Please join me in a prayer for those that died on 9/11/01, and for our great Nation.

Ladies and Gentlemen I don't have to remind you that 9/11/01 was one of the darkest days in our Nations history right along side Pearl Harbor. We all know the story of the attacks that left so many dead and maimed for no reason other than they were Americans.
It falls to us, the living to honor the dead, and insure the final victory for their sake as well as our children and Grand children else this great Nation fall into the dark ages!
Dear Lord we ask that you guard and guide us, give us the strength to defeat our enemies, and give everlasting peace to those who have perished. Lord please protect our families and the United States Of America. We ask this in the name of our savior, Jesus Christ.
Tom Ford
NO. 803
Israel dedicates a memorial to 9/11/01.
Tom Ford
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