Well I am told that we need to change the subject here, so what shall we discuss?

We don't really want to get into the old saws such as "the swim club, or the animal control, or the City Attorney," do we ? Of course we don't. But we do need to fill our stores with shoppers (see above) once again, right?
We could discuss ways to make Crestwood Courts a more viable location for a business to open. ( what ever happened to "economic development?")
Well, I will toss out one just to see if it flies. How about we look at the Watson Road corridor, and what we as a City can do to improve traffic there for our businesses?
It seems to me we have started a slew of things to bring in people, but thats where it stops, no follow through. We have a perfect chance to create the right atmosphere for "Route 66" and all the nostalgia that goes with it on Saturday, August 14, 2010 when we have "the classic car cruse." Have we publicized this as it should have been? And when it's over what have we done to continue the mystique?
As the Man Say's, "what say you?"
Tom Ford
NO. 789
the first thing that would help is duct tape over the mouths of a few of our aldermen. They make it so difficult for new businesses to come to Crestwood, many give up and go elsewhere.
We should have those red light cameras installed before the parade, so we can ticket all the classic cars as they travel down Watson. Not only do we get the publicity of the parade but we will also get the revenue from the tickets. Oh, and just in case "I don't care". lmao
7:29 PM Blogger: Yes indeed, I will supply the duct tape free of charge !
4:38 PM Blogger: Well if nothing else you certainly are consistent !
Tom Ford
I think you'd be less likely to buy the tape if I told you the first mouth I'd tape to help get new business is Mr. Miguel. You seem to be a fan of his, but I have witnessed his droning on and on, making it nearly impossible for any business to make him happy. The man needs to hush and let these businesses come here without the off the charts hassles.
I realize it is easier said than done. Especially in the current economy. But the Mall would handle an IKEA store well. It is a unique mall and we are are a solid community with highway access. I could envision this kind of store would make a killing here and put our city back on the map. Then we would not have to go to Chicago to shop Ikea.
What about a local business expo of st louis vendors or open the mall up for local small business operators to fill vacant spots. just a thought to bounce around. I'm a firm believer in small business local entrepreneurs I feel this is a good idea for crestwood since it is centrally located.
6:36 AM Blogger: Tape who you will but save enough for Foote, Pickel, Beasley, and "His Honor."
Notice I left out Duncan, she just sits there anyway and waits to be told how to vote.
Tom Ford
This is a change of subject that I would like to address to the animal control people in this city. The ones dedicated to animals and who have been so thoroughly discussed lately.
A recent POST editorial discussed legislation related to laws affecting puppy mills. To me it is amazing anyone would be against them. But alas politics even visits this venue. I can't get my arms around this kind of business. Dogs kept in pens with grates to stand on, in hot an cold conditions with no love, only the constant breeding and its consequences so someone can make money. And the fact that there are too few laws and the ones there are cannot be enforced due to lack of personnel to enforce the rules. Then the euthanizing of the mommie dogs when they are no longer useful. No way to make this sound decent. Have you ever looked into the eyes of mistreated dogs and cats? It is pathetic and you don't even have to be a pet lover. ANYWAY,letters to the editor have been coming in and I would like to suggest the many Crestwood Animal lovers who work with our shelter and adoption facility help take up this cause with the intention of getting lots of meat into this current legislation and assure the officials that profiting off this social disgrace is out of the question. And monitoring the breeders is going to happen big time and profit off of this kind of operation is going to be closely monitored. The greed involved in this kind of operation can be barbaric. So, hey, animal people, get your concerns together and spread the word and let those voting know they are being closely observed. Get the word out, get something going, put your strength and caring on the line. Please make some noise.
1:06 PM Blogger: Now that's a great idea my friend!
How about it "Friends of animal control" are you going to step up and defend these animals, or is your rhetoric only for show?
We shall see, but i for one hope you do as it's a very Worthy project for all of you.
Tom Ford
What happened to the Crestwood friends of animals and the hopes they would back some kind of activity regarding puppy mills and the laws that surround them in Missouri. A bill in the works now. One would hope they would be encouraged to help this sad situation get some brakes put on the mills. It is a horrendous situation and the door was opened on this blog. Why don't they have someone put the address of our legislatures who will be voting on this on this blog and encourage letters with strong input. They have been invited to do so. I don't understand their lack of participation and why they don't carry the water using their weight and numbers to harken help to the cause.
Why is this? I hope I will not have to presume their interests are so limited.
Just curious why you assume they are not involved. And a better question is, if it' ssuch an important issue, are YOU involved?
doubt it. It's easier to sit at a keyboard and rail at other people for their lack of involvement.
7:27 PM Blogger: And you have done what? Please show us your portfolio containing ALL your moves toward "friends of animals," or for that matter anything else.
The anonymous blogger gave you your marching orders, so why sit there and complain, you have a job to do.
Tom Ford
notice the question wasn't answered. If it's so important, are YOU involved? No answer. People in glass houses....
8:17 AM Blogger: If your speaking to me, I am involved to the point of hurting in the wallet so to speak.
This summer and last I was invited to bid on the HVAC for two different "Dog breading" places in Northern Missouri, I declined both after visiting them, as I do not believe this sort of establishment should even exist, much less with my help.
I have owned (or they have owned me,) eight different hunting dogs in the 41 years I have lived in Crestwood, and ALL of them came from very reputable breeders, not "puppy mills."
Last but not least I have paid for and provided you with the band width to espouse your opinions on this and any other subject you choose. Heck, just think even one of your posts may well show up on a main thread someday, we never know.
Now since I have "put my money where my mouth is" I feel I am entitled to say what I please, and it pleases me to say, what the heck have YOU done friend?
Tom Ford
so...you said no to disreputable breeders(very good)and owned your own dogs. And you pay for a blog. How does this help the cause, exactly? This will help enact legislation against puppy mills in Missouri how? I hope you at least signed the petition that many volunteers were out with going door to door.
And actually I was referring to the Aug 20 at 4:28pm poster, not to you.
5:15 PM Blogger: Volunteers? What volunteers, not one person has ever come to my door with said petition, had they I would have signed it!
I notice you haven't stated what you have done, so may we all have your stellar response?
And I am talking to you!
Tom Ford
Work with stray rescue, work on the petition, many, many on-foot hours for the petition, donations, etc. Collecting pet items/food and distributing said items to rescue groups. Your turn.
Well well, well, rather than be happy that someone tried to initiate some joint action about the puppy mills issue and the legislation, You "railed" at a blogger who questioned your lack of timely participation on this blog, which is a good way to get the word out. Right? Now I know what a certified blowhart is. I notice one can't illuminate a situation and then expect some joyful accomodation. I did not write the blog challenging your lack of participation, but I sure wish I had.
My role, for your info,is as follows: legislators have heard from me on puppy mills. And this is not the 1st time. I have taken towels to H. Society many times when they are overun with puppies and dogs; I have taken injured birds to Overland to the house that houses this operation,I have donated to the care of horses from a wreck. I count myself as a friend of animals.
Then I decided to write on this blog in hopes of soliciting the help of an already organized group of animal protectors in my community. I am amazed at the childish comments this brought forth. I thought you would like to latch onto what I sent and expand on it with the hopes we could widen the band of concern.
If this is the caliber of people who sing praises of our animal control in our city and work to preserve it despite our financial situation, well you are going to have to represent yourself in a much more convincing way.
To the 8:10 poster:
I simply stated that you seemed to be making an assumption that the volunteers here weren't involved in animal charity activity, so I asked, if it mattered, what were you doing yourself, rather than making an assumption about others as it appeared you had done. You don't need to go off the deep end about "caliber" of people and all that. If you are unable to have a simple question posed to you, then simply state you are unwilling to answer questions. Character assumptions are unproductive and unattractive traits. And we still have not heard from Mr. Ford. Turning down puppy mill jobs and owning your own dogs...is that it outside of this blog? Do you do animal charity work? Many prefer to do their charity work with people rather than animals. That's fine with me, I am just curious. I too, I must admit, am making an assumption. There are those who choose, for whatever reason, not to participate in charity or volunteer work. Perhaps you are one, and if so, my apologies.
I was not the one who challenged participation. I am the one 8:10 who picked up on the "what have you been doing" by someone who questioned being questioned. Bla bla bla. Mainly because I also noticed no papers being signed, passed around, etc. nor anything on the blog commending the fact someone wanted to know if there was any organized effort or advised the scope of any action. Mr Ford did seem to be willing to encourage this. The puppy mills legislation is not local, as you know. Simply atated, I still don't know what your group is actually doing and if you were soliciting help. Why don't you post the addresses of our districts contacts in gov't here? And include the crux of the matter. It is just something that gets tossed around in our gov't and then ignored. I can't figure why. Do the officials really have something to gain in selling puppies and the profits? Puppy Mills are a disgrace to humanity and the roadblocks to containing this problem are too many. I thought possibly that our elected think we are disinterested and they can continue their practices without fear of angering us. As I said, it just keeps going on and on and surely vocal and published resistance could work to influence politicians who are certainly not protecting animals or representing people now. Sometimes it takes some outrage. I am glad you participating in this endeavor here and elsewhere.
P.S. I missed part of the comment in the news, but apparently Illinois has some sort of law regarding animal protection.
Don't everyone jump at once.
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