I knew there was a reason for the "recycle" trash cans! (click here for the story.)

The City of Cleveland, Ohio will be placing a micro chip on "recyclable" trash containers, and levying a $100.00 dollar fine to those who do not participate! Just think "Your Honor" how much extra mad money Crestwood can acquire without the hassle of asking for a tax increase!
Spending can go through the roof, and no one will know why, this is just perfect for you and the "four horseman of the ridiculous." Now all you have to do is to sneak through a expense for the micro-chips, ( you know like the new web site that doesn't work) and away you go!
It also gives the code enforcement officer something else to do as she hasn't been seen since her new gig at the Sappington House took effect. Just think, we will also need a "trash supervisor" to dig through the trash for "evidence of wrong doing," so Mr. Eckrich get's to create yet another position. All in all this is just what the doctor ordered, you get more money for the City, Alderman Foote (and by extension Beasley) can forget about canopy fires, and move on to "trash as the next crisis" in Crestwood, and yet another position is created, marvelous!
Tom Ford
NO. 793
"Tash as the next crisis". Yes, and where there isn't one, we know we can rely on this very blog to try to create one!
I you have nothing nice to say you should just abstain.
11:21 AM Blogger: Nope I just think of ways to help the Board, you Progressives create ALL the crisis's we will ever need.
2:15 PM Blogger: Ah yes, abstinence. Well I see you like to practice it (not,) so what are we to do?
Tom Ford
I don't care
4:36 PM Blogger: of course you don't, that's why you continue to post here!
Tom Ford
OK guys and girls can't we just get along so we can move forward?
We are just sharing opinions.
Seriously folks. Tom was just poking fun at the leaders at city hall.
After all, where else can the manager of public works spend $10,000 for a lighting audit that is a free of charge service in the market place.
Or, spend thousands of dollars to seal cracks in asphalt streets and then replace the street two months later.
Maybe what Tom has suggested is not so strange after all.
I can think of a few cracks I'd like to seal. hahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahah
10:14 PM: Blogger: To quote a failed man, "Yes we can," and we will move on.
Those devoid of humor, and those who only seek to insult the host shall be "removed" from the blog pool at a mere touch of the "button."
Tom Ford
“The government is mainly an expensive organization to regulate evil doers, and tax those who behave. Government does little for fairly respectable people, except annoy them.”
E.V. Howe
Nuff said.
Tom Ford
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