To those who would push us into Socialism, your going in November ! (please click here.)

For all who would destroy America, this is our response ! I have been castigated for writing about other than Crestwood items here, but enough is enough ! Crestwood is but a microcosm of the political process in Washington, and the sooner we realize it the better off we will be !
Strange, when I was growing up if you were a patriot you were revered, not so much any more so it would seem. Well, I served in the military, still come to attention when the Flag passes, and I do believe in the United States of America !
Unfortunately there are those who do not, in fact they believe in the overthrow of America, I do not, nor will I ever ! GOD BLESS AMERICA !
Tom Ford
NO. 781
Deeply moving video. The music was very helpful in evoking emotion. I too am fiercely patriotic. I too love my country deeply, almost to the point of being made fun of by those who know me. And I will tell you this: Obama is not a socialist. Not even close. My reasoning:
".. there are core concepts in socialist politics that are easy to identify, including (1) worker control over the nature and conditions of their work; (2) collective ownership of the major capital assets of the society, the means of production; and (3) an egalitarian distribution of the wealth of a society."
"Obama has never argued for such principles, and in fact consistently argues against them, as do virtually all politicians who are visible in mainstream U.S. politics. This is hardly surprising, given the degree to which our society is dominated by corporations, the primary institution through which capitalism operates.
"In short: Obama and some Democrats have argued for a slight expansion of the social safety net, which is generally a good thing in a society with such dramatic wealth inequality and such a depraved disregard for vulnerable people. But that's not socialism. It's not even socialism lite. It's capitalism -- heavy, full throttle,..." (
These are just some reasons I say he displays no resemblance to socialists. And those on here and around the country that loathe the thought of socialized medicine better not use Medicare, EVER, and if they currently have it they better drop it, because that's exactly what it is. So lemee guess: Are you a Tea Party guy? A Birther? Dear God, tell me you aren't one of those crazy birther people. Probably a Tea Party guy. I have some very interesting facts about the Tea Party. Always yelling and screaming about the government wasting money, but not one member will be giving up social security or medicare, will they? Interesting about the shouting about the stimulus money being given out...seems the Tea Party has a huge problem with the stimulus package. Yet, bear with me, according to an April New York Times/CBS poll, 89% of Tea Party members are white. And, if I may, out of every dollar spent in the stimulus handouts, 64 cents went to non-Hispanic whites. Hmmm. That means the Tea Party people, as a whole, are screaming bloody murder about careless and evil spending they themselves benefitted from. So much for any credibility left there. I think Tea Parties should be left to children and their imaginary friends, or in books with the Mad Hatter.
I would like to thank the previous blogger for his meaningful points. I believe most of us salute the flag,many have also served their country; we represent America as best we can and are patriots. That aside, I would question the new form of political action that is taking place in an environment of namecalling,and perpetuating lies (birthers). Pure hatefulness as they stomp around and diseminate the kind of information that would most likely appaul those who wrote our Constitution. The signs they carry don't represent patriotisn, they don't grow patriotism, they in no way foster freedom and democracy, they simply promote flaming rhetoric and print which doesn't approach patriotism. To call a president a Socialist is a bully tactic, not to mention all the other things "small-loud" people call him. Patriotism to me means polite discression and fair politics. People who are proud of their family, their job, their religion and ethics; their political stance and their country are everywhere, nice people.Friends who do not put friends in categories based on politics or religion. Not so strangely, only since the current president was elected, our first black president, has a specific and well defined public and vociferous element "come out" and alas,their their agenda has little to do with the definition of patriotism and everything to do with "color." There have been 2 major parties for a long time, spittng out the term "liberal" with a singular meaning/intent shows intolerance also not all that patriotic.
Guess what, this blogger is not of the liberal bent; but frankly my stance would include "knocking off" this ugly nonsense and flame throwing as I am not impressed. I suspect I don't stand alone in this conclusion. I am willing to express my patriotism by representing my country and party and president with reasonable expectations, attention to facts, and the ability to decipher political nonsense and deceit and actual impropriety when it comes to patriotism.iriety
I will further state that the ugly name calling and outright lies flying all over were not tolerated on a national level when either Bush was in office. W flat out accused people publicly of being anti-American if his supreme judgement was questioned. Again, more bullying. It must stop. Especially since those who seem to do most of the bullying are usually wrong and have none of their facts straight. Recent examples? Shirley Sherrod, Van Johnson...outright lies were told in the guise of "breaking news" by...Fox Noise. Bullying. And in those cases, ruined reputations and lives. For what?? Someone please tell me the point of any of of. What has it accomplished?
11:07 PM Blogger: Your points 1, 2,and 3 are in the works as we speak.Car industry, Banks, Wall Street.
More and more union bosses being appointed as czars,SEIU members attacking a black man for handing out flags, and Mr. Obama has said he wants to redistribute the wealth (Joe the plumber-2008.) I believe you make my case for me.
One thing, if he is not a socialist, he must have moved on to full fledged Communist as a Communist is nothing more than a socialist in a hurry.
Are you positive the 64 cents went to only Tea Party people ? I doubt that seriously.
12:41 PM Blogger: I really think you need to tell that to the democRATS as they are the party of hate mongering, race hustling, and general cohos ("a crisis is a terrible thing to waste !"), not the Tea Partier's !
To satisfy both of you I am what's called a Reagan Conservative with definite leaning's to the Tea Party side. "Birthers ?" Well we shall See where that goes, but no matter what he will not be out until November 2012 (his buddies will be long gone by then !)
Tom Ford
(A person who has never gotten a dime from the stimulus fund and is not on Medicare, or the public dole.)
No, what I said was, 64 cents of every stimulus dollar went to non-Hispanic whites. The Tea Party is made of roughly 89% whites. Therefore, the lion's share went to white people, so it stands to reason that many, many Tea Partiers got stimulus money they yelled was so wrong. I guess that was being shouted as they went to cash the checks.
Czars? Don't go there. "Czars' were started with a Bush in the White House and you know it. Obama didn't start that and he didn't call them that title. It was established long before he got there.
Please don't bring Joe the Plumber into anything. He was then and is now irrelevant to any conversation, and all he was interested in was cashing in on what he could get from his 15 minutes of fame.
As for all your take over paranoia, please read the following, published in May of this year: ( I realize quotes and facts are what is taken seriously on this blog, so here you go):
"Despite the fact that thousands of Americans die every month from a lack of affordable health insurance, the Republicans have argued that the government isn't allowed to "takeover" the industry. It goes without saying that the president wasn't proposing any such thing and, in fact, publicly denounced single-payer health insurance, but okay. The Republicans truly believe the health care reform bill is socialism and a total takeover of the industry. It's not.
Likewise, the Republicans and tea party people have been screeching about the bailouts. They insist that the banks and financial institutions (and GM) should have been allowed to fail, rather than receiving emergency loans from the government in order to, at the time, prevent the American economy from being dragged down along with these institutions had they not been hoisted with an infusion of cash.
Here's the REAL Kicker:
"Americans dying from a lack of health insurance? Too bad. No government takeover. The economy about to sink into a second Great Depression? Too bad. No government takeover. The Earth growing warmer due to the burning of fossil fuels? Too bad. No government takeover.
That is until last month.
A major corporation, not unlike General Motors or Bank of America or WellPoint, failed to properly outfit one of its deep-water oil drilling platforms with the proper failsafe mechanisms and a chain reaction of death and destruction ensued. The Transocean Deepwater-Horizon oil rig, leased by British Petroleum, exploded and eventually sank 5,000 feet to the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico, snapping its drilling riser in several places which, consequently, is spewing black gushers of oil into the ocean at a rate of upwards of a million gallons per day.
And suddenly all of these state's rights, anti-government takeover Republicans are demanding a government takeover of the capping and cleanup process. (If only someone had blasted uninsured Americans in the face with reddish-brown crude oil, the health care reform bill might have received a few Republican votes.)
Bobby Jindal, the state's rights small government governor who tried to block stimulus money from entering Louisiana (though it didn't stop him from eventually accepting giant checks during photo-ops), is demanding that the federal government take over the handling of the disaster."
So now a takeover is okay, eh? So, again, all credibility gone.
3:13 pm blogger: What flavor is that Kool Aid your drinking over there anyway ?
"Despite the fact that thousands of Americans die every month from a lack of affordable health insurance ?" That is ridiculous and you know it, anyone who is ill can be and are treated in the ER free. That is if they can get in for all the illegal aliens, so give that a rest. Besides if "thousands" die each month we would be inundated with funerals and Obit. ads in the papers, (were not !) I just love you guys, everything is a crisis, no matter what !
Do you know what financial straights the Nation is in ? Do you remember when lefty socialists made movies and wrote books on how to kill GW Bush ? Do you remember your lefty buddies in the media placing false stories on the news about Bush ?
The list is endless ! What does Obama plan to do if the oil drillers move out, where will the jobs be then for those who worked on the oil platforms ? In fact what plan do you or Mr. Obama have to bring back jobs in the Country period ? Mr. Obama said if we did the stimulus plan he had the joblessness rate would only go to 8%, in case you missed it were at 9.7% and rising every Month !
The States rights thing is beyond belief, have you ever read the Constitution or the amendments, or the Bill of Rights ? The Name of the Country is THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA not the Federal Government of America, and it was so named for a reason. By now your no doubt frothing at the mouth waiting to insult me as all good lefties do when their feeble case is dashed before their eyes, but try and be nice for a change.
In short I would like to take you seriously, but to do so would be an affront to your intelligence. (GBS)
As the poet said, "There are none so blind as those who will not see !" Why not go to a TEA Party rally, meet some of your fellow Americans hear what they have to say and then come back here and tell all of us the truth ?
Tom Ford
3:13 PM Blogger: A P.S. for your consideration.
"Federal budget gap tops $1 trillion through June "
"AP – President Barack Obama delivers remarks on the economy in the Roosevelt Room of the White House in Washington, …
By ANDREW TAYLOR, Associated Press Writer Andrew Taylor, Associated Press Writer – 2 hrs 59 mins ago
WASHINGTON – New estimates from the White House on Friday predict the budget deficit will reach a record $1.47 trillion this year. The government is borrowing 41 cents of every dollar it spends.
That's actually a little better than the administration predicted in February.
The new estimates paint a grim unemployment picture as the economy experiences a relatively jobless recovery. The unemployment rate, presently averaging 9.5 percent, would average 9 percent next year under the new estimates.
The Office of Management and Budget report has ominous news for President Barack Obama should he seek re-election in 2012 — a still-high unemployment rate of 8.1 percent. That would be well above normal, which is closer to a rate of 5.5 percent to 6 percent. Private economists don't think the unemployment rate will drop to those levels until well into this decade.
The gaping deficits are of increasing concern to voters. But Obama and Democrats controlling Congress are mostly taking a pass on deficit reduction this year as they await possible recommendations from Obama's deficit commission"
Hint, it wasn't GWB's fault either. it was BHO's mismanaging of the recession pure and simple !
Want to spend a few more trillion ?
Tom Ford
An email from a TEA Party member! I just thought you would like to see the folks you maligned !
Senior Member Join Date:Aug 2009
Posts:165 I'm active with the Tea Party movement. Please pass this along to those who smear us.
Those who smear us as racists, along with those who mindlessly accept and disseminate such falsehoods, are people who accept the Saul Alinsky "Rules for Radicals" way of life. That includes lying. As people with no moral compass, they embrace the "Whatever it takes to win" approach. I doubt you'd be comfortable for your children to live like that.
Though I've seen a lot of such behavior in the popular press, it still gives me the chills that human beings can be so enslaved to "The Big State" which is the god of the godless.
initially I didn't know what kind of folks they were, so I checked out the Tea Party people early last year. I found them to be no different than you and I, and very self-conscious to be seen in public actually protesting something. Never in their lives had any of them even dreamed of doing such a thing. But we have changed, changed because we view these as the most dangerous times our country has ever lived through, And I've been around for one world war and numerous small ones.
And so I became increasingly more involved and I now interact with such groups in eastern Pennsylvania, Northern Delaware, central and south New Jersey, along with a group in Scottsdale and in Denver.
Since last August, I've run sidewalk rallies every week at one of the largest malls in the country, King of Prussia, Pennsylvania. In the three hours we're there our messages are seen by between 10 and 14,000 people.
When we started doing them, the ratio of passersby who agreed with us and gave us the thumbs up or horn honk outnumbered the negative gestures by 6 or 8-to-1. In recent months, that ratio has climbed steadily and now runs 20 or 30-to-1.
We're ordinary people, not racist, and intolerant of those who are. If one surfaced in our groups, they would be shunned and tossed out on their ass. But that doesn't mean anything to the leftists. They need to crush us because we represent something they don't like. Whatever it takes to win.
Louis of PA
I also posted a couple of photo's from some of Louis's gatherings, docent look racist to me.
Tom Ford
pray tell, with your expert opinions and obvious medical background, can you tell me when the last time you saw someone get treatment in an ER for chronic diseases? When did you last see regular chemo treatments being administered in an ER? Or weekly dialysis? Did you read the story about the woman who deliberately shot herself in the shoulder to get medical help for a torn rotator cuff no one would treat because she was uninsured? Have you or anyone you know EVER been that desperate? Of course not, neither have I. And in the end, did you read what she was told? They treated the gunshot wound, and sent her home, torn rotator cuff still untreated, because she would need to see a specialist for that. Not without insurance, she won't.But that's not really important, is it? Because she's not important, is she? And do you actually scan every paper across the country every day counting the obits? And if you do, why? So you can say that not enough people are dying to make healthcare reform necessary? Well then how many are enough to make it important? Or would it have to be your mother, your sister, your wife for it to matter AT ALL that your fellow citizens in the country you love so much can't go to a doctor? Then would it matter to you? Or would still the most important thing be to scream names at the president and pout that McCain lost, and refuse to see anything even resembling facts.The deficit didn't show up 18 months ago! It started decades and decades ago. You've been alive longer than a few decades, so you full well know this, yet suddenly it's all Obama's fault. Our deficit is too high, government bailouts are bad....except for the oilspill. Everything is always terrible and evil and communism and whatever else you dream up, until it's convenient for it not to be, then it's fine. Name calling, bullying, ruining lives and reputations, all in a day's work. Nothing ever spoken, as I have, about how silly it all really is, and that no one ever even tries to fix it, just more names, more bullying. You offered to have me send you an email to start a thread on here. This is why I didn't, and this is why I won't. I am new to this area, and actually, I am Not a democrat, can you believe that? Of course not, because I can see both sides have major points, and I happen to be very upset with republican behavior of late. So thanks for your introduction to the area, but I can get called names anywhere, I don't need you to do it. Interesting, though, how reasonable you said I was until I disagreed with you.
5:55 PM Blogger: You were very reasonable until you brought forth the democRAT play book and started telling me I need to carry everyone on the planet !
To answer your question about the Hospitals, the last time I saw it was at Normandy, and St. Louis City Hospital. The things you mentioned would not be treated in the ER, but the patient would get his or her treatment and not be left to die !
Just because they don't get a major suite at Barnes does not mean that they are not treated.
By the way have you ever assisted anyone who needed help with medical conditions ? I have, and I do know what happens when the ambulance is called for a "headache!"
Tom Ford
I have, yes. I have been a caregiver to a family member right up until death. I know what it is to do that. I know the devastation of an entire family. I also know you're flat out wrong if you think chronic, deadly conditions are treated in an ER. Things such as leukemia, dialysis, cancer, HIV to name a few. The immediate problem is addressed, and the patient is then referred to "a specialist". Those without insurance can't see "a specialist". Do you think the uninsured are dying of headaches?? Of head colds to be treated and then they are fine?? They are dying of untreated high blood pressure, cancer, diabetes, HIV...You apparently have a very low opinion of your fellow citizens. That is your right, of course, as is your whole attitude of not "carrying" anyone. Reminds me of Scrooge when he stated he didn't need to help anyone, he was already taxed for them and that was enough. Well, humbug on that, and on the "it's all about me" attitude. I hope your Marley's ghost shows up one day to help you see that the world, or the country, isn't all about you.
7:51 PM Blogger: Forget Jacob Marley, I tossed him under the same bus Obama threw his White grandmother under !
Did you read what I said ? I said they were not treated in the ER, but they would get treated so as not to die ! (My favorite Scrooge comment, "Well if they are like to die, let them do it and reduce the surplus population !")
Dame Margret Thatcher has summed up those who believe as you do beautifully. " The trouble with liberals is that sooner or later they run out of other peoples money."
I am afraid that in November you will find out that a vast majority of Americans believe as I do, get your hand out of my pocket !
Tom Ford
From JournoList to Shirley Sherrod: The Left’s Default Response Is Fascismby John Nolte
CNN Anchor to Shirley Sherrod: Would you like to see [Andrew Breitbart's] site to be shut down?
Shirley Sherrod: “That would be a great thing. Because I don’t see how that advances us in this country.”
Jonathan Zasloff, a law professor at UCLA on JournoList: “I hate to open this can of worms,” he wrote, “but is there any reason why the FCC couldn’t simply pull [Fox's'] broadcasting permit once it expires?”
Why so fascist?
As a proud dues-paying member of The Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy, here’s a little peek behind the curtain to take home with you over the weekend…
Never once, not even in private — not even as the entire corrupted media was savaging Sarah Palin’s family and reporting on the status of a private citizen’s plumber’s license — not even as the whole of the MSM was spreading lies told by the Congressional Black Caucus about the Tea Party hurling racial slurs — not even after reading what we already knew to be true on JournoList — and not even now as we watch all the hypocritical sanctimony surrounding Sharon Sherrod drip from the same MSM lips that refused to broadcast videos proving the Tea Party had been defamed by members of Congress — never once have I heard a fellow Vast Right-Wing Conspirator even hint at the idea of silencing, quieting, or shutting down the other side.
As a former Leftist I do, however, understand the knee-jerk leap to fascism. Being a Leftist sucks when it comes to political debate. You really only have two choices to try and convince others that your progressive ideas and values aren’t toxic, and that’s emotionalism, lies, or both. I remember how frustrating that was and so it only makes sense that Leftists would find appealing everything from a literal “shut up” straight through to wishing that America wasn’t a democracy but instead the kind of country with a government willing and able to permanently silence those opinion and broadcast outlets a chosen few don’t agree with or don’t think “advances us in this country.”
Here’s another insider nugget of information you can take home with you. The warning I most frequently repeat at our thrice-weekly VRWC meetings (a Denny’s on Sunset) is: Take them at their word.
When the Left threatens the 1st Amendment, it’s not hyperbole and it’s not a joke. If they had the power to do it, they would do it. And they’re driving to obtain the power and already have the bill written — the Orwellian named Fairness Doctrine.
Tom Ford
If I may jump in here, I know I am uninvited, but:
The pumber's license issue of privacy was forfeited the moment he agreed to step into the spotlight with McCain's campaign. Same story for Mrs. Palin. And Obama, McCain, and everyone else who ran at one point or another has had their lives "savaged". And I agree I haven't heard of anyone wanting to shut down the other side. I have only heard of the other side spending millions in ads to make sure the other side looks bad. I read a figure of 3 million a week in nationwide ads.
And Mrs. Palin better get used to it. "Deal, baby, deal"!
your favorite Scrooge comment. I am not surprised. Oh, wait, more satire, like "we coloreds" in the letter to Lincoln. Yes!! Satire. Of course. The whole, say what you want then call it satire bit. Good one. "You can't hold it against me! It was just satire! I'm not really a __________"(fill in the blank). Just remember what the ghost told Scrooge after he made that callous, ugly comment.(look it up). Callous, ugly. Name calling, make my point for me. Thank you.
Ah yes, bring it back to the "Racial" comment because that's all you have, no ? I wondered how long it would take you to go there, and now we know !
Well it won't work here as there are no "racists" on this site that I know of. Face it, your in a state of guilt for what ever reason that has sapped all reason from you.
There may be a reason for it if your young enough for as Winston Churchill once said, "When you are one and twenty if your not a liberal, you have no heart, but when you are one and forty if your not a Conservative, you have no mind !"
Tom Ford
actually, Tom, I kind of agree with the ugly and callus thing. That was not necessary when talking about people dying.
9:40 PM Blogger: I disagree, when it comes to people dying I believe it is "Ugly and callous !"
I have seen way too many young lives snuffed out for no good reason to think otherwise !
Tom Ford
were the young lives you saw snuffed out part of the surplus population?
9:11 AM Blogger": I am going with my first reaction, "Never argue with a fool, for after a while the bi-standers have a tough time remembering who the fool is."
Tom Ford
excellent advice. I wish I'd taken it.
2:09 Blogger: You have been a worth opponent, and I applaud you for it ! In fact I will give you a standing invitation for you and a friend, spouse, or whomever to join me for a "meet and greet" cocktail at the spot of your choosing.
Perhaps this poem sent to me by another Viet Nam veteran will say it better that I ever could.
Poem Read at the Funeral of Clifton Austin Salter , sent to me by his brother Don Salter both Vietnam Veterans' .
Written by Terry L Richardson
Copyright © July 18, 2010
Patriot Guard Rider
"Already part of the Wall
Over 58,000 names and more to recall
All written in the granite, of the Vietnam Wall
The names not seen, walking silent shells
Already part of the wall living personal hells.
Brian flew air cav delivering bodies of breath
Picking up silent silhouettes, a Huey of tragic death.
42 years of memories, a mind locked in a replay hall
Still walking among the living, already a part of the wall.
Clifton came back home in the year of 68
Safe away from the Nam but a little too late.
A door gunner issuing fifty cal balls
Still walking among the living, already a part of the wall.
Debra was a nurse, the 85th Evac staged near a battle line.
Piecing together shredded boys, ordered no tearing signs.
In 70 she came home, her mind in constant fall.
Still walking among the living, already a part of the wall.
Johnny was a blueleg, full of life and M-16 power he’d brag.
Two tours and wishing for death all friends sent home in a bag
Now living under a highway bridge, two blocks from the local mall.
Still walking among the living, already a part of the wall.
Over 58,000 names and still counting a faster crawl
All written in the granite of memories known as the Vietnam Wall
The names not seen, minds walking silent in a Nam so small.
Still walking among the living, already a part of the wall."
Written by Terry L Richardson
Copyright © July 18, 2010
Patriot Guard Rider
This poem dedicated to all the brave men and women
Of the Vietnam War.
Tom Ford
I had a relative that fought in Nam, and when he got home he went to church. The minister was much as you describe yourself...conservative, Christian, republican. And that awful man stood in the front of the congregation and called this relative of mine, wearing his dress uniform, a baby killer. I have no use for that kind of thinking, or hate inducing speech. I see alot of it on this blog and dislike it here too. I want to know what it accomplishes. Really...where does it get us? Nowhere, that's where. I see alot of it coming from the republican party, and I knwo you will defend them to the death, but I abhore their tactics in the last few years and I am very upset with this party.
4:35 PM Blogger: I fully understand, I haven't been in Church for much the same reasons for years !
I am a Regan Conservative, not a full fledged Republican but I will admit the Republican Party come closer that the democRATS for me.
Were there another way in America to elect someone without a "R" or a "D" behind their name I would be in the forefront of that group. I hope the TEA party has a shot at it this fall, but I doubt it.
Nasty posts like curse words are the wolf bait of the uneducated, and they will be with us for time immortal, however you and I have not stooped to that level, and yet we disagree on some subjects.
Believe it or not, during the Civil War the political rhetoric was far worse than today, and yet we survived ! Trust me the Nation will survive this onslaught of Communism and Socialism and return the better for it !
Tom Ford
Thomas Sowell Say's !
"Credit card fraud is a serious problem. But race card fraud is an even bigger problem.
Playing the race card takes many forms. Judge Charles Pickering, a federal judge in Mississippi who defended the civil rights of blacks for years and defied the Ku Klux Klan back when that was dangerous, was depicted as a racist when he was nominated for a federal appellate judgeship.
No one even mistakenly thought he was a racist. The point was simply to discredit him for political reasons-- and it worked.
This year's target is the Tea Party. When leading Democrats, led by a smirking Nancy Pelosi, made their triumphant walk on Capitol Hill, celebrating their passage of a bill in defiance of public opinion, Tea Party members on the scene protested.
All this was captured on camera and the scene was played on television. What was not captured on any of the cameras and other recording devices on the scene was anybody using racist language, as has been charged by those playing the race card.
When you realize how many media people were there, and how many ordinary citizens carry around recording devices of one sort or another, it is remarkable-- indeed, unbelievable-- that racist remarks were made and yet were not captured by anybody.
The latest attack on the Tea Party movement, by Ben Jealous of the NAACP, has once again played the race card. Like the proverbial lawyer who knows his case is weak, he shouts louder.
This is not the first time that an organization with an honorable and historic mission has eventually degenerated into a tawdry racket. But that an organization like the NAACP, after years of fighting against genuine racism, should now be playing the game of race card fraud is especially painful to see.
Some critics of the Tea Party have seized upon banners carried at one of its rallies that compared Obama with Hitler and Stalin. Extreme? Yes. But there was nothing racist about it, since extreme comparisons have been made about politicians of every race, color, creed, nationality, ideology and sexual preference.
Some Obama supporters have long regarded any criticism of him as racism. But that they should have to resort to such a banner to bolster their case shows how desperate they are for any evidence.
Among people who voted for Barack Obama in 2008, those who are likely to be most disappointed are those who thought that they were voting for a new post-racial era. There was absolutely nothing in Obama's past to lead to any such expectation, and much to suggest the exact opposite. But the man's rhetoric and demeanor during the election campaign enabled this and many other illusions to flourish"
Tom Ford
okay .....
"Some critics of the Tea Party have seized upon banners carried at one of its rallies that compared Obama with Hitler and Stalin. Extreme? Yes. But there was nothing racist about it, since extreme comparisons have been made about politicians of every race, color, creed, nationality," ideology and sexual preference."
Almost everything about this is racial. All of it extreme! All of it done by Tea Partiers who aspire to be an outreach of the Republican Party. Never has anything gotten under the skin of certain Americans like the audacity of a bi-racial Harvard graduate elected President of the United States of America. The tyranny is obvious. Undeniable intent. They cannot help themselves. However unlike his predecessor, he did not get elected by the hair of his skinny chin chin.
The mustache, the sword and african attire, the middle name conjecture, the Nazi,Commie, Hitler, Stalin, SOCIALIST connotations, all of it on signs strutted around in public - how would you define that-PATRIOTISM! This is the best they can do short of the N word. And it is unforgivable and unecessary. It is crude and those who support it should have a name applied to this rogue style of patriotism.
When did you ever see people with signs parading with one that had a clown on it cutting brush? When did you see a sign that said Mission Accomplished with a big picture of Pinnochio on it? When did you see a sign that showed a snake on a greyhound to Crawford?
As for Czars, consider Cheney, Rove, Armitage, and on and on. It goes with the territory.
Common decency is not the prevaling virtue of this kind of politics. Nor does it resemble anything in our Constitution that protects. It hardly demonstrates the kind of democracy envisioned by our forefathers.
We had 8 years of chaos and fear, fibs and arrogance. President Barack Obama has had what over a year. And already he is the cause of everything that has simmered and festered for many years. The word bi-partisan has been replaced by snarls, dirtylooks, loud mouths during speeches and cheap shots and fear tactics and the good old blame game. Valarie Plame is no longer gainfully employed.
Best of all, rather than meet half way on this blog,denial and the same old overused defense tactics fly high. While it is my privilege to rebuttal, I am proud to take the high road. I have stretched no points and used no ones quotes. In the process of reading this whole blog, I have not moved one inch in the direction of accusing any president of being any of those ugly names on those ugly signs displayed by those ugly people.
"Always yelling and screaming about the government wasting money, but not one member will be giving up social security or medicare"
We pay for the social security and medicare with a tax that removes the money from every pay check. The tax is the most policy I pay for. And the insurance is mandated. Damn right I want what I paid the tax (insurance policy) for. The government mandated the contract not me.
9:17 PM Blogger: Fine and dandy. I see that there is no hope to change a Barack Husein Obama supporter such as yourself. you will see the fallacy of your argument starting in January, 2011 when the democRATS enact the new taxes.
I have no idea what in your past has happened to you to create a guilt trip such as your on, but I hope you can work through it. My God did I say work? Sorry that is not in the liberal lexicon.
Thankfully you are dead wrong about the TEA Party members because they are everywhere and from all walks of life, and you will encounter them on a daily bases. These are everyday Americans who believe in freedom not serfdom an will be pointing that out in November. I am truly sorry that they frighten you, but there really is no need to be afraid of them as their fine upstanding American's who will not let this Nation go down !
In closing please note that the term "racist" is as over used as the little girl crying wolf, wolf wolf ! Even you will admit that everything can't be racist for goodness sake. I suggest that you, Obama, Jackson, Sharpton, the NAACP, Wright and whomever else hangs their hat on that tired old horse find a new area to whine about !
Tom Ford
“Government is the great fiction, through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else.”
by Frederic Bastiat, French Economist (1801-1850)
Yep, it sure is !
Tom Ford
9:17 PM Blogger: Let's look at Obamas first full year, shall we ?
(with thanks to "Lone wolf.)
Let's Recap "2009"
what a year !
1. The American people inaugurate a half-Arab president with a total of 142 days experience as a US Senator from the most politically corrupt state (city) in America whose governors have been ousted from office.
The President's first official act is to order the close of Gitmo and make sure terrorists civil rights are not violated.
(honest mistake?)
2. The U.S. Congress rushes to confirm a black Attorney General, Eric Holder, whose law firm we later find out represents seventeen Gitmo Terrorists.
(An honest mistake?!)
3. The CIA Boss appointee, Leon Panetta, has absolutely no experience, has a daughter Linda, we find out, who is a true radical anti-American activist and a supporter of all the Anti-American regimes in the western hemisphere. (There were socio-economic factors involved!)
4. We got the second most corrupt American woman (Pelosi is #1) as Secretary of State; bought and paid for. (You can put lipstick on a pig, but it still stinks!)
5. We got a Tax Cheat for Treasury Secretary who did not properly file his own taxes for 12 years.
(He misspoke!)
6. A Commerce Secretary nominee who withdrew due to corruption charges.
(Another honest mistake???)
7. A Tax cheat nominee for Chief Performance Officer who withdrew under charges.
(Hmmm... another screw-up?)
8. A Labor Secretary nominee who withdrew under charges of unethical conduct.
(Ok, maybe this person was just plain stupid.)
9. A Secretary HHS nominee (Daschle) who withdrew under charges of cheating on his taxes.
(I'm running out of excuses for these idiots!!)
10. Multiple appointments of former lobbyists after an absolute campaign statement that no lobbyists would be appointed.
(Dear God, I am getting a headache!)
All this occurred just during the first three weeks. . . but who's counting?
America is being run by the modern-day Three Stooges ; Barry, Nancy and Harry and they are still trying to define stimulus..."it's spending!!!"
The congress passes the $800,000,000,000 (that's $800 billion) pork-loaded spending bill where the government gives you a smidgen of your tax dollars ($13 per week), making you feel so good about yourself [stimulated], that you want to run out to Wal-Mart and buy a new Chinese-made HDTV and go home and watch Telemundo!
Only with the Liberals...
Pray for our country.
Here's the good news though - Obama took Air Force One to Denver to sign the stimulus package, wasting as much as 10,000 gallons of fuel OR 24 JOBS FOR ONE YEAR.
Don't you just love hypocrites?
Obama went to the International Olympic Committee to have them choose Chicago for a host city, he failed.
Obama went to Copenhagen to lecture them on global warming, he failed.
Obama went to new Jersey to promote the Democratic candidate for governor, he failed,
Obama went to Virginia to promote the Democratic candidate for governor, he failed.
Obama went to Massachusetts to promote the Democratic candidate for senator, he failed.
Speaking of praying, Obama has now been president for a full year and yet he & wife (first lady) Michelle, the Christian family they claim to be, have not attended church since the inauguration.
Obama is the 1st president in history who did not attend any Christmas religious observance.
He must miss Reverend Wright!
And finally, he is the 1st president to remain on vacation after a terrorist attack.
In these times 'I'll keep my God, my freedom, my gun and my money.
Anyone that supports this insanity can keep "THE CHANGE".
Tom Ford
wow. you are a bitter, angry man. I am actually sorry for whatever it was in your background to make you so filled with rage and bitterness. To even state the Obamas not attending church as a reason to hate them when you yourself stated you hadn't been to church in many years is almost off the charts hypocrisy. I am filled with reality now. Good Heavens. You don't need church, you need therapy.
9:53 AM Blogger: Well now we see the real you, no refuting of the FACTS only "hate speech" against me.
I rest my case, you are a true progressive / liberal !
Tom Ford
Is the TEA Party racist ? Let's take a look !
(copy and paste please.)
Tom Ford
I have a thought. I rarely post on here, but I do read the posts every so often. I am a card carrying independent. I have voted on both sides of the aisle, and I make my decisions not based on who is in what party but what message are they sending and such. I watch news from both sides as well, so that I may actually see both sides, then make my decision. I have been told I am a rare bird. from time to time I like Rachael Maddow on msnbc, because I appreciate the fact that she calls it like she sees it, on both sides. She has been known to call out democrats and republicans alike. I appreciate that and do watch her from time to time. I loved this segment she did, addressing a huge problem our current president has. I disagree with many things on this blog, posted from both sides, especially how each side refuses to even acknowledge that both sides have legitimate points. So I have no illusions that either side will actually watch this clip, and if they do, it will certainly not be with an open mind.. it will be to slash and burn and criticize.But here it is anyway, in case anyone on here has a moment of reason overtake them. I have now said my piece, and will probably not post again. Thanks for listening.
I don't find hate in Mr Ford's time line of Mr.Obama's administration first 18 months. In fact, I cant find the word hate once. Are you saying that it is hateful to express those things Mr. Obama has done that a citizen has issues with?
In your defense of Mr.Obama, can you just try once to respond to the facts listed instead of attacking the presented of the facts?
11:23 Am Blogger: I did watch it (until it stopped about 1/3 of the way through,) and your right she is very interesting. I am really surprised to see an alphabet station say anything negative about Mr. Obama though.
I wish you would continue to post here as I can't find a thing wrong with your logic (I am sure the lib's. will) so continue to "say it like it is !"
Tom Ford
I do have issues with many things on here, and my observation is that to voice those thoughts is to be "smacked down". That is one of the reasons I like Maddow. She gives credit for all her facts and figures, she doesn't play games, and she calls a pig a pig, regardless of party affiliation. Being an independent, I can say these things: I voted for Bush the first time, and not the second because I was heartily disappointed with his administration by then. I did not vote for McCain because I felt he was parroting Bush. I hate parrots who simply spout the party line because they are a sheep who can't see past what's being said on tv. I have been very angry with many things both parties have done in the last 18 months. Very . But I refuse to give into unamerican, unpatriotic sentiments. I feel that many things this president has done have been necessary and good for the nation as a whole, whether each individual likes it or not. But every time I hear his middle name capitalized and emphasized, I get angry. None of us can help what we were named by our parents. (I am pretty un-thrilled with my own middle name). And to keep throwing his name around is to divide and breed mistrust and hate and fear.(He's got Muslim roots...!!!) There is ENOUGH of that in this country. We need to be working together now, not spouting rhetoric and ugly worlds. Small things like that is why I never post comments here. I do not like being attacked and labled "liberal" or "conservative". I can see value in both sides, which makes me a target for both sides. And I have seen nothing on this blog that woudl make me comfortable being a regular contributor. With all due respect, Mr. Ford, you are one of the main reason I don't post here. If ever there was a believer in party rhetoric, you are it. You can not like a president and his policies without attacking his church habits and his middle name. That is divisive and unnecessary, yet you defend that behavior with every post. That is why I am an independent. That is why I have not posted here before. Both parties are guilty, and I am fed up.
Independent citizen
12:43 PM Blogger: Well I do have one failing and that is I call it as I see it. I allow anonymous posters to disagree (as long as it's clean) and I will continue to do so.
Democrat or Republican, they are both a problem for me when they strive to violate my Rights as an American, so I too am an equal opportunity basher of BOTH sides of the isle.
I just want the Government to do what it was set up to do, and that's secure the border, provide for a common defense, and insure liberty for all.
Now about Mr. Obamas middle name, well I didn't give it to him and it is what it is, so I see no reason not to post it. If anyone thinks I am attacking his Muslim roots they would be wrong. In fact I do have a break down of his genealogy and here it is for your edification.
"It was reported over Baltimore news radio several days ago that a researcher investigated Barack Obamas genealogy in detail, examining official government birth records in both the United States and Kenya. From this primary source documentation, the researcher came to a shocking conclusion -- Obama IS NOT BLACK. To be precise, the researcher determined that Barack Obama is:
1) 50% Caucasian
2) 43.75% Arab, and
3) 6.25% African Negro
This corresponds to a demographic breakdown of his 16 Great-Great-Grandparents as follows: 8 Caucasians, 7 Arabs, and one Negro."
What does that mean ? Nothing of course, nor does mine or your genealogy (Were ALL Americans,) but it does show that the middle name is right on target for his genetic make up, So why not use it (he isn't ashamed of it is he ?)
In conclusion I, like you vote for the person and not the party as there seems to be too much of a blur when you look at them both. I will say this however if a candidate is Conservative (and will stay that way) they have my support.
Tom Ford
But that is the very thing the poster was getting at, Tom! I never saw Bush's middle name thrown around here! I never saw you using Palin's middle name or McCain's! Using Obama's is meant to inflame and breed fear and upset, no matter what you say or how you rationalize. I never saw you calling into question Bush's military record, which was highly questionable, or the fact that he was accused on more than one occaison of cheating his way through college! I think that's the point here. There is nothing unbiased in most things posted here, and that's what the independent poster was trying to get accross. You haven't called out Breitbart for doctoring that video of Sherrod to make her look like a racist because he is on "your" side. You haven't acknowledged that many of the failings of the previosu president are being layed at Obama's feet, wrongly, because that fits with the party line he was referring to. You only call it like you see when it fits in with the republican tag lines. The yellers and screamers on here all do it. But please don't insult me or anyone else by trying to come off as unbiased and that you hear and see both sides. Not even close.
Okay, independent citizen,I watched the video clip and I read everything you said. You have my pledge: i am, to borrow your phrase, a card carrying democrat. I was raised republican, but I defected. I am, however, able to see and get your point. I will try, honestly try, here and elsewhere, to see the opposing side's concerns and points before I rush to judgement. I will listen, consider, and be as thoughtful as possible. I will try my best to avoid kneww-jerk responses. I will not instantly condemn, and I will think about my word choices before I use them. i will even pledge to examine my motives before I respond. I will do this for the betterment of my country. Anyone else, or am I alone here? Mr. Ford?
that was supposed to say knee-jerk responses. Sorry
It is with good cheer that I read this blog. When bloggers are called DemoRATS and Lib's, there is a question of maturity. Then when not one word is issued in regard to a bloggers questions about "what is Patriotic about all the ugly gibberish" well I call it as I see it, too. Nothing Patriotic about it. I am not sure what a liberal progressive really is. I do however, now know what an angry conservative republican sounds like when facts fly.
2:48 PM Blogger: And what would that be pray tell ? fact's, what facts (other than the ones I have posted) have there been here on this thread ?
2:22 PM Blogger: Thank you, now if you could just get your party to do the same.
1:54 PM Blogger: Where to start ? First Brightbart did not "doctor" any video, and he sure didn't fire her either.
Second, George Walker Bush's military records were only in question by the left, remember ? (an anchor was fired for lying about it) The man flew an F-106 fighter (one of the Air Forces most difficult to fly,) and as for his College records, well we have seen them. Have we seen BHO's transcripts, not on your life.
Third, I am biased against anyone who attempts to trample on my freedom, so, so be it if that fit's in with Obama !
Please understand that we all have choices in this life, you can choose to post, rant, malign me, and I will allow it to a point. I have the power to remove you completely from the blog as I have the "Kill Switch !" Now as a poster said a while back, I do not remove you unless you foul mouthed or just plain ridiculous, and you have the power to start your own blog then anyway.
Understand what my motives are here, and that is to expose frivolous expenditures, waste, fraud, and the abuse of our liberty. Now that said if your man (or woman) is on the wrong side of what I stand for, I will say so, whether you read it is your choice.
I respect your right to your opinion and I let you post it here free of charge, so please either respect mine or don't read it.
Many young men and women have died so all of us could have our say, and while I may not agree with you, I will defend to the death your right to express it !
Tom Ford
Well here is a real left wing icon calling Fox News racist ! Who among you condone this ?
Tom Ford
"Dean: Fox News “racist”
The Fox News Channel’s handling of the Shirley Sherrod controversy “was absolutely racist,” former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean charged on Sunday.
Appearing on "Fox News Sunday," Dean, who's also a former Democratic national chairman and hero of liberals, asserted Fox News failed to vet video footage of a speech misleadingly excerpted to make it appear that Sherrod was boasting of using her post as an Agriculture Department official to discriminate against a white farmer.
“I don’t think Newt Gingrich is a racist, and I don’t think you’re a racist,” Dean told Fox News host Chris Wallace, “but Fox News did something that was absolutely racist. They took a – they had an obligation to find out what was really in the clip. They had been pushing a theme of black racism with this phony Black Panther crap and this business and this Sotomayor and all this other stuff.”
When Wallace interrupted Dean to point out that Fox did not air the excerpted Sherrod footage until after the Obama administration had fired her based on it , Dean shot back “It was about to go on Glenn Beck, which is what the administration was afraid of.”
And Dean mildly rebuked the Obama administration, as well, saying, “We’ve got to stop being afraid of Glenn Beck (a Fox News host) and the racist fringe of the Republican Party. But Fox News was not blameless during this. You played it up.”
Dean dismissed Wallace’s point about timing, asserting “you didn’t do your job,” and charging that Fox News has helped the Republican Party foster racism by focusing on allegations of reverse racism.
“The tea party called out their racist fringe and I think the Republican Party’s got to stop appealing to its racist fringe. And Fox News is what did that. You put that on,” Dean said. “Continuing to cater to this theme of minority racism and stressing comments like this – some of which are taken out of context – does not help the country knit itself together.”
FOX News Senior Vice President of News Michael Clemente responded later Sunday to Dean's assertions, firing back: "As we said this past week, some people such as the failed candidate Dean reflexively blame Fox for almost anything."
From the Politico (hardly right wing.)
"2:22 PM Blogger: Thank you, now if you could just get your party to do the same."
That's it?? Then you go on to spew more ugly, dividing drivel? Nothing on your part? No promise to at least try? I guess, in hindsight, I should have expected about that. I will, however, keep my pledge.
4:07 PM Blogger: Yep that's it, and I don't remember calling your words "drivel," funny I expected more from you than that !
Why I don't know !
Tom Ford
you didn't expect more than that and you know it. You were hoping for it. That's how you keep it going.
If maligning is so bad, why do you call Democrats Demo-rats and Libs? If turnabout is fair play, then we should be able to use pet names, too - otherwise it could be considered one-sided playground behavior. But,it would seem that Rats don't employ this kind of antagonistic deportment.
Reading parts of this blog is like watching President Barak Obama be lined up with a blindfold and shot. Call it what you will, this is stuck on static that only grooves with the certain ilk that shoots first and asks questions later. Who, by the way cares what his heritage breakdown is? This is some serious hair-splitting.
Do you think we so-called Rats can't line up a bunch of W and friends gaffs that would upset a teacart? Well we are living with some pretty revealing W facts, but it never got down to juvenile signs and name calling and hate mongering. Thank heavens Rats are less hell, fire and damnation, but do return fire when it becomes clear that one sided logic is just that, one sided.
You remind us you can pull the plug anytime you want and this is fact. Presumably you realize that when one is called a rat and similar snarky names, one might consider that maligning. I am concerned more importantly with the loss of life we had in Iraq and now in Afganistan; our American Gulf, hunger in the other America, jobs, the deficit, crime, clean water, illegal immigration, Asian Carp, healthcare in the greatest nation in the world, bigiotry, corruption, trade balance, Tariffs, racism, white collar crime, bi-particism, global warming, the ecnomy and who was in attendance at the Cheny Oil Meeting and all efforts concerned with reducing this country to a mad and hollering bunch of those who fall into the category of praise the lord and pass the ammunition which seems to be its major draw.
12:43 on July 25
You are to be commended for your level headed approach to this back and forth which is being approached in a very revealing manner, i.e. kill plug.
But, by golly Molly, it has given animal control a holiday. A subject also targeted with an intensity most of us never choose to apply. In our city, we are not in a position to create jobs. Why would anyone think our President can create jobs in today's climate? Which is a continuuing and bi-partisan trend from the whole decade. if job creation is possible and easily accomplished, then it must be a well kept secret by those who tilt against windmills.
Lets see everyone thinks there party is the responsable and better for the U.S. Let me tell you what I see Every 4 to 8 yrs we the Americans Just get screwed from a differen point of view. I hope this dosent offend you Tom because I truly like your blog. But I Also tell it Like it is.
12:16 PM Blogger: No offense taken my friend !
Tom Ford
6:24 PM Blogger: Well we have had our fun but I fear this is starting to bore the readers. (I know it's boring the heck out of me,) so if you would like to continue this debate please use my email (,) and we shall do so.
Also be advised that as for you and I this thread is now closed (no offense to you, but others want to see other things.)
Please be advised that I will delete anything more on this subject as I am positive we have covered all but the insults which no-one cares about.
Tom Ford
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
2:48 PM Blogger: Don't follow directions very well do you.
Tom Ford
Presume that removed blog had no merit. But I must say I found some very intelligent, factual and pertinent postings on this particular chain of thoughts. Thank you to those who participated.
2:22 PM Blogger: The removed blog had insults minus the real name of the poster, a no no !
Glad you enjoyed the parry and thrust as we discussed our current problem in Washington !
Tom Ford
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