Friday, June 18, 2010

The new Crestwood $7000.00 web site that is down more than it's up. (click here)

Interesting to say the least, we spent a nice chunk of change for a site that no one seems to like and is down quite a bit. I am told for-instance that each department head is responsible for up grading their section of the site, however they can't seem to log on to do it !

Naturally I went to the animal control portion only to find a "404" error message there. Now I am also told that there are no pets to be adopted so the point is moot, but what if there were ?

I wonder why no pets are available, after all the City is over run with feral cats (Susie and the Doctor's words, not mine) so are we to believe they (the cat's) are all on vacation, and Susie has nothing to do ?

Oh well if she get's bored she can always go to the park, pick up a shovel, and pitch in on the "bridge to no where."

Maybe the folks that ordered this new web site can find a job with better pay at BP as it doesn't seem to matter if results are gained, only that the money is spent !

Tom Ford

NO. 766


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