Saturday, August 07, 2010

Mr. Kevin Jackson author of "The Black Sphere" opines on the Kerry yacht "Issue" (please click here for the article.)

Well once again Mr. Jackson has nailed it folks. What we have here in Washington (and in Crestwood) is a "holier than thou" mentality that is ruining this great Nation.

Tax this and tax that, and never worry about where the great un-washed will get the money to pay for it. Well this is one four flushing, filthy rich, lying bozo that has been "hoisted on his own petard !" Now ask yourself just how many more of the folks on all sides of politics are treating us the same way ? I can think of at least five right here in Crestwood who would take our last farthing for God knows what if we let them.

Please remember that in January, 1911 we will see the tax man coming to take even more of our money, so beware the wolf in sheep's clothing when it comes to any one who has "something for nothing" to give you, federal, state or local !

Tom Ford

NO. 788


Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Want to see what the "rich and famous" are doing while we sit at home saving ?

Tom Ford

4:26 PM, August 07, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find it interesting that the liberal posters never post anything negative against Mr. Jackson's quotes.

9:11 PM, August 09, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems to me, from the sudden lack of posts on here, that many posters have left, and not just liberals. I had only counted 2 or 3 anyway. Posts like the first one above may be why. Every presidential family in history has taken vacations, but since this one is Obama's family, it's wrong. I have to admit, even I'm getting tired of this.

6:53 AM, August 10, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would agree, posters have lost their zip. Side 2 simply realized the inbalance. And, while no one wants to get involved in a debate that always sinks to words like communist,liberal, Hussein, socialist, nazi, and the like, the thread generally stops when the heat gets hot. Suddenly it is time to change course. Reminds me of the Drudge Report, which is fine, but only one opinion. Yes the steam goes out of intelligent conversation when it is cut short that the debate is two way.

12:50 PM, August 12, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

12:50 PM Blogger: " Yes the steam goes out of intelligent conversation when it is cut short that the debate is two way. "

What the heck does that mean ? It makes no sense to me, so I am going to assume you have left out a word or two.

I welcome your debate anytime, but come back with FACTS, not touchy, feely comments, just FACTS. And please remember George Walker Bush (note MIDDLE name,) has not been in office for some time now, so leave him out of it, as this is Mr. Obamas game now.

I see the latest poll has Barack Husein Obama at 41% approval with only 32% of Caucasians approving. It seems his base has jumped ship, no ?

4:14 PM, August 12, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...and the debate is not two way. Sorry 'bout that.

Who mentioned George Walker Bush? Huh?

I will be as touchy, feely as I wish. And I will determine the parameters of my debate.

What does "game" have to do with anything?

"It ain't over til the fat lady sings."

It matters not that you so like to call the president by all three of his names. Makes up for us calling his predecessor by just one "Dubya."

Now, as for facts, well I sorta like the "jumped ship" part.

What can you tell us to do to make jobs. Here is your golden opportunity to put some clout into your rhetoric. Go for it. No touchy feely required.

Be nice.

9:34 PM, August 12, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:34 PM Blogger:

1. I mentioned George WALKER Bush (so you wouldn't get mad when I use BHO's middle name.

2. Gee Mommy, you can be as "touchy feely" as you wish any time, but the parameters ?

3. "Game" is but a word for his watch now, such as "it's his ball game now."

4. "Can you really say "the fat lady?" Shouldn't it be the "extremely Rubenesque warbler ?"

5. "Dubya" was at the airport to welcome the troop's home in Dallas yesterday, I must have missed BHO.

6. "Facts is facts" as the man says, so "shoot your best stick" (pool player term.)

7. Ah yes, now we come down to the real meat of the subject, jobs. What can I say? Well for one thing the companies that produce the job's in America today will have to have a much better economic picture before them before one job is created.

The Federal minimum wage has restricted many a small business from giving jobs to teenagers this summer as is evidenced by the masses out of work. Messieurs Obama and Biden trumpet the job's they created but those are all in the Government which produces nothing.

The regulations about to descend on small business's will in fact cause further layoff's, and I fear the fourth quarter of this year will fall as flat as a bad cake ! I am in the HVAC business, I sell, install (not so much anymore) and service air conditioning and heating, both residential and commercial. I have witnessed the retraction of the market for close to a year now, and I expect it to get much worse. People do not have the money it takes (thanks to Government regulations) to buy new equipment, and some of their old unit are beyond repair, so off to Wall mart to buy a window unit for $99.00!

A business is not a hobby, rather it is a "for profit" venture else why would I or anyone else spend the time, effort, tears, worry, and yes sweat to do it ? In the last year I have seen a 27% reduction in my take home pay, but that's the way it is, I do have others to consider as well.

What can we do to increase the job market ? Get the Government off our backs, forget "cap and trade," lower taxes, reduce idiot regulations and leave us alone so we can revitalize our businesses. And allow business to find the best people for the job minus Government required quotas for hiring, and you will see the job's start to come back.

In closing, I will give you the short answer I heard at a meeting the other day. "When you are out of a job, it's a rescission, when I am out of a job, it's a depression, and when Barack Obama is out of a job, it's a recovery!"

I trust that was nice enough for you.

Tom Ford

6:37 PM, August 13, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am amazed even still that after a mere 18 months in office everyone expects the presidnet to have fixed the whole country and all its problems. The statement that he's been in office long enough now that everything in the nation is now his fault. That's the most ridiculous thing I ever heard. Every administration in history has the previous one on their backs, good or bad. 18 months isn't long enough to fix anything and you know it. To say otherwise is just plain laughable.

Here's my question to all the ultra-conservatives in here: I hear all this talk from Fox Noise and on here too about guarding the Constitution, keeping it pristine, laying down your life for this sacred document. I happen to agree with that, so I wonder how you reconcile two things that have coe up recently: the movement to repeal the 13th amendment, and the tide of resistance against the Muslim rec center 2 blocks from Ground Zero. Both of these issues fly in the face of the American Constitution and everything this country is founded on. Thoughts?

11:00 PM, August 14, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

11:00 PM Blogger: " The statement that he's been in office long enough now that everything in the nation is now his fault. That's the most ridiculous thing I ever heard. "

When would you suggest that he is responsible for his (and others) actions, 40, 50 years from now? To say that he shouldn't be responsible now is child like at best.

The Bush administration was no slouch at spending money, but they pale in comparison to Obama, Reid and Pelosi! They said if they didn't enact the stimulus package there would be 8.5% un-employment. They did it and the real un-employment is now 18.7%!

The 13th amendment is about slavery, it is the 14th amendment that they are discussing ( Birthright, look it up.) Yes the document is in my opinion inviolate and should never be changed, period (but that's just me.)

I do however find it amusing that when it comes to the Constitution Progressives find no use for the 2nd amendment, and only wish to use the first when it is useful to their cause, like stifling decent.
You can't have your cake and eat it to, so what would you do here?

Do you really believe that a Mosque named MEDINA (site of a Muslim battle victory in Spain during the crusades) is a "healing" gesture? I don't.

This idea is an "in your face" assault on the families of those who died, and all Americans who believe in our great Nation, pure and simple. If you doubt that please tell me why these people refused to build on land that was offered free elsewhere by the Governor of New York?

Now before you try the "separation of church and state" deal it is NOT in the Constitution it's "freedom OF religion",) if you doubt me, please find it and place it here verbatim with the page, and sentence it's on, because it isn't there.

The Constitution of the United States of America is the bedrock on which this great Nation was founded, nurtured, and prospered. No where in it does it say we should allow our borders to be wide open to illegals, nor does it say "To each according to their needs, from each according to their means." It does say that we have "freedom OF religion" and "the rights of the people shall not be infringed."

Day by day we see the Federal Government taking away more of our hard earned money, telling us we must do this and that, forcing us to have "health care" their way or pay a fine to the IRS. NONE of that is in the Constitution my friend, so where would that power come from?

When I was inducted into the United States Navy I took an oath to "protect and defend the Constitution from all enemies foreign, and domestic" and when I was discharged 8 years later the oath was not rescinded, so for me it is still in effect, and I intend to honor it.

I trust you can get past whatever demon's have caused the guilt you seem to cary with you and understand that "We the people" are in charge here, not a group of people (read academics) who would play fast and loose with our very being. Like Marx, Lennon, Pol Pot, Eddie Armin, and Mao they will be on the garbage dump of history, and by the Grace of the Almighty God we will prevail.

Tom Ford

9:04 AM, August 15, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was merely asking a question. A little touchy are we? Good Lord, man, chill out. This might actually be why there are so few posts of late. Say one thing, have your head removed. are saying that the Bush administration is no longer responsible for their actions? When does that run out? According to you, about 15 minutes after leaving office. Talk about you see it, now you don't! It's magic! Dubya is gone, poof! Everything he did/didn't do magically disappeared with him. Or NOT.

I never once mentioned seperation of church and state. You did. I was , in fact, referring to freedom of religion. (Sorry I mixed up the 13th and 14th amendments. My mistake.)There is a part of me that isn't happy with the location, and wishes they would go somewhere else, yes. But that flies in the face of what we here are about. I hate what the Klan is too, but I'll defend their right to say and do what is legal, whether I agree with them or not, because that's what we do here. Same thing here. We can't have it both ways.
I have just been reminded again why I stopped posting here. There is no exchange of ideas. I simply put something out there and you got hostile. So, with my reminder fresh, see-ya-bye.

12:09 PM, August 15, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

12:09 PM Blogger: "Church and State" was merely a "cut off before you tried to use it."

Bush is not responsible for the current mess Obama, Frank, Dowd, Pelosi, and Reid are, and you know (or should know it.) Bush and Company warned about the Fanny Mae, Freddie mac debacle two years before it happened to no avail.

I hope you will and can still defend Obama when your living under a bridge due to his economic policies, and massive deficits (no they weren't bush's, they are Obamas.)

Hostile? I really doubt it as all I do is present the facts, you have to get mad about them to make it hostile, right?

"I have just been reminded again why I stopped posting here. There is no exchange of ideas. I simply put something out there and you got hostile. So, with my reminder fresh, see-ya-bye."

Please, you don't post here because you have never come back at me with a FACT, and you can't stand that I am right, so.........

Tom Ford

3:52 PM, August 15, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...



Oops, someone is not going to be happy if this passes.

Tom Ford

4:34 PM, August 15, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did not detect hostile comments from either of you.

I thought it was a good exchange of views.

How about it 12:09 poster. Why give up on your ideas. I thought some where worth considering.

I still wait for the answer to the absolute need to spend the huge some of stimulus money or we would have in excess of 8% unemployment. The money was spent, the stimulus ended and we concluded with 9.7% unemployment. What happened? My impression. The tax payer was screwed, the select 1% of the nation increased their wealth, and we passed on a huge debt to the next generation.

4:45 PM, August 15, 2010  

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