Mr. Kevin Jackson's take on race relations in 2010 (Please click here for the story.)

Interesting remarks from the Conservative African American blogger from "The Black sphere" blog.
If you are a member of, or have entertained the the idea of joining a TEA Party group, this will give you a bit of an insight into how a Black American patriot looks at the TEA party and the NAACP.
I welcome your remarks and take on this as it is going to be one of the main issues in America, sooner rather than later.
Tom Ford
NO. 777
The Tea Party group are racist homophobes who cling to guns and religion as justification for their neanderthal behavior. This would be why Mark Williams was just kicked out for his racist blog entry posing as a fictional letter from black people to President Lincoln:
"Dear Mr. Lincoln," began the fictional letter posted by Williams. "We Coloreds have taken a vote and decided that we don't cotton to that whole emancipation thing. Freedom means having to work for real, think for ourselves, and take consequences along with the rewards. That is just far too much to ask of us Colored People and we demand that it stop!"
Unbelievable. Even more predictable was the fact that his moron was unavailable for comment. So, that's who's been leading your tea party movement, who went on to say,
"Bailouts are just big money welfare and isn't that what we want all Coloreds to strive for?" the posting said. "What kind of racist would want to end big money welfare? What they need to do is start handing the bail outs directly to us coloreds!" (
Racisim at its foulest. I am disgusted that this blog advocates this tea party group, and will never, ever log on here again, since you are very much known by the company you keep, as well as the company you advocate. I have just learned alot.
Suggest you hear all the quotes from Mark Williams from one of the two factions of tea party. In the news today a lot. I won't quote and spoil the wonder of it for you.
5:43 PM Blogger: I see you really know nothing about the TEA party, sad but true.
If you ask me spouting the party line isn't learning anything my friend, but have it your way.
Tom Ford
I have no idea who posted that first response, but I agree. The 4 pm poster says quotes from Williams are all over the news. I have checked cnn, cbs, and even Fox Noise. Can't find any quotes other than his original statments about the letter being "satire". What news do you read? I have looked everywhere.
And Mr. Ford, While I have no idea what the original poster had in mind when the post was made, I have to say I agree. Leaders tend to gather people of like minds. This guy was in charge of some faction of this tea party group. That is scary, and your defense of this group is very telling.Maybe I don't know what the tea party stands for, but I have a little closer idea now. It bothers me that you would continue to defend anyone who would publicly make that kind of "satire".
5:31 PM Blogger : Have we descended into political correctness to the point where satire is no longer allowed ?
Let's see, first it was prayer in schools, then we weren't allowed to discuss race relations, and now (according to some) if your a TEA party member your clinging to your religion and your guns !
Well I do support the TEA party movement because I find that 'clinging to my religion and gun's" is not all that bad !
You see "For those who have fought for it freedom has a taste the protected will never know" It was true when it was first said, and by the grace of God it's true today !
By the way, you seem to be a very level headed poster, how would you like to be the first to start a thread on the Blog (other than me ?)
If so, please email me with the text and I shall post it verbatim.
Tom Ford
Well, the guns and religion thing is generally used with the "our founding fathers wanted it that way" argument. Our founding fathers also practiced and promted slavery and sexism, so they certainly were not perfect. Am I for gun control? Under certain circumstances, yes. And fighting for freedom and all that is very nice, I'll grant you, but it doesn't give way to it being okay to say the things Mr. Williams said. That was uncooth and disgusting. Also, I don't believe for one second that was satire. There are so many things in our contry to satire, yet the tea party just KEEPS going down the racial road. The president in African native garb, ugly racist things shouted and signs held, and now this. Sure, there are others who might do a few of these things too, but all of these, one after the other?? It's a pattern, and I for one don't like it one bit. Satire, by back side.
And thanks for the compliment,but I can't imagine what I'd say in a thread.
Rick Sanchez, CNN, covered the Mark Williams vocals. Wasn't pretty stuff. Like seeing the air sucked out of America.
the whole tea party movement is sucking the air out of america. I deeply believe in the Pledge: one nation, under God, indivisible....we are united as one nation. It's even on our money: e pluribus unum translates to out of the many, one. To have people like Sarah Palin making up words and insisting a Mosque rec enter shouldn't be built near Ground Zero... Why not? It's what this country was founded on--religious freedom! Do I want to pay more for health care right now? Definitely not. But this country can't survive with huge blocks of people unable to see a doctor, so I will, because I am part of this country, and my country is hurting, and I will do my part to help everyone, because when everyone is helped, I am helped. Do I want the deficit to rise so unemployment payments can be extended to those out of work? Of course not. But I will sure not tell out of work people they are out of luck. They are my neighbors, and my fellow americans. Plus, where do republicans get off worrying about the deficit now?? Where was all this concern when we got into 2 wars? I just feel like we need to do all we can to contribute to the whole now more than ever.And I also feel that racism has no place in this task, and neither does undermining our president. I think there is more he can do, yes, but I will try to do my small part to make things better overall. This evry man for himself and screw everyone around me goes against what made this country great and it infuriates me to see the tea party living by that.
The Tea Party has members from all races, can you say that about the New Black Panther Party?
Do any of you realize when Obama took office the unemployment rate was under 5%? If Bush was so bad why did it increase only after Obama took over? For a man who many of you liberals hated so much, and who you thought was stupid, he must have been pretty smart to make the economy drop AFTER he left office.
Two wars? Do you liberals remember the voices of the Dem Senators who backed, including the late Ted Kennedy supporting our action in Iraq? Do you remember Obamas promise to get us out of Gitmo and Iraq and Afghanistan?
Must be Bush's fault that we are still there, right?
Remember the bale out the UAW pension fund when the Feds took over Chrysler and GM? Remember when they closed so many dealers?
Guess what, the Inspector General for the TARP fund said the same wonderful Federal Government who can do no wrong in the misty eyes of liberals, failed to consider the economic fallout when they closed the dealers.
And I guess that is Bush's fault as well.
How many family vacations did the awful Busch take, how many rounds of golf did he play in his 8 years in office? Compare that to our current Presidents track record and tell me who is screwing up our future.
As I recall, Bush was on a constant vacation, and wouldn't even cut one of them short for Katrina's aftermath. He took nearly 500 vacations to Camp David alone, not even counting the never ending trips back to his ranch in Texas. I do , actually, remember the promise to close Gitmo. Do YOU remember who has been blocking it? I also remember an economy in terrible trouble when Obama took office. Bush didn't create anything after he was in full swing while he was still there. Refusing to admit something doesn't make it not so. And this is the very thing I'm talking about. It is so easy to blame the president and just say it's all his fault. It's not. It never is, no matter what administration you're talking about. Both parties worked together to bring on this mess, and the refusal to work together now is why it isn't going away.The finger pointing, the name calling, the tantrums being had in both Houses, that all accomplishes nothing. And comparing the Black Panthers to the alleged thousands and thousands in the Tea Party is lame at best.The Panthers were started as a militant black group with violence on their minds, and they were never a huge national movement, and they still aren't. And I really have no memory of a national level leader of any group, ever, in this current day and age, so blatantly racist as Mr. Williams was to publish that blog letter. You can throw rocks at the other party all you want, but it doesn't change the horror of that letter and what is right behind it in meaning.
Who is blocking this President from doing anything he wants"? He had an unstoppable majority for how long after swearing in? Why wasn't it done then?
You are willing to over look being called a cracker and being threaten with your life? What is wrong with your sense of self preservation?
Do you hope that because you are a liberal the Black Panthers didn't include you as a cracker who they will kill?
Those are their words not mine. When will the NAACP condemn them?
Get your head out of the sand or were ever you have today.
I want you to support your claim of the number of vacations Bush took and the number of golf weekends he had in his 8 years, figure out the average per month, then do the same for Obama.
January 16, 2009
"George W. Bush is today making his final visit to Camp David as president.
He will likely miss the place: According to CBS News White House Correspondent Mark Knoller, today's trip marks Mr. Bush's 149th visit to the presidential retreat. The planned three-day stay, during which the president is being joined by family and former and current aides, will bring his total time spent at Camp David to all or part of 487 days.
Yes, that's 487 days. And Camp David is not even where the president has spent the most time when not at the White House: Knoller reports that Mr. Bush has made 77 visits to his ranch in Crawford during his presidency, and spent all or part of 490 days there."
some say it is to his credit that he didn't force the majority and insisted on getting agreements from both sides, others say is was dumb on his part. either way he shoul dhave known he'd never, ever get agreement from the Republicans. Can you say filibuster? And, what is the obsession with the Black Panthers? They are not a relevant group in this discussion. They have nothing to do with the tea Party or anyone else I can think of. They are an extremist fringe group. And, while you're on that subject, I have never been called a cracker to my face, and I don't feel there's anything wrong with my self preservation. Why are you unable to see the point I'm making? This sort of juvenille bickering is why we're in the place we're in. Black Panthers...crackers....all of it nonsense in the face of what we as a nation must face. Grow up.
But it's not just where and when presidents travel, it's how often. Ronald Reagan took 349 vacation days at his California ranch during his eight years in office. In his first year and a half as President, George W. Bush vacationed 96 days. Over that same time period, President Obama has taken 36 days.
Read more:
6:57 PM Blogger: I can't either, that's up to you, but that's one thing that makes Blogging interesting. Give it a try some time, just go with your feelings and let the masses tell you theirs, it's fun.
By the way, NO EMAIL ADDRESSES will ever be revealed (other than mine) so please do not worry about anyone finding out who you are unless you want them to.
Tom Ford
so the facts have been laid out on the vacation time. No response? I thought as much. again-
January 16, 2009
"George W. Bush is today making his final visit to Camp David as president.
He will likely miss the place: According to CBS News White House Correspondent Mark Knoller, today's trip marks Mr. Bush's 149th visit to the presidential retreat. The planned three-day stay, during which the president is being joined by family and former and current aides, will bring his total time spent at Camp David to all or part of 487 days.
Yes, that's 487 days. And Camp David is not even where the president has spent the most time when not at the White House: Knoller reports that Mr. Bush has made 77 visits to his ranch in Crawford during his presidency, and spent all or part of 490 days there."
11:26 AM, July 20, 2010
August 2007
"Bush on track to become the vacation president," Julie Mason headlined in the August 9, 2007, edition of the Houston Chronicle:[1]
"On Thursday, Bush left for a weekend in Kennebunkport, Maine, and his family's summer compound, Walker's Point. On Monday, he heads to his Crawford retreat, where he has spent all or part of 418 days of his presidency, according to Mark Knoller, a CBS News White House correspondent and meticulous record-keeper.
"...The presidential vacation-time record holder is the late Ronald Reagan, who tallied 436 days in his two terms. At 418 days, and with 17 months to go in his presidency, Bush is going to beat that easily."
yes, I was talking to the poster who wanted to accuse Obama of playing more golf than anyone. Please. Get the news from Fox, no doubt.
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