Mr. Mike Anthony opines on "term limits" for Crestwood Alderman. (click here.)

Again another fine piece by Mr. Anthony, and one with which I mostly agree ! I agree all the way down to the part where he states that the Mayor "Bullies" the Alderman. What's that you say ? Well, he does Bully the Alderman, but he now has four willing minions that will do his bidding minus the "bullying !" Mr. Anthony was kind enough to leave the four compadries out of his missive, but I will remind you of who they are.
Ward 1. Mimi Duncan
Ward 2. Chris Pickel
Ward 4. John Foote, and D. Beasley
If you check their voting records you will find them in lock step with the "King." This may well be one place that "term limit's" are a plus for Crestwood !
Tom Ford
NO. 765
Richard Breeding of Ward, 1, Richard LaBore of Ward 1, Tim Trueblood of Ward 2 So please expand on the thought and tell me what do nothing Duwe accomplished. Beezley is an exact replacement.
What did Labore accomplish?
Breeding, what a joke.
Where did all the money go when the cash was rolling. They spent it like drunken sailors. The previous BOA's failed to reserve anything for the future.
5:45 AM Blogger: I agree we have had some real "WINNERS" on that Dias over time but the "Liberal Four" now up there are the "Piece DE resistance" of "tax and spend !"
Take a look at the bill of fare up there:
Pickel, world class weather vane, votes with Roy every time he has the chance !
Beasley, Cant cast a vote or express an idea without the help of John Foote (watch her look at him for guidance.)
Duncan, Full replacement for Pat Dwue, as she has zero original ideas, I am glad she can find the building.
Foote, Now here we have an interesting soul. He claims to be conservative yet votes in lock step with "His Honor" who is anything but!
"His Honor," The puppet master who has all the strings to control the above, and he uses them well !
So you see we are dogged by a group of tax and spend liberals who will stop at nothing to get re-elected, Crestwood be dammed ! Until this changes were going to go right down the tubes, but heck we will have a bridge to jump off of,and we won't have to worry about "feral cat's" getting in the way, will we ?
Tom Ford
5:45 AM Blogger: I forgot to tell you that as a former Navy man myself, I can assure you at least when we ran out of money we went back to the ship.
Not so with tax and spend liberals ! Watch for the next Roy, John tax increase coming your way soon, trust me !
Tom Ford (USN, 1960-68)
Well the Kirkwood and Lindbergh school districts seem to think the tax payers can stomach some healthy increases. Lindbergh wants a .65 cents per hundred increase for another 8 million dollars. The reasoning you ask?
To continue to increase the quality of the education. Top notch swimming pools, athletic fields etc that small % of the student population use. Where does the spending stop or slow down?
When did we decide that the quantity of money spent directly influences the quality of anything?
Perhaps we tax payers need to find a way to vote our selves a raise. OH!!!!!! Wait!!!!
We tried that when Obama was elected.
You have to love the hope and change. NOT. Give me some tea please.
just an FYI, many, many students use the athletic fields at LHS. It is not limited to football. Track and field, marching band, citizens who wish to use the track, the list goes on and on.
12:40 PM Blogger: I agree on the use of the athletic fields. I just got back from Trueman School where my Grandson played his baseball game.
I don't think we should even consider skimping on the kids, or the school district. Please remember folks when "some" thought the TIF, TDD, CID for Kohl's and that idiot private pool were a "must have" we screwed the school district (and the kids) out of that tax money.
Now as for tax money going to lying, four flushing third rate ward healers and the "King," in this town well, NO WAY!
We have but four Aldermen who really understand how to run a City and a business:
Miguel (we loose him in April.)
The rest are "tax and spend" seat warmers just waiting for the chance to do the "King's" bidding !
I will support the school districts tax increase just as I will support anyone who runs against these four " tax and spend Roy boys and girls !
Tom Ford
Tom, I would like to say I agree with you on Mr Anthony,
but from what I've read from him dealing with Crestwood he tends to bully mayor Robinson quite abit Though I dont know the mayor, I tend to belive your comments more then Mr Anthony's. He tends to leave Lindburg school Dist alone. while trying to straddel the fence in Mehlville. Furthermore what his paper allows for the the Fire District is unbeliveable. Lindburg Is one of the finest School around as is Mehlville. I guess what im saying is information from the call is like trying to haul water in a paper bag its just not going to work.
Mr. Anthony rarely has anything nice to say about Creswtood, which is why he's on a pedestal on this blog. The blog owner also has very little positive to say about Crestwood. Which still make me wonder why in the world he still lives here, given all the negativity he apparently feels.
12:06 Blogger: I still live here just to give you something to squawk about my friend !
The Blog owner is just that, THE OWNER !" As such I get to do and say what I please and you just get to post under the brave name "anonymous."
Now you too can start one (Blog) and maybe make it, or fail miserably but that will take courage I doubt you have !
Tom Ford
(PS: read Mr. Anthony's editorial )
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