Crestwood Court called "Zombie mall" on Fox 2 News! (click here for the video.)

Well, another nail in our coffin folks, now were officially a "ZOMBIE MALL" town! You will note in the video that no-one seems to have much hope for the aging Lady in it's present form, and no-one has the funds to change it soon.
I must say all that work behind the scenes by the economic development commission has really started to pay off for us! Hey gang what say we organize a "tumbleweed roll" on Watson Rd. for mid October? I bet there will be enough room since the traffic seems to have gone somewhere else.
Ladies and Gentlemen were bleeding dry reference our commercial tax base, and the Mayor and the "four Horse persons of the ridiculous" refuse to do anything about it. In fact last night Mr. Pickel was heard to say we shouldn't be worried in the little things!
Not to be outdone the always brilliant Ms. Duncan get's a slam in on Alderman Miguel (one of the four fiscally responsible Alderman on that Board) when she said "he doesn't speak for the Board!" Now madam, I thought you were the one who wanted "civility" up there? Pray tell, when do you start? By the way, why is it that all of your remarks come after the fact, does it take you that long to formulate your responses, or are you just trying to be a "media darling?
Now as to any tax increases you may have in mind, well forget it until you cut the dog catcher, Sappington House, re-lamping, the bridge to nowhere, and some of the entourage surrounding Mr. Eckrich.
Now as to the Crestwood Courts, well....................
Tom Ford
NO. 805
And now the BOA, including Aldermen MIguel, have decided we need a pay plan that gives automatic raises to everyone. The proposal has been given to the civil service board and we all know the outcome from that ROY appointed yes men.
When did we create a union in this city, allow the employees to write their own plan and negotiate as a group?
Did the employees forget that we pay them with our hard earned money? They produce nothing for profit and therefore are making a living from our labors.
Public servants are suppose to "make a profit". They are suppose to protect and serve. And provide us with services Fire protection, Police protection, Parks, Recreation, Street repair and maintenance, and snow removal. And others. How much exactly do we all contribute?
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