Thursday, July 15, 2010

For all you liberal / progressives who believe in Obama, click here !

By the way, Dame Margret Thatcher said, " The problem with Liberals is that sooner or later they run out of other peoples money !" That said, why don't you fund your "hobby group," (animal adoption, and friends of animals yourself ?)

Tom Ford

NO. 774


Anonymous Anonymous said...

what exactly do the words you wrote have to do with the oil spill? And what would you have the president do...get his scuba gear on and swim down to cap it himself? I guess he could try to see that this doesn't happen again by getting a temporary ban on off shore drilling until we can be sure we know just what is going on and can control things better...oh wait. That got shot down...Well, if worse comes to worse, he could always send some people to the Middle east. There must be some country over there we haven't attacked recently.

Liberal ?

9:35 PM, July 15, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would have expected Mr. Obama to have accepted the help offered to him one day after the leak. The fact that he didn't is something he and he alone is to be held accountable.
Mr Obama said when he was running for President that if he won, he would get us out of IRAQ and win war in Afghanistan. He has done nether.
His economic plan is best described as


11:12 PM, July 15, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say we eliminate term limits and re-elect Bill Clinton. Just my opinion, other than his intern issues, he had this country moving in the right direction.

6:23 AM, July 16, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yet you'll defend W. when he refused all that help after katrina? and he didn't address the issue for days and days? Unbelievable.

7:30 AM, July 16, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No matter what, it always gets back to Obama or W. Crestwood independent?????????

12:14 PM, July 16, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:30 AM Blogger: Well I guess you know that "W" had to wait to be invited, and he wasn't.

You see "school bus Nagan" the Mayor nor the democRAT Governor asked the FEMA for help for several days thus delaying the assistance.

Now obama on the other hand had the chance to step in immediately and he went golfing !

defend "W" sure he did what he had to do and that was to wait for a formal FEMA / Federal help request before he could send in the National Guard (as it should be.)

If your history book hasn't been re-written yet check it out for your self.

6:23 AM Blogger: Even I will agree that Bill Clinton is better than obama ! Heck i would trade obama for a rake and a shovel at this point.

Tom Ford

4:16 PM, July 16, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

12:14 PM Blogger: " Crestwood independent ????????"

You bet it is, all of you get to independently remark on whatever and I get to be independent in my thinking and blogging. Neat A ?

Tom Ford

5:39 PM, July 16, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


11:21 PM, July 16, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Tom Ford

10:48 AM, July 25, 2010  

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