"King Roy" upset about email sent to City Administrator (The Mayor was a CC on the email.)

From the St. Louis Post Dispatch, Friday, August 13, 2010. It seems the man who would be king strikes again! Command ? What Command Roy? If memory serves you asked the Alderman for an evaluation of the City Administrator in the first place. Did you tell them they couldn't send it to Mr. Eckrich? Probably not, and now you huff and puff as though your "Command" was usurped, ridiculous!
"CRESTWOOD > Mayor unhappy about e-mail sent to administrator • Crestwood Mayor Roy Robinson reasserted his command of the city administrator evaluation process at Tuesday's aldermanic meeting. Robinson called the discussion after expressing dismay that an alderman had directly criticized administrator Jim Eckrich by e-mail rather than by going through the mayor, as the annual evaluation process was underway. Robinson said he follows the city charter in gathering evaluations from aldermen, then presenting a one-voice report.
Robinson also said that he soon will reiterate the practice in a memo to the board. Alderman Jerry Miguel motioned for a formal resolution outlining the process, which resulted in a 4-4 tie. Robinson was called on to break it, and he voted no. Robinson later declined to name the alderman involved. Eckrich, who has been administrator since July 2008, left the room as the discussion began."
(St. Louis Post Dispatch, Page A-3, Staff reporter.)
Your "Kingship," be careful what you wish for, you just may get it!
Well I have just added the report on this Fiasco from the SunCrest Call (please click on the header for the story.) I an struck by the fact that both "His Honor" and Mr. Golterman seem to feel it was necessary to go out of their way to defend something that was never suggested in the first place. I seem to remember a passage by William Shakespeare who wrote, "Me thinks the Lady doth protest too much!"
Tom Ford
NO. 791
Oh this is a good one. Please tell us Mr. Ford which alderman has done this dasterdly deed. I would like to call him personally and tell him what a rotten B%#%@rd he is. Who on the Dias thinks they are so perfect that they have earned the right to pass professional judgement on any individuals performance. Only a troublemaker would even think of being so brash.
2:11 PM Blogger: To answer your question, I have no idea who it was. I do know that in the past "His Honor" has asked each of the Alderman for their evaluation of the C/A.
So following your logic, I suppose "His Honor" would be the (nasty name) and the troublemaker, no?
Tom Ford
An afterthought to my post.
“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and a religious people, it is wholly inadequate for the government of any other.”
(John Adams)
Tom Ford
The Call Newspaper has a full description of who said/did what to whom, and it is also on their web site.
Reading this makes you wonder if anyone knows what is going on, and really makes the mayor look foolish!
10:51 PM Blogger: John, there is a very good reason why the Mayor looks foolish, it's called arrogance my friend!
Tom Ford
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