Any Viet Nam Vet's out there ? We need your service again! (Please click here for the link.)

Please note that I have added a site under the "link" portion of the blog in the right hand column (Viet Nam Vets Chapter 1028.)
The Chapter of the Viet Nam Veterans Association of America of which I, and several other Crestwood residents are members of is looking for new members, both men and women who served during the Viet Nam war.
Please click on the header to be directed to the web site of the chapter, and how you may join. I really believe you will find it very rewarding, as the Chapter is in service to the community, the children and our Veterans of all wars.
Why not come out on the first Wednesday of the Month, meet the crew, join and get involved with helping your community.
Tom Ford
(Life member, chapter 1028, VVA.)
NO. 799
speaking of Viet Nam vets, anyone hear about the senator who has stated that Viet Nam vets who need treatment for exposure to agent orange are now "not helping" the problem here in the US, that they're making it worse?? Way to support the vets, weenie senator.
Sort of like Janet Incompentano saying we all should be on a "watch list."
Tom Ford
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