Mr. Mike Anthony weighs in on "His Honor" and the City attorney (click here for the op/ed .)

Well here we have an excellent editorial reference "His Honor" and his side kick Rob Golterman (of Lewis Rice & Fingerish.) It seems (rightly so) that Mr. Anthony is wondering what happened to that empty suit promise the Mayor made about "more civility" towards citizens ?
I was wondering that same thing as I remember a BOA meeting I attended that had Messrs, Roby and Pickel requesting that the Board be allowed to bring up on charges and censure anyone sitting on that Dias who did not show that respect ! Well Alderman Pickel, Mr. Roby is no longer there so I ask you what you plan to do about our City attorney who so willfully has disrespected a very fine and up-standing Citizen such as Martha Duchild ? Will we be seeing you requesting that Mr. Golterman be censured, or removed for his actions? In a word, NO, and the reason is he is on your side of the fence isn't he ?
As Mr. Anthony has so eloquently pointed out, the time for "walking the walk" is here ! We all know that four of the Alderman ("the four horseman of the ridiculous") will only vote to back whatever "His Honor" wants, but wouldn't it be wonderful to see them actually think for themselves for a change ?
Alas we will never know, they are who they are !
Tom Ford
NO. 787
I would just like to say I don't care. Thank you
Many are like you 9:17. With an apathetic constituency, we'll get the government like we have.
9;17 PM Blogger: Sorry to see that you don't care, I think you should though as who is going to come to your defense if you need it ?
Perhaps you may wish to reflect on the old saw (to paraphrase,) "When they came for the books, I didn't care as I was not a reader. When they came for the Catholics, I didn't care because I wasn't Catholic, and when they came for the Jews, again I didn't care because I am not Jewish. But then they came for me and there was no one to save me !"
They get away with this because they know that apathy reigns in America today, but why let it, why let your community and your nation be "dumbed down" by a bunch of arrogant fools who would be king ?
Tom Ford
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