactive. Perhaps several of your neighbors had called to complain and instead of waiting several weeks they put a band-aid on a crumbling street. Your right though. Let's eliminate all street repair, snow removal, animal control, reduce hours of operation at the community center, close sections of the pool instead of repairing them, just stop taking car of the sappington house(since we can't just get ride of it), only operate one fire truck and reduce the number of officers on patrol. I am glad about one thing. Lindbergh school district covers much more than just crestwood. Lindbergh has over 20 million in reserve where crestwood might have 1 million. Luckily Lindbergh will get there taxes to pass. I would think by this last election in ward 4 most would see that the incumbent alderman that voted in favor of a tax increase and then campaigned against it was not reelected. I think most of us are tired of the fighting and are ready to move forward. Also, how does it make sense that we have two alderman in ward 3 from the annexed area? The annexed area cost the city hundreds of thousands of dollars every year for fire service,yet we don't talk about that cost and or duplicate service.

11:09 PM, June 16, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's simple folks, the mall doesn't produce so that money has to be made up from somewhere. Either cut or raise taxes to a level that would help sustain us until we get new retail. I don't pay nealy what my friend pays in Kirkwood. Take a drive through are town and see all the rental units.
Drive through Forrest View Apartments and see all the classy people.

I for one will pay extra to keep my town free of crime which is brought by the lower classes. This town has become cheap enough for these folks to move in, and that will be are decline. Lower property values will just be the start. Crestwood will be the next arm pit of south county if things don't change.

9:46 AM, June 17, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen 9:46. I am glad to see some other Crestwood residents are beginning to see that we can't wait around years for the mall to be redeveloped. No one likes higher taxes, but it is necessary to support the community and maintain property values.

6:40 PM, June 17, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It does seem like Crestwood is a target for buyers who buy houses "as is" for peanuts from elders or children who inherit homes they don't want.Then they rent them doing very little to revitilize them. These rentals are all over town, some have multiple vehicles, care little about the property or the city itself. Over time, this drags the city down to a very undesirable level with a very undesirable reputation. The spells disaster for a city of 4 sq. miles. Better wake up folks. You are going to look around some day and in your block will be an example of the above. It is not just happening in smaller neighborhoods, it is farily well represented all over town.

9:20 PM, June 17, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If we would install an occupancy permit system that is required when the house is sold property values would stabalize.

This has been proved in many communities including Kirkwood, Maplewood, Richmond Heights, Webster Groves, etc.

Higher property taxes alone will not prevent the decline of property value and desire.

I have heard some of the BOA express concern about property value and stability but no evidence of any action.

9:54 PM, June 17, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Goodness gracious. We don't want the city to crumble. So let's be proactive!

Animal control?
Absolutely. In fact I think we should have animal rangers. They should be equipped with everything they need to capture the feral cat population that is overtaking Crestwood. We need at least 10 rangers, who are specialized in animal capture and adoption. Hopefully we can pay them only 100,000 per year (what a bargain!!!) and provide them with Hummers to drive. Nothing but the best … after all, we exist to serve the city, not the other way around! Remember that.

You bet. They need more cars. At least 100-200 more, 300 if possible. Maybe we could provide drivers for them too. Nothing but the best … after all, we exist to serve the city, not the other way around! Remember that.

Wonderful! He should take credit for everything and I mean everything. The sun rising, the sun setting, photosynthesis, you name it. We should give him more power to speak his mind. After all, he is far too humble. We are so lucky to have him and we should be overwhelmed with pride that he represents us. Nothing but the best … that’s Crestwood!

Sappington House?
A historical marvel – better than the Taj Mahal, Stonehenge, or the Egyptian pyramids. During this recession, let’s use the city’s money and restore it. Then down the road, the restaurant might open and they can serve small mediocre tasteless meals like they have done in the past. We are so lucky to have such a wonderful historical home with such cultural significance in this fine city. Remember, nothing but the best.

Crestwood Mall?
Well for one thing, we should give the developers whatever financial assistance they want. Money is no object. If they want to build cheap condos or a water slide, we should subsidize them as much as we can.

Where do I begin? We need to quadruple them! And I’m not talking just property taxes either. I’m talking sales taxes, utility taxes, whatever taxes. We should tax air. Make ‘em sky high. Oh, you or your spouse is out of work? Too damn bad. Our city needs money and after all, that’s why we exist!

Yes, please! We need more bridges! For the love of God, don’t you know a forest fire might break out? So if there is a place that could use a bridge, then be all means, let’s build a bridge.

So yes, let’s be proactive. After all, we residents exist for the city and we are leaching off of poor Crestwood.

10:06 PM, June 17, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:06 PM Blogger: By George your right (especially the "Rangers !)

Tom Ford

3:23 PM, June 18, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to the 10:06 poster, I have a better idea! Let's shut down all city services, fire all employees except Tina Flowers and Mr. Duchild, since they're the only people in the town worth a darn anyway.We can make city hall into retail spaces. We do, of course, need the 300 police cars and at least that many fire trucks, since those are the only services a city needs anyway. The pool? Close it down, no family friendly venues should be maintained, for heaven's sake. After all, the only thing we should be focused on is crazy ex-spouses trying to kill us so that 50 or 60 of the 300 police cars can come to the house. The plays at Whitecliff? Please. That is unacceptable. That is family friendly and sets Crestwood apart and even "up" from other communities. Can't have that, for crying out loud. Sappington House? Good Lord, tear it down and build retail or something there, because history and roots mean nothing in a community. Screw the past anyway, what's it done for any of us?? At least retail will pay us money, which is all a community is about anyway. Crestwood's parks? pave 'em and build more retail. Parks might come under the heading of family friendly and, as previously stated, we can't have that. More retail!!

This plan is just a start. We could get rid of soooo many other things here in Crestwood that we could resemble East St. Louis in no time!All we have to do is try. I say we take this basic plan to Ms. Flowers or Mr. Duchild. If they are not available, Mr. Miguel would do also. I also like the idea of removing anyone in the city with opinions that don't concur with my own....hmm. I'll think about that one before I write up my plan for Crestwood.

8:58 PM, June 18, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My oh my! I am flummoxed, shocked, and flabbergasted that you did not like my plan for Crestwood!

Ok, let me adjust my plan. Hopefully, it will be to your liking.

Ok, I admit, I was a bit stingy. Let's up it to 600 cars. Now...and this is gonna hurt, but to park all those cars, we're gonna need a larger parking lot. So...let's move Sappington House to the Crestwood Plaza location. No retail at Crestwood Plaza - not even a water slide - and put Sappington House in Crestwood Plaza's location. Didn't the mayor call it our Monticello? I'll have to find his quote. But let's take the Sappington House location and make it a parking lot. This way, we take our proud historical landmark with mediocre meals and make it the pride of Crestwood right on our main street!

Animal control
You said nothing about it, so I'm assuming you like my idea of hiring 10 rangers who ride around in Hummers. Great!

Well, adjoining cities in this area have aquatic centers - Webster Groves, Sunset Hills so that doesn't set us apart. But those plays ... that's what makes a city! "A Streetcar name failed economic development" "Feral Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" "Restrictive Sign Codes on 42nd Street" "A Midsummer Night's Animal Control"

Crestwood Parks
Pave them? Aren't you being a bit harsh? After all, we only have so many trucks that sit at the Pardee Lane facility. I don't know if we have enough equipment to pave over the parks. If we don't, we may need to buy more trucks...but then again, we're gonna need more parking. But you might have hit on something dear blogger. If we eliminate the parks, guess what? We cut down the risk of forest fires!!! Isn't that great!!! But...we still need to build those bridges!

I sincerely hope that my modified plan is more to your liking.

10:07 PM, June 18, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

IF the City's website would work and IF the City had put the minutes of BOA meetings from about 12 years ago, you would uncover occupancy permit system was under review then.

What did get passed was an occupancy permit system for rental property. I guess it is still on the books, just have to wonder is the current leaders in Crestwood even know about it or if they do, if its enforced?

This is the kind of thing Mike Anthony was writing about a couple of weeks ago in the CALL when he spoke out against term limits. He was correct, we were wrong. Term limits has weakened the BOA's willingness and ability to stand up to a bully type mayor. Much less the loss of Aldermanic memory.

Look for the current mayor to appoint a "new" Charter review commission and don't be surprised if one of the things they recommend is the removal of term limits, just in time for the Mayor to run again for his fourth term.

Cool, huh?

10:47 PM, June 18, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Well, while far fetched at best, at least we have "critical" tinkling, and humor going for us !

By the way, forget the "occupancy code deal as the "code officer" is way to busy with the Sappington House (her free residence, and second City job) to ever enforce the permit's.

I would love to cast the play "feral cat on a hot tin roof," I have the perfect male and female lead in mind !

Tom Ford

7:17 AM, June 19, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, and I have an excellent villain in mind!

8:00 AM, June 19, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe I am reading some of these statements. If you are unhappy, do something about it. Not just b**ch about it! If you want the best, move to Ladue!!

9:32 PM, June 19, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would, but I don't think Ladue will get animal control rangers! Plus I like the idea of 600 police cars.

11:53 PM, June 19, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:32 PM Blogger: Were wrapped a bit tight tonight, no The Blogger's are having some fun with witty banter, so relax and enjoy the prose !

Tom Ford

8:23 AM, June 20, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, 11:53 poster, with 600 police cars, I personally insist we have 2 officers per car, so that is 1200 officers, plus at least 100 more at the police station to man the 100's of calls about crazy ex-spouses attacking the citizens of Crestwood. So that's 1300 officers, BARELY enough to cover Crestwood. We'll have to squeak through with less coverage, I guess. Now...about the firefighters...

4:05 PM, June 20, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4:05 PM Blogger: Well I think we will need at least one (firefighter) "billeted" in every house and business, 24/7 to insure the "safety" of our good town is maintained.

And since were ALL concerned about the eminent outbreak of a "canopy fire" in the park, I would like to offer my services as a pilot with commercial/ multi engine/ instrument ratings to stand by at the airport in case. Of course this will require us to purchase an old S2F tracker ($975,000.00 to start) outfitted with tanks to fight the fire as well. Oh, I will need a refresher course so please toss in another $7,000.00 to get me current. And please do not forget a small stipend (say $145,000.00) to get me by.

Now for the para medics at every home where residents are over 65, well you understand !

Get your bad self to the Board meeting on 6/21 and let the "leadership" know how you feel about the "coming storm !"

Tom Ford

4:40 PM, June 20, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish you would not use the phrase Alderman John Foote uses. Mr.Foote preaches about the "coming storm" for three years and asks for increased taxes to calm it.

AS of today the storm has not appeared and city continues to spend money as fast as it can collect it.

5:26 PM, June 21, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:05 PM, June 20, 2010
I agree totally!

And Tom, if it was up to me, you'd have the job!!!

And since I'm so agreeable with everything, blogger 5:26, you are so right too. I've seen and heard Mr. Foote get rather dramatic. Perhaps he should try out for one of Whitecliff's plays?

9:13 PM, June 21, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

'Look for the current mayor to appoint a "new" Charter review commission and don't be surprised if one of the things they recommend is the removal of term limits, just in time for the Mayor to run again for his fourth term.

Cool, huh?

10:47 PM, June 18, 2010'

Is it time for another charter review commission, or can the mayor appoint one as he/she sees fit?

3:28 PM, June 22, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:26 PM Blogger : Your right, I will never again use a "Footeism" on this blog ! How about a "gathering of spendthrifts ?"

3:28 PM Blogger: It has not been 10 years since the last one was convened (illegally) so he may have a bit of a problem pulling it off, but it is "King Roy" you know !

Right now I am interested in the re-roofing of the animal adoption clubs building. Is this going to be completed, and will the "shelter" then meet code ? (hint, not on your life !)

As soon as the roof is on and before the "shelter" is opened I will file a FOIA form for ALL the permit's, the inspections, and the code compliance as completed by our code officer.

Should that turn up nothing (and I am betting it will) I will then be out at County Public works for an explanation of why I have to pull permits in Crestwood but the "club" does not !

Tom Ford

6:00 PM, June 22, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

am curious why you keep putting the word shelter in quotes. What is that all about?

8:01 PM, June 22, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I"ll ask a question too: what do you object to about the building getting a new roof?

8:25 PM, June 22, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:01 PM Blogger:Because that is what the animal rescue club calls the building.

8:25 PM Blogger: Nothing, but it's not costing one red cent to do (free from Affordable roofing) so there must be money left to bring the building into compliance with GOVERNMENT LAWS AND CODES !

Tom Ford

3:57 PM, June 23, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why put a new roof on it? A forest fire is probably going to destroy it anyway!

4:18 PM, June 23, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4:18 PM Blogger: Please it will be a "canopy fire," Alderman Foote has designated it as such and he is never wrong. (just ask him.)

Tom Ford

6:06 PM, June 23, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Word has it that Mr. Foote won his seat on the Crestwood BOA fair and square and represents his Ward in a representative manner. He appears to be a decent and honorable man. The fact that he is the fly in the ointment of some on this blog is unintentional as far as I am concerned. However, it appears he has presented the opportunity for these folks to blow off steam at every occasion.
Sadly this steam takes on the aura of semi meltdown eliminating the possibility of viable debate. I have read other areas of fiscal concern on this blog and it is always overlooked for the more fertile and volitile darts thrown constantly at animal control. A percent of which is conjecture, not fact. Some of the characteristics describing the Mayor can be found on this blog. This can be considered a personal style or hypocrisy.

12:41 PM, July 16, 2010  

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